2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
< ? php
* Doctrine_DQL_Parser
* this is the base class for generating complex data graphs
* ( multiple collections , multiple factories , multiple data access objects )
* with only one query
* @ author Konsta Vesterinen
* @ package Doctrine ORM
* @ url www . phpdoctrine . com
* @ license LGPL
* @ version 1.0 alpha
class Doctrine_DQL_Parser {
* @ var array $fetchmodes an array containing all fetchmodes
private $fetchModes = array ();
* @ var array $fields an array containing all the selected fields
private $fields = array ();
* @ var array $tablenames an array containing all the tables used in the query
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private $tablenames = array ();
* @ var array $collections an array containing all collections this parser has created / will create
private $collections = array ();
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
* @ var array $from query FROM parts
private $from = array ();
* @ var array $join query JOIN parts
private $join = array ();
* @ var string $where
private $where = array ();
* @ var array $orderby query ORDER BY parts
private $orderby = array ();
* @ var integer $limit query limit
private $limit ;
* @ var integer $offset query offset
private $offset ;
private $joined = array ();
* @ var array $data fetched data
private $data = array ();
* @ var Doctrine_Session $session Doctrine_Session object
private $session ;
private $inheritanceApplied = false ;
private $aggregate = false ;
private $paths = array ();
private $connectors = array ();
* @ param Doctrine_Session $session
public function __construct ( Doctrine_Session $session ) {
$this -> session = $session ;
* clear
* resets all the variables
private function clear () {
$this -> fetchModes = array ();
$this -> fields = array ();
$this -> tnames = array ();
$this -> from = array ();
$this -> join = array ();
$this -> where = array ();
$this -> orderby = array ();
$this -> inheritanceApplied = false ;
$this -> aggregate = false ;
$this -> data = array ();
$this -> connectors = array ();
2006-04-19 16:01:36 +00:00
$this -> collections = array ();
$this -> paths = array ();
$this -> joined = array ();
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* loadFields -- this method loads fields for a given factory and
* constructs a little bit of sql for every field
* fields of the factories become : [ tablename ] . [ fieldname ] as [ tablename ] __ [ fieldname ]
* @ access private
* @ param object Doctrine_Table $table a Doctrine_Table object
* @ param integer $fetchmode fetchmode the table is using eg . Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY
* @ return void
private function loadFields ( Doctrine_Table $table , $fetchmode ) {
2006-04-19 16:01:36 +00:00
$name = $table -> getComponentName ();
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switch ( $fetchmode ) :
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_OFFSET :
$this -> limit = $table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_COLL_LIMIT );
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_IMMEDIATE :
$names = $table -> getColumnNames ();
break ;
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY_OFFSET :
$this -> limit = $table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_COLL_LIMIT );
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY :
case Doctrine :: FETCH_BATCH :
$names = $table -> getPrimaryKeys ();
break ;
default :
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throw new Doctrine_Exception ( " Unknown fetchmode. " );
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
endswitch ;
$cname = $table -> getComponentName ();
$this -> fetchModes [ $cname ] = $fetchmode ;
$tablename = $table -> getTableName ();
$count = count ( $this -> tnames );
foreach ( $names as $name ) {
if ( $count == 0 ) {
$this -> fields [] = $tablename . " . " . $name ;
} else {
$this -> fields [] = $tablename . " . " . $name . " AS " . $cname . " __ " . $name ;
2006-04-16 20:38:17 +00:00
* @ param integer $limit
final public function setLimit ( $limit ) {
$this -> limit = $limit ;
* @ param integer $offset
final public function setOffset ( $offset ) {
$this -> offset = $offset ;
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* @ return integer
final public function getLimit () {
return $this -> limit ;
* @ return integer
final public function getOffset () {
return $this -> offset ;
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
* @ return string the built sql query
final public function getQuery () {
if ( empty ( $this -> fields ) || empty ( $this -> from ))
return false ;
// build the basic query
$q = " SELECT " . implode ( " , " , $this -> fields ) .
" FROM " ;
foreach ( $this -> from as $tname => $bool ) {
$str = $tname ;
if ( isset ( $this -> join [ $tname ]))
$str .= " " . $this -> join [ $tname ];
$a [] = $str ;
$q .= implode ( " , " , $a );
$this -> applyInheritance ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> where ))
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$q .= " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $this -> where );
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if ( ! empty ( $this -> orderby ))
$q .= " ORDER BY " . implode ( " , " , $this -> orderby );
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if ( ! empty ( $this -> limit ) || ! empty ( $this -> offset ))
$q = $this -> session -> modifyLimitQuery ( $q , $this -> limit , $this -> offset );
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return $q ;
* sql delete for mysql
final public function buildDelete () {
if ( empty ( $this -> fields ) || empty ( $this -> from ))
return false ;
$a = array_merge ( array_keys ( $this -> from ), $this -> joined );
$q = " DELETE " . implode ( " , " , $a ) . " FROM " ;
$a = array ();
foreach ( $this -> from as $tname => $bool ) {
$str = $tname ;
if ( isset ( $this -> join [ $tname ]))
$str .= " " . $this -> join [ $tname ];
$a [] = $str ;
$q .= implode ( " , " , $a );
$this -> applyInheritance ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> where ))
2006-04-15 17:42:24 +00:00
$q .= " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $this -> where );
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> orderby ))
$q .= " ORDER BY " . implode ( " , " , $this -> orderby );
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if ( ! empty ( $this -> limit ) && ! empty ( $this -> offset ))
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
$q = $this -> session -> modifyLimitQuery ( $q , $this -> limit , $this -> offset );
return $q ;
* applyInheritance
* applies column aggregation inheritance to DQL query
* @ return boolean
final public function applyInheritance () {
if ( $this -> inheritanceApplied )
return false ;
// get the inheritance maps
$array = array ();
foreach ( $this -> tnames as $objTable ) :
$tname = $objTable -> getTableName ();
$array [ $tname ][] = $objTable -> getInheritanceMap ();
endforeach ;
// apply inheritance maps
$str = " " ;
$c = array ();
foreach ( $array as $tname => $maps ) {
$a = array ();
foreach ( $maps as $map ) {
$b = array ();
foreach ( $map as $field => $value ) {
$b [] = $tname . " . $field = $value " ;
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if ( ! empty ( $b )) $a [] = implode ( " AND " , $b );
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $a )) $c [] = implode ( " || " , $a );
$str .= implode ( " || " , $c );
$this -> addWhere ( $str );
$this -> inheritanceApplied = true ;
return true ;
* @ param string $where
* @ return boolean
final public function addWhere ( $where ) {
if ( empty ( $where ))
return false ;
$this -> where [] = " ( " . $where . " ) " ;
return true ;
* @ param string $from from part of the query
final public function addFrom ( $from ) {
$this -> from [] = $from ;
* getData
* @ param $key the factory name
* @ return array the data row for the specified factory
final public function getData ( $key ) {
2006-04-19 16:01:36 +00:00
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $key ]) && is_array ( $this -> data [ $key ]))
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
return $this -> data [ $key ];
return array ();
* execute
* executes the datagraph and populates Doctrine_Collections
* @ param string $params
* @ return Doctrine_Collection the root collection
private function execute ( $params = array ()) {
switch ( count ( $this -> tnames )) :
case 0 :
throw new DQLException ();
break ;
case 1 :
$query = $this -> getQuery ();
$keys = array_keys ( $this -> tnames );
$name = $this -> tnames [ $keys [ 0 ]] -> getComponentName ();
$stmt = $this -> session -> execute ( $query , $params );
while ( $data = $stmt -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC )) :
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) :
$e = explode ( " __ " , $key );
if ( count ( $e ) > 1 ) {
$data [ $e [ 1 ]] = $value ;
} else {
$data [ $e [ 0 ]] = $value ;
unset ( $data [ $key ]);
endforeach ;
$this -> data [ $name ][] = $data ;
endwhile ;
return $this -> getCollection ( $keys [ 0 ]);
break ;
default :
$query = $this -> getQuery ();
$keys = array_keys ( $this -> tnames );
$root = $keys [ 0 ];
$stmt = $this -> session -> execute ( $query , $params );
$previd = array ();
$coll = $this -> getCollection ( $root );
$array = $this -> parseData ( $stmt );
foreach ( $array as $data ) :
* remove duplicated data rows and map data into objects
foreach ( $data as $key => $row ) :
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if ( empty ( $row ))
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
continue ;
$key = ucwords ( $key );
$name = $this -> tnames [ $key ] -> getComponentName ();
if ( ! isset ( $previd [ $name ]))
$previd [ $name ] = array ();
if ( $previd [ $name ] !== $row ) {
$this -> tnames [ $name ] -> setData ( $row );
$record = $this -> tnames [ $name ] -> getRecord ();
if ( $name == $root ) {
$this -> tnames [ $name ] -> setData ( $row );
$record = $this -> tnames [ $name ] -> getRecord ();
$coll -> add ( $record );
} else {
$last = $coll -> getLast ();
if ( ! $last -> hasReference ( $name )) {
$last -> initReference ( $this -> getCollection ( $name ), $this -> connectors [ $name ]);
$last -> addReference ( $record );
$previd [ $name ] = $row ;
endforeach ;
endforeach ;
return $coll ;
endswitch ;
* parseData
* @ return array
public function parseData ( PDOStatement $stmt ) {
$array = array ();
while ( $data = $stmt -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC )) :
* parse the data into two - dimensional array
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) :
$e = explode ( " __ " , $key );
if ( count ( $e ) > 1 ) {
$data [ $e [ 0 ]][ $e [ 1 ]] = $value ;
} else {
$data [ 0 ][ $e [ 0 ]] = $value ;
unset ( $data [ $key ]);
endforeach ;
$array [] = $data ;
endwhile ;
$stmt -> closeCursor ();
return $array ;
* @ return Doctrine_Table
public function getTable ( $name ) {
return $this -> tnames [ $name ];
* getCollection
* @ param integer $index
private function getCollection ( $name ) {
2006-04-19 16:01:36 +00:00
$table = $this -> session -> getTable ( $name );
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switch ( $this -> fetchModes [ $name ]) :
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_BATCH :
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Batch ( $table );
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break ;
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY :
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Lazy ( $table );
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break ;
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case Doctrine :: FETCH_OFFSET :
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Offset ( $table );
break ;
case Doctrine :: FETCH_IMMEDIATE :
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Immediate ( $table );
break ;
case Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY_OFFSET :
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection_LazyOffset ( $table );
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break ;
endswitch ;
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$coll -> populate ( $this );
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return $coll ;
* query the database with DQL ( Doctrine Query Language )
* @ param string $query DQL query
* @ param array $params parameters
public function query ( $query , $params = array ()) {
$this -> parseQuery ( $query );
if ( $this -> aggregate ) {
$keys = array_keys ( $this -> tnames );
$query = $this -> getQuery ();
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$stmt = $this -> tnames [ $keys [ 0 ]] -> getSession () -> select ( $query , $this -> limit , $this -> offset );
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$data = $stmt -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
if ( count ( $data ) == 1 ) {
return current ( $data );
} else {
return $data ;
} else {
return $this -> execute ( $params );
final public function parseQuery ( $query ) {
$this -> clear ();
$e = self :: bracketExplode ( $query , " " , " ( " , " ) " );
$parts = array ();
foreach ( $e as $k => $part ) :
switch ( strtolower ( $part )) :
case " select " :
case " from " :
case " where " :
case " limit " :
case " offset " :
$p = $part ;
$parts [ $part ] = array ();
break ;
case " order " :
$p = $part ;
$i = $k + 1 ;
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if ( isset ( $e [ $i ]) && strtolower ( $e [ $i ]) == " by " ) {
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
$parts [ $part ] = array ();
break ;
case " by " :
continue ;
default :
$parts [ $p ][] = $part ;
endswitch ;
endforeach ;
foreach ( $parts as $k => $part ) {
$part = implode ( " " , $part );
switch ( $k ) :
case " SELECT " :
$this -> parseSelect ( $part );
break ;
case " FROM " :
$this -> parseFrom ( $part );
break ;
case " WHERE " :
$this -> addWhere ( $this -> parseWhere ( $part ));
break ;
case " ORDER " :
$this -> parseOrderBy ( $part );
break ;
case " LIMIT " :
$this -> limit = trim ( $part );
break ;
case " OFFSET " :
$this -> offset = trim ( $part );
break ;
endswitch ;
* parses the select part of the query string
* @ param string $str
* @ return void
private function parseSelect ( $str ) {
$this -> aggregate = true ;
foreach ( explode ( " , " , trim ( $str )) as $reference ) {
$e = explode ( " AS " , trim ( $reference ));
$f = explode ( " ( " , $e [ 0 ]);
$a = explode ( " . " , $f [ 1 ]);
$field = substr ( array_pop ( $a ), 0 , - 1 );
$reference = trim ( implode ( " . " , $a ));
$objTable = $this -> load ( $reference );
if ( isset ( $e [ 1 ]))
$s = " AS $e[1] " ;
$this -> fields [] = $f [ 0 ] . " ( " . $objTable -> getTableName () . " . $field ) $s " ;
* parses the from part of the query string
* @ param string $str
* @ return void
private function parseFrom ( $str ) {
foreach ( explode ( " , " , trim ( $str )) as $reference ) {
$reference = trim ( $reference );
$e = explode ( " - " , $reference );
$reference = $e [ 0 ];
$table = $this -> load ( $reference );
if ( isset ( $e [ 1 ])) {
switch ( strtolower ( $e [ 1 ])) :
case " i " :
case " immediate " :
$fetchmode = Doctrine :: FETCH_IMMEDIATE ;
break ;
case " b " :
case " batch " :
$fetchmode = Doctrine :: FETCH_BATCH ;
break ;
case " l " :
case " lazy " :
$fetchmode = Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY ;
break ;
2006-04-19 16:01:36 +00:00
case " o " :
case " offset " :
$fetchmode = Doctrine :: FETCH_OFFSET ;
break ;
case " lo " :
case " lazyoffset " :
$fetchmode = Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZYOFFSET ;
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
default :
throw new DQLException ( " Unknown fetchmode ' $e[1] '. The availible fetchmodes are 'i', 'b' and 'l'. " );
endswitch ;
} else
$fetchmode = $table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_FETCHMODE );
if ( ! $this -> aggregate ) {
$this -> loadFields ( $table , $fetchmode );
* parses the order by part of the query string
* @ param string $str
* @ return void
private function parseOrderBy ( $str ) {
foreach ( explode ( " , " , trim ( $str )) as $r ) {
$r = trim ( $r );
$e = explode ( " " , $r );
$a = explode ( " . " , $e [ 0 ]);
if ( count ( $a ) > 1 ) {
$field = array_pop ( $a );
$reference = implode ( " . " , $a );
$name = end ( $a );
$this -> load ( $reference );
$tname = $this -> tnames [ $name ] -> getTableName ();
$r = $tname . " . " . $field ;
if ( isset ( $e [ 1 ])) $r .= " " . $e [ 1 ];
$this -> orderby [] = $r ;
} else {
$this -> orderby [] = $r ;
* parses the where part of the query string
* @ param string $str
* @ return string
private function parseWhere ( $str ) {
$tmp = trim ( $str );
$str = self :: bracketTrim ( $tmp , " ( " , " ) " );
$brackets = false ;
while ( $tmp != $str ) {
$brackets = true ;
$tmp = $str ;
$str = self :: bracketTrim ( $str , " ( " , " ) " );
$parts = self :: bracketExplode ( $str , " && " , " ( " , " ) " );
if ( count ( $parts ) > 1 ) {
$ret = array ();
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
$ret [] = $this -> parseWhere ( $part );
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$r = implode ( " AND " , $ret );
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
} else {
$parts = self :: bracketExplode ( $str , " || " , " ( " , " ) " );
if ( count ( $parts ) > 1 ) {
$ret = array ();
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
$ret [] = $this -> parseWhere ( $part );
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$r = implode ( " OR " , $ret );
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} else {
return $this -> loadWhere ( $parts [ 0 ]);
if ( $brackets )
return " ( " . $r . " ) " ;
return $r ;
* trims brackets
* @ param string $str
* @ param string $e1 the first bracket , usually '('
* @ param string $e2 the second bracket , usually ')'
public static function bracketTrim ( $str , $e1 , $e2 ) {
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if ( substr ( $str , 0 , 1 ) == $e1 && substr ( $str , - 1 ) == $e2 )
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return substr ( $str , 1 , - 1 );
return $str ;
* bracketExplode
* usage :
2006-04-15 17:42:24 +00:00
* $str = ( age < 20 AND age > 18 ) AND email LIKE 'John@example.com'
* now exploding $str with parameters $d = ' AND ' , $e1 = '(' and $e2 = ')'
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
* would return an array :
2006-04-15 17:42:24 +00:00
* array ( " (age < 20 AND age > 18) " , " email LIKE 'John@example.com' " )
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* @ param string $str
* @ param string $d the delimeter which explodes the string
* @ param string $e1 the first bracket , usually '('
* @ param string $e2 the second bracket , usually ')'
public static function bracketExplode ( $str , $d , $e1 , $e2 ) {
$str = explode ( " $d " , $str );
$i = 0 ;
$term = array ();
foreach ( $str as $key => $val ) {
if ( empty ( $term [ $i ])) {
$term [ $i ] = trim ( $val );
$s1 = substr_count ( $term [ $i ], " $e1 " );
$s2 = substr_count ( $term [ $i ], " $e2 " );
if ( $s1 == $s2 ) $i ++ ;
} else {
$term [ $i ] .= " $d " . trim ( $val );
$c1 = substr_count ( $term [ $i ], " $e1 " );
$c2 = substr_count ( $term [ $i ], " $e2 " );
if ( $c1 == $c2 ) $i ++ ;
return $term ;
* loadWhere
private function loadWhere ( $where ) {
$e = explode ( " " , $where );
$r = array_shift ( $e );
$a = explode ( " . " , $r );
if ( count ( $a ) > 1 ) {
$field = array_pop ( $a );
$operator = array_shift ( $e );
$value = implode ( " " , $e );
$reference = implode ( " . " , $a );
$objTable = $this -> session -> getTable ( end ( $a ));
$where = $objTable -> getTableName () . " . " . $field . " " . $operator . " " . $value ;
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2006-04-22 09:08:02 +00:00
if ( count ( $a ) > 1 && isset ( $a [ 1 ])) {
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$root = $a [ 0 ];
$fk = $this -> tnames [ $root ] -> getForeignKey ( $a [ 1 ]);
if ( $fk instanceof Doctrine_Association ) {
$asf = $fk -> getAssociationFactory ();
switch ( $fk -> getType ()) :
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case Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_AGGREGATE :
case Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_COMPOSITE :
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break ;
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case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_AGGREGATE :
case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_COMPOSITE :
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$b = array_shift ( $a );
$b = array_shift ( $a );
$graph = new Doctrine_DQL_Parser ( $this -> session );
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$graph -> parseQuery ( " FROM $b -l WHERE $where " );
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$where = $this -> tnames [ $root ] -> getTableName () . " . " . $this -> tnames [ $root ] -> getIdentifier () . " IN (SELECT " . $fk -> getLocal () . " FROM " . $asf -> getTableName () . " WHERE " . $fk -> getForeign () . " IN ( " . $graph -> getQuery () . " )) " ;
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break ;
endswitch ;
} else
$this -> load ( $reference );
} else
$this -> load ( $reference );
return $where ;
* @ param string $path the path of the loadable component
* @ param integer $fetchmode optional fetchmode , if not set the components default fetchmode will be used
* @ throws DQLException
final public function load ( $path , $fetchmode = Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY ) {
$e = explode ( " . " , $path );
foreach ( $e as $key => $name ) {
$low = strtolower ( $name );
$name = ucwords ( $low );
try {
if ( $key == 0 ) {
$objTable = $this -> session -> getTable ( $name );
if ( count ( $e ) == 1 ) {
$tname = $objTable -> getTableName ();
$this -> from [ $tname ] = true ;
} else {
$fk = $objTable -> getForeignKey ( $name );
$tname = $objTable -> getTableName ();
$next = $fk -> getTable ();
$tname2 = $next -> getTableName ();
$this -> connectors [ $name ] = $fk ;
if ( $fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey ||
$fk instanceof Doctrine_LocalKey ) {
switch ( $fk -> getType ()) :
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case Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_AGGREGATE :
case Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_COMPOSITE :
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
$this -> where [] = " ( " . $tname . " . " . $fk -> getLocal () . " = " . $tname2 . " . " . $fk -> getForeign () . " ) " ;
$this -> from [ $tname ] = true ;
$this -> from [ $tname2 ] = true ;
break ;
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case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_AGGREGATE :
case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_COMPOSITE :
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
$this -> join [ $tname ] = " LEFT JOIN " . $tname2 . " ON " . $tname . " . " . $fk -> getLocal () . " = " . $tname2 . " . " . $fk -> getForeign ();
$this -> joined [] = $tname2 ;
$this -> from [ $tname ] = true ;
break ;
endswitch ;
} elseif ( $fk instanceof Doctrine_Association ) {
$asf = $fk -> getAssociationFactory ();
switch ( $fk -> getType ()) :
2006-04-23 08:12:01 +00:00
case Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_AGGREGATE :
case Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_COMPOSITE :
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
break ;
2006-04-23 08:12:01 +00:00
case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_AGGREGATE :
case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_COMPOSITE :
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
//$this->addWhere("SELECT ".$fk->getLocal()." FROM ".$asf->getTableName()." WHERE ".$fk->getForeign()." IN (SELECT ".$fk->getTable()->getComponentName().")");
$this -> from [ $tname ] = true ;
break ;
endswitch ;
$objTable = $next ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> tnames [ $name ])) {
$this -> tnames [ $name ] = $objTable ;
2006-04-16 20:38:17 +00:00
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new DQLException ( $e -> getMessage (), $e -> getCode ());
2006-04-13 20:37:28 +00:00
return $objTable ;