diff --git a/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/Console/Command/SchemaTool/UpdateCommand.php b/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/Console/Command/SchemaTool/UpdateCommand.php
index a163b6f84..ea43f770b 100644
--- a/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/Console/Command/SchemaTool/UpdateCommand.php
+++ b/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/Console/Command/SchemaTool/UpdateCommand.php
@@ -43,25 +43,32 @@ use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument,
class UpdateCommand extends AbstractCommand
+ protected $name = 'orm:schema-tool:update';
* @see Console\Command\Command
protected function configure()
- ->setName('orm:schema-tool:update')
+ ->setName($this->name)
'Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.'
- new InputArgument(
- 'action', InputArgument::OPTIONAL,
- 'Either "execute" (execute the SQL) or "dump-sql" (dump the SQL to the screen). If not specified, nothing is done.'
- ),
new InputOption(
'complete', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE,
'If defined, all assets of the database which are not relevant to the current metadata will be dropped.'
+ new InputOption(
+ 'dump-sql', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE,
+ 'Dumps the generated SQL statements to the screen (does not execute them).'
+ ),
+ new InputOption(
+ 'force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE,
+ 'Causes the generated SQL statements to be physically executed against your database.'
+ ),
$fullName = $this->getFullName();
@@ -73,11 +80,11 @@ default entity manager.
For example, if you add metadata for a new column to an entity, this command
would generate and output the SQL needed to add the new column to the database:
-$fullName dump-sql
+$fullName --dump-sql
Alternatively, you can execute the generated queries:
-$fullName execute
+$fullName --force
Finally, be aware that if the --complete option is passed, this
task will drop all database assets (e.g. tables, etc) that are *not* described
@@ -100,26 +107,29 @@ EOT
- $action = $input->getArgument('action');
- if ('execute' == $action) {
+ $dumpSql = (true === $input->getOption('dump-sql'));
+ $force = (true === $input->getOption('force'));
+ if ($dumpSql && $force) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You can pass either the --dump-sql or the --force option (but not both simultaneously).');
+ }
+ if ($dumpSql) {
+ $output->writeln(implode(';' . PHP_EOL, $sqls));
+ } else if ($force) {
$output->writeln('Updating database schema...');
$schemaTool->updateSchema($metadatas, $saveMode);
$output->writeln(sprintf('Database schema updated successfully! "%s" queries were executed', count($sqls)));
- } else if ('dump-sql' == $action) {
- $output->writeln(implode(';' . PHP_EOL, $sqls));
- } else if (null === $action) {
+ } else {
$output->writeln('ATTENTION: This operation should not be executed in a production environment.');
$output->writeln(' Use the incremental update to detect changes during development and use');
$output->writeln(' the SQL DDL provided to manually update your database in production.');
$output->writeln(sprintf('The Schema-Tool would execute "%s" queries to update the database.', count($sqls)));
- $output->writeln('Please run the operation by passing an argument to this command:');
+ $output->writeln('Please run the operation by passing one of the following options:');
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s execute to execute the command', $this->getFullName()));
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s dump-sql to dump the SQL statements to the screen', $this->getFullName()));
- } else {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The first argument - if specified - should be either "execute" or "dump-sql" ("%s" given).', $action));
+ $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s --force to execute the command', $this->getFullName()));
+ $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s --dump-sql to dump the SQL statements to the screen', $this->getFullName()));