2010-04-02 21:37:15 +00:00
< ? php
namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional ;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavCountry ;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest ;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavTour ;
2012-02-18 16:07:55 +01:00
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPhotos ;
2012-07-29 09:27:08 +02:00
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavUser ;
2010-04-02 21:37:15 +00:00
class CompositePrimaryKeyTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase
public function setUp ()
$this -> useModelSet ( 'navigation' );
parent :: setUp ();
public function putGermanysBrandenburderTor ()
$country = new NavCountry ( " Germany " );
$this -> _em -> persist ( $country );
$poi = new NavPointOfInterest ( 100 , 200 , " Brandenburger Tor " , $country );
$this -> _em -> persist ( $poi );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
public function putTripAroundEurope ()
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 100 , 'long' => 200 ));
$tour = new NavTour ( " Trip around Europe " );
$tour -> addPointOfInterest ( $poi );
$this -> _em -> persist ( $tour );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
return $tour ;
public function testPersistCompositePkEntity ()
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
2011-12-19 22:56:19 +01:00
2010-04-02 21:37:15 +00:00
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 100 , 'long' => 200 ));
2011-07-26 11:38:09 +02:00
$this -> assertInstanceOf ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , $poi );
2010-04-02 21:37:15 +00:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 100 , $poi -> getLat ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $poi -> getLong ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Brandenburger Tor' , $poi -> getName ());
2012-02-18 16:07:55 +01:00
* @ group DDC - 1651
public function testSetParameterCompositeKeyObject ()
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 100 , 'long' => 200 ));
$photo = new NavPhotos ( $poi , " asdf " );
$this -> _em -> persist ( $photo );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$dql = 'SELECT t FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPhotos t WHERE t.poi = ?1' ;
$this -> setExpectedException ( 'Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException' , 'A single-valued association path expression to an entity with a composite primary key is not supported.' );
$sql = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( $dql ) -> getSQL ();
2012-12-16 20:48:43 -02:00
public function testIdentityFunctionWithCompositePrimaryKey ()
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 100 , 'long' => 200 ));
$photo = new NavPhotos ( $poi , " asdf " );
$this -> _em -> persist ( $photo );
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$dql = " SELECT IDENTITY(p.poi, 'long') AS long, IDENTITY(p.poi, 'lat') AS lat FROM Doctrine \T ests \ Models \N avigation \N avPhotos p " ;
$result = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( $dql ) -> getResult ();
$this -> assertCount ( 1 , $result );
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $result [ 0 ][ 'long' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 100 , $result [ 0 ][ 'lat' ]);
2010-04-02 21:37:15 +00:00
public function testManyToManyCompositeRelation ()
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
$tour = $this -> putTripAroundEurope ();
$tour = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavTour' , $tour -> getId ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $tour -> getPointOfInterests ()));
public function testCompositeDqlEagerFetching ()
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
$this -> putTripAroundEurope ();
$dql = 'SELECT t, p, c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavTour t ' .
'INNER JOIN t.pois p INNER JOIN p.country c' ;
$tours = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( $dql ) -> getResult ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $tours ));
2011-12-19 22:56:19 +01:00
2010-04-02 21:37:15 +00:00
$pois = $tours [ 0 ] -> getPointOfInterests ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $pois ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'Brandenburger Tor' , $pois [ 0 ] -> getName ());
public function testCompositeCollectionMemberExpression ()
$this -> markTestSkipped ( 'How to test this?' );
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
$this -> putTripAroundEurope ();
$dql = 'SELECT t FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavTour t, Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest p ' .
'WHERE p MEMBER OF t.pois' ;
$tours = $this -> _em -> createQuery ( $dql )
-> getResult ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $tours ));
2011-12-19 22:56:19 +01:00
2013-03-11 00:08:58 +00:00
public function testSpecifyUnknownIdentifierPrimaryKeyFails ()
2011-12-01 21:18:39 +01:00
$this -> setExpectedException ( 'Doctrine\ORM\ORMException' , 'The identifier long is missing for a query of Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' );
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'key1' => 100 ));
2012-07-29 09:27:08 +02:00
2015-05-10 00:28:28 +02:00
public function testUnrecognizedIdentifierFieldsOnGetReference ()
$this -> setExpectedException ( 'Doctrine\ORM\ORMException' , " Unrecognized identifier fields: 'key1' " );
$poi = $this -> _em -> getReference ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 10 , 'long' => 20 , 'key1' => 100 ));
2012-07-29 09:27:08 +02:00
* @ group DDC - 1939
public function testDeleteCompositePersistentCollection ()
$this -> putGermanysBrandenburderTor ();
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 100 , 'long' => 200 ));
$poi -> addVisitor ( new NavUser ( " test1 " ));
$poi -> addVisitor ( new NavUser ( " test2 " ));
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$poi -> getVisitors () -> clear ();
$this -> _em -> flush ();
$this -> _em -> clear ();
$poi = $this -> _em -> find ( 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPointOfInterest' , array ( 'lat' => 100 , 'long' => 200 ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 0 , count ( $poi -> getVisitors ()));
2012-02-18 16:07:55 +01:00