Doctrine_I18n is a plugin for Doctrine that provides internationalization support for record classes. In the following example we have a NewsItem class with two fields 'title' and 'content'. We want to have the field 'title' with different languages support. This can be achieved as follows:
Doctrine_AuditLog provides a full versioning solution. Lets say we have a NewsItem class that we want to be versioned. This functionality can be applied by simply adding $this->actAs('Versionable') into your record setup.
Now when we have defined this record to be versionable, Doctrine does internally the following things:
* It creates a class called NewsItemVersion on-the-fly, the table this record is pointing at is news_item_version
* Everytime a NewsItem object is deleted / updated the previous version is stored into news_item_version
* Everytime a NewsItem object is updated its version number is increased.
2007-09-10 21:25:39 +00:00
+++ Creating the version table
As with all other plugins, the plugin-table, in this case the table that holds the different versions, can be created by enabling Doctrine::EXPORT_PLUGINS. The easiest way to set this is by setting the value of Doctrine::ATTR_EXPORT to Doctrine::EXPORT_ALL. The following example shows the usage:
$newsItem->content = 'All quiet on the western front';
$newsItem->version; // 1
2007-07-18 19:46:12 +00:00
$newsItem->title = 'A different title';
2007-07-13 16:39:52 +00:00
$newsItem->version; // 2
2007-07-18 19:46:12 +00:00
+++ Reverting changes
Doctrine_Record provides a method called revert() which can be used for reverting to specified version. Internally Doctrine queries the version table and fetches the data for given version. If the given version is not found a Doctrine_Record_Exception is being thrown.
There are many options for the versioning plugin. Sometimes you may want to use other version column than 'version'. This can be achieved by giving the options parameter to actAs() method.
Soft-delete is a very simple plugin for achieving the following behaviour: when a record is deleted its not removed from database. Usually the record contains some special field like 'deleted' which tells the state of the record (deleted or alive).
The following code snippet shows what you need in order to achieve this kind of behaviour. Notice how we define two event hooks: preDelete and postDelete. Also notice how the preDelete hook skips the actual delete-operation with skipOperation() call. For more info about the event hooks see the Event listener section.