2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
< ? php
2006-10-18 17:37:20 +00:00
class Doctrine_Query_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
public function prepareTables () {
$this -> tables [] = " Forum_Category " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Forum_Entry " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Forum_Board " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Forum_Thread " ;
2006-06-26 18:55:42 +00:00
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$this -> tables [] = " ORM_TestEntry " ;
$this -> tables [] = " ORM_TestItem " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Log_Status " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Log_Entry " ;
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
$this -> tables [] = " EnumTest " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Task " ;
$this -> tables [] = " Resource " ;
$this -> tables [] = " ResourceType " ;
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
2006-06-25 18:34:53 +00:00
try {
$this -> dbh -> query ( " DROP TABLE test_items " );
} catch ( PDOException $e ) {
2006-06-26 18:55:42 +00:00
2006-06-25 18:34:53 +00:00
try {
$this -> dbh -> query ( " DROP TABLE test_entries " );
} catch ( PDOException $e ) {
2006-06-26 18:55:42 +00:00
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
parent :: prepareTables ();
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
2006-10-01 16:14:26 +00:00
public function testValidLazyPropertyFetching () {
$q = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
$q -> from ( " User(id, name) " );
$users = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_string ( $users [ 0 ] -> name ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 0 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count + 1 , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-09-18 17:32:12 +00:00
2006-10-01 16:14:26 +00:00
$q -> from ( " User(name) " );
$users = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_string ( $users [ 0 ] -> name ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 0 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
2006-09-20 09:35:29 +00:00
2006-10-01 16:14:26 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $count + 1 , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 1 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
2006-09-15 10:48:59 +00:00
2006-10-01 16:14:26 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $count + 2 , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 2 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 2 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 2 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $count + 3 , count ( $this -> dbh ));
2006-09-15 10:48:59 +00:00
2006-10-09 16:32:37 +00:00
public function testMultilineParsing () {
$dql = "
FROM User u
WHERE User . id = ?
" ;
2006-09-15 10:48:59 +00:00
2006-10-09 16:32:37 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$q -> parseQuery ( $dql );
2006-09-15 10:48:59 +00:00
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id FROM entity e e WHERE e.id = ? AND (e.type = 0) " );
2006-10-09 16:32:37 +00:00
2006-09-14 21:10:02 +00:00
public function testUnknownFunction () {
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$f = false ;
try {
$q -> from ( 'User' ) -> where ( 'User.name.someunknownfunc()' );
} catch ( Doctrine_Query_Exception $e ) {
$f = true ;
$this -> assertTrue ( $f );
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
public function testBadFunctionLogic () {
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$f = false ;
try {
$q -> from ( 'User' ) -> where ( 'User.name.contains(?)' );
} catch ( Doctrine_Query_Exception $e ) {
$f = true ;
$this -> assertTrue ( $f );
2006-09-14 21:10:02 +00:00
public function testDqlContainsFunction () {
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$this -> connection -> clear ();
$q -> from ( 'User' ) -> where ( 'User.Phonenumber.phonenumber.contains(?)' );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $q -> getTableStack ()), 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $q -> getRelationStack ()), 1 );
$coll = $q -> execute ( array ( '123 123' ));
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id FROM entity e e LEFT JOIN phonenumber ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE e.id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM phonenumber WHERE phonenumber = ?) AND (e.type = 0)' );
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
2006-09-14 21:10:02 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 0 ] -> name , 'zYne' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 2 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
public function testDqlFunctionWithMultipleParams () {
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$this -> connection -> clear ();
$q -> from ( 'User' ) -> where ( 'User.Phonenumber.phonenumber.like(?,?)' );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $q -> getTableStack ()), 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $q -> getRelationStack ()), 1 );
2006-09-14 21:10:02 +00:00
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
$coll = $q -> execute ( array ( '%123%' , '%5%' ));
2006-09-14 21:10:02 +00:00
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id FROM entity e e LEFT JOIN phonenumber ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE e.id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM phonenumber WHERE phonenumber LIKE ?) AND e.id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM phonenumber WHERE phonenumber LIKE ?) AND (e.type = 0)' );
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 0 ] -> name , 'Arnold Schwarzenegger' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 2 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
2006-09-14 21:10:02 +00:00
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
public function testDqlLikeFunction () {
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$this -> connection -> clear ();
$q -> from ( 'User' ) -> where ( 'User.Phonenumber.phonenumber.like(?)' );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $q -> getTableStack ()), 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $q -> getRelationStack ()), 1 );
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
$coll = $q -> execute ( array ( '123%' ));
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id FROM entity e e LEFT JOIN phonenumber ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE e.id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM phonenumber WHERE phonenumber LIKE ?) AND (e.type = 0)' );
2006-09-15 10:04:22 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 5 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 0 ] -> name , 'zYne' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 2 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 3 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 4 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
public function testEnumConversion () {
$e [ 0 ] = new EnumTest ();
$e [ 0 ] -> status = 'open' ;
$e [ 1 ] = new EnumTest ();
$e [ 1 ] -> status = 'verified' ;
2006-06-26 18:55:42 +00:00
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
$this -> connection -> flush ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $e [ 0 ] -> id , 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $e [ 1 ] -> id , 2 );
$q = new Doctrine_Query ;
$coll = $q -> from ( 'EnumTest' )
-> where ( " EnumTest.status = 'open' " )
-> execute ();
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.status AS e__status FROM enum_test e WHERE e.status = 0' );
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
$q = new Doctrine_Query ;
$coll = $q -> from ( 'EnumTest' )
-> where ( " EnumTest.status = 'verified' " )
-> execute ();
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.status AS e__status FROM enum_test e WHERE e.status = 1' );
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
2006-06-26 18:55:42 +00:00
2006-09-13 20:47:29 +00:00
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithColumnAggregationInheritance () {
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$query -> from ( 'User u INNER JOIN u.Group g' );
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$users = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Group -> count (), 1 );
$query -> from ( 'User-l.Group-l' );
$users = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Group -> count (), 0 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Group -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> Group -> count (), 0 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> getModified (), array ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> getModified (), array ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> getModified (), array ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 6 ] -> getModified (), array ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> type , 0 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> type , 0 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> type , 0 );
$this -> connection -> flush ();
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithColumnAggregationInheritance2 () {
$query = new Doctrine_Query ();
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b WHERE User.Group.name = 'Action Actors' " );
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e e LEFT JOIN groupuser ON e.id = groupuser.user_id LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON e2.id = groupuser.group_id WHERE e2.name = 'Action Actors' AND (e.type = 0 AND (e2.type = 1 OR e2.type IS NULL)) " );
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 1 );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh -> query ( $query -> getQuery ()) -> fetchAll ()), 1 );
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithColumnAggregationInheritance3 () {
$query = new Doctrine_Query ();
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b WHERE User.Group.Phonenumber.phonenumber LIKE '123 123' " );
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e e LEFT JOIN groupuser ON e.id = groupuser.user_id LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON e2.id = groupuser.group_id LEFT JOIN phonenumber ON e2.id = p.entity_id WHERE p.phonenumber LIKE '123 123' AND (e.type = 0 AND (e2.type = 1 OR e2.type IS NULL)) " );
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 1 );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithColumnAggregationInheritance4 () {
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ();
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$query -> parseQuery ( " FROM User.Group WHERE User.Group.name = 'Action Actors' " );
$users = $query -> execute ();
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 1 );
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection );
$this -> assertEqual ( get_class ( $users [ 0 ]), 'User' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Group -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Group [ 0 ] -> name , 'Action Actors' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , $this -> dbh -> count ());
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
2006-08-25 18:17:20 +00:00
public function testSelectingAggregateValues () {
2006-08-25 23:50:55 +00:00
2006-08-25 18:17:20 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$q -> from ( " User(COUNT(1), MAX(name)) " );
$array = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertTrue ( is_array ( $array ));
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $array , array ( array ( 'COUNT(1)' => '8' , 'MAX(e.name)' => 'zYne' )));
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT COUNT(1), MAX(e.name) FROM entity e e WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-08-25 18:17:20 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$q -> from ( " Phonenumber(COUNT(1)) " );
2006-08-25 23:50:55 +00:00
2006-08-25 18:17:20 +00:00
$array = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertTrue ( is_array ( $array ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $array , array ( array ( 'COUNT(1)' => '15' )));
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT COUNT(1) FROM phonenumber p " );
2006-08-25 18:17:20 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$q -> from ( " User.Phonenumber(COUNT(id)) " );
$array = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertTrue ( is_array ( $array ));
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $array [ 0 ][ 'COUNT(p.id)' ], 14 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id, COUNT(p.id) FROM entity e e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-08-25 18:17:20 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$q -> select ( 'MAX(u.id), MIN(e.address)' ) -> from ( " User u INNER JOIN u.Email e " );
$coll = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> getAggregateValue ( 'MAX(e.id)' ), 11 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll [ 'MIN(email.address)' ], 'arnold@example.com' );
2006-06-29 23:04:39 +00:00
2006-08-25 23:50:55 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ();
$q -> from ( " User(MAX(id)).Email(MIN(address)), User.Phonenumber(COUNT(1)) " );
$array = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertTrue ( is_array ( $array ));
2006-06-29 23:04:39 +00:00
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $array [ 0 ][ 'MAX(e.id)' ], 11 );
2006-08-25 23:50:55 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $array [ 0 ][ 'MIN(email.address)' ], 'arnold@example.com' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $array [ 0 ][ 'COUNT(1)' ], 14 );
2006-09-12 21:36:36 +00:00
//$q = new Doctrine_Query();
//$coll = $q->execute();
//print Doctrine_Lib::formatSql($q->getQuery());
//$this->assertEqual(count($coll), 8);
2006-06-29 23:04:39 +00:00
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
2006-08-15 23:25:53 +00:00
2006-08-25 23:50:55 +00:00
2006-07-10 09:18:09 +00:00
public function testMultipleFetching () {
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'User' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Email' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Phonenumber' ) -> clear ();
2006-07-10 09:18:09 +00:00
$users = $this -> query -> from ( " User-l.Phonenumber-i, User-l:Email-i " ) -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $users ), 8 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber , " 123 123 " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber , " 123 123 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ] -> phonenumber , " 456 456 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 2 ] -> phonenumber , " 789 789 " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 7 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 7 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber , " 111 567 333 " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> Email instanceof Email );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Email -> address , " zYne@example.com " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> email_id , $users [ 0 ] -> Email -> id );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 1 ] -> Email instanceof Email );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Email -> address , " arnold@example.com " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> email_id , $users [ 1 ] -> Email -> id );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
public function testGetPath () {
$this -> query -> from ( " User.Group.Email " );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $this -> query -> getTableAlias ( " User " ), " e " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $this -> query -> getTableAlias ( " User.Group " ), " e2 " );
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
$this -> query -> from ( " Task.Subtask.Subtask " );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $this -> query -> getTableAlias ( " Task " ), " t " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $this -> query -> getTableAlias ( " Task.Subtask " ), " t2 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $this -> query -> getTableAlias ( " Task.Subtask.Subtask " ), " t3 " );
2006-06-26 18:55:42 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $this -> query -> getQuery (),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.name AS t__name, t.parent_id AS t__parent_id, t2.id AS t2__id, t2.name AS t2__name, t2.parent_id AS t2__parent_id, t3.id AS t3__id, t3.name AS t3__name, t3.parent_id AS t3__parent_id FROM task t LEFT JOIN task t2 ON t.id = t2.parent_id LEFT JOIN task t3 ON t2.id = t3.parent_id " );
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
2006-06-21 20:02:40 +00:00
public function testMultiComponentFetching2 () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-06-21 20:02:40 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-06-21 20:02:40 +00:00
$query -> from ( " User.Email, User.Phonenumber " );
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
2006-06-21 20:02:40 +00:00
$users = $query -> execute ();
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> Email instanceof Email );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
2006-06-14 19:17:38 +00:00
public function testHaving () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-06-14 19:17:38 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-06-14 19:17:38 +00:00
$query -> from ( 'User-l.Phonenumber-l' );
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
$query -> having ( " COUNT(User.Phonenumber.phonenumber) > 2 " );
2006-06-14 19:17:38 +00:00
$query -> groupby ( 'User.id' );
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
2006-06-14 19:17:38 +00:00
$users = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 3 );
// test that users are in right order
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> id , 5 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> id , 8 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> id , 10 );
// test expanding
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ];
$this -> assertEqual ( ++ $count , $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ];
$this -> assertEqual ( ++ $count , $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$users [ 2 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ];
$this -> assertEqual ( ++ $count , $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
2006-06-29 23:04:39 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-06-29 23:04:39 +00:00
$query -> from ( 'User-l.Phonenumber-l' );
$query -> having ( " COUNT(User.Phonenumber.phonenumber) > 2 " );
$query -> groupby ( 'User.id' );
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$users = $this -> connection -> query ( " FROM User-l.Phonenumber-l GROUP BY User.id HAVING COUNT(User.Phonenumber.phonenumber) > 2 " );
2006-06-29 23:04:39 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 3 );
// test that users are in right order
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> id , 5 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> id , 8 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 2 ] -> id , 10 );
2006-06-14 19:17:38 +00:00
2006-06-12 08:44:08 +00:00
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
public function testNestedManyToManyRelations () {
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$task = new Task ();
$task -> name = " T1 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name = " R1 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name = " R2 " ;
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> Type [ 0 ] -> type = 'TY1' ;
//$task->ResourceAlias[1]->Type[0]->type = 'TY2';
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$task = new Task ();
$task -> name = " T2 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name = " R3 " ;
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> Type [ 0 ] -> type = 'TY2' ;
2006-06-12 08:44:08 +00:00
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> Type [ 1 ] -> type = 'TY3' ;
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name = " R4 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> name = " R5 " ;
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> Type [ 0 ] -> type = 'TY4' ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> Type [ 1 ] -> type = 'TY5' ;
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> name = " R6 " ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name , " R3 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $task -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name , " R4 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $task -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> name , " R5 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $task -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> name , " R6 " );
$task = new Task ();
$task -> name = " T3 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name = " R7 " ;
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$task = new Task ();
$task -> name = " T4 " ;
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> flush ();
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
$query -> from ( " Task.ResourceAlias.Type " );
$tasks = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 3 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 0 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> Type -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> Type -> count (), 0 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
2006-06-12 08:44:08 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> clear ();
2006-06-12 08:44:08 +00:00
$query -> from ( " Task " ) -> where ( " Task.ResourceAlias.Type.type = 'TY2' || Task.ResourceAlias.Type.type = 'TY1' " );
$tasks = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh -> query ( $query -> getQuery ()) -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC )), 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> name , 'T1' );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> name , 'T2' );
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithColonOperator () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
$task = new Task ();
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
// clear identity maps
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Task' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Assignment' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Resource' ) -> clear ();
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$tasks [ 1 ] = $task -> getTable () -> find ( 2 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name , " R3 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name , " R4 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> name , " R5 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> name , " R6 " );
// clear identity maps
$task -> getTable () -> clear ();
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Assignment' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Resource' ) -> clear ();
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$query -> from ( " Task-l:ResourceAlias-l " );
$tasks = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
// sanity checking
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
2006-06-08 13:17:15 +00:00
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name , " R3 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name , " R4 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> name , " R5 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> name , " R6 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh ), ( $count + 4 ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
2006-06-08 13:17:15 +00:00
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithDotOperator () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Task' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Assignment' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Resource' ) -> clear ();
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$tasks = $query -> query ( " FROM Task-l.ResourceAlias-l " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
// sanity checking
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name , " R3 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name , " R4 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> name , " R5 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> name , " R6 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh ), ( $count + 4 ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 3 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 0 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 3 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection );
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
public function testManyToManyFetchingWithDotOperatorAndLoadedIdentityMaps () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$tasks = $query -> query ( " FROM Task-l.ResourceAlias-l " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 0 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 4 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
// sanity checking
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name , " R3 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name , " R4 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 2 ] -> name , " R5 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 1 ] -> ResourceAlias [ 3 ] -> name , " R6 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh ), $count );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 2 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $tasks [ 3 ] -> ResourceAlias -> count (), 0 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $tasks [ 3 ] -> ResourceAlias instanceof Doctrine_Collection );
2006-06-08 22:11:36 +00:00
2006-06-05 09:57:53 +00:00
public function testOneToOneSharedRelations () {
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$status = new Log_Status ();
$status -> name = 'success' ;
$entries [ 0 ] = new Log_Entry ();
$entries [ 0 ] -> stamp = '2006-06-06' ;
$entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status = $status ;
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status instanceof Log_Status );
$entries [ 1 ] = new Log_Entry ();
$entries [ 1 ] -> stamp = '2006-06-06' ;
$entries [ 1 ] -> Log_Status = $status ;
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> flush ();
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
// clear the identity maps
$entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status -> getTable () -> clear ();
$entries [ 0 ] -> getTable () -> clear ();
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$entries = $this -> connection -> query ( " FROM Log_Entry-I.Log_Status-i " );
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status instanceof Log_Status );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status -> name , 'success' );
// the second Log_Status is fetched from identityMap
2006-06-05 09:57:53 +00:00
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 1 ] -> Log_Status instanceof Log_Status );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 1 ] -> Log_Status -> name , 'success' );
// the following line is possible since doctrine uses identityMap
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status , $entries [ 1 ] -> Log_Status );
$entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status -> delete ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status , $entries [ 1 ] -> Log_Status );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TCLEAN );
2006-06-06 20:37:56 +00:00
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
// clear the identity maps
$entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status -> getTable () -> clear ();
$entries [ 0 ] -> getTable () -> clear ();
2006-06-06 20:37:56 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$entries = $this -> connection -> query ( " FROM Log_Entry-I.Log_Status-i " );
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries -> count (), 2 );
2006-06-06 20:37:56 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status instanceof Log_Status );
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> Log_Status -> name , null );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 1 ] -> Log_Status -> name , null );
2006-06-06 20:37:56 +00:00
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
2006-06-06 20:37:56 +00:00
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
public function testOneToOneRelationFetchingWithCustomTableNames () {
$entry = new ORM_TestEntry ();
$entry -> name = 'entry 1' ;
$entry -> amount = '123.123' ;
$entry -> ORM_TestItem -> name = 'item 1' ;
$entry = new ORM_TestEntry ();
$entry -> name = 'entry 2' ;
$entry -> amount = '123.123' ;
$entry -> ORM_TestItem -> name = 'item 2' ;
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> flush ();
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$entries = $this -> connection -> query ( " FROM ORM_TestEntry-i.ORM_TestItem-i " );
2006-06-03 09:10:43 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries -> count (), 2 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 0 ] instanceof ORM_TestEntry );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> name , 'entry 1' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 1 ] instanceof ORM_TestEntry );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 1 ] -> name , 'entry 2' );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 0 ] -> ORM_TestItem instanceof ORM_TestItem );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> ORM_TestItem -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 0 ] -> ORM_TestItem -> name , 'item 1' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entries [ 1 ] -> ORM_TestItem instanceof ORM_TestItem );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 1 ] -> ORM_TestItem -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertEqual ( $entries [ 1 ] -> ORM_TestItem -> name , 'item 2' );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
2006-05-31 08:46:44 +00:00
public function testImmediateFetching () {
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'User' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Email' ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( 'Phonenumber' ) -> clear ();
2006-05-31 08:46:44 +00:00
$users = $this -> query -> from ( " User-i.Email-i " ) -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $users ), 8 );
$this -> assertEqual ( get_class ( $users [ 0 ] -> Email ), 'Email' );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Email -> address , 'zYne@example.com' );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
2006-06-01 11:58:05 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( get_class ( $users [ 1 ] -> Email ), 'Email' );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Email -> address , 'arnold@example.com' );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
2006-05-31 08:46:44 +00:00
2006-05-30 22:14:50 +00:00
public function testLazyPropertyFetchingWithMultipleColumns () {
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-30 22:14:50 +00:00
$q -> from ( " User-l(name, email_id) " );
$users = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_string ( $users [ 0 ] -> name ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 0 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$users [ 0 ] -> getTable () -> clear ();
$q -> from ( " User-b(name, email_id) " );
$users = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Batch );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_string ( $users [ 0 ] -> name ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 0 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 1 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 2 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$q -> from ( " User-b(name, email_id):Email, User-b(name, email_id).Phonenumber " );
$users = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Batch );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_string ( $users [ 0 ] -> name ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 0 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 1 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $users [ 2 ] -> email_id ));
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , count ( $this -> dbh ));
2006-05-30 22:35:00 +00:00
2006-05-29 16:12:43 +00:00
public function testForeignKeyRelationFetching () {
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
$users = $this -> query -> from ( " User-l.Phonenumber-i " ) -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $users ), 8 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber , " 123 123 " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 3 );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber , " 123 123 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ] -> phonenumber , " 456 456 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 2 ] -> phonenumber , " 789 789 " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 7 ] -> Phonenumber -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 7 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber , " 111 567 333 " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> name , " zYne " );
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 2 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
public function testOneToOneRelationFetching () {
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
$users = $this -> query -> from ( " User-l:Email-i " ) -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
// iterate through users and test that no additional queries are needed
$user -> Email -> address ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $count , $this -> dbh -> count ());
$users [ 0 ] -> Account -> amount = 3000 ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Account -> amount , 3000 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> Account instanceof Account );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> id , $users [ 0 ] -> Account -> entity_id );
$users [ 0 ] -> Account -> save ();
$users [ 0 ] -> refresh ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Account -> amount , 3000 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> Account instanceof Account );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> id , $users [ 0 ] -> Account -> entity_id );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Account -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$users [ 0 ] -> getTable () -> clear ();
$users [ 0 ] -> Account -> getTable () -> clear ();
$count = $this -> dbh -> count ();
$users = $this -> query -> from ( " User-l:Account-i " ) -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual (( $count + 1 ), $this -> dbh -> count ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> Account -> amount , 3000 );
2006-06-25 23:42:19 +00:00
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
public function testQueryWithComplexAliases () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$q = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$board = new Forum_Board ();
$table = $board -> getTable ();
2006-08-31 09:04:14 +00:00
$fk = $table -> getRelation ( " Threads " );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $table -> getComponentName (), " Forum_Board " );
2006-09-28 21:21:33 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $fk instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $fk -> getTable () -> getComponentName (), " Forum_Thread " );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$entry = new Forum_Entry ();
2006-09-28 21:21:33 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $entry -> getTable () -> getRelation ( " Thread " ) instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$board -> name = " Doctrine Forum " ;
$board -> Threads [ 0 ];
$board -> Category -> name = " General discussion " ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> name , " Doctrine Forum " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Category -> name , " General discussion " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Category -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Threads [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $board -> Threads [ 0 ] instanceof Forum_Thread );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$thread = $board -> Threads [ 0 ];
$thread -> Entries [ 0 ] -> topic = " My first topic " ;
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
$thread -> Entries [ 1 ] -> topic = " My second topic " ;
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $thread -> Entries [ 0 ] -> topic , " My first topic " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $thread -> Entries [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY );
$this -> assertTrue ( $thread -> Entries [ 0 ] instanceof Forum_Entry );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> flush ();
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$board -> getTable () -> clear ();
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
2006-07-10 09:18:09 +00:00
$board = $board -> getTable () -> find ( $board -> id );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Threads -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> name , " Doctrine Forum " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Category -> name , " General discussion " );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Category -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Threads [ 0 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$this -> assertTrue ( $board -> Threads [ 0 ] instanceof Forum_Thread );
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $board -> Threads [ 0 ] -> Entries -> count (), 2 );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$q -> from ( " Forum_Board " );
$coll = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$table = $this -> connection -> getTable ( " Forum_Board " ) -> setAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_FETCHMODE , Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY );
$table = $this -> connection -> getTable ( " Forum_Thread " ) -> setAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_FETCHMODE , Doctrine :: FETCH_LAZY );
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
$q -> from ( " Forum_Board.Threads " );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT f.id AS f__id, f2.id AS f2__id FROM forum__board f LEFT JOIN forum__thread f2 ON f.id = f2.board_id " );
2006-05-19 10:22:15 +00:00
$coll = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
$q -> from ( " Forum_Board-l.Threads-l " );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT f.id AS f__id, f2.id AS f2__id FROM forum__board f LEFT JOIN forum__thread f2 ON f.id = f2.board_id " );
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$q -> from ( " Forum_Board-l.Threads-l.Entries-l " );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $q -> getQuery (), " SELECT f.id AS f__id, f2.id AS f2__id, f3.id AS f3__id FROM forum__board f LEFT JOIN forum__thread f2 ON f.id = f2.board_id LEFT JOIN forum__entry f3 ON f2.id = f3.thread_id " );
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
$boards = $q -> execute ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $boards -> count (), 1 );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertEqual ( $boards [ 0 ] -> Threads -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh ), $count );
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $boards [ 0 ] -> Threads [ 0 ] -> Entries -> count (), 2 );
2006-05-25 12:32:57 +00:00
$q -> from ( " Forum_Board-l.Threads-l.Entries-i " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $boards -> count (), 1 );
$count = count ( $this -> dbh );
$this -> assertEqual ( $boards [ 0 ] -> Threads -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $this -> dbh ), $count );
2006-06-08 10:20:30 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $boards [ 0 ] -> Threads [ 0 ] -> Entries -> count (), 2 );
2006-05-18 20:44:02 +00:00
2006-05-17 17:58:40 +00:00
public function testQueryWithAliases () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
2006-05-17 17:58:40 +00:00
$task = new Task ();
$task -> name = " Task 1 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 0 ] -> name = " Resource 1 " ;
$task -> ResourceAlias [ 1 ] -> name = " Resource 2 " ;
$task -> save ();
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
2006-05-17 17:58:40 +00:00
$coll = $query -> query ( " FROM Task WHERE Task.ResourceAlias.name = 'Resource 1' " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $coll [ 0 ] instanceof Task );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
public function testQueryArgs () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$query = $query -> from ( " User-l " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " from " ), " entity e " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$query = $query -> orderby ( " User.name " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " orderby " ), array ( " e.name " ));
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$query = $query -> orderby ( " User.created " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " orderby " ), array ( " e.created " ));
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$query = $query -> where ( " User.name LIKE 'zYne%' " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " where " ), array ( " e.name LIKE 'zYne%' " ));
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$query = $query -> where ( " User.name LIKE 'Arnold%' " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " where " ), array ( " e.name LIKE 'Arnold%' " ));
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$query = $query -> limit ( 5 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " limit " ), 5 );
$query = $query -> offset ( 5 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $query instanceof Doctrine_Query );
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> get ( " offset " ), 5 );
2006-08-16 09:21:47 +00:00
$query -> remove ( 'limit' ) -> remove ( 'offset' );
2006-10-18 20:17:49 +00:00
$this -> assertFalse ( strpos ( $query -> getQuery (), " OFFSET " ));
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertFalse ( strpos ( $query -> getQuery (), " LIMIT " ));
$coll = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertTrue ( $coll instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
$query -> where ( " User.name LIKE ? " ) -> limit ( 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> limit , 3 );
$this -> assertTrue ( strpos ( $query -> getQuery (), " LIMIT " ));
public function testLimit () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-08-15 23:25:53 +00:00
$coll = $query -> query ( " FROM User(id) LIMIT 3 " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> limit , 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 3 );
public function testOffset () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$coll = $query -> query ( " FROM User LIMIT 3 OFFSET 3 " );
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> offset , 3 );
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 3 );
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
public function testPreparedQuery () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$coll = $this -> connection -> query ( " FROM User WHERE User.name = :name " , array ( " :name " => " zYne " ));
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $coll -> count (), 1 );
public function testOrderBy () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
$query -> from ( " User-b " ) -> orderby ( " User.name ASC, User.Email.address " );
$users = $query -> execute ();
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e LEFT JOIN email e2 ON e.email_id = e2.id WHERE (e.type = 0) ORDER BY e.name ASC, e2.address " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users [ 0 ] -> name == " Arnold Schwarzenegger " );
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
public function testBatchFetching () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b " );
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> name , " zYne " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Batch );
public function testLazyFetching () {
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-l " );
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-29 08:43:21 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> name , " zYne " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Lazy );
2006-05-17 17:58:40 +00:00
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
public function testFetchingWithCollectionExpanding () {
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$query = new Doctrine_Query ( $this -> connection );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$user = $this -> objTable -> find ( 5 );
$user -> Group [ 1 ] -> name = " Tough guys inc. " ;
$user -> Group [ 2 ] -> name = " Terminators " ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $user -> Group [ 0 ] -> name , " Action Actors " );
$user -> save ();
$this -> assertEqual ( $user -> Group [ 0 ] -> name , " Action Actors " );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $user -> Group ), 3 );
$user = $this -> objTable -> find ( 5 );
$this -> assertEqual ( count ( $user -> Group ), 3 );
//$users = $query->query("FROM User, User.Group WHERE User.Group.name LIKE 'Action Actors'");
//$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Group[0]->name, "Action Actors");
//$this->assertEqual(count($users[0]->Group), 1);
//$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Group[1]->name, "Tough guys inc.");
//$this->assertEqual($users[0]->Group[2]->name, "Terminators");
//$this->assertEqual(count($users[0]->Group), 3);
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$this -> connection -> getTable ( " User " ) -> clear ();
$this -> connection -> getTable ( " Phonenumber " ) -> clear ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b.Phonenumber-l WHERE User.Phonenumber.phonenumber LIKE '%123%' " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id, p.id AS p__id FROM entity e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE p.phonenumber LIKE '%123%' AND (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$count = $this -> connection -> getDBH () -> count ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber ;
$users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ] -> phonenumber ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
$users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 2 ] -> phonenumber ;
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 1 ] -> Phonenumber [ 1 ] -> getState (), Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN );
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$count2 = $this -> connection -> getDBH () -> count ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $count + 4 , $count2 );
$e = false ;
try {
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-unknown " );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
2006-08-21 19:48:24 +00:00
$this -> assertTrue ( $e instanceof Doctrine_Query_Exception );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-i " );
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id FROM entity e WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$count = $this -> connection -> getDBH () -> count ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users [ 0 ] -> name , " zYne " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $users instanceof Doctrine_Collection_Immediate );
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$count2 = $this -> connection -> getDBH () -> count ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b.Phonenumber-b " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id, p.id AS p__id FROM entity e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$count = $this -> connection -> getDBH () -> count ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$users [ 0 ] -> Phonenumber [ 0 ] -> phonenumber ;
2006-08-21 23:20:33 +00:00
$count2 = $this -> connection -> getDBH () -> count ();
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $count + 1 , $count2 );
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-l:Email-b " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id, e2.id AS e2__id FROM entity e INNER JOIN email e2 ON e.email_id = e2.id WHERE (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM Email-b WHERE Email.address LIKE '%@example%' " );
2006-05-23 12:12:54 +00:00
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> getQuery (),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM email e WHERE e.address LIKE '%@example%' " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 8 );
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b WHERE User.name LIKE '%Jack%' " );
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $query -> getQuery (), " SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e WHERE e.name LIKE '%Jack%' AND (e.type = 0) " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 0 );
2006-06-25 18:34:53 +00:00
$users = $query -> query ( " FROM User-b WHERE User.Phonenumber.phonenumber LIKE '%123%' " );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( trim ( $query -> getQuery ()),
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
" SELECT e.id AS e__id FROM entity e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE p.phonenumber LIKE '%123%' AND (e.type = 0) " );
2006-06-25 18:34:53 +00:00
$this -> assertEqual ( $users -> count (), 5 );
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00
2006-05-26 20:15:27 +00:00
//$values = $query->query("SELECT COUNT(User.name) AS users, MAX(User.name) AS max FROM User");
2006-11-05 19:24:28 +00:00
//$this->assertEqual(trim($query->getQuery()),"SELECT COUNT(e.name) AS users, MAX(e.name) AS max FROM entity e e WHERE (e.type = 0)");
2006-05-26 20:15:27 +00:00
2006-05-25 12:25:26 +00:00
2006-09-20 09:35:29 +00:00
2006-05-09 21:39:07 +00:00