mirror of synced 2025-03-03 22:33:15 +03:00
2020-12-15 12:39:38 +03:00

97 lines
5.4 KiB

$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_GENERAL_TAB'] = 'General settings';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_IMPORT_TAB'] = 'Import settings';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_ORDER_PROPS_TAB'] = 'Order property fields conformity';
$MESS ['ICRM_CONN_SETTINGS'] = 'Connection settings';
$MESS ['ICRM_API_HOST'] = 'Address of RetailCRM:';
$MESS ['ICRM_API_KEY'] = 'API key:';
$MESS ['ICRM_SITES'] = 'Active sites';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_CATALOG_TAB'] = 'Data books settings';
$MESS ['DELIVERY_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Delivery types';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Payment types';
$MESS ['ORDER_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Order types';
$MESS ['CONTRAGENTS_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Contragent type';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_LIST'] = 'Payment';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_Y'] = 'Paid';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_N'] = 'Not paid';
$MESS ['LEGAL_DETAIL'] = 'Legal entity and bank details';
$MESS ['ORDER_CUSTOM'] = 'Custom fields';
$MESS ['ORDER_UPLOAD'] = 'Re-upload orders';
$MESS ['ORDER_NUMBER'] = 'Order numbers: ';
$MESS ['ORDER_UPLOAD_INFO'] = 'Click "Start uploading" to upload all the orders . Or list the required order IDs separated by commas, intervals or dashes. For example: 1, 3, 5-10, 12, 13... etc.';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_SUBMIT_TITLE'] = 'Save settings';
$MESS ['ERR_404'] = 'CRM address may be incorrect.';
$MESS ['ERR_403'] = 'Wrong apiKey.';
$MESS ['ERR_JSON'] = 'Invalid data was received from CRM, check data books settings';
$MESS ['ERR_0'] = 'Server connection timeout error.';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_OK'] = 'Changes are successfully saved.';
$MESS ['CANCELED'] = 'Is «Cancelled»';
$MESS ['STATUS_NOT_SETTINGS'] ='Cannot find suitable statuses in Bitrix';
$MESS ['INFO_1'] = ' Set the correspondence between 1C-Bitrix data books and RetailCRM data books.';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_ORDER_DISCHARGE_TAB'] = 'Orders uploading mode';
$MESS ['ORDER_DISCH'] = 'Orders uploading mode';
$MESS ['DISCHARGE_AGENT'] = 'Upload orders using agent';
$MESS ['DISCHARGE_EVENTS'] = 'Upload orders by events';
$MESS ['INFO_2'] = ' Set the correspondence between 1C-Bitrix and RetailCRM order fields.';
$MESS ['ORDER_PROPS'] = 'Correspondence settings between RetailCRM order fields and 1C-Bitrix order properties';
$MESS ['FIO'] = 'Full name';
$MESS ['ZIP'] = 'Zip code';
$MESS ['ADDRESS'] = 'Address (string)';
$MESS ['PHONE'] = 'Phone';
$MESS ['EMAIL'] = 'E-mail';
$MESS ['COUNTRY'] = 'Country';
$MESS ['REGION'] = 'Region';
$MESS ['CITY'] = 'City';
$MESS ['STREET'] = 'Street';
$MESS ['BUILDING'] = 'Building';
$MESS ['FLAT'] = 'Flat';
$MESS ['INTERCOMCODE'] = 'Intercom code';
$MESS ['FLOOR'] = 'Floor';
$MESS ['BLOCK'] = 'Block';
$MESS ['HOUSE'] = 'House';
$MESS ['ADDRESS_SHORT'] = 'Short address';
$MESS ['ADDRESS_FULL'] = 'Detailed address';
$MESS ['UPDATE_DELIVERY_SERVICES'] = 'Upload delivery types';
$MESS ['MESS_1'] = 'An error occurred when uploading one or more delivery types, please try again. If the problem repeated, please contact Intaro Software.';
$MESS ['MESS_2'] = 'A server error occurred, please contact Intaro Software.';
$MESS ['ORDER_TYPES_LIST_CUSTOM'] = 'Attention! There is non-standard conforminty of order types.';
$MESS ['ORDER_UPL_START'] = 'Start uploading';
$MESS ['UPLOAD_ORDERS_OPTIONS'] = 'Manual uploading';
$MESS ['OTHER_OPTIONS'] = 'Other settings';
$MESS ['ORDERS_OPTIONS'] = 'Order settings';
$MESS ['ORDER_NUMBERS'] = 'Send order numbers to the store for orders created in CRM';
$MESS ['CRM_API_VERSION'] = 'API version';
$MESS ['CURRENCY'] = 'Currency set in the order when uploading from CRM';
$MESS ['ORDER_DIMENSIONS'] = 'Send dimensions and weight of the products in the order';
$MESS ['SEND_PAYMENT_AMOUNT'] = 'Send payment amount in the order';
$MESS ['INVENTORIES_UPLOAD'] = 'Enable leftovers uploading by warehouse';
$MESS ['INVENTORIES'] = 'Warehouses';
$MESS ['SHOPS_INVENTORIES_UPLOAD'] = 'Stores where leftovers will be uploaded';
$MESS ['IBLOCKS_UPLOAD'] = 'Products info blocks';
$MESS ['PRICES_UPLOAD'] = 'Enable uploading of price types for products';
$MESS ['PRICE_TYPES'] = 'Uploaded price types';
$MESS ['SHOPS_PRICES_UPLOAD'] = 'Stores where additional price types will be uploaded';
$MESS ['DEMON_COLLECTOR'] = 'Activate Daemon Collector';
$MESS ['DEMON_KEY'] = 'Key for';
$MESS ['UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS'] = 'Activate integration with UA';
$MESS ['ID_UA'] = 'Tracking ID:';
$MESS ['INDEX_UA'] = 'Custom Dimension index:';
$MESS ['API_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Wrong API version';
$MESS ['API_NOT_WORK'] = 'Selected API version is not supported';
$MESS['CORP_CLIENTE'] = 'Corporate customer';
$MESS['CORP_NAME'] = "Name";
$MESS['CORP_ADRESS'] = "Address";
$MESS['CORP_LABEL'] = "Stores where corporate customers will be uploaded";
$MESS['ROUND_LABEL'] = "If enabled, rounding will be up to smallest value";
$MESS['ROUND_HEADER'] = "If enabled, rounding will be up to smallest value";
$MESS['ROUND_PRICE_FOR_SAME_POSITIONS'] = "Rounding up the product price for identical order items";
$MESS['PURCHASE_ICML'] = "If enabled, ICML generation will reset the purchase price to 0 if it is not specified";
$MESS['PURCHASE_HEADER'] = "Reset purchase price in ICML";
$MESS['PHONE_REQUIRED'] = "In the main module settings «Phone Number is required» option was enabled, so it may cause problems with reverse synchronization. For proper work you must disable this option.";
$MESS['CHANGE_SHIPMENT_STATUS_FROM_CRM'] = "Change the shipment status when corresponding flag is received from RetailCRM";
$MESS ['ONLINE_CONSULTANT'] = 'Activate Online Consultant';
$MESS ['ONLINE_CONSULTANT_LABEL'] = 'Online Consultant script';