2007-10-15 02:43:29 +04:00
< ? php
* $Id : phpcoverage . remote . top . inc . php 14666 2005 - 03 - 23 19 : 39 : 55 Z npac $
* Copyright ( c ) 2004 - 2006 , SpikeSource Inc . All Rights Reserved .
* Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1
* ( See http :// www . spikesource . com / license . html )
< ? php
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST )){
$debug = false ;
// Uncomment the line below to permanently turn on debugging.
// Alternatively, export a variable called phpcoverage-debug before
// starting the web server.
$debug = true ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ " phpcoverage-debug " ]) ||
isset ( $_SERVER [ " phpcoverage-debug " ]) ||
isset ( $_ENV [ " phpcoverage-debug " ])) {
$debug = true ;
if ( $debug ) error_log ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] ################## START ################### " );
$basedir = dirname ( __FILE__ );
$this_script = basename ( __FILE__ );
$called_script = basename ( $_SERVER [ " SCRIPT_FILENAME " ]);
2007-10-21 10:23:59 +04:00
if ( ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ " PHPCOVERAGE_HOME " ])) {
2007-10-15 02:43:29 +04:00
if ( empty ( $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME )) {
$env_var = getenv ( " PHPCOVERAGE_HOME " );
if ( empty ( $env_var )) {
$msg = " Could not find PHPCOVERAGE_HOME. Please either export it in your environment before starting the web server. Or include PHPCOVERAGE_HOME=<path> in your HTTP request. " ;
error_log ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] FATAL: " . $msg );
die ( $msg );
else {
$PHPCOVERAGE_HOME = $env_var ;
if ( empty ( $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME ) || ! is_dir ( $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME )) {
$msg = " ERROR: Could not locate PHPCOVERAGE_HOME [ $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME ]. " ;
$msg .= " Use 'php <filename> PHPCOVERAGE_HOME=/path/to/coverage/home' \n " ;
die ( $msg );
// Fallback
2007-10-21 10:23:59 +04:00
if ( ! defined ( " PHPCOVERAGE_HOME " )) {
2007-10-15 02:43:29 +04:00
$include_path = get_include_path ();
set_include_path ( $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . " : " . $include_path );
if ( $debug ) error_log ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] PHPCOVERAGE_HOME= " . $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME );
// Register the shutdown function to get code coverage results before
// script exits abnormally.
register_shutdown_function ( 'spikephpcoverage_before_shutdown' );
require_once PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . " /conf/phpcoverage.conf.php " ;
require_once PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . " /util/Utility.php " ;
require_once PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . " /remote/RemoteCoverageRecorder.php " ;
require_once PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . " /reporter/HtmlCoverageReporter.php " ;
global $util ;
$logger = $util -> getLogger ();
// Create a distinct hash (may or may not be unique)
$session_id = md5 ( $_SERVER [ " REMOTE_ADDR " ] . $_SERVER [ " SERVER_NAME " ]);
$tmpFile = $util -> getTmpDir () . " /phpcoverage.session. " . $session_id ;
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] Session id: " . $session_id . " Saved in: " . $tmpFile ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
if ( file_exists ( $tmpFile )) {
$object = file_get_contents ( $tmpFile );
$cov = unserialize ( $object );
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] Coverage object found. " ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
else {
$covReporter = new HtmlCoverageReporter (
" PHPCoverage report " ,
" " ,
$util -> getTmpDir () . " /php-coverage-report "
$cov = new RemoteCoverageRecorder ( array (), array (), $covReporter );
$object = serialize ( $cov );
file_put_contents ( $tmpFile , $object );
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] Stored coverage object found " ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
2007-10-21 10:23:59 +04:00
if ( ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ " phpcoverage-action " ])) {
2007-10-15 02:43:29 +04:00
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] phpcoverage-action= " . strtolower ( $_REQUEST [ " phpcoverage-action " ]),
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
switch ( strtolower ( $_REQUEST [ " phpcoverage-action " ])) {
case " init " :
2007-10-21 10:23:59 +04:00
if ( ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ " tmp-dir " ])) {
2007-10-15 02:43:29 +04:00
$cov -> setTmpDir ( $_REQUEST [ " tmp-dir " ]);
$cov -> setCoverageFileName ( $_REQUEST [ " cov-file-name " ]);
2007-10-21 10:23:59 +04:00
if ( ! $cov -> cleanCoverageFile ()) {
2007-10-15 02:43:29 +04:00
die ( " Cannot delete existing coverage data. " );
break ;
case " instrument " :
break ;
case " get-coverage-xml " :
$cov -> getCoverageXml ();
break ;
case " cleanup " :
if ( file_exists ( $tmpFile ) && is_writable ( $tmpFile )) {
unlink ( $tmpFile );
unset ( $cov );
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] Cleaned up! " ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
return ;
else {
$logger -> error ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] Error deleting file: " . $tmpFile ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
break ;
$cov -> startInstrumentation ();
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] Instrumentation turned on. " ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
$object = serialize ( $cov );
file_put_contents ( $tmpFile , $object );
$logger -> info ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php] BEGIN: " . $called_script ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
function spikephpcoverage_before_shutdown () {
global $cov , $logger ;
$logger -> debug ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php::before_shutdown()] Getting code coverage before shutdown: START " ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );
require dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /phpcoverage.remote.bottom.inc.php " ;
$logger -> debug ( " [phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php::before_shutdown()] Getting code coverage before shutdown: FINISH " ,
__FILE__ , __LINE__ );