mirror of synced 2025-03-23 16:33:54 +03:00

Re-synchronized DQL EBNF with current DQL support.

This commit is contained in:
Guilherme Blanco 2012-05-21 16:13:15 -04:00
parent b5b569afd4
commit 4627c8b3ee

View File

@ -354,10 +354,10 @@ IN() Expression:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id IN(46)');
$usernames = $query->getResult();
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id IN (1, 2)');
$users = $query->getResult();
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id NOT IN (1)');
$users = $query->getResult();
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ CONCAT() DQL Function:
$query = $em->createQuery("SELECT u.id FROM CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(u.name, 's') = ?1");
$query->setParameter(1, 'Jess');
$ids = $query->getResult();
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT CONCAT(u.id, u.name) FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1');
$query->setParameter(1, 321);
$idUsernames = $query->getResult();
@ -417,6 +417,14 @@ hierarchies:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF ?1');
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u NOT INSTANCE OF ?1');
Get all users visible on a given website that have chosen certain gender:
.. code-block:: php
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.gender IN (SELECT IDENTITY(agl.gender) FROM Site s JOIN s.activeGenderList agl WHERE s.id = ?1)');
Partial Object Syntax
@ -539,6 +547,7 @@ The following functions are supported in SELECT, WHERE and HAVING
- IDENTITY(single\_association\_path\_expression) - Retrieve the foreign key column of association of the owning side
- ABS(arithmetic\_expression)
- CONCAT(str1, str2)
- CURRENT\_DATE() - Return the current date
@ -613,7 +622,7 @@ You can register custom DQL functions in your ORM Configuration:
$config->addCustomStringFunction($name, $class);
$config->addCustomNumericFunction($name, $class);
$config->addCustomDatetimeFunction($name, $class);
$em = EntityManager::create($dbParams, $config);
The functions have to return either a string, numeric or datetime
@ -625,30 +634,30 @@ classes have to implement the base class :
namespace MyProject\Query\AST;
use \Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode;
use \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer;
class MysqlFloor extends FunctionNode
public $simpleArithmeticExpression;
public function getSql(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\SqlWalker $sqlWalker)
return 'FLOOR(' . $sqlWalker->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression(
) . ')';
public function parse(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser $parser)
$lexer = $parser->getLexer();
$this->simpleArithmeticExpression = $parser->SimpleArithmeticExpression();
@ -683,7 +692,7 @@ scenario it is a generic Person and Employee example:
namespace Entities;
* @Entity
* @InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
@ -697,15 +706,15 @@ scenario it is a generic Person and Employee example:
* @GeneratedValue
protected $id;
* @Column(type="string", length=50)
protected $name;
// ...
* @Entity
@ -715,7 +724,7 @@ scenario it is a generic Person and Employee example:
* @Column(type="string", length=50)
private $department;
// ...
@ -838,10 +847,10 @@ Alternatively you can create an empty ``Query`` instance and invoke
// $em instanceof EntityManager
// example1: passing a DQL string
$q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProject\Model\User u');
// example2: using setDql
$q = $em->createQuery();
$q->setDql('select u from MyProject\Model\User u');
@ -1096,9 +1105,9 @@ creating a class which extends ``AbstractHydrator``:
namespace MyProject\Hydrators;
use Doctrine\ORM\Internal\Hydration\AbstractHydrator;
class CustomHydrator extends AbstractHydrator
protected function _hydrateAll()
@ -1170,20 +1179,20 @@ Result Cache API:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM MyProject\Model\User u WHERE u.id = ?1');
$query->setParameter(1, 12);
$query->setResultCacheDriver(new ApcCache());
->setResultCacheLifeTime($seconds = 3600);
$result = $query->getResult(); // cache miss
$result = $query->getResult(); // forced expire, cache miss
$result = $query->getResult(); // saved in given result cache id.
// or call useResultCache() with all parameters:
$query->useResultCache(true, $seconds = 3600, 'my_query_result');
$result = $query->getResult(); // cache hit!
@ -1358,33 +1367,33 @@ Identifiers
/* Alias Identification usage (the "u" of "u.name") */
IdentificationVariable ::= identifier
/* Alias Identification declaration (the "u" of "FROM User u") */
AliasIdentificationVariable :: = identifier
/* identifier that must be a class name (the "User" of "FROM User u") */
AbstractSchemaName ::= identifier
/* identifier that must be a field (the "name" of "u.name") */
/* This is responsible to know if the field exists in Object, no matter if it's a relation or a simple field */
FieldIdentificationVariable ::= identifier
/* identifier that must be a collection-valued association field (to-many) (the "Phonenumbers" of "u.Phonenumbers") */
CollectionValuedAssociationField ::= FieldIdentificationVariable
/* identifier that must be a single-valued association field (to-one) (the "Group" of "u.Group") */
SingleValuedAssociationField ::= FieldIdentificationVariable
/* identifier that must be an embedded class state field (for the future) */
EmbeddedClassStateField ::= FieldIdentificationVariable
/* identifier that must be a simple state field (name, email, ...) (the "name" of "u.name") */
/* The difference between this and FieldIdentificationVariable is only semantical, because it points to a single field (not mapping to a relation) */
SimpleStateField ::= FieldIdentificationVariable
/* Alias ResultVariable declaration (the "total" of "COUNT(*) AS total") */
AliasResultVariable = identifier
/* ResultVariable identifier usage of mapped field aliases (the "total" of "COUNT(*) AS total") */
ResultVariable = identifier
@ -1395,27 +1404,24 @@ Path Expressions
/* "u.Group" or "u.Phonenumbers" declarations */
JoinAssociationPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." (CollectionValuedAssociationField | SingleValuedAssociationField)
/* "u.Group" or "u.Phonenumbers" usages */
AssociationPathExpression ::= CollectionValuedPathExpression | SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression
/* "u.name" or "u.Group" */
SingleValuedPathExpression ::= StateFieldPathExpression | SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression
/* "u.name" or "u.Group.name" */
StateFieldPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." StateField | SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression "." StateField
StateFieldPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." StateField
/* "u.Group" */
SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." SingleValuedAssociationField
/* "u.Group.Permissions" */
CollectionValuedPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." {SingleValuedAssociationField "."}* CollectionValuedAssociationField
CollectionValuedPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." CollectionValuedAssociationField
/* "name" */
StateField ::= {EmbeddedClassStateField "."}* SimpleStateField
/* "u.name" or "u.address.zip" (address = EmbeddedClassStateField) */
SimpleStateFieldPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." StateField
@ -1439,10 +1445,10 @@ Items
.. code-block:: php
UpdateItem ::= IdentificationVariable "." (StateField | SingleValuedAssociationField) "=" NewValue
OrderByItem ::= (ResultVariable | SingleValuedPathExpression) ["ASC" | "DESC"]
GroupByItem ::= IdentificationVariable | SingleValuedPathExpression
NewValue ::= ScalarExpression | SimpleEntityExpression | "NULL"
UpdateItem ::= SingleValuedPathExpression "=" NewValue
OrderByItem ::= (SimpleArithmeticExpression | SingleValuedPathExpression | ScalarExpression | ResultVariable) ["ASC" | "DESC"]
GroupByItem ::= IdentificationVariable | ResultVariable | SingleValuedPathExpression
NewValue ::= SimpleArithmeticExpression | "NULL"
From, Join and Index by
@ -1453,18 +1459,16 @@ From, Join and Index by
SubselectIdentificationVariableDeclaration ::= IdentificationVariableDeclaration | (AssociationPathExpression ["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable)
JoinVariableDeclaration ::= Join [IndexBy]
RangeVariableDeclaration ::= AbstractSchemaName ["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable
Join ::= ["LEFT" ["OUTER"] | "INNER"] "JOIN" JoinAssociationPathExpression
["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable ["WITH" ConditionalExpression]
IndexBy ::= "INDEX" "BY" SimpleStateFieldPathExpression
Join ::= ["LEFT" ["OUTER"] | "INNER"] "JOIN" JoinAssociationPathExpression ["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable ["WITH" ConditionalExpression]
IndexBy ::= "INDEX" "BY" StateFieldPathExpression
Select Expressions
.. code-block:: php
SelectExpression ::= IdentificationVariable | PartialObjectExpression | (AggregateExpression | "(" Subselect ")" | FunctionDeclaration | ScalarExpression) [["AS"] AliasResultVariable]
SimpleSelectExpression ::= ScalarExpression | IdentificationVariable |
(AggregateExpression [["AS"] AliasResultVariable])
SelectExpression ::= (IdentificationVariable | ScalarExpression | AggregateExpression | FunctionDeclaration | PartialObjectExpression | "(" Subselect ")" | CaseExpression) [["AS"] ["HIDDEN"] AliasResultVariable]
SimpleSelectExpression ::= (StateFieldPathExpression | IdentificationVariable | FunctionDeclaration | AggregateExpression | "(" Subselect ")" | ScalarExpression) [["AS"] AliasResultVariable]
PartialObjectExpression ::= "PARTIAL" IdentificationVariable "." PartialFieldSet
PartialFieldSet ::= "{" SimpleStateField {"," SimpleStateField}* "}"
@ -1519,15 +1523,15 @@ Arithmetic Expressions
ArithmeticFactor ::= [("+" | "-")] ArithmeticPrimary
ArithmeticPrimary ::= SingleValuedPathExpression | Literal | "(" SimpleArithmeticExpression ")"
| FunctionsReturningNumerics | AggregateExpression | FunctionsReturningStrings
| FunctionsReturningDatetime | IdentificationVariable | InputParameter | CaseExpression
| FunctionsReturningDatetime | IdentificationVariable | ResultVariable
| InputParameter | CaseExpression
Scalar and Type Expressions
.. code-block:: php
ScalarExpression ::= SimpleArithmeticExpression | StringPrimary | DateTimePrimary | StateFieldPathExpression
BooleanPrimary | EntityTypeExpression | CaseExpression
ScalarExpression ::= SimpleArithmeticExpression | StringPrimary | DateTimePrimary | StateFieldPathExpression | BooleanPrimary | CaseExpression | InstanceOfExpression
StringExpression ::= StringPrimary | "(" Subselect ")"
StringPrimary ::= StateFieldPathExpression | string | InputParameter | FunctionsReturningStrings | AggregateExpression | CaseExpression
BooleanExpression ::= BooleanPrimary | "(" Subselect ")"
@ -1554,13 +1558,13 @@ Case Expressions
.. code-block:: php
CaseExpression ::= GeneralCaseExpression | SimpleCaseExpression | CoalesceExpression | NullifExpression
GeneralCaseExpression ::= "CASE" WhenClause {WhenClause}* "ELSE" ScalarExpression "END"
WhenClause ::= "WHEN" ConditionalExpression "THEN" ScalarExpression
SimpleCaseExpression ::= "CASE" CaseOperand SimpleWhenClause {SimpleWhenClause}* "ELSE" ScalarExpression "END"
CaseOperand ::= StateFieldPathExpression | TypeDiscriminator
SimpleWhenClause ::= "WHEN" ScalarExpression "THEN" ScalarExpression
CoalesceExpression ::= "COALESCE" "(" ScalarExpression {"," ScalarExpression}* ")"
CaseExpression ::= GeneralCaseExpression | SimpleCaseExpression | CoalesceExpression | NullifExpression
GeneralCaseExpression ::= "CASE" WhenClause {WhenClause}* "ELSE" ScalarExpression "END"
WhenClause ::= "WHEN" ConditionalExpression "THEN" ScalarExpression
SimpleCaseExpression ::= "CASE" CaseOperand SimpleWhenClause {SimpleWhenClause}* "ELSE" ScalarExpression "END"
CaseOperand ::= StateFieldPathExpression | TypeDiscriminator
SimpleWhenClause ::= "WHEN" ScalarExpression "THEN" ScalarExpression
CoalesceExpression ::= "COALESCE" "(" ScalarExpression {"," ScalarExpression}* ")"
NullifExpression ::= "NULLIF" "(" ScalarExpression "," ScalarExpression ")"
Other Expressions
QuantifiedExpression ::= ("ALL" | "ANY" | "SOME") "(" Subselect ")"
BetweenExpression ::= ArithmeticExpression ["NOT"] "BETWEEN" ArithmeticExpression "AND" ArithmeticExpression
ComparisonExpression ::= ArithmeticExpression ComparisonOperator ( QuantifiedExpression | ArithmeticExpression )
InExpression ::= StateFieldPathExpression ["NOT"] "IN" "(" (InParameter {"," InParameter}* | Subselect) ")"
InExpression ::= SingleValuedPathExpression ["NOT"] "IN" "(" (InParameter {"," InParameter}* | Subselect) ")"
InstanceOfExpression ::= IdentificationVariable ["NOT"] "INSTANCE" ["OF"] (InstanceOfParameter | "(" InstanceOfParameter {"," InstanceOfParameter}* ")")
InstanceOfParameter ::= AbstractSchemaName | InputParameter
LikeExpression ::= StringExpression ["NOT"] "LIKE" string ["ESCAPE" char]
LikeExpression ::= StringExpression ["NOT"] "LIKE" StringPrimary ["ESCAPE" char]
NullComparisonExpression ::= (SingleValuedPathExpression | InputParameter) "IS" ["NOT"] "NULL"
ExistsExpression ::= ["NOT"] "EXISTS" "(" Subselect ")"
ComparisonOperator ::= "=" | "<" | "<=" | "<>" | ">" | ">=" | "!="
@ -1587,21 +1591,31 @@ Functions
.. code-block:: php
FunctionDeclaration ::= FunctionsReturningStrings | FunctionsReturningNumerics | FunctionsReturningDateTime
FunctionsReturningNumerics ::=
"LENGTH" "(" StringPrimary ")" |
"LOCATE" "(" StringPrimary "," StringPrimary ["," SimpleArithmeticExpression]")" |
"ABS" "(" SimpleArithmeticExpression ")" | "SQRT" "(" SimpleArithmeticExpression ")" |
"ABS" "(" SimpleArithmeticExpression ")" |
"SQRT" "(" SimpleArithmeticExpression ")" |
"MOD" "(" SimpleArithmeticExpression "," SimpleArithmeticExpression ")" |
"SIZE" "(" CollectionValuedPathExpression ")"
FunctionsReturningDateTime ::= "CURRENT_DATE" | "CURRENT_TIME" | "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"SIZE" "(" CollectionValuedPathExpression ")" |
"DATE_DIFF" "(" ArithmeticPrimary "," ArithmeticPrimary ")" |
"BIT_AND" "(" ArithmeticPrimary "," ArithmeticPrimary ")" |
"BIT_OR" "(" ArithmeticPrimary "," ArithmeticPrimary ")"
FunctionsReturningDateTime ::=
"DATE_ADD" "(" ArithmeticPrimary "," ArithmeticPrimary "," StringPrimary ")" |
"DATE_SUB" "(" ArithmeticPrimary "," ArithmeticPrimary "," StringPrimary ")"
FunctionsReturningStrings ::=
"CONCAT" "(" StringPrimary "," StringPrimary ")" |
"SUBSTRING" "(" StringPrimary "," SimpleArithmeticExpression "," SimpleArithmeticExpression ")" |
"TRIM" "(" [["LEADING" | "TRAILING" | "BOTH"] [char] "FROM"] StringPrimary ")" |
"LOWER" "(" StringPrimary ")" |
"UPPER" "(" StringPrimary ")"
"UPPER" "(" StringPrimary ")" |
"IDENTITY" "(" SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression ")"