2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
namespace Doctrine\ORM\Query;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST;
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
* Description of SqlWalker
* @author robo
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
class SqlWalker
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
* A simple array keys representing table aliases and values table alias
* seeds. The seeds are used for generating short SQL table aliases.
* @var array $_tableAliasSeeds
private $_tableAliasSeeds = array();
private $_parserResult;
private $_em;
private $_dqlToSqlAliasMap = array();
private $_scalarAliasCounter = 0;
public function __construct($em, $parserResult)
$this->_em = $em;
$this->_parserResult = $parserResult;
$sqlToDqlAliasMap = array();
foreach ($parserResult->getQueryComponents() as $dqlAlias => $qComp) {
if ($dqlAlias != 'dctrn') {
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
$sqlAlias = $this->generateTableAlias($qComp['metadata']->getTableName());
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$sqlToDqlAliasMap[$sqlAlias] = $dqlAlias;
// SQL => DQL alias stored in ParserResult, needed for hydration.
// DQL => SQL alias stored only locally, needed for SQL construction.
$this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap = array_flip($sqlToDqlAliasMap);
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
public function walkSelectStatement(AST\SelectStatement $AST)
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$sql = $this->walkSelectClause($AST->getSelectClause());
$sql .= $this->walkFromClause($AST->getFromClause());
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$sql .= $AST->getWhereClause() ? $this->walkWhereClause($AST->getWhereClause()) : '';
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$sql .= $AST->getGroupByClause() ? $this->walkGroupByClause($AST->getGroupByClause()) : '';
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2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
//... more clauses
return $sql;
public function walkSelectClause($selectClause)
return 'SELECT ' . (($selectClause->isDistinct()) ? 'DISTINCT ' : '')
. implode(', ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkSelectExpression'),
public function walkFromClause($fromClause)
$sql = ' FROM ';
$identificationVarDecls = $fromClause->getIdentificationVariableDeclarations();
$firstIdentificationVarDecl = $identificationVarDecls[0];
$rangeDecl = $firstIdentificationVarDecl->getRangeVariableDeclaration();
$sql .= $rangeDecl->getClassMetadata()->getTableName() . ' '
. $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$rangeDecl->getAliasIdentificationVariable()];
foreach ($firstIdentificationVarDecl->getJoinVariableDeclarations() as $joinVarDecl) {
$sql .= $this->walkJoinVariableDeclaration($joinVarDecl);
return $sql;
* Walks down a JoinVariableDeclaration AST node and creates the corresponding SQL.
* @param JoinVariableDeclaration $joinVarDecl
* @return string
public function walkJoinVariableDeclaration($joinVarDecl)
$join = $joinVarDecl->getJoin();
$joinType = $join->getJoinType();
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
if ($joinType == AST\Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT ||
$joinType == AST\Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFTOUTER) {
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$sql = ' LEFT JOIN ';
} else {
$sql = ' INNER JOIN ';
$joinAssocPathExpr = $join->getJoinAssociationPathExpression();
$sourceQComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($joinAssocPathExpr->getIdentificationVariable());
$targetQComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($join->getAliasIdentificationVariable());
$targetTableName = $targetQComp['metadata']->getTableName();
$targetTableAlias = $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$join->getAliasIdentificationVariable()];
$sourceTableAlias = $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$joinAssocPathExpr->getIdentificationVariable()];
$sql .= $targetTableName . ' ' . $targetTableAlias . ' ON ';
if ( ! $targetQComp['relation']->isOwningSide()) {
$assoc = $targetQComp['metadata']->getAssociationMapping($targetQComp['relation']->getMappedByFieldName());
} else {
$assoc = $targetQComp['relation'];
if ($targetQComp['relation']->isOneToOne() || $targetQComp['relation']->isOneToMany()) {
$joinColumns = $assoc->getSourceToTargetKeyColumns();
$first = true;
foreach ($joinColumns as $sourceColumn => $targetColumn) {
if ( ! $first) $sql .= ' AND ';
if ($targetQComp['relation']->isOwningSide()) {
$sql .= "$sourceTableAlias.$sourceColumn = $targetTableAlias.$targetColumn";
} else {
$sql .= "$sourceTableAlias.$targetColumn = $targetTableAlias.$sourceColumn";
} else { // ManyToMany
return $sql;
* Walks down a SelectExpression AST node and generates the corresponding SQL.
* @param <type> $selectExpression
* @return string
public function walkSelectExpression($selectExpression)
$sql = '';
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
if ($selectExpression->getExpression() instanceof AST\PathExpression) {
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$pathExpression = $selectExpression->getExpression();
if ($pathExpression->isSimpleStateFieldPathExpression()) {
$parts = $pathExpression->getParts();
$numParts = count($parts);
$dqlAlias = $parts[0];
$fieldName = $parts[$numParts-1];
$qComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($dqlAlias);
$class = $qComp['metadata'];
if ($numParts > 2) {
for ($i = 1; $i < $numParts-1; ++$i) {
$sqlTableAlias = $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$dqlAlias];
$sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $class->getColumnName($fieldName) .
' AS ' . $sqlTableAlias . '__' . $class->getColumnName($fieldName);
} else if ($pathExpression->isSimpleStateFieldAssociationPathExpression()) {
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
throw new Doctrine_Exception("Not yet implemented.");
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
} else {
throw new Doctrine_ORM_Query_Exception("Encountered invalid PathExpression during SQL construction.");
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
else if ($selectExpression->getExpression() instanceof AST\AggregateExpression) {
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$aggExpr = $selectExpression->getExpression();
if ( ! $selectExpression->getFieldIdentificationVariable()) {
$alias = $this->_scalarAliasCounter++;
} else {
$alias = $selectExpression->getFieldIdentificationVariable();
$parts = $aggExpr->getPathExpression()->getParts();
$dqlAlias = $parts[0];
$fieldName = $parts[1];
$qComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($dqlAlias);
$columnName = $qComp['metadata']->getColumnName($fieldName);
$sql .= $aggExpr->getFunctionName() . '(';
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
if ($aggExpr->isDistinct()) $sql .= 'DISTINCT ';
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$sql .= $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$dqlAlias] . '.' . $columnName;
$sql .= ') AS dctrn__' . $alias;
//TODO: else if Subselect
else {
$dqlAlias = $selectExpression->getExpression();
$queryComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($dqlAlias);
$class = $queryComp['metadata'];
$sqlTableAlias = $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$dqlAlias];
$beginning = true;
foreach ($class->getFieldMappings() as $fieldName => $fieldMapping) {
if ($beginning) {
$beginning = false;
} else {
$sql .= ', ';
$sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $fieldMapping['columnName'] .
' AS ' . $sqlTableAlias . '__' . $fieldMapping['columnName'];
return $sql;
public function walkGroupByClause($groupByClause)
return ' GROUP BY '
. implode(', ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkGroupByItem'),
public function walkGroupByItem($pathExpr)
//TODO: support general SingleValuedPathExpression, not just state field
$parts = $pathExpr->getParts();
$qComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($parts[0]);
$columnName = $qComp['metadata']->getColumnName($parts[1]);
return $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$parts[0]] . '.' . $columnName;
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
public function walkUpdateStatement(AST\UpdateStatement $AST)
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
public function walkDeleteStatement(AST\DeleteStatement $AST)
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
public function walkWhereClause($whereClause)
$sql = ' WHERE ';
$condExpr = $whereClause->getConditionalExpression();
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
$sql .= implode(' OR ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkConditionalTerm'),
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
return $sql;
public function walkConditionalTerm($condTerm)
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
return implode(' AND ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkConditionalFactor'),
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
public function walkConditionalFactor($factor)
$sql = '';
if ($factor->isNot()) $sql .= ' NOT ';
$primary = $factor->getConditionalPrimary();
if ($primary->isSimpleConditionalExpression()) {
$simpleCond = $primary->getSimpleConditionalExpression();
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
if ($simpleCond instanceof AST\ComparisonExpression) {
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
$sql .= $this->walkComparisonExpression($simpleCond);
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
else if ($simpleCond instanceof AST\LikeExpression) {
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
$sql .= $this->walkLikeExpression($simpleCond);
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
// else if ...
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
} else if ($primary->isConditionalExpression()) {
$sql .= '(' . implode(' OR ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkConditionalTerm'),
$primary->getConditionalExpression()->getConditionalTerms())) . ')';
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
return $sql;
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2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
public function walkLikeExpression($likeExpr)
$sql = '';
$stringExpr = $likeExpr->getStringExpression();
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
if ($stringExpr instanceof AST\PathExpression) {
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
$sql .= $this->walkPathExpression($stringExpr);
} //TODO else...
$sql .= ' LIKE ' . $likeExpr->getStringPattern();
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
return $sql;
public function walkComparisonExpression($compExpr)
$sql = '';
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
if ($compExpr->getLeftExpression() instanceof AST\ArithmeticExpression) {
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
$sql .= $this->walkArithmeticExpression($compExpr->getLeftExpression());
} // else...
$sql .= ' ' . $compExpr->getOperator() . ' ';
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
if ($compExpr->getRightExpression() instanceof AST\ArithmeticExpression) {
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
$sql .= $this->walkArithmeticExpression($compExpr->getRightExpression());
return $sql;
public function walkArithmeticExpression($arithmeticExpr)
$sql = '';
if ($arithmeticExpr->isSimpleArithmeticExpression()) {
foreach ($arithmeticExpr->getSimpleArithmeticExpression()->getArithmeticTerms() as $term) {
$sql .= $this->walkArithmeticTerm($term);
} else {
$sql .= $this->walkSubselect($arithmeticExpr->getSubselect());
return $sql;
public function walkArithmeticTerm($term)
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
if (is_string($term)) return $term;
return implode(' ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkArithmeticFactor'),
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
public function walkArithmeticFactor($factor)
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
if (is_string($factor)) return $factor;
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
$sql = '';
$primary = $factor->getArithmeticPrimary();
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
if (is_numeric($primary)) {
$sql .= $primary;
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
} else if (is_string($primary)) {
//TODO: quote string according to platform
$sql .= $primary;
} else if ($primary instanceof AST\PathExpression) {
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
$sql .= $this->walkPathExpression($primary);
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
} else if ($primary instanceof AST\InputParameter) {
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
if ($primary->isNamed()) {
$sql .= ':' . $primary->getName();
} else {
$sql .= '?';
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
} else if ($primary instanceof AST\SimpleArithmeticExpression) {
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
$sql .= '(' . $this->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($primary) . ')';
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
// else...
return $sql;
2009-01-21 18:25:05 +00:00
public function walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($simpleArithmeticExpr)
return implode(' ', array_map(array(&$this, 'walkArithmeticTerm'),
2009-01-20 17:07:07 +00:00
public function walkPathExpression($pathExpr)
$sql = '';
if ($pathExpr->isSimpleStateFieldPathExpression()) {
$parts = $pathExpr->getParts();
$numParts = count($parts);
$dqlAlias = $parts[0];
$fieldName = $parts[$numParts-1];
$qComp = $this->_parserResult->getQueryComponent($dqlAlias);
$class = $qComp['metadata'];
if ($numParts > 2) {
for ($i = 1; $i < $numParts-1; ++$i) {
$sqlTableAlias = $this->_dqlToSqlAliasMap[$dqlAlias];
$sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $class->getColumnName($fieldName);
} else if ($pathExpr->isSimpleStateFieldAssociationPathExpression()) {
throw new Doctrine_Exception("Not yet implemented.");
} else {
throw new Doctrine_ORM_Query_Exception("Encountered invalid PathExpression during SQL construction.");
return $sql;
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
* Generates an SQL table alias from given table name and associates
* it with given component alias
* @param string $componentName Component name to be associated with generated table alias
* @return string Generated table alias
public function generateTableAlias($componentName)
$baseAlias = strtolower(preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '\\1', $componentName));
// We may have a situation where we have all chars are lowercased
if ($baseAlias == '') {
// We simply grab the first 2 chars of component name
2009-01-22 19:38:10 +00:00
$baseAlias = substr($componentName, 0, 2);
2009-01-19 18:40:12 +00:00
$alias = $baseAlias;
if ( ! isset($this->_tableAliasSeeds[$baseAlias])) {
$this->_tableAliasSeeds[$baseAlias] = 1;
} else {
$alias .= $this->_tableAliasSeeds[$baseAlias]++;
return $alias;