#!/bin/bash # $1 -- folder name to pack; version=$1 dir=${2-$PWD} cd $dir date=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` if [ ! -d "$version/install" ]; then mkdir -p "./$version/install" echo "Created a folder \"install\"" fi if [ ! -f "$version/install/version.php" ]; then touch "./$version/install/version.php" echo "Created a file \"version.php\"" fi echo " \"$version\", \"VERSION_DATE\" => \"$date\" ); " > "./$version/install/version.php" echo "Update version and date in the file \"version.php\"" for i in `find ./"$version" -type f -name '*.*'`; do encoding=`file -b --mime-encoding "$i"` if [ "$encoding" != "iso-8859-1" ] && [ "$encoding" != "binary" ]; then iconv -c -f $encoding -t "cp1251" $i >> $i.cp1251 mv $i.cp1251 $i fi done echo "Encoding the file has changed" tar -czf $version.tar.gz $version echo "Update has been successfully packaged"