mirror of synced 2025-03-03 14:23:13 +03:00
Сергей Чазов 34e8105583
Loyalty (#241)
* Loyalty program
* fix dot bug for shops-exoprt option
* delete credantials request from services
* add CurlException for credentials catch
* add catching CurlException
* edit error msgs
* add supportind double bonuses
* add any step for bonus-input field in sale.order.ajax template
* recalculate bonuses
* fix bonus rounded
* strtoupper for params in icml
* change delivery service code
2022-03-02 15:40:53 +03:00

905 lines
33 KiB

use Bitrix\Main\Context;
use Bitrix\Main\Context\Culture;
use Bitrix\Main\UserTable;
use Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\Manager;
use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Fields;
use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\OrderTable;
use Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable;
use Bitrix\Sale\Order;
use Intaro\RetailCrm\Component\Factory\ClientFactory;
use Intaro\RetailCrm\Component\ServiceLocator;
use Intaro\RetailCrm\Service\LoyaltyService;
use RetailCrm\ApiClient;
use Intaro\RetailCrm\Service\ManagerService;
use Intaro\RetailCrm\Service\LoyaltyAccountService;
use RetailCrm\Response\ApiResponse;
use \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Name\LocationTable as LocationTableName;
use Intaro\RetailCrm\Component\ConfigProvider;
* Class RetailCrmOrder
class RetailCrmOrder
* Creates order or returns order for mass upload
* @param array $arOrder
* @param $api
* @param $arParams
* @param bool $send
* @param null $site
* @param string $methodApi
* @return array|false|\Intaro\RetailCrm\Model\Api\Response\OrdersCreateResponse|\Intaro\RetailCrm\Model\Api\Response\OrdersEditResponse|null
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function orderSend(
array $arOrder,
bool $send = false,
$site = null,
string $methodApi = 'ordersEdit'
) {
if (!$api || empty($arParams)) { // add cond to check $arParams
return null;
if (empty($arOrder)) {
RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmOrder::orderSend', 'empty($arFields)', 'incorrect order');
return null;
$dimensionsSetting = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getOrderDimensions();
$currency = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getCurrencyOrDefault();
$optionCorpClient = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getCorporateClientStatus();
$order = [
'number' => $arOrder['NUMBER'],
'externalId' => $arOrder['ID'],
'createdAt' => $arOrder['DATE_INSERT'],
'customer' => isset($arParams['customerCorporate'])
? ['id' => $arParams['customerCorporate']['id']]
: ['externalId' => $arOrder['USER_ID']],
'orderType' => $arParams['optionsOrderTypes'][$arOrder['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] ?? '',
'status' => $arParams['optionsPayStatuses'][$arOrder['STATUS_ID']] ?? '',
'customerComment' => $arOrder['USER_DESCRIPTION'],
'managerComment' => $arOrder['COMMENTS'],
'managerId' => $arParams['managerId'] ?? null,
'delivery' => ['cost' => $arOrder['PRICE_DELIVERY']],
if (isset($arParams['contactExId'])) {
$order['contact']['externalId'] = $arParams['contactExId'];
if (isset($arParams['orderCompany']) && !empty($arParams['orderCompany'])) {
$company = $arParams['orderCompany'];
if (isset($company['id'])) {
$order['company']['id'] = $company['id'];
if (isset($company['name'])) {
$order['contragent']['legalName'] = $company['name'];
if ($send && isset($_COOKIE['_rc']) && $_COOKIE['_rc'] != '') {
$order['customer']['browserId'] = $_COOKIE['_rc'];
$order['contragent']['contragentType'] = $arParams['optionsContragentType'][$arOrder['PERSON_TYPE_ID']];
if ($methodApi === 'ordersEdit') {
$order['discountManualAmount'] = 0;
$order['discountManualPercent'] = 0;
foreach ($arOrder['PROPS']['properties'] as $prop) {
if (!empty($arParams['optionsLegalDetails'])
&& $search = array_search($prop['CODE'], $arParams['optionsLegalDetails'][$arOrder['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])
) {
$order['contragent'][$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];//legal order data
} elseif (!empty($arParams['optionsCustomFields'])
&& $search = array_search($prop['CODE'], $arParams['optionsCustomFields'][$arOrder['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])
) {
$order['customFields'][$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];//custom properties
} elseif ($search = array_search($prop['CODE'], $arParams['optionsOrderProps'][$arOrder['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {//other
if (in_array($search, ['fio', 'phone', 'email'])) {//fio, phone, email
if ($search === 'fio') {
$order = array_merge($order, RCrmActions::explodeFio($prop['VALUE'][0]));//add fio fields
} elseif ($search === 'email' && mb_strlen($prop['VALUE'][0]) > 100) {
} else {
// ignoring a property with a non-set group if the field value is already set
if (!empty($order[$search]) && $prop['PROPS_GROUP_ID'] == 0) {
$order[$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];//phone, email
} else {//address
if ($prop['TYPE'] === 'LOCATION' && isset($prop['VALUE'][0]) && $prop['VALUE'][0] != '') {
$arLoc = LocationTable::getByCode($prop['VALUE'][0])->fetch();
if ($arLoc) {
$server = Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot();
$countrys = [];
if (file_exists($server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/country.xml')) {
$countrysFile = simplexml_load_file($server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/country.xml');
foreach ($countrysFile->country as $country) {
$countrys[RCrmActions::fromJSON((string) $country->name)] = (string) $country->alpha;
$location = LocationTableName::getList([
'filter' => ['=LOCATION_ID' => $arLoc['CITY_ID'], 'LANGUAGE_ID' => 'ru']
if (count($countrys) > 0) {
$countryOrder = LocationTableName::getList([
'filter' => ['=LOCATION_ID' => $arLoc['COUNTRY_ID'], 'LANGUAGE_ID' => 'ru']
$order['countryIso'] = $countrys[$countryOrder['NAME']];
$prop['VALUE'][0] = $location['NAME'];
if (!empty($prop['VALUE'][0])) {
$order['delivery']['address'][$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];
if (array_key_exists($arOrder['DELIVERYS'][0]['id'], $arParams['optionsDelivTypes'])) {
$order['delivery']['code'] = $arParams['optionsDelivTypes'][$arOrder['DELIVERYS'][0]['id']];
if (isset($arOrder['DELIVERYS'][0]['service']) && $arOrder['DELIVERYS'][0]['service'] != '') {
$order['delivery']['service']['code'] = $arOrder['DELIVERYS'][0]['service'];
$weight = 0;
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
$length = 0;
if ('ordersEdit' === $methodApi) {
$response = RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, 'ordersGet', __METHOD__, $order['externalId']);
if (isset($response['order'])) {
foreach ($response['order']['items'] as $k => $item) {
$externalId = $k .'_'. $item['offer']['externalId'];
$orderItems[$externalId] = $item;
foreach ($arOrder['BASKET'] as $position => $product) {
$itemId = null;
$externalId = $position . '_' . $product['PRODUCT_ID'];
if (isset($orderItems[$externalId])) { //update
$externalIds = $orderItems[$externalId]['externalIds'];
$itemId = $orderItems[$externalId]['id'];
$key = array_search('bitrix', array_column($externalIds, 'code'));
if ($externalIds[$key]['code'] === 'bitrix') {
$externalIds[$key] = [
'code' => 'bitrix',
'value' => $externalId,
} else {
$externalIds[] = [
'code' => 'bitrix',
'value' => $externalId,
$keyBasketId = array_search('bitrixBasketId', array_column($externalIds, 'code'));
if ($externalIds[$keyBasketId]['code'] === 'bitrixBasketId') {
$externalIds[$keyBasketId] = [
'code' => 'bitrixBasketId',
'value' => $product['ID'],
} else {
$externalIds[] = [
'code' => 'bitrixBasketId',
'value' => $product['ID'],
} else { //create
$externalIds = [
'code' => 'bitrix',
'value' => $externalId,
'code' => 'bitrixBasketId',
'value' => $product['ID'],
$item = [
'externalIds' => $externalIds,
'quantity' => $product['QUANTITY'],
'offer' => [
'externalId' => $product['PRODUCT_ID'],
'xmlId' => $product['PRODUCT_XML_ID'],
'productName' => $product['NAME'],
if (isset($itemId)) {
$item['id'] = $itemId;
$catalogProduct = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($product['PRODUCT_ID']);
if (is_null($catalogProduct['PURCHASING_PRICE']) === false) {
if ($catalogProduct['PURCHASING_CURRENCY'] && $currency != $catalogProduct['PURCHASING_CURRENCY']) {
$purchasePrice = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency(
(double) $catalogProduct['PURCHASING_PRICE'],
} else {
$purchasePrice = $catalogProduct['PURCHASING_PRICE'];
$item['purchasePrice'] = $purchasePrice;
$discount = (double) $product['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
$dpItem = $product['BASE_PRICE'] - $product['PRICE'];
if ( $dpItem > 0 && $discount <= 0) {
$discount = $dpItem;
$item['discountManualPercent'] = 0;
$item['initialPrice'] = (double) $product['BASE_PRICE'];
if (
$product['BASE_PRICE'] >= $product['PRICE']
&& $methodApi === 'ordersEdit'
&& ConfigProvider::getLoyaltyProgramStatus() === 'Y'
) {
/** @var LoyaltyService $service */
$service = ServiceLocator::get(LoyaltyService::class);
$item['discountManualAmount'] = $service->getInitialDiscount((int) $externalId) ?? $discount;
} elseif ($product['BASE_PRICE'] >= $product['PRICE']) {
$item['discountManualAmount'] = self::getDiscountManualAmount($product);
$item['initialPrice'] = (double) $product['BASE_PRICE'];
} else {
$item['discountManualAmount'] = 0;
$item['initialPrice'] = $product['PRICE'];
$order['items'][] = $item;
if ($send && $dimensionsSetting === 'Y') {
$dimensions = RCrmActions::unserializeArrayRecursive($product['DIMENSIONS']);
if ($dimensions !== false) {
$width += $dimensions['WIDTH'];
$height += $dimensions['HEIGHT'];
$length += $dimensions['LENGTH'];
$weight += $product['WEIGHT'] * $product['QUANTITY'];
if ($send && $dimensionsSetting === 'Y') {
$order['width'] = $width;
$order['height'] = $height;
$order['length'] = $length;
$order['weight'] = $weight;
$payments = [];
foreach ($arOrder['PAYMENTS'] as $payment) {
$isIntegrationPayment = RetailCrmService::isIntegrationPayment($payment['PAY_SYSTEM_ID'] ?? null);
if (!empty($payment['PAY_SYSTEM_ID']) && isset($arParams['optionsPayTypes'][$payment['PAY_SYSTEM_ID']])) {
$pm = [
'type' => $arParams['optionsPayTypes'][$payment['PAY_SYSTEM_ID']]
if (!empty($payment['ID'])) {
$pm['externalId'] = RCrmActions::generatePaymentExternalId($payment['ID']);
if (!empty($payment['DATE_PAID']) && !$isIntegrationPayment) {
$pm['paidAt'] = new \DateTime($payment['DATE_PAID']);
if (!empty($arParams['optionsPayment'][$payment['PAID']]) && !$isIntegrationPayment) {
$pm['status'] = $arParams['optionsPayment'][$payment['PAID']];
if (RetailcrmConfigProvider::shouldSendPaymentAmount()) {
$pm['amount'] = $payment['SUM'];
$payments[] = $pm;
} else {
'OrderID = ' . $arOrder['ID'] . '. Payment not found.'
if (count($payments) > 0) {
$order['payments'] = $payments;
if (function_exists('retailCrmBeforeOrderSend')) {
$newResOrder = retailCrmBeforeOrderSend($order, $arOrder);
if (is_array($newResOrder) && !empty($newResOrder)) {
$order = $newResOrder;
} elseif ($newResOrder === false) {
'OrderID = ' . $arOrder['ID'] . '. Sending canceled after retailCrmBeforeOrderSend'
return false;
if ('ordersEdit' === $methodApi) {
$order = RetailCrmService::unsetIntegrationDeliveryFields($order);
$normalizer = new RestNormalizer();
$order = $normalizer->normalize($order, 'orders');
Logger::getInstance()->write($order, 'orderSend');
if (ConfigProvider::getLoyaltyProgramStatus() === 'Y' && LoyaltyAccountService::getLoyaltyPersonalStatus()) {
$order['privilegeType'] = 'loyalty_level';
/** @var \Intaro\RetailCrm\Component\ApiClient\ClientAdapter $client */
$client = ClientFactory::createClientAdapter();
if ($send) {
if ($methodApi === 'ordersCreate') {
return $client->createOrder($order, $site);
if ($methodApi === 'ordersEdit') {
return $client->editOrder($order, $site);
return $order;
* Mass order uploading, without repeating; always returns true, but writes error log
* @param int $pSize
* @param bool $failed -- flag to export failed orders
* @param array|null $orderList
* @return bool
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function uploadOrders(int $pSize = 50, bool $failed = false, array $orderList = []): bool
if (!RetailcrmDependencyLoader::loadDependencies()) {
return true;
$ordersPack = [];
$resCustomers = [];
$resCustomersAdded = [];
$resCustomersCorporate = [];
$orderIds = [];
$lastUpOrderId = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getLastOrderId();
$failedIds = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getFailedOrdersIds();
if ($failed == true && $failedIds !== false && count($failedIds) > 0) {
$orderIds = $failedIds;
} elseif (count($orderList) > 0) {
$orderIds = $orderList;
} else {
$dbOrder = OrderTable::GetList([
'order' => ['ID' => 'ASC'],
'filter' => ['>ID' => $lastUpOrderId],
'limit' => $pSize,
'select' => ['ID'],
while ($arOrder = $dbOrder->fetch()) {
$orderIds[] = $arOrder['ID'];
if (count($orderIds) <= 0) {
return false;
$optionsOrderTypes = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getOrderTypes();
$optionsDelivTypes = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getDeliveryTypes();
$optionsPayTypes = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getPaymentTypes();
$optionsPayStatuses = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getPaymentStatuses(); // --statuses
$optionsPayment = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getPayment();
$optionsOrderProps = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getOrderProps();
$optionsLegalDetails = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getLegalDetails();
$optionsContragentType = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getContragentTypes();
$optionsCustomFields = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getCustomFields();
$api = new ApiClient(RetailcrmConfigProvider::getApiUrl(), RetailcrmConfigProvider::getApiKey());
$arParams = [
'optionsOrderTypes' => $optionsOrderTypes,
'optionsDelivTypes' => $optionsDelivTypes,
'optionsPayTypes' => $optionsPayTypes,
'optionsPayStatuses' => $optionsPayStatuses,
'optionsPayment' => $optionsPayment,
'optionsOrderProps' => $optionsOrderProps,
'optionsLegalDetails' => $optionsLegalDetails,
'optionsContragentType' => $optionsContragentType,
'optionsSitesList' => RetailcrmConfigProvider::getSitesList(),
'optionsCustomFields' => $optionsCustomFields,
$recOrders = [];
foreach ($orderIds as $orderId) {
$bitrixOrder = Order::load($orderId);
if (!$bitrixOrder) {
$arCustomer = [];
$arCustomerCorporate = [];
$order = self::orderObjToArr($bitrixOrder);
$site = self::getCrmShopCodeByLid($order['LID'], $arParams['optionsSitesList']);
if (null === $site && count($arParams['optionsSitesList']) > 0) {
self::createCustomerForOrder($api, $arCustomer, $arCustomerCorporate,$arParams, $order, $site);
if (isset($order['RESPONSIBLE_ID']) && !empty($order['RESPONSIBLE_ID'])) {
$managerService = ManagerService::getInstance();
$arParams['managerId'] = $managerService->getManagerCrmId((int) $order['RESPONSIBLE_ID']);
$arOrders = self::orderSend($order, $api, $arParams, false, $site,'ordersCreate');
if (!$arCustomer || !$arOrders) {
if (!empty($arCustomerCorporate) && !empty($arCustomerCorporate['nickName'])) {
$resCustomersCorporate[$arCustomerCorporate['nickName']] = $arCustomerCorporate;
if (
array_key_exists('externalId', $arCustomer)
&& !in_array($arCustomer['externalId'], $resCustomersAdded, true)
) {
$resCustomersAdded[] = $arCustomer['externalId'];
$resCustomers[$order['LID']][] = $arCustomer;
$ordersPack[$order['LID']][] = $arOrders;
$recOrders[] = $orderId;
if (count($ordersPack) > 0) {
if (false === RetailCrmOrder::uploadCustomersList($resCustomers, $api, $arParams['optionsSitesList'])) {
return false;
if ('Y' === RetailcrmConfigProvider::getCorporateClientStatus()) {
$cachedCorporateIds = [];
foreach ($ordersPack as $lid => $lidOrdersList) {
foreach ($lidOrdersList as $key => $orderData) {
$lidOrdersList[$key] = self::addCorporateCustomerToOrder(
$ordersPack[$lid] = $lidOrdersList;
if (false === RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrdersList($ordersPack, $api, $arParams['optionsSitesList'])) {
return false;
if ($failed == true && $failedIds !== false && count($failedIds) > 0) {
RetailcrmConfigProvider::setFailedOrdersIds(array_diff($failedIds, $recOrders));
} elseif (count($orderList) === 0 && $lastUpOrderId < max($recOrders)) {
return true;
* @param \RetailCrm\ApiClient $api
* @param array $arCustomer
* @param array $arCustomerCorporate
* @param array $arParams
* @param array $order
* @param $site
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
* @throws \Exception
public static function createCustomerForOrder(
ApiClient $api,
array &$arCustomer,
array &$arCustomerCorporate,
array &$arParams,
array $order,
): void {
$optionsContragentType = RetailcrmConfigProvider::getContragentTypes();
$user = UserTable::getById($order['USER_ID'])->fetch();
if ('Y' === RetailcrmConfigProvider::getCorporateClientStatus()) {
if (true === RetailCrmCorporateClient::isCorpTookExternalId((string) $user['ID'], $api)) {
RetailCrmCorporateClient::setPrefixForExternalId((string) $user['ID'], $api);
if (
'Y' === RetailcrmConfigProvider::getCorporateClientStatus()
&& $optionsContragentType[$order['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] === 'legal-entity'
) {
// TODO check if order is corporate, and if it IS - make corporate order
$arCustomer = RetailCrmUser::customerSend(
$arCustomerCorporate = RetailCrmCorporateClient::clientSend(
$arParams['orderCompany'] = isset($arCustomerCorporate['companies'])
? reset($arCustomerCorporate['companies'])
: null;
$arParams['contactExId'] = $user['ID'];
$arCustomer = RetailCrmUser::customerSend(
if (isset($arParams['contactExId'])) {
* @param array $orderData
* @param \RetailCrm\ApiClient $api
* @param array $resCustomersCorporate
* @param array $cachedCorporateIds
* @return array
public static function addCorporateCustomerToOrder(
array $orderData,
ApiClient $api,
array $resCustomersCorporate,
array &$cachedCorporateIds
): array {
$customerLegalName = $orderData['contragent']['legalName'];
if (
&& $orderData['contragent']['contragentType'] === 'legal-entity'
&& !empty($customerLegalName)
) {
if (isset($cachedCorporateIds[$customerLegalName])) {
$orderData['customer'] = ['id' => $cachedCorporateIds[$customerLegalName]];
} else {
$corpListResponse = $api->customersCorporateList(['nickName' => [$customerLegalName]]);
if (
&& $corpListResponse->isSuccessful()
&& $corpListResponse->offsetExists('customersCorporate')
&& !empty($corpListResponse['customersCorporate'])
) {
$corpListResponse = $corpListResponse['customersCorporate'];
$corpListResponse = reset($corpListResponse);
$orderData['customer'] = ['id' => $corpListResponse['id']];
$cachedCorporateIds[$customerLegalName] = $corpListResponse['id'];
} elseif (array_key_exists($customerLegalName, $resCustomersCorporate)) {
$createResponse = $api->customersCorporateCreate(
if ($createResponse && $createResponse->isSuccessful()) {
$orderData['customer'] = ['id' => $createResponse['id']];
$cachedCorporateIds[$customerLegalName] = $createResponse['id'];
time_nanosleep(0, 250000000);
return $orderData;
* @param array $resCustomers
* @param RetailCrm\ApiClient $api
* @param array $optionsSitesList
* @return array|false
public static function uploadCustomersList(array $resCustomers, ApiClient $api, array $optionsSitesList)
return self::uploadItems(
* @param array $resOrders
* @param RetailCrm\ApiClient $api
* @param array $optionsSitesList
* @return array|false
public static function uploadOrdersList(array $resOrders, ApiClient $api, array $optionsSitesList)
return self::uploadItems(
* @param string $orderLid
* @param array $optionsSitesList
* @return string|null
public static function getCrmShopCodeByLid(string $orderLid, array $optionsSitesList): ?string
return $optionsSitesList[$orderLid] ?? null;
* @param array $pack
* @param string $method
* @param string $keyResponse
* @param RetailCrm\ApiClient $api
* @param array $optionsSitesList
* @return array|false
public static function uploadItems(
array $pack,
string $method,
string $keyResponse,
ApiClient $api,
array $optionsSitesList
) {
$uploaded = [];
$sizePack = 50;
foreach ($pack as $key => $itemLoad) {
$site = self::getCrmShopCodeByLid($key, $optionsSitesList);
if (null === $site && count($optionsSitesList) > 0) {
$chunkList = array_chunk($itemLoad, $sizePack, true);
foreach ($chunkList as $chunk) {
time_nanosleep(0, 250000000);
/** @var \RetailCrm\Response\ApiResponse|bool $response */
$response = RCrmActions::apiMethod(
if ($response === false) {
return false;
if (($response instanceof ApiResponse) && $response->offsetExists($keyResponse)) {
$uploaded = array_merge($uploaded, $response[$keyResponse]);
return $uploaded;
* Returns true if provided order array is corporate order data
* @param array|\ArrayAccess $order
* @return bool
public static function isOrderCorporate($order): bool
return isset($order['customer'], $order['customer']['type'])
&& (is_array($order) || $order instanceof ArrayAccess)
&& $order['customer']['type'] === 'customer_corporate';
* Converts order object to array
* @param \Bitrix\Sale\Order $obOrder
* @return array
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public static function orderObjToArr(Order $obOrder): array
$culture = new Culture(['FORMAT_DATETIME' => 'Y-m-d HH:i:s']);
$arOrder = [
'ID' => $obOrder->getId(),
'NUMBER' => $obOrder->getField('ACCOUNT_NUMBER'),
'LID' => $obOrder->getSiteId(),
'DATE_INSERT' => $obOrder->getDateInsert()->toString($culture),
'STATUS_ID' => $obOrder->getField('STATUS_ID'),
'USER_ID' => $obOrder->getUserId(),
'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $obOrder->getPersonTypeId(),
'CURRENCY' => $obOrder->getCurrency(),
'PAYMENTS' => [],
'DELIVERYS' => [],
'PRICE_DELIVERY' => $obOrder->getDeliveryPrice(),
'PROPS' => $obOrder->getPropertyCollection()->getArray(),
'DISCOUNTS' => $obOrder->getDiscount()->getApplyResult(),
'BASKET' => [],
'COMMENTS' => $obOrder->getField('COMMENTS'),
'RESPONSIBLE_ID' => $obOrder->getField('RESPONSIBLE_ID'),
$shipmentList = $obOrder->getShipmentCollection();
foreach ($shipmentList as $shipmentData) {
if ($shipmentData->isSystem()) {
if ($shipmentData->getDeliveryId()) {
$delivery = Manager::getById($shipmentData->getDeliveryId());
$siteDeliverys = RCrmActions::DeliveryList();
foreach ($siteDeliverys as $siteDelivery) {
if ($siteDelivery['ID'] == $delivery['ID'] && $siteDelivery['PARENT_ID'] == 0) {
if ($delivery['PARENT_ID']) {
$service = explode(':', $delivery['CODE']);
$shipment = ['id' => $delivery['PARENT_ID'], 'service' => $service[1]];
} else {
$shipment = ['id' => $delivery['ID']];
$arOrder['DELIVERYS'][] = $shipment;
$paymentList = $obOrder->getPaymentCollection();
foreach ($paymentList as $paymentData) {
$arOrder['PAYMENTS'][] = $paymentData->getFields()->getValues();
$basketItems = $obOrder->getBasket();
foreach ($basketItems as $item) {
$arOrder['BASKET'][] = $item->getFields();
return $arOrder;
* @param \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Fields $product
* @return float
public static function getDiscountManualAmount(Fields $product): float
if ($product->get('CUSTOM_PRICE') === 'Y') {
$sumDifference = $product->get('BASE_PRICE') - $product->get('PRICE');
return $sumDifference > 0 ? $sumDifference : 0.0;
$discount = (double) $product->get('DISCOUNT_PRICE');
$dpItem = $product->get('BASE_PRICE') - $product->get('PRICE');
if ($dpItem > 0 && $discount <= 0) {
return $dpItem;
return $discount;