Searching is a huge topic, hence an entire chapter has been devoted to a plugin called Doctrine_Search. Doctrine_Search is a fulltext indexing and searching tool similar to Apache Lucene.
Consider we have a class called NewsItem with the following definition:
Now lets say we have an application where users are allowed to search for different news items, an obvious way to implement this would be building a form and based on that form build DQL queries such as:
Here we tell Doctrine that NewsItem class acts as searchable (internally Doctrine loads Doctrine_Template_Searchable) and fields title and content are marked as fulltext indexed fields. This means that everytime a NewsItem is added or updated Doctrine will:
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1. Update the inverse search index or
2. Add new pending entry to the inverse search index (its efficient to update the inverse search index in batches)
++ Index structure
The structure of the inverse index Doctrine uses is the following:
[ (string) keyword] [ (string) field ] [ (integer) position ] [ (mixed) [foreign_keys] ]
* **keyword** is the keyword in the text that can be searched for
* **field** is the field where the keyword was found
* **position** is the position where the keyword was found
* **[foreign_keys]** either one or multiple fields depending on the owner component (here NewsItem)
In the NewsItem example the [foreign_keys] would simply contain one field newsitem_id with foreign key references to NewsItem(id) and with onDelete => CASCADE constraint.