2006-10-09 18:00:14 +00:00
< ? php
* $Id $
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals
* and is licensed under the LGPL . For more information , see
* < http :// www . phpdoctrine . com >.
Doctrine :: autoload ( 'Doctrine_Access' );
* Doctrine_Record
* All record classes should inherit this super class
* @ author Konsta Vesterinen
* @ license LGPL
* @ package Doctrine
abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Access implements Countable , IteratorAggregate , Serializable {
* a Doctrine_Record is in dirty state when its properties are changed
const STATE_DIRTY = 1 ;
* a Doctrine_Record is in transient dirty state when it is created and some of its fields are modified
* but it is NOT yet persisted into database
const STATE_TDIRTY = 2 ;
* a Doctrine_Record is in clean state when all of its properties are loaded from the database
* and none of its properties are changed
const STATE_CLEAN = 3 ;
* a Doctrine_Record is in proxy state when its properties are not fully loaded
const STATE_PROXY = 4 ;
* a Doctrine_Record is in transient clean state when it is created and none of its fields are modified
const STATE_TCLEAN = 5 ;
* a Doctrine_Record turns into deleted state when it is deleted
const STATE_DELETED = 6 ;
* @ var object Doctrine_Table $table the factory that created this data access object
protected $table ;
* @ var integer $id the primary keys of this object
protected $id = array ();
* @ var array $data the record data
protected $data = array ();
* @ var integer $state the state of this record
* @ see STATE_ * constants
protected $state ;
* @ var array $modified an array containing properties that have been modified
protected $modified = array ();
* @ var array $collections the collections this record is in
private $collections = array ();
* @ var array $references an array containing all the references
private $references = array ();
* @ var array $originals an array containing all the original references
private $originals = array ();
* @ var Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack error stack object
protected $errorStack ;
* @ var integer $index this index is used for creating object identifiers
private static $index = 1 ;
* @ var Doctrine_Null $null a Doctrine_Null object used for extremely fast
* null value testing
private static $null ;
* @ var integer $oid object identifier
private $oid ;
* constructor
* @ param Doctrine_Table | null $table a Doctrine_Table object or null ,
* if null the table object is retrieved from current connection
* @ throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if object is created using the new operator and there are no
* open connections
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if the cleanData operation fails somehow
public function __construct ( $table = null ) {
if ( isset ( $table ) && $table instanceof Doctrine_Table ) {
$this -> table = $table ;
$exists = ( ! $this -> table -> isNewEntry ());
} else {
$this -> table = Doctrine_Manager :: getInstance () -> getCurrentConnection () -> getTable ( get_class ( $this ));
$exists = false ;
// Check if the current connection has the records table in its registry
// If not this record is only used for creating table definition and setting up
// relations.
if ( $this -> table -> getConnection () -> hasTable ( $this -> table -> getComponentName ())) {
$this -> oid = self :: $index ;
self :: $index ++ ;
$keys = $this -> table -> getPrimaryKeys ();
if ( ! $exists ) {
// listen the onPreCreate event
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onPreCreate ( $this );
} else {
// listen the onPreLoad event
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onPreLoad ( $this );
// get the data array
$this -> data = $this -> table -> getData ();
// get the column count
$count = count ( $this -> data );
// clean data array
$this -> cleanData ();
$this -> prepareIdentifiers ( $exists );
if ( ! $exists ) {
if ( $count > 0 )
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY ;
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TCLEAN ;
// set the default values for this record
$this -> setDefaultValues ();
// listen the onCreate event
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onCreate ( $this );
} else {
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN ;
if ( $count < $this -> table -> getColumnCount ()) {
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY ;
// listen the onLoad event
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onLoad ( $this );
$this -> errorStack = new Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack ();
$repository = $this -> table -> getRepository ();
$repository -> add ( $this );
* initNullObject
* @ param Doctrine_Null $null
* @ return void
public static function initNullObject ( Doctrine_Null $null ) {
self :: $null = $null ;
* @ return Doctrine_Null
public static function getNullObject () {
return self :: $null ;
* setUp
* this method is used for setting up relations and attributes
* it should be implemented by child classes
* @ return void
public function setUp () { }
* getOID
* returns the object identifier
* @ return integer
public function getOID () {
return $this -> oid ;
* isValid
* @ return boolean whether or not this record passes all column validations
public function isValid () {
if ( ! $this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_VLD ))
return true ;
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// Clear the stack from any previous errors.
$this -> errorStack -> clear ();
// Run validation process
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$validator = new Doctrine_Validator ();
$validator -> validateRecord ( $this );
$this -> validate ();
2006-10-11 16:24:18 +00:00
if ( $this -> state == self :: STATE_TDIRTY || $this -> state == self :: STATE_TCLEAN ) {
$this -> validateOnInsert ();
} else {
$this -> validateOnUpdate ();
2006-10-09 18:00:14 +00:00
return $this -> errorStack -> count () == 0 ? true : false ;
* Emtpy template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility
* to hook into the validation procedure , doing any custom / specialized
* validations that are neccessary .
protected function validate () {}
2006-10-11 16:24:18 +00:00
* Empty tempalte method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility
* to hook into the validation procedure only when the record is going to be
* updated .
protected function validateOnUpdate () {}
* Empty tempalte method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility
* to hook into the validation procedure only when the record is going to be
* inserted into the data store the first time .
protected function validateOnInsert () {}
2006-10-09 18:00:14 +00:00
* getErrorStack
* @ return Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack returns the errorStack associated with this record
public function getErrorStack () {
return $this -> errorStack ;
* setDefaultValues
* sets the default values for records internal data
* @ param boolean $overwrite whether or not to overwrite the already set values
* @ return boolean
public function setDefaultValues ( $overwrite = false ) {
if ( ! $this -> table -> hasDefaultValues ())
return false ;
foreach ( $this -> data as $column => $value ) {
$default = $this -> table -> getDefaultValueOf ( $column );
if ( $default === null )
$default = self :: $null ;
if ( $value === self :: $null || $overwrite ) {
$this -> data [ $column ] = $default ;
$this -> modified [] = $column ;
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY ;
* cleanData
* this method does several things to records internal data
* 1. It unserializes array and object typed columns
* 2. Uncompresses gzip typed columns
* 3. Gets the appropriate enum values for enum typed columns
* 4. Initializes special null object pointer for null values ( for fast column existence checking purposes )
* example :
* $data = array ( " name " => " John " , " lastname " => null , " id " => 1 , " unknown " => " unknown " );
* $names = array ( " name " , " lastname " , " id " );
* $data after operation :
* $data = array ( " name " => " John " , " lastname " => Object ( Doctrine_Null ));
* here column 'id' is removed since its auto - incremented primary key ( read - only )
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if unserialization of array / object typed column fails or
* if uncompression of gzip typed column fails
* @ return integer
private function cleanData ( $debug = false ) {
$tmp = $this -> data ;
$this -> data = array ();
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> table -> getColumnNames () as $name ) {
$type = $this -> table -> getTypeOf ( $name );
if ( ! isset ( $tmp [ $name ])) {
$this -> data [ $name ] = self :: $null ;
} else {
switch ( $type ) :
case " array " :
case " object " :
if ( $tmp [ $name ] !== self :: $null ) {
if ( is_string ( $tmp [ $name ])) {
$value = unserialize ( $tmp [ $name ]);
if ( $value === false )
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Unserialization of $name failed. " . var_dump ( substr ( $tmp [ $lower ], 0 , 30 ) . " ... " , true ));
} else
$value = $tmp [ $name ];
$this -> data [ $name ] = $value ;
break ;
case " gzip " :
if ( $tmp [ $name ] !== self :: $null ) {
$value = gzuncompress ( $tmp [ $name ]);
if ( $value === false )
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Uncompressing of $name failed. " );
$this -> data [ $name ] = $value ;
break ;
case " enum " :
$this -> data [ $name ] = $this -> table -> enumValue ( $name , $tmp [ $name ]);
break ;
default :
$this -> data [ $name ] = $tmp [ $name ];
endswitch ;
$count ++ ;
return $count ;
* prepareIdentifiers
* prepares identifiers for later use
* @ param boolean $exists whether or not this record exists in persistent data store
* @ return void
private function prepareIdentifiers ( $exists = true ) {
switch ( $this -> table -> getIdentifierType ()) :
case Doctrine_Identifier :: AUTO_INCREMENT :
case Doctrine_Identifier :: SEQUENCE :
$name = $this -> table -> getIdentifier ();
if ( $exists ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $name ]) && $this -> data [ $name ] !== self :: $null )
$this -> id [ $name ] = $this -> data [ $name ];
unset ( $this -> data [ $name ]);
break ;
case Doctrine_Identifier :: NORMAL :
$this -> id = array ();
$name = $this -> table -> getIdentifier ();
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $name ]) && $this -> data [ $name ] !== self :: $null )
$this -> id [ $name ] = $this -> data [ $name ];
break ;
case Doctrine_Identifier :: COMPOSITE :
$names = $this -> table -> getIdentifier ();
foreach ( $names as $name ) {
if ( $this -> data [ $name ] === self :: $null )
$this -> id [ $name ] = null ;
$this -> id [ $name ] = $this -> data [ $name ];
break ;
endswitch ;
* serialize
* this method is automatically called when this Doctrine_Record is serialized
* @ return array
public function serialize () {
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onSleep ( $this );
$vars = get_object_vars ( $this );
unset ( $vars [ 'references' ]);
unset ( $vars [ 'collections' ]);
unset ( $vars [ 'originals' ]);
unset ( $vars [ 'table' ]);
$name = $this -> table -> getIdentifier ();
$this -> data = array_merge ( $this -> data , $this -> id );
foreach ( $this -> data as $k => $v ) {
if ( $v instanceof Doctrine_Record )
unset ( $vars [ 'data' ][ $k ]);
elseif ( $v === self :: $null ) {
unset ( $vars [ 'data' ][ $k ]);
} else {
switch ( $this -> table -> getTypeOf ( $k )) :
case " array " :
case " object " :
$vars [ 'data' ][ $k ] = serialize ( $vars [ 'data' ][ $k ]);
break ;
endswitch ;
return serialize ( $vars );
* unseralize
* this method is automatically called everytime a Doctrine_Record object is unserialized
* @ param string $serialized Doctrine_Record as serialized string
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if the cleanData operation fails somehow
* @ return void
public function unserialize ( $serialized ) {
$manager = Doctrine_Manager :: getInstance ();
$connection = $manager -> getCurrentConnection ();
$this -> oid = self :: $index ;
self :: $index ++ ;
$this -> table = $connection -> getTable ( get_class ( $this ));
$array = unserialize ( $serialized );
foreach ( $array as $name => $values ) {
$this -> $name = $values ;
$this -> table -> getRepository () -> add ( $this );
$this -> cleanData ();
$this -> prepareIdentifiers ( $this -> exists ());
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onWakeUp ( $this );
* addCollection
* @ param Doctrine_Collection $collection
* @ param mixed $key
final public function addCollection ( Doctrine_Collection $collection , $key = null ) {
if ( $key !== null ) {
$this -> collections [ $key ] = $collection ;
} else {
$this -> collections [] = $collection ;
* getCollection
* @ param integer $key
* @ return Doctrine_Collection
final public function getCollection ( $key ) {
return $this -> collections [ $key ];
* hasCollections
* whether or not this record is part of a collection
* @ return boolean
final public function hasCollections () {
return ( ! empty ( $this -> collections ));
* getState
* returns the current state of the object
* @ see Doctrine_Record :: STATE_ * constants
* @ return integer
final public function getState () {
return $this -> state ;
* refresh
* refresh internal data from the database
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception When the refresh operation fails ( when the database row
* this record represents does not exist anymore )
* @ return boolean
final public function refresh () {
$id = $this -> obtainIdentifier ();
if ( ! is_array ( $id ))
$id = array ( $id );
if ( empty ( $id ))
return false ;
$id = array_values ( $id );
$query = $this -> table -> getQuery () . " WHERE " . implode ( " = ? AND " , $this -> table -> getPrimaryKeys ()) . " = ? " ;
$stmt = $this -> table -> getConnection () -> execute ( $query , $id );
$this -> data = $stmt -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
if ( ! $this -> data )
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( 'Failed to refresh. Record does not exist anymore' );
$this -> data = array_change_key_case ( $this -> data , CASE_LOWER );
$this -> modified = array ();
$this -> cleanData ( true );
$this -> prepareIdentifiers ();
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN ;
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onLoad ( $this );
return true ;
* factoryRefresh
* refreshes the data from outer source ( Doctrine_Table )
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception When the primary key of this record doesn ' t match the primary key fetched from a collection
* @ return void
final public function factoryRefresh () {
$this -> data = $this -> table -> getData ();
$old = $this -> id ;
$this -> cleanData ();
$this -> prepareIdentifiers ();
if ( $this -> id != $old )
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " The refreshed primary key doesn't match the one in the record memory. " , Doctrine :: ERR_REFRESH );
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN ;
$this -> modified = array ();
$this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onLoad ( $this );
* getTable
* returns the table object for this record
* @ return object Doctrine_Table a Doctrine_Table object
final public function getTable () {
return $this -> table ;
* getData
* return all the internal data
* @ return array an array containing all the properties
final public function getData () {
return $this -> data ;
* rawGet
* returns the value of a property , if the property is not yet loaded
* this method does NOT load it
* @ param $name name of the property
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to get an unknown property
* @ return mixed
public function rawGet ( $name ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> data [ $name ]))
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( 'Unknown property ' . $name );
if ( $this -> data [ $name ] === self :: $null )
return null ;
return $this -> data [ $name ];
* load
* loads all the unitialized properties from the database
* @ return boolean
public function load () {
// only load the data from database if the Doctrine_Record is in proxy state
if ( $this -> state == Doctrine_Record :: STATE_PROXY ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> collections )) {
// delegate the loading operation to collections in which this record resides
foreach ( $this -> collections as $collection ) {
$collection -> load ( $this );
} else {
$this -> refresh ();
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN ;
return true ;
return false ;
* get
* returns a value of a property or a related component
* @ param mixed $name name of the property or related component
* @ param boolean $invoke whether or not to invoke the onGetProperty listener
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to get a value of unknown property / related component
* @ return mixed
public function get ( $name , $invoke = true ) {
$listener = $this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER );
$value = self :: $null ;
$lower = strtolower ( $name );
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $lower ])) {
// check if the property is null (= it is the Doctrine_Null object located in self::$null)
if ( $this -> data [ $lower ] === self :: $null ) {
$this -> load ();
if ( $this -> data [ $lower ] === self :: $null )
$value = null ;
$value = $this -> data [ $lower ];
if ( $value !== self :: $null ) {
$value = $this -> table -> invokeGet ( $this , $name , $value );
if ( $invoke && $name !== $this -> table -> getIdentifier ())
return $this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onGetProperty ( $this , $name , $value );
return $value ;
return $value ;
if ( isset ( $this -> id [ $lower ]))
return $this -> id [ $lower ];
if ( $name === $this -> table -> getIdentifier ())
return null ;
$rel = $this -> table -> getRelation ( $name );
try {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> references [ $name ]))
$this -> loadReference ( $name );
} catch ( Doctrine_Table_Exception $e ) {
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Unknown property / related component ' $name '. " );
return $this -> references [ $name ];
* set
* method for altering properties and Doctrine_Record references
* if the load parameter is set to false this method will not try to load uninitialized record data
* @ param mixed $name name of the property or reference
* @ param mixed $value value of the property or reference
* @ param boolean $load whether or not to refresh / load the uninitialized record data
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to set a value for unknown property / related component
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to set a value of wrong type for related component
* @ return Doctrine_Record
public function set ( $name , $value , $load = true ) {
$lower = strtolower ( $name );
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $lower ])) {
if ( $value instanceof Doctrine_Record ) {
$id = $value -> getIncremented ();
if ( $id !== null )
$value = $id ;
if ( $load )
$old = $this -> get ( $lower , false );
$old = $this -> data [ $lower ];
if ( $old !== $value ) {
$value = $this -> table -> invokeSet ( $this , $name , $value );
$value = $this -> table -> getAttribute ( Doctrine :: ATTR_LISTENER ) -> onSetProperty ( $this , $name , $value );
if ( $value === null )
$value = self :: $null ;
$this -> data [ $lower ] = $value ;
$this -> modified [] = $lower ;
switch ( $this -> state ) :
case Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN :
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_DIRTY ;
break ;
case Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TCLEAN :
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY ;
break ;
endswitch ;
} else {
try {
$this -> coreSetRelated ( $name , $value );
} catch ( Doctrine_Table_Exception $e ) {
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Unknown property / related component ' $name '. " );
public function coreSetRelated ( $name , $value ) {
$rel = $this -> table -> getRelation ( $name );
// one-to-many or one-to-one relation
if ( $rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey ||
$rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey ) {
if ( ! $rel -> isOneToOne ()) {
// one-to-many relation found
if ( ! ( $value instanceof Doctrine_Collection ))
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Collection when setting one-to-many references. " );
$value -> setReference ( $this , $rel );
} else {
// one-to-one relation found
if ( ! ( $value instanceof Doctrine_Record ))
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Record when setting one-to-one references. " );
if ( $rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey ) {
$this -> set ( $rel -> getLocal (), $value , false );
} else {
$value -> set ( $rel -> getForeign (), $this , false );
} elseif ( $rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association ) {
// join table relation found
if ( ! ( $value instanceof Doctrine_Collection ))
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Collection when setting many-to-many references. " );
$this -> references [ $name ] = $value ;
* contains
* @ param string $name
* @ return boolean
public function contains ( $name ) {
$lower = strtolower ( $name );
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $lower ]))
return true ;
if ( isset ( $this -> id [ $lower ]))
return true ;
if ( isset ( $this -> references [ $name ]))
return true ;
return false ;
* @ param string $name
* @ return void
public function __unset ( $name ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $name ]))
$this -> data [ $name ] = array ();
// todo: what to do with references ?
* applies the changes made to this object into database
* this method is smart enough to know if any changes are made
* and whether to use INSERT or UPDATE statement
* this method also saves the related composites
* @ return void
final public function save ( Doctrine_Connection $conn = null ) {
if ( $conn === null ) {
$conn = $this -> table -> getConnection ();
$conn -> beginTransaction ();
2006-10-11 16:24:18 +00:00
2006-10-09 18:00:14 +00:00
$saveLater = $conn -> saveRelated ( $this );
if ( $this -> isValid ()) {
$conn -> save ( $this );
} else {
$conn -> getTransaction () -> addInvalid ( $this );
foreach ( $saveLater as $fk ) {
$table = $fk -> getTable ();
$alias = $this -> table -> getAlias ( $table -> getComponentName ());
if ( isset ( $this -> references [ $alias ])) {
$obj = $this -> references [ $alias ];
$obj -> save ();
// save the MANY-TO-MANY associations
$this -> saveAssociations ();
$conn -> commit ();
* returns an array of modified fields and associated values
* @ return array
final public function getModified () {
$a = array ();
foreach ( $this -> modified as $k => $v ) {
$a [ $v ] = $this -> data [ $v ];
return $a ;
* returns an array of modified fields and values with data preparation
* adds column aggregation inheritance and converts Records into primary key values
* @ return array
final public function getPrepared ( array $array = array ()) {
$a = array ();
if ( empty ( $array ))
$array = $this -> modified ;
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
$type = $this -> table -> getTypeOf ( $v );
if ( $this -> data [ $v ] === self :: $null ) {
$a [ $v ] = null ;
continue ;
switch ( $type ) {
case 'array' :
case 'object' :
$a [ $v ] = serialize ( $this -> data [ $v ]);
break ;
case 'gzip' :
$a [ $v ] = gzcompress ( $this -> data [ $v ], 5 );
break ;
case 'boolean' :
$a [ $v ] = ( int ) $this -> data [ $v ];
break ;
case 'enum' :
$a [ $v ] = $this -> table -> enumIndex ( $v , $this -> data [ $v ]);
break ;
default :
if ( $this -> data [ $v ] instanceof Doctrine_Record )
$this -> data [ $v ] = $this -> data [ $v ] -> getIncremented ();
$a [ $v ] = $this -> data [ $v ];
foreach ( $this -> table -> getInheritanceMap () as $k => $v ) {
$old = $this -> get ( $k , false );
if (( string ) $old !== ( string ) $v || $old === null ) {
$a [ $k ] = $v ;
$this -> data [ $k ] = $v ;
return $a ;
* count
* this class implements countable interface
* @ return integer the number of columns
public function count () {
return count ( $this -> data );
* alias for count ()
* @ return integer
public function getColumnCount () {
return $this -> count ();
* toArray
* returns the record as an array
* @ return array
public function toArray () {
$a = array ();
foreach ( $this as $column => $value ) {
$a [ $column ] = $value ;
if ( $this -> table -> getIdentifierType () == Doctrine_Identifier :: AUTO_INCREMENT ) {
$i = $this -> table -> getIdentifier ();
$a [ $i ] = $this -> getIncremented ();
return $a ;
* exists
* returns true if this record is persistent , otherwise false
* @ return boolean
public function exists () {
return ( $this -> state !== Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TCLEAN &&
$this -> state !== Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TDIRTY );
* method for checking existence of properties and Doctrine_Record references
* @ param mixed $name name of the property or reference
* @ return boolean
public function hasRelation ( $name ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> data [ $name ]) || isset ( $this -> id [ $name ]))
return true ;
return $this -> table -> hasRelation ( $name );
* getIterator
* @ return Doctrine_Record_Iterator a Doctrine_Record_Iterator that iterates through the data
public function getIterator () {
return new Doctrine_Record_Iterator ( $this );
* saveAssociations
* save the associations of many - to - many relations
* this method also deletes associations that do not exist anymore
* @ return void
final public function saveAssociations () {
foreach ( $this -> table -> getRelations () as $fk ) {
$table = $fk -> getTable ();
$name = $table -> getComponentName ();
$alias = $this -> table -> getAlias ( $name );
if ( $fk instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association ) {
switch ( $fk -> getType ()) :
case Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_AGGREGATE :
$asf = $fk -> getAssociationFactory ();
if ( isset ( $this -> references [ $alias ])) {
$new = $this -> references [ $alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $this -> originals [ $alias ])) {
$this -> loadReference ( $alias );
$r = Doctrine_Relation :: getDeleteOperations ( $this -> originals [ $alias ], $new );
foreach ( $r as $record ) {
$query = " DELETE FROM " . $asf -> getTableName () . " WHERE " . $fk -> getForeign () . " = ? "
. " AND " . $fk -> getLocal () . " = ? " ;
$this -> table -> getConnection () -> execute ( $query , array ( $record -> getIncremented (), $this -> getIncremented ()));
$r = Doctrine_Relation :: getInsertOperations ( $this -> originals [ $alias ], $new );
foreach ( $r as $record ) {
$reldao = $asf -> create ();
$reldao -> set ( $fk -> getForeign (), $record );
$reldao -> set ( $fk -> getLocal (), $this );
$reldao -> save ();
$this -> originals [ $alias ] = clone $this -> references [ $alias ];
break ;
endswitch ;
} elseif ( $fk instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey ||
$fk instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey ) {
if ( $fk -> isOneToOne ()) {
if ( isset ( $this -> originals [ $alias ]) && $this -> originals [ $alias ] -> obtainIdentifier () != $this -> references [ $alias ] -> obtainIdentifier ())
$this -> originals [ $alias ] -> delete ();
} else {
if ( isset ( $this -> references [ $alias ])) {
$new = $this -> references [ $alias ];
if ( ! isset ( $this -> originals [ $alias ]))
$this -> loadReference ( $alias );
$r = Doctrine_Relation :: getDeleteOperations ( $this -> originals [ $alias ], $new );
foreach ( $r as $record ) {
$record -> delete ();
$this -> originals [ $alias ] = clone $this -> references [ $alias ];
* getOriginals
* returns an original collection of related component
* @ return Doctrine_Collection
final public function getOriginals ( $name ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> originals [ $name ]))
throw new InvalidKeyException ();
return $this -> originals [ $name ];
* deletes this data access object and all the related composites
* this operation is isolated by a transaction
* this event can be listened by the onPreDelete and onDelete listeners
* @ return boolean true on success , false on failure
public function delete ( Doctrine_Connection $conn = null ) {
if ( $conn == null ) {
$conn = $this -> table -> getConnection ();
return $conn -> delete ( $this );
* copy
* returns a copy of this object
* @ return Doctrine_Record
public function copy () {
return $this -> table -> create ( $this -> data );
* assignIdentifier
* @ param integer $id
* @ return void
final public function assignIdentifier ( $id = false ) {
if ( $id === false ) {
$this -> id = array ();
$this -> cleanData ();
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_TCLEAN ;
$this -> modified = array ();
} elseif ( $id === true ) {
$this -> prepareIdentifiers ( false );
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN ;
$this -> modified = array ();
} else {
$name = $this -> table -> getIdentifier ();
$this -> id [ $name ] = $id ;
$this -> state = Doctrine_Record :: STATE_CLEAN ;
$this -> modified = array ();
* assignOriginals
* @ param string $alias
* @ param Doctrine_Collection $coll
* @ return void
public function assignOriginals ( $alias , Doctrine_Collection $coll ) {
$this -> originals [ $alias ] = $coll ;
* returns the primary keys of this object
* @ return array
final public function obtainIdentifier () {
return $this -> id ;
* returns the value of autoincremented primary key of this object ( if any )
* @ return integer
final public function getIncremented () {
$id = current ( $this -> id );
if ( $id === false )
return null ;
return $id ;
* getLast
* this method is used internally be Doctrine_Query
* it is needed to provide compatibility between
* records and collections
* @ return Doctrine_Record
public function getLast () {
return $this ;
* hasRefence
* @ param string $name
* @ return boolean
public function hasReference ( $name ) {
return isset ( $this -> references [ $name ]);
* obtainReference
* @ param string $name
* @ throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to get an unknown related component
public function obtainReference ( $name ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> references [ $name ]))
return $this -> references [ $name ];
throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception ( " Unknown reference $name " );
* initalizes a one - to - many / many - to - many relation
* @ param Doctrine_Collection $coll
* @ param Doctrine_Relation $connector
* @ return boolean
public function initReference ( Doctrine_Collection $coll , Doctrine_Relation $connector ) {
$alias = $connector -> getAlias ();
if ( isset ( $this -> references [ $alias ]))
return false ;
if ( ! $connector -> isOneToOne ()) {
if ( ! ( $connector instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association ))
$coll -> setReference ( $this , $connector );
$this -> references [ $alias ] = $coll ;
$this -> originals [ $alias ] = clone $coll ;
return true ;
return false ;
public function lazyInitRelated ( Doctrine_Collection $coll , Doctrine_Relation $connector ) {
* addReference
* @ param Doctrine_Record $record
* @ param mixed $key
* @ return void
public function addReference ( Doctrine_Record $record , Doctrine_Relation $connector , $key = null ) {
$alias = $connector -> getAlias ();
$this -> references [ $alias ] -> add ( $record , $key );
$this -> originals [ $alias ] -> add ( $record , $key );
* getReferences
* @ return array all references
public function getReferences () {
return $this -> references ;
* setRelated
* @ param string $alias
* @ param Doctrine_Access $coll
final public function setRelated ( $alias , Doctrine_Access $coll ) {
$this -> references [ $alias ] = $coll ;
$this -> originals [ $alias ] = $coll ;
* loadReference
* loads a related component
* @ throws Doctrine_Table_Exception if trying to load an unknown related component
* @ param string $name
* @ return void
final public function loadReference ( $name ) {
$fk = $this -> table -> getRelation ( $name );
if ( $fk -> isOneToOne ()) {
$this -> references [ $name ] = $fk -> fetchRelatedFor ( $this );
} else {
$coll = $fk -> fetchRelatedFor ( $this );
$this -> references [ $name ] = $coll ;
$this -> originals [ $name ] = clone $coll ;
* filterRelated
* lazy initializes a new filter instance for given related component
* @ param $componentAlias alias of the related component
* @ return Doctrine_Filter
final public function filterRelated ( $componentAlias ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> filters [ $componentAlias ])) {
$this -> filters [ $componentAlias ] = new Doctrine_Filter ( $componentAlias );
return $this -> filters [ $componentAlias ];
* binds One - to - One composite relation
* @ param string $objTableName
* @ param string $fkField
* @ return void
final public function ownsOne ( $componentName , $foreignKey , $localKey = null ) {
$this -> table -> bind ( $componentName , $foreignKey , Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_COMPOSITE , $localKey );
* binds One - to - Many composite relation
* @ param string $objTableName
* @ param string $fkField
* @ return void
final public function ownsMany ( $componentName , $foreignKey , $localKey = null ) {
$this -> table -> bind ( $componentName , $foreignKey , Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_COMPOSITE , $localKey );
* binds One - to - One aggregate relation
* @ param string $objTableName
* @ param string $fkField
* @ return void
final public function hasOne ( $componentName , $foreignKey , $localKey = null ) {
$this -> table -> bind ( $componentName , $foreignKey , Doctrine_Relation :: ONE_AGGREGATE , $localKey );
* binds One - to - Many aggregate relation
* @ param string $objTableName
* @ param string $fkField
* @ return void
final public function hasMany ( $componentName , $foreignKey , $localKey = null ) {
$this -> table -> bind ( $componentName , $foreignKey , Doctrine_Relation :: MANY_AGGREGATE , $localKey );
* setPrimaryKey
* @ param mixed $key
final public function setPrimaryKey ( $key ) {
$this -> table -> setPrimaryKey ( $key );
* hasColumn
* sets a column definition
* @ param string $name
* @ param string $type
* @ param integer $length
* @ param mixed $options
* @ return void
final public function hasColumn ( $name , $type , $length = 2147483647 , $options = " " ) {
$this -> table -> setColumn ( $name , $type , $length , $options );
* countRelated
* @ param string $name the name of the related component
* @ return integer
public function countRelated ( $name ) {
$rel = $this -> table -> getRelation ( $name );
$componentName = $rel -> getTable () -> getComponentName ();
$alias = $rel -> getTable () -> getAlias ( get_class ( $this ));
$query = new Doctrine_Query ();
$query -> from ( $componentName . '(' . 'COUNT(1)' . ')' ) -> where ( $componentName . '.' . $alias . '.' . $this -> getTable () -> getIdentifier () . ' = ?' );
$array = $query -> execute ( array ( $this -> getIncremented ()));
return $array [ 0 ][ 'COUNT(1)' ];
* merge
* merges this record with an array of values
* @ param array $values
* @ return void
public function merge ( array $values ) {
foreach ( $this -> table -> getColumnNames () as $value ) {
try {
if ( isset ( $values [ $value ]))
$this -> set ( $value , $values [ $value ]);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// silence all exceptions
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public function setAttribute ( $attr , $value ) {
$this -> table -> setAttribute ( $attr , $value );
public function setTableName ( $tableName ) {
$this -> table -> setTableName ( $tableName );
public function setInheritanceMap ( $map ) {
$this -> table -> setInheritanceMap ( $map );
public function setEnumValues ( $column , $values ) {
$this -> table -> setEnumValues ( $column , $values );
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* addListener
* @ param Doctrine_DB_EventListener_Interface | Doctrine_Overloadable $listener
* @ return Doctrine_DB
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public function addListener ( $listener , $name = null ) {
$this -> table -> addListener ( $listener , $name = null );
return $this ;
* getListener
* @ return Doctrine_DB_EventListener_Interface | Doctrine_Overloadable
public function getListener () {
return $this -> table -> getListener ();
* setListener
* @ param Doctrine_DB_EventListener_Interface | Doctrine_Overloadable $listener
* @ return Doctrine_DB
public function setListener ( $listener ) {
$this -> table -> setListener ( $listener );
return $this ;
* call
* @ param string | array $callback valid callback
* @ param string $column column name
* @ param mixed arg1 ... argN optional callback arguments
* @ return Doctrine_Record
public function call ( $callback , $column ) {
$args = func_get_args ();
array_shift ( $args );
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if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ])) {
$column = $args [ 0 ];
$args [ 0 ] = $this -> get ( $column );
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$newvalue = call_user_func_array ( $callback , $args );
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$this -> data [ $column ] = $newvalue ;
return $this ;
* returns a string representation of this object
public function __toString () {
return Doctrine_Lib :: getRecordAsString ( $this );