2009-05-21 08:53:40 +00:00
< ? php
namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional ;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../TestInit.php' ;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson ;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee ;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager ;
2009-05-26 11:30:07 +00:00
* Functional tests for the Class Table Inheritance mapping strategy .
2009-05-21 08:53:40 +00:00
* @ author robo
class ClassTableInheritanceTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase
protected function setUp () {
$this -> useModelSet ( 'company' );
parent :: setUp ();
public function testCRUD ()
2009-07-18 11:41:37 +00:00
2009-05-21 08:53:40 +00:00
$person = new CompanyPerson ;
$person -> setName ( 'Roman S. Borschel' );
$this -> _em -> save ( $person );
$employee = new CompanyEmployee ;
$employee -> setName ( 'Roman S. Borschel' );
$employee -> setSalary ( 100000 );
$employee -> setDepartment ( 'IT' );
$this -> _em -> save ( $employee );
$employee -> setName ( 'Guilherme Blanco' );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$query = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( " select p from Doctrine \T ests \ Models \ Company \ CompanyPerson p order by p.id asc " );
$entities = $query -> getResultList ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , count ( $entities ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $entities [ 0 ] instanceof CompanyPerson );
$this -> assertTrue ( $entities [ 1 ] instanceof CompanyEmployee );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $entities [ 0 ] -> getId ()));
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $entities [ 1 ] -> getId ()));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Roman S. Borschel' , $entities [ 0 ] -> getName ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Guilherme Blanco' , $entities [ 1 ] -> getName ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 100000 , $entities [ 1 ] -> getSalary ());
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$query = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( " select p from Doctrine \T ests \ Models \ Company \ CompanyEmployee p " );
$entities = $query -> getResultList ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $entities ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $entities [ 0 ] instanceof CompanyEmployee );
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $entities [ 0 ] -> getId ()));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Guilherme Blanco' , $entities [ 0 ] -> getName ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 100000 , $entities [ 0 ] -> getSalary ());
$this -> _em -> clear ();
2009-06-22 18:48:42 +00:00
//TODO: Test bulk UPDATE
2009-06-23 17:50:13 +00:00
$query = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( " update Doctrine \T ests \ Models \ Company \ CompanyEmployee p set p.name = ?1, p.department = ?2 where p.name='Guilherme Blanco' and p.salary = ?3 " );
$query -> setParameter ( 1 , 'NewName' );
$query -> setParameter ( 2 , 'NewDepartment' );
$query -> setParameter ( 3 , 100000 );
$query -> getSql ();
$numUpdated = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $numUpdated );
2009-06-22 18:48:42 +00:00
$query = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( " delete from Doctrine \T ests \ Models \ Company \ CompanyPerson p " );
$numDeleted = $query -> execute ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $numDeleted );
2009-05-21 08:53:40 +00:00
2009-05-26 11:30:07 +00:00
public function testMultiLevelUpdateAndFind () {
$manager = new CompanyManager ;
$manager -> setName ( 'Roman S. Borschel' );
$manager -> setSalary ( 100000 );
$manager -> setDepartment ( 'IT' );
$manager -> setTitle ( 'CTO' );
$this -> _em -> save ( $manager );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$manager -> setName ( 'Roman B.' );
$manager -> setSalary ( 119000 );
$manager -> setTitle ( 'CEO' );
$this -> _em -> save ( $manager );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$manager = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager' , $manager -> getId ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Roman B.' , $manager -> getName ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 119000 , $manager -> getSalary ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'CEO' , $manager -> getTitle ());
$this -> assertTrue ( is_numeric ( $manager -> getId ()));
public function testSelfReferencingOneToOne () {
$manager = new CompanyManager ;
$manager -> setName ( 'John Smith' );
$manager -> setSalary ( 100000 );
$manager -> setDepartment ( 'IT' );
$manager -> setTitle ( 'CTO' );
$wife = new CompanyPerson ;
$wife -> setName ( 'Mary Smith' );
$wife -> setSpouse ( $manager );
$this -> assertSame ( $manager , $wife -> getSpouse ());
$this -> assertSame ( $wife , $manager -> getSpouse ());
$this -> _em -> save ( $manager );
$this -> _em -> save ( $wife );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
//var_dump($this->_em->getConnection()->fetchAll('select * from company_persons'));
//var_dump($this->_em->getConnection()->fetchAll('select * from company_employees'));
//var_dump($this->_em->getConnection()->fetchAll('select * from company_managers'));
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$query = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( 'select p, s from Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson p join p.spouse s where p.name=\'Mary Smith\'' );
$result = $query -> getResultList ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $result ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $result [ 0 ] instanceof CompanyPerson );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Mary Smith' , $result [ 0 ] -> getName ());
$this -> assertTrue ( $result [ 0 ] -> getSpouse () instanceof CompanyEmployee );
2009-05-26 15:42:54 +00:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 'John Smith' , $result [ 0 ] -> getSpouse () -> getName ());
$this -> assertSame ( $result [ 0 ], $result [ 0 ] -> getSpouse () -> getSpouse ());
2009-05-26 11:30:07 +00:00
2009-06-14 17:34:28 +00:00
public function testSelfReferencingManyToMany ()
$person1 = new CompanyPerson ;
$person1 -> setName ( 'Roman' );
$person2 = new CompanyPerson ;
$person2 -> setName ( 'Jonathan' );
$person1 -> addFriend ( $person2 );
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $person1 -> getFriends ()));
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $person2 -> getFriends ()));
$this -> _em -> save ( $person1 );
$this -> _em -> save ( $person2 );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$query = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( 'select p, f from Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson p join p.friends f where p.name=?1' );
$query -> setParameter ( 1 , 'Roman' );
$result = $query -> getResultList ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $result ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $result [ 0 ] -> getFriends ()));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Roman' , $result [ 0 ] -> getName ());
$friends = $result [ 0 ] -> getFriends ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Jonathan' , $friends [ 0 ] -> getName ());
2009-05-21 08:53:40 +00:00