diff --git a/en/index.rst b/en/index.rst
index 59c227056..3aca1abca 100644
--- a/en/index.rst
+++ b/en/index.rst
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Tutorials
:maxdepth: 1
+ tutorials/working-with-indexed-associations
diff --git a/en/reference/query-builder.rst b/en/reference/query-builder.rst
index 8cf459b15..da5bbf2cd 100644
--- a/en/reference/query-builder.rst
+++ b/en/reference/query-builder.rst
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ complete list of supported helper methods available:
public function from($from, $alias); // Returns Expr\From instance
// Example - $qb->expr()->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p', Expr\Join::ON, 'p.user_id = u.id AND p.country_code = 55');
- // Example - $qb->expr()->leftJoin('u. Phonenumbers', 'p', 'ON', $qb->expr()->andx($qb->expr()->eq('p.user_id', 'u.id'), $qb->expr()->eq('p.country_code', '55'));
+ // Example - $qb->expr()->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p', 'ON', $qb->expr()->andx($qb->expr()->eq('p.user_id', 'u.id'), $qb->expr()->eq('p.country_code', '55'));
public function leftJoin($join, $alias, $conditionType = null, $condition = null); // Returns Expr\Join instance
// Example - $qb->expr()->innerJoin('u.Group', 'g', Expr\Join::WITH, 'g.manager_level = 100');
diff --git a/en/tutorials/working-with-indexed-assocations.rst b/en/tutorials/working-with-indexed-assocations.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e82617d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/tutorials/working-with-indexed-assocations.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+Working with Indexed Assocations
+.. note:
+ This feature is scheduled for version 2.1 of Doctrine and not included in the 2.0.x series.
+Doctrine 2 collections are modelled after PHPs native arrays. PHP arrays are an ordered hashmap, but in
+the first version of Doctrine keys retrieved from the database were always numerical unless ``INDEX BY``
+was used. Starting with Doctrine 2.1 you can index your collections by a value in the related entity.
+This is a first step towards full ordered hashmap support through the Doctrine ORM.
+The feature works like an implicit ``INDEX BY`` for the selected association but has several
+downsides also:
+- You have to manage both the key and field if you want to change the index by field value.
+- On each request the keys are regenerated from the field value not from the previous collection key.
+- Values of the Index-By keys are never considered during persistence, it only exists for accessing purposes.
+- Fields that are used for the index by feature **HAVE** to be unique in the database. The behavior for multiple entities
+ with the same index-by field value is undefined.
+As an example we will design a simple stock exchange list view. The domain consists of the entity ``Stock``
+and ``Market`` where each Stock has a symbol and is traded on a single market. Instead of having a numerical
+list of stocks traded on a market they will be indexed by their symbol, which is unique across all markets.
+Mapping Indexed Assocations
+You can map indexed assocations by adding:
+ * ``indexBy`` attribute to any ``@OneToMany`` or ``@ManyToMany`` annotation.
+ * ``index-by`` attribute to any ```` or ```` xml element.
+ * ``indexBy:`` key-value pair to any association defined in ``manyToMany:`` or ``oneToMany:`` YAML mapping files.
+The code and mappings for the Market entity looks like this:
+.. configuration-block::
+ .. code-block:: php
+ name = $name;
+ $this->stocks = new ArrayCollection();
+ }
+ public function getId()
+ {
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ public function getName()
+ {
+ return $this->name;
+ }
+ public function addStock(Stock $stock)
+ {
+ $this->stocks[$stock->getSymbol()] = $stock;
+ }
+ public function getStock($symbol)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->stocks[$symbol])) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Symbol is not traded on this market.");
+ }
+ return $this->stocks[$symbol];
+ }
+ public function getStocks()
+ {
+ return $this->stocks->toArray();
+ }
+ }
+ .. code-block:: xml
+ .. code-block:: yml
+ Doctrine\Tests\Models\StockExchange\Market:
+ type: entity
+ id:
+ id:
+ type: integer
+ generator:
+ strategy: AUTO
+ fields:
+ name:
+ type:string
+ oneToMany:
+ stocks:
+ targetEntity: Stock
+ mappedBy: market
+ indexBy: symbol
+Inside the ``addStock()`` method you can see how we directly set the key of the association to the symbol,
+so that we can work with the indexed assocation directly after invoking ``addStock()``. Inside ``getStock($symbol)``
+we pick a stock traded on the particular market by symbol. If this stock doesn't exist an exception is thrown.
+The ``Stock`` entity doesn't contain any special instructions that are new, but for completeness
+here are the code and mappings for it:
+.. configuration-block::
+ .. code-block:: php
+ symbol = $symbol;
+ $this->market = $market;
+ $market->addStock($this);
+ }
+ public function getSymbol()
+ {
+ return $this->symbol;
+ }
+ }
+ .. code-block:: xml
+ .. code-block:: yml
+ Doctrine\Tests\Models\StockExchange\Stock:
+ type: entity
+ id:
+ id:
+ type: integer
+ generator:
+ strategy: AUTO
+ fields:
+ symbol:
+ type: string
+ manyToOne:
+ market:
+ targetEntity: Market
+ inversedBy: stocks
+Querying indexed associations
+Now that we defined the stocks collection to be indexed by symbol we can take a look at some code,
+that makes use of the indexing.
+First we will populate our database with two example stocks traded on a single market:
+.. code-block:: php
+ persist($market);
+ $em->persist($stock1);
+ $em->persist($stock2);
+ $em->flush();
+This code is not particular interesting since the indexing feature is not yet used. In a new request we could
+now query for the market:
+.. code-block:: php
+ find("Doctrine\Tests\Models\StockExchange\Market", $marketId);
+ // Access the stocks by symbol now:
+ $stock = $market->getSymbol($symbol);
+ echo $stock->getSymbol(); // will print "AAPL"
+The implementation ``Market::addStock()`` in combination with ``indexBy`` allows to access the collection
+consistently by the Stock symbol. It does not matter if Stock is managed by Doctrine or not.
+The same applies to DQL queries: The ``indexBy`` configuration acts as implicit "INDEX BY" to a join association.
+.. code-block:: php
+ createQuery($dql)
+ ->setParameter(1, $marketId)
+ ->getSingleResult();
+ // Access the stocks by symbol now:
+ $stock = $market->getSymbol($symbol);
+ echo $stock->getSymbol(); // will print "AAPL"
+Outlook into the Future
+For the inverse side of a many-to-many associations there will be a way to persist the keys and the order
+as a third and fourth parameter into the join table. This feature is discussed in `DDC-213`_
+This feature cannot be implemeted for One-To-Many associations, because they are never the owning side.