2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Doctrine 2 build file.
2009-09-01 02:24:48 +04:00
<project name= "Doctrine2" default= "build" basedir= "." >
2010-05-23 03:12:07 +04:00
<taskdef classname= "phing.tasks.ext.d51PearPkg2Task" name= "d51pearpkg2" />
2009-09-01 02:24:48 +04:00
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<property file= "build.properties" />
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
Fileset for artifacts shared across all distributed packages.
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<fileset id= "shared-artifacts" dir= "." >
<include name= "LICENSE" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
Fileset for command line scripts
<fileset id= "bin-scripts" dir= "./bin" >
<include name= "doctrine" />
<include name= "doctrine.php" />
2010-12-04 13:31:45 +03:00
<include name= "doctrine.bat" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2010-05-23 03:12:07 +04:00
Fileset for the sources of the Doctrine Common dependency.
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:56:43 +04:00
<fileset id= "common-sources" dir= "./lib/vendor/doctrine-common/lib" >
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<include name= "Doctrine/Common/**" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2010-05-23 03:12:07 +04:00
Fileset for the sources of the Doctrine DBAL dependency.
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:56:43 +04:00
<fileset id= "dbal-sources" dir= "./lib/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib" >
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<include name= "Doctrine/DBAL/**" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2010-05-23 03:12:07 +04:00
Fileset for the sources of the Doctrine ORM.
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<fileset id= "orm-sources" dir= "./lib" >
<include name= "Doctrine/ORM/**" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2010-05-26 04:00:17 +04:00
Fileset for source of the Symfony YAML and Console components.
<fileset id= "symfony-sources" dir= "./lib/vendor" >
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<include name= "Symfony/Component/**" />
2010-05-26 04:00:17 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
Clean the directory for the next build.
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<target name= "clean" >
2010-02-07 12:31:32 +03:00
<available file= "./build.properties" property= "build_properties_exist" value= "true" />
<fail unless= "build_properties_exist" message= "The build.properties file is missing." />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<delete dir= "${build.dir}" includeemptydirs= "true" />
<delete dir= "${dist.dir}" includeemptydirs= "true" />
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
<delete dir= "${report.dir}" includeemptydirs= "true" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
Prepare the new build directories after cleaning
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<target name= "prepare" depends= "clean" >
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
<echo msg= "Creating build directory: ${build.dir}" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<mkdir dir= "${build.dir}" />
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
<echo msg= "Creating distribution directory: ${dist.dir}" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<mkdir dir= "${dist.dir}" />
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
<echo msg= "Creating report directory: ${report.dir}" />
<mkdir dir= "${report.dir}" />
2009-09-01 12:39:37 +04:00
<mkdir dir= "${build.dir}/logs" />
<mkdir dir= "${report.dir}/tests" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
Builds ORM package, preparing it for distribution.
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
2010-12-04 13:31:45 +03:00
<target name= "build-orm" depends= "prepare" >
2010-12-21 01:34:28 +03:00
<exec command= "grep '${version}' ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php" checkreturn= "true" />
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<copy todir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" >
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<fileset refid= "shared-artifacts" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<copy todir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" >
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
<fileset refid= "common-sources" />
<fileset refid= "dbal-sources" />
<fileset refid= "orm-sources" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<copy todir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm/Doctrine" >
2010-05-26 04:00:17 +04:00
<fileset refid= "symfony-sources" />
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<copy todir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm/bin" >
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<fileset refid= "bin-scripts" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<exec command= "sed 's/${version}-DEV/${version}/' ${build.dir}/doctrine-orm/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php > ${build.dir}/doctrine-orm/Doctrine/ORM/Version2.php" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "mv ${build.dir}/doctrine-orm/Doctrine/ORM/Version2.php ${build.dir}/doctrine-orm/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php" passthru= "true" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2009-09-01 02:24:48 +04:00
<target name= "build" depends= "test, build-orm" />
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2009-06-22 22:48:42 +04:00
Runs the full test suite.
2009-09-01 12:39:37 +04:00
<target name= "test" depends= "prepare" >
2010-02-07 12:31:32 +03:00
<if > <equals arg1= "${test.phpunit_generate_coverage}" arg2= "1" />
<then >
<property name= "test.phpunit_coverage_file" value= "${build.dir}/logs/clover.xml" />
<else >
<property name= "test.phpunit_coverage_file" value= "false" />
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2010-02-07 02:19:11 +03:00
testfile="./tests/Doctrine/Tests/AllTests.php" junitlogfile="${build.dir}/logs/testsuites.xml"
2010-02-07 12:31:32 +03:00
testdirectory="./tests" coverageclover="${test.phpunit_coverage_file}" configuration="${test.phpunit_configuration_file}"
2010-02-07 02:19:11 +03:00
2009-09-01 12:39:37 +04:00
<phpunitreport infile= "${build.dir}/logs/testsuites.xml" format= "frames" todir= "${report.dir}/tests" />
2010-02-07 02:19:11 +03:00
<nativephpunit testfile= "./tests/Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Performance/AllTests.php" testdirectory= "./tests" haltonfailure= "false" haltonerror= "false" />
2009-09-19 16:10:59 +04:00
<tstamp />
2010-04-27 22:11:42 +04:00
<copy file= "${build.dir}/logs/testsuites.xml" tofile= "${log.archive.dir}/latest/log.xml" overwrite= "true" />
2010-02-07 13:04:17 +03:00
<if > <equals arg1= "${test.pmd_reports}" arg2= "1" />
<then >
<exec command= "${test.pdepend_exec} --jdepend-xml=${build.dir}/logs/jdepend.xml ./lib/Doctrine" />
<exec command= "${test.phpmd_exec} ./lib/Doctrine xml codesize --reportfile ${build.dir}/logs/phpmd.xml" />
2010-04-27 22:11:42 +04:00
<copy file= "${build.dir}/logs/jdepend.xml" tofile= "${log.archive.dir}/latest/jdepend.xml" overwrite= "true" />
<copy file= "${build.dir}/logs/phpmd.xml" tofile= "${log.archive.dir}/latest/phpmd.xml" overwrite= "true" />
2010-02-07 13:04:17 +03:00
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00
2009-09-01 12:39:37 +04:00
Builds distributable PEAR packages.
2010-12-04 12:59:14 +03:00
<target name= "build-packages" depends= "build-orm" >
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<d51pearpkg2 baseinstalldir= "/" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" >
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<name > DoctrineORM</name>
2010-05-26 00:17:37 +04:00
<summary > Doctrine Object Relational Mapper</summary>
2010-04-28 01:18:28 +04:00
<channel > pear.doctrine-project.org</channel>
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<description > The Doctrine ORM package is the primary package containing the object relational mapper.</description>
<lead user= "jwage" name= "Jonathan H. Wage" email= "jonwage@gmail.com" />
<lead user= "guilhermeblanco" name= "Guilherme Blanco" email= "guilhermeblanco@gmail.com" />
<lead user= "romanb" name= "Roman Borschel" email= "roman@code-factory.org" />
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<lead user= "beberlei" name= "Benjamin Eberlei" email= "kontakt@beberlei.de" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<license > LGPL</license>
<version release= "${version}" api= "${version}" />
<stability release= "${stability}" api= "${stability}" />
<notes > -</notes>
<dependencies >
<php minimum_version= "5.3.0" />
<pear minimum_version= "1.6.0" recommended_version= "1.6.1" />
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<package name= "DoctrineCommon" channel= "pear.doctrine-project.org" minimum_version= "${dependencies.common}" />
<package name= "DoctrineDBAL" channel= "pear.doctrine-project.org" minimum_version= "${dependencies.dbal}" />
2011-03-05 02:18:10 +03:00
<package name= "DoctrineSymfonyConsole" channel= "pear.doctrine-project.org" minimum_version= "2.0.0" />
<package name= "DoctrineSymfonyYaml" channel= "pear.doctrine-project.org" minimum_version= "2.0.0" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-05-26 04:00:17 +04:00
<dirroles key= "bin" > script</dirroles>
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<ignore > Doctrine/Common/</ignore>
<ignore > Doctrine/DBAL/</ignore>
2011-03-05 02:18:10 +03:00
<ignore > Symfony/Component/Yaml/</ignore>
<ignore > Symfony/Component/Console/</ignore>
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
<release >
2010-05-26 04:00:17 +04:00
<install as= "doctrine" name= "bin/doctrine" />
<install as= "doctrine.php" name= "bin/doctrine.php" />
2010-09-30 22:57:14 +04:00
<install as= "doctrine.bat" name= "bin/doctrine.bat" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-12-15 01:10:45 +03:00
<replacement path= "bin/doctrine.bat" type= "pear-config" from= "@php_bin@" to= "php_bin" />
<replacement path= "bin/doctrine.bat" type= "pear-config" from= "@bin_dir@" to= "bin_dir" />
2009-09-02 04:14:10 +04:00
2010-08-31 01:35:54 +04:00
<exec command= "pear package" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "mv DoctrineORM-${version}.tgz ../../dist" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" passthru= "true" />
<tar destfile= "dist/DoctrineORM-${version}-full.tar.gz" compression= "gzip" basedir= "${build.dir}" >
<fileset dir= "${build.dir}" >
<include name= "**/**" />
<exclude name= "logs/" />
<exclude name= "doctrine-orm/package.xml" />
2009-06-15 00:07:07 +04:00
2010-12-04 12:59:14 +03:00
<target name= "git-tag" >
2010-12-21 01:34:28 +03:00
<exec command= "grep '${version}' ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php" checkreturn= "true" />
2010-12-04 12:59:14 +03:00
<exec command= "git tag -a ${version}" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "git push origin ${version}" passthru= "true" />
<target name= "pirum-release" >
2010-12-04 13:31:45 +03:00
<exec command= "sudo pirum add ${project.pirum_dir} ${project.basedir}/dist/DoctrineORM-${version}.tgz" dir= "." passthru= "true" />
2010-12-04 12:59:14 +03:00
<exec command= "sudo pirum build ${project.pirum_dir}" passthru= "true" />
<target name= "distribute-download" >
<copy file= "dist/DoctrineORM-${version}-full.tar.gz" todir= "${project.download_dir}" />
<target name= "update-dev-version" >
2010-12-21 01:34:28 +03:00
<exec command= "grep '${version}' ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php" checkreturn= "true" />
2010-12-04 12:59:14 +03:00
<propertyprompt propertyName= "next_version" defaultValue= "${version}" promptText= "Enter next version string (without -DEV)" />
<exec command= "sed 's/${version}-DEV/${next_version}-DEV/' ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php > ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version2.php" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "mv ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version2.php ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "git add ${project.basedir}/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Version.php" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "git commit -m 'Bump Dev Version to ${next_version}-DEV'" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "git push origin master" passthru= "true" />
<target name= "release" depends= "git-tag,build-packages,distribute-download,pirum-release,update-dev-version" />
2011-03-05 02:18:10 +03:00
Builds distributable PEAR packages for the Symfony Dependencies
<target name= "release-symfony-dependencies" depends= "build-orm" >
<d51pearpkg2 baseinstalldir= "/" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" >
<name > DoctrineSymfonyConsole</name>
<summary > Symfony Console Component</summary>
<channel > pear.doctrine-project.org</channel>
<description > A command line interface tool from the Symfony project. Packaged for shipping with Doctrine projects using ORM version numbers.</description>
<lead user= "fabpot" name= "Fabien Potencier" email= "fabien.potencier@symfony-project.com" />
<license > NewBSD License</license>
<version release= "${version}" api= "${version}" />
<stability release= "${stability}" api= "${stability}" />
<notes > -</notes>
<dependencies >
<php minimum_version= "5.3.0" />
<pear minimum_version= "1.6.0" recommended_version= "1.6.1" />
2011-06-05 19:21:37 +04:00
<ignore > bin</ignore>
2011-03-05 02:18:10 +03:00
<ignore > Doctrine/Common/</ignore>
<ignore > Doctrine/DBAL/</ignore>
<ignore > Doctrine/ORM/</ignore>
<ignore > Symfony/Component/Yaml/</ignore>
<exec command= "pear package" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "mv DoctrineSymfonyConsole-${version}.tgz ../../dist" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" passthru= "true" />
<d51pearpkg2 baseinstalldir= "/" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" >
<name > DoctrineSymfonyYaml</name>
<summary > Symfony Yaml Component</summary>
<channel > pear.doctrine-project.org</channel>
<description > A YAML Parser from the Symfony project. Packaged for shipping with Doctrine projects using ORM version numbers.</description>
<lead user= "fabpot" name= "Fabien Potencier" email= "fabien.potencier@symfony-project.com" />
<license > NewBSD License</license>
<version release= "${version}" api= "${version}" />
<stability release= "${stability}" api= "${stability}" />
<notes > -</notes>
<dependencies >
<php minimum_version= "5.3.0" />
<pear minimum_version= "1.6.0" recommended_version= "1.6.1" />
2011-06-05 19:21:37 +04:00
<ignore > bin</ignore>
2011-03-05 02:18:10 +03:00
<ignore > Doctrine/Common/</ignore>
<ignore > Doctrine/DBAL/</ignore>
<ignore > Doctrine/ORM/</ignore>
<ignore > Symfony/Component/Console/</ignore>
<exec command= "pear package" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "mv DoctrineSymfonyYaml-${version}.tgz ../../dist" dir= "${build.dir}/doctrine-orm" passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "sudo pirum add ${project.pirum_dir} ${project.basedir}/dist/DoctrineSymfonyConsole-${version}.tgz" dir= "." passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "sudo pirum add ${project.pirum_dir} ${project.basedir}/dist/DoctrineSymfonyYaml-${version}.tgz" dir= "." passthru= "true" />
<exec command= "sudo pirum build ${project.pirum_dir}" passthru= "true" />
2010-05-26 19:47:01 +04:00