mirror of synced 2025-03-25 09:33:52 +03:00

157 lines
9.9 KiB

$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_GENERAL_TAB'] = 'General settings';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_IMPORT_TAB'] = 'Import settings';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_ORDER_PROPS_TAB'] = 'Order property fields conformity';
$MESS ['ICRM_CONN_SETTINGS'] = 'Connection settings';
$MESS ['ICRM_API_HOST'] = 'Address of RetailCRM:';
$MESS ['ICRM_API_KEY'] = 'API key:';
$MESS ['ICRM_SITES'] = 'Active sites';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_CATALOG_TAB'] = 'Data books settings';
$MESS ['DELIVERY_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Delivery types';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Payment types';
$MESS ['ORDER_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Order types';
$MESS ['CRM_ORDER_METHODS'] = 'Transfer of orders from CRM to Bitrix';
$MESS ['CRM_ORDER_METHODS_OPTION'] = 'Upload orders using selected methods from RetailCRM';
$MESS ['CONTRAGENTS_TYPES_LIST'] = 'Contragent type';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_LIST'] = 'Payment';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_Y'] = 'Paid';
$MESS ['PAYMENT_N'] = 'Not paid';
$MESS ['LEGAL_DETAIL'] = 'Legal entity and bank details';
$MESS ['ORDER_CUSTOM'] = 'Custom fields';
$MESS ['COUPON_CUSTOM_FIELD'] = 'Select a custom field in the CRM to transfer the applied coupon in the Bitrix order';
$MESS ['SELECT_VALUE'] = '-- Select a value --';
$MESS ['ORDER_UPLOAD'] = 'Re-upload orders';
$MESS ['ORDER_NUMBER'] = 'Order numbers: ';
$MESS ['ORDER_UPLOAD_INFO'] = 'Click "Start uploading" to upload all the orders . Or list the required order IDs separated by commas, intervals or dashes. For example: 1, 3, 5-10, 12, 13... etc.';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_SUBMIT_TITLE'] = 'Save settings';
$MESS ['ERR_403_LABEL'] = 'The module must be added for it to work correctly: %s';
$MESS ['ERR_404'] = 'CRM address may be incorrect.';
$MESS ['ERR_403'] = '<a target="_blank" href="https://docs.retailcrm.ru/Users/Integration/SiteModules/1CBitrix/CreatingOnlineStore1CBitrix">Insufficient permissions for API key. %s</a>';
$MESS ['ERR_403_CUSTOM'] = 'Not enough permissions for API key!';
$MESS ['ERR_JSON'] = 'Invalid data was received from CRM, check data books settings';
$MESS ['ERR_0'] = 'Server connection timeout error.';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_OK'] = 'Changes are successfully saved.';
$MESS ['CANCELED'] = 'Is «Cancelled»';
$MESS ['STATUS_NOT_SETTINGS'] ='Cannot find suitable statuses in Bitrix';
$MESS ['INFO_1'] = ' Set the correspondence between 1C-Bitrix data books and RetailCRM data books.';
$MESS ['ICRM_OPTIONS_ORDER_DISCHARGE_TAB'] = 'Orders uploading mode';
$MESS ['ORDER_DISCH'] = 'Orders uploading mode';
$MESS ['DISCHARGE_AGENT'] = 'Upload orders using agent';
$MESS ['DISCHARGE_EVENTS'] = 'Upload orders by events';
$MESS ['INFO_2'] = ' Set the correspondence between 1C-Bitrix and RetailCRM order fields.';
$MESS ['ORDER_PROPS'] = 'Correspondence settings between RetailCRM order fields and 1C-Bitrix order properties';
$MESS ['FIO'] = 'Full name';
$MESS ['ZIP'] = 'Zip code';
$MESS ['ADDRESS'] = 'Address (string)';
$MESS ['PHONE'] = 'Phone';
$MESS ['EMAIL'] = 'E-mail';
$MESS ['COUNTRY'] = 'Country';
$MESS ['REGION'] = 'Region';
$MESS ['CITY'] = 'City';
$MESS ['STREET'] = 'Street';
$MESS ['BUILDING'] = 'Building';
$MESS ['FLAT'] = 'Flat';
$MESS ['INTERCOMCODE'] = 'Intercom code';
$MESS ['FLOOR'] = 'Floor';
$MESS ['BLOCK'] = 'Block';
$MESS ['HOUSE'] = 'House';
$MESS ['ADDRESS_SHORT'] = 'Short address';
$MESS ['ADDRESS_FULL'] = 'Detailed address';
$MESS ['UPDATE_DELIVERY_SERVICES'] = 'Upload delivery types';
$MESS ['MESS_1'] = 'An error occurred when uploading one or more delivery types, please try again. If the problem repeated, please contact Intaro Software.';
$MESS ['MESS_2'] = 'A server error occurred, please contact Intaro Software.';
$MESS ['ORDER_TYPES_LIST_CUSTOM'] = 'Attention! There is non-standard conforminty of order types.';
$MESS ['ORDER_UPL_START'] = 'Start uploading';
$MESS ['UPLOAD_ORDERS_OPTIONS'] = 'Manual uploading';
$MESS ['OTHER_OPTIONS'] = 'Other settings';
$MESS ['ORDERS_OPTIONS'] = 'Order settings';
$MESS ['ORDER_NUMBERS'] = 'Transferring order numbers to the store for orders created in CRM';
$MESS ['ORDER_VAT'] = 'Transfer VAT of goods';
$MESS ['CRM_API_VERSION'] = 'API version';
$MESS ['CURRENCY'] = 'Currency set in the order when uploading from CRM';
$MESS ['SEND_PICKUP_POINT_ADDRESS'] = 'Transfer the pick-up point';
$MESS ['SEND_PICKUP_POINT_ADDRESS_WARNING'] = 'Important! The address of the pick-up point is correctly transmitted with one shipment added in the 1C-Bitrix order. If you have more than one shipment added, only the first one will be transmitted.';
$MESS ['ORDER_DIMENSIONS'] = 'Send dimensions and weight of the products in the order';
$MESS ['SEND_PAYMENT_AMOUNT'] = 'Send payment amount in the order';
$MESS ['INVENTORIES_UPLOAD'] = 'Enable leftovers uploading by warehouse';
$MESS ['INVENTORIES'] = 'Warehouses';
$MESS ['SHOPS_INVENTORIES_UPLOAD'] = 'Stores where leftovers will be uploaded';
$MESS ['IBLOCKS_UPLOAD'] = 'Products info blocks';
$MESS ['PRICES_UPLOAD'] = 'Enable uploading of price types for products';
$MESS ['PRICE_TYPES'] = 'Uploaded price types';
$MESS ['SHOPS_PRICES_UPLOAD'] = 'Stores where additional price types will be uploaded';
$MESS ['DEMON_COLLECTOR'] = 'Activate Daemon Collector';
$MESS ['DEMON_KEY'] = 'Key for';
$MESS ['UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS'] = 'Activate integration with UA';
$MESS ['ID_UA'] = 'Tracking ID:';
$MESS ['INDEX_UA'] = 'Custom Dimension index:';
$MESS ['API_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Wrong API version';
$MESS ['API_NOT_WORK'] = 'Selected API version is not supported';
$MESS['CORP_CLIENTE'] = 'Corporate customer';
$MESS['CORP_NAME'] = "Name";
$MESS['CORP_ADRESS'] = "Address";
$MESS['CORP_LABEL'] = "Stores where corporate customers will be uploaded";
$MESS['ROUND_LABEL'] = "If enabled, rounding will be up to smallest value";
$MESS['ROUND_HEADER'] = "If enabled, rounding will be up to smallest value";
$MESS['ROUND_PRICE_FOR_SAME_POSITIONS'] = "Rounding up the product price for identical order items";
$MESS['PURCHASE_ICML'] = "If enabled, ICML generation will reset the purchase price to 0 if it is not specified";
$MESS['PURCHASE_HEADER'] = "Reset purchase price in ICML";
$MESS['PHONE_REQUIRED'] = "In the main module settings «Phone Number is required» option was enabled, so it may cause problems with reverse synchronization. For proper work you must disable this option.";
$MESS['CHANGE_SHIPMENT_STATUS_FROM_CRM'] = "Change the shipment status when corresponding flag is received from RetailCRM";
$MESS ['ONLINE_CONSULTANT'] = 'Activate Online Consultant';
$MESS ['ONLINE_CONSULTANT_LABEL'] = 'Online Consultant script';
$MESS ['INTEGRATION_PAYMENT_LIST'] = 'The status will not be transferred for integration payments';
$MESS ['INTEGRATIONS'] = ' (integration)';
$MESS ['ERR_COUNT_SITES'] = 'The API Key you entered relates to more than one store.
Change the access settings for the API key, it should work with only one store in CRM';
$MESS ['ERR_CURRENCY_SITES'] = 'The currency of the site differs from the currency of the store in CRM.
For the integration to work correctly, the currencies in CRM and CMS must match #NAME#';
$MESS ['ERR_CMS_CURRENCY'] = 'Failed to get Bitrix site currency';
$MESS ['ERR_CRM_CURRENCY'] = 'Failed to get CRM store currency';
$MESS ['CRM_STORE'] = 'CRM store: ';
$MESS ['ACTIVITY_SETTINGS'] = 'Module activity settings';
$MESS ['DEACTIVATE_MODULE'] = 'Deactivate the module';
$MESS ['WRONG_CREDENTIALS'] = 'Enter the address and authorization key of the CRM system';
$MESS ['Wrong "apiKey" value.'] = 'Invalid authorization key';
$MESS ['ORDER_TRACK_NUMBER'] = 'Receive track number';
$MESS ['CUSTOM_FIELDS_TITLE'] = 'User fields';
$MESS ['CUSTOM_FIELDS_CAPTION'] = 'Matching user fields';
$MESS ['CUSTOM_FIELDS_TOGGLE_MSG'] = 'Activate synchronization of user fields';
$MESS ['CUSTOM_FIELDS_ORDER_LABEL'] = 'Custom order fields';
$MESS ['CUSTOM_FIELDS_USER_LABEL'] = 'User custom fields';
$MESS ['INTEGER_TYPE'] = 'An integer';
$MESS ['STRING_TYPE'] = 'Line/Text';
$MESS ['NUMERIC_TYPE'] = 'Number';
$MESS ['BOOLEAN_TYPE'] = 'Check box (yes/no)';
$MESS ['DATE_TYPE'] = 'Date';
$MESS ['NOTATION_CUSTOM_FIELDS'] = 'Before enabling this functionality, make sure that you do not have customized files for working with orders and customers associated with older versions of the module.';
$MESS ['NOTATION_MATCHED_CUSTOM_FIELDS'] = 'For correct data exchange, the types of matched fields must be the same!';
$MESS ['ADD_LABEL'] = 'Add';
$MESS ['DELETE_MATCHED'] = 'Delete';
$MESS ['LOCATION_LABEL'] = 'Location';
$MESS ['TEXT_ADDRESS_LABEL'] = 'Address (line)';
$MESS ['SYNC_INTEGRATION_PAYMENT'] = 'Activate transfer of integration payment statuses';
$MESS ['DESCRIPTION_AUTO_PAYMENT_TYPE'] = 'Automatically created payment type for integration substitution (Bitrix)';
$MESS ['NO_INTEGRATION_PAYMENT'] = '(Non-integrated)';
$MESS ['ERR_CHECK_JOURNAL'] = 'Error while saving. Details in the event log';
$MESS ['ERROR_LINK_INTEGRATION_PAYMENT'] = 'Error in comparing integration payments';
$MESS ['ERROR_UPDATE_PAYMENT_TYPES_DELIVERY'] = 'Error when updating payment methods for deliveries';
$MESS ['INTEGRATION_PAYMENT_LABEL'] = 'When correlating CMS and CRM integration payments, a regular payment is created on the system side to which orders will be linked.';
$MESS ['NEED_PERMISSIONS_REFERENCE_LABEL'] = 'For this option to work correctly, the api key needs access to receive and edit reference book';
$MESS ['FIX_UPLOAD_CUSTOMER_HEADER'] = 'Fix customer registration date in CRM';
$MESS ['FIX_UPLOAD_CUSTOMER_BUTTON_LABEL'] = 'Correct customer registration date in CRM';
$MESS ['FIX_UPLOAD_CUSTOMER_INFO'] = 'When you press this button, an agent will be created to launch the script. Please note that the script execution time may vary depending on the number of clients in the database. To minimize possible disruptions to the script operation, it is recommended to launch it at night time. This script can only be launched once';
$MESS ['FIX_UPLOAD_CUSTOMER_AFTER_SUBMIT'] = 'The agent has been created and will be launched soon';
$MESS ['FIX_UPLOAD_CUSTOMER_AFTER_SUBMIT_ERROR'] = 'An error occurred while adding an agent';