mirror of synced 2025-03-23 16:43:54 +03:00

1. Added load not active products

2. Remake loading ICML
This commit is contained in:
m.korolev 2013-10-10 17:46:14 +04:00
parent 0d8d174980
commit d4c6d405dd

View File

@ -14,19 +14,29 @@ class ICMLLoader {
protected $fp;
protected $mainSection = 1000000;
protected $pageSize = 500;
protected $isLogged = false;
protected $logFile = '/bitrix/catalog_export/i_crm_load_log.txt';
protected $fpLog;
public function Load()
global $USER;
$USER = new CUser;
if (count($this->iblocks) < count($this->articleProperties))
return false;
$this->isLogged = true;
$this->fp = $this->PrepareFile($this->filename);
if ($this->isLogged) {
$this->fpLog = $this->PrepareFile($this->logFile);
$this->WriteLog("Start Loading");
@ -40,11 +50,18 @@ class ICMLLoader {
if ($this->isLogged) {
$this->WriteLog("Loading was ended successfully (peek memory usage: " . memory_get_peak_usage() . ")");
return true;
protected function PrepareSettings()
foreach ($this->propertiesSKU as $iblock => $arr) {
@ -58,7 +75,7 @@ class ICMLLoader {
protected function PrepareValue($text)
$newText = $this->application->ConvertCharset($text, LANG_CHARSET, $this->encoding);
@ -67,15 +84,15 @@ class ICMLLoader {
return $newText;
protected function PrepareFile()
protected function PrepareFile($filename)
$fullFilename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->filename;
$fullFilename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $filename;
if (!$this->fp = @fopen($fullFilename, "w"))
return false;
if ($fp = @fopen($fullFilename, "w"))
return $fp;
return true;
return false;
protected function PreWriteCatalog()
@ -112,6 +129,12 @@ class ICMLLoader {
@fwrite($this->fp, $offers);
protected function WriteLog($text)
if ($this->isLogged)
@fwrite($this->fpLog, Date("Y:m:d H:i:s") . ": " . $text . "\n");
protected function PostWriteCatalog()
@ -119,9 +142,9 @@ class ICMLLoader {
protected function CloseFile()
protected function CloseFile($fp)
@ -132,9 +155,7 @@ class ICMLLoader {
$filter = Array(
"IBLOCK_ID" => $id,
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
$dbRes = CIBlockSection::GetList(array("left_margin" => "asc"), $filter);
@ -176,6 +197,7 @@ class ICMLLoader {
foreach ($this->iblocks as $key => $id)
// Get Info by infoblocks
$iblock['IBLOCK_DB'] = CIBlock::GetByID($id)->Fetch();
$iblockOffer = CCatalogSKU::GetInfoByProductIBlock($id);
@ -192,190 +214,261 @@ class ICMLLoader {
foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "")
$arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct;
// Set selected properties
foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "") {
$arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct;
$arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . ".NAME";
// Set filter
$filter = Array (
"IBLOCK_ID" => $id,
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
$count = 0;
$dbResProducts = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $filter, false, false, $arSelect);
$stringOffers = "";
while ($product = $dbResProducts->GetNextElement()) {
$product = $product->GetFields();
$order = Array(
// Counter of pagenumber
$count = 1;
$isThisTheEnd = false;
// Cycle page to page
while (!$isThisTheEnd) {
// Get properties of product
$resPropertiesProduct = Array();
foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
$resPropertiesProduct[$key] = "";
if ($propProduct != "") {
$propDesc = CIBlockProperty::GetByID($propProduct, $id)->GetNext();
$arNavStatParams = Array(
if ($propDesc['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'E') {
$el = CIBlockElement::GetById($product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"])->Fetch();
$resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $el['NAME'];
} else {
$resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"];
"iNumPage" => $count,
"nPageSize" => $this->pageSize,
// Get products on this page
$dbResProducts = CIBlockElement::GetList($order, $filter, false, $arNavStatParams, $arSelect);
// It's last page
if ($dbResProducts->NavPageCount == $count) {
$isThisTheEnd = true;
$pictures = array();
$products = array();
while ($product = $dbResProducts->Fetch()) {
// Compile products to array
$products[$product['ID']] = $product;
$detailPicture = intval($product["DETAIL_PICTURE"]);
$previewPicture = intval($product["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]);
if ($detailPicture > 0 || $previewPicture > 0)
$picture = $detailPicture;
if ($picture <= 0) {
$picture = $previewPicture;
// Link pictureID and productID
$pictures[$picture] = $product['ID'];
unset($product, $dbResProducts);
unset($detailPicture, $previewPicture, $picture);
$pictureIDs = array_keys($pictures);
// Get pathes of pictures
$dbFiles = CFile::GetList(Array(), Array("@ID" => implode(',', $pictureIDs)));
while($file = $dbFiles->Fetch()) {
// Link picture to product
$products[$pictures[$file['ID']]]['PICTURE'] = "http://" .
$iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['SERVER_NAME'] .
'/upload/' . $file['SUBDIR'] .
'/' . $file['FILE_NAME'] ;
if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
$productIDs = array_keys($products);
$arSelectOffer = Array (
'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'],
$arFilterOffer = Array (
'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'],
'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] => $productIDs
// Set selected properties
foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
if ($this->propertiesSKU[$id][$key] != "") {
$arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU;
$arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . ".NAME";
// Get all offers for products on this page
$dbResOffers = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $arFilterOffer, false, false, $arSelectOffer);
while ($offer = $dbResOffers->Fetch()) {
// Link offers to products
$products[$offer['PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] . '_VALUE']]['offers'][$offer['ID']] = $offer;
unset($offer, $dbResOffers);
$stringOffers = "";
foreach ($products as $product) {
// Get properties of product
$resPropertiesProduct = Array();
foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
$resPropertiesProduct[$key] = "";
if ($propProduct != "") {
if (isset ($product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_NAME"]))
$resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_NAME"];
$resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"];
// Get categories of product
$categories = Array();
$dbResCategories = CIBlockElement::GetElementGroups($product['ID'], true);
while ($arResCategory = $dbResCategories->Fetch()) {
$categories[$arResCategory["ID"]] = array(
'ID' => $arResCategory["ID"],
'NAME' => $arResCategory["NAME"],
if (count($categories) == 0) {
$catId = $this->mainSection + $id;
$categories[$catId] = $allCategories[$catId];
$existOffer = false;
if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
$arFilterOffer = Array (
'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'],
'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] => $product["ID"]
// Get categories of product
$categories = Array();
$dbResCategories = CIBlockElement::GetElementGroups($product['ID'], true);
while ($arResCategory = $dbResCategories->Fetch()) {
$categories[$arResCategory["ID"]] = array(
'ID' => $arResCategory["ID"],
'NAME' => $arResCategory["NAME"],
$arSelectOffer = Array (
foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
if ($this->propertiesSKU[$id][$key] != "")
$arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU;
if (count($categories) == 0) {
$catId = $this->mainSection + $id;
$categories[$catId] = $allCategories[$catId];
$rsOffers = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $arFilterOffer, false, false, $arSelectOffer);
while ($arOffer = $rsOffers->GetNext()) {
$offer = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($arOffer['ID']);
$arOffer['QUANTITY'] = $offer["QUANTITY"];
$arOffer['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
$arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $product["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"];
$arOffer['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = $product["DETAIL_PICTURE"];
$arOffer['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = $product["PREVIEW_PICTURE"];
$arOffer['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
$existOffer = false;
if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
// Get properties of offer
foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
if ($propSKU != "") {
$propDesc = CIBlockProperty::GetByID($propSKU,$arOffer['ID'])->GetNext();
foreach ($product['offers'] as $offer) {
if ($propDesc['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'E') {
$el = CIBlockElement::GetById($product["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"])->Fetch();
$arOffer[$key] = $el['NAME'];
} else {
$arOffer[$key] = $arOffer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"];
$offer['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
$offer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $product["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"];
$offer['PICTURE'] = $product["PICTURE"];
$offer['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
$offer['PRICE'] = $offer['CATALOG_PRICE_1'];
$offer['QUANTITY'] = $offer["CATALOG_QUANTITY"];
// Get properties of product
foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
if ($propSKU != "") {
if (isset ($product["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_NAME"]))
$offer[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_NAME"];
$offer[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"];
foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "" && !isset($offer[$key]))
$offer[$key] = $propProduct;
$stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($offer, $categories, $iblock, $allCategories);
$existOffer = true;
if (!$existOffer) {
$product['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
$product['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
$product['PRICE'] = $product['CATALOG_PRICE_1'];
$product['QUANTITY'] = $product["CATALOG_QUANTITY"];
foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "")
$arOffer[$key] = $propProduct;
$product[$key] = $propProduct;
$dbPrice = GetCatalogProductPrice($arOffer["ID"],1);
$arOffer['PRICE'] = $dbPrice['PRICE'];
$stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($arOffer, $categories, $iblock);
$existOffer = true;
if (!$existOffer) {
$offer = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($product['ID']);
$product['QUANTITY'] = $offer["QUANTITY"];
$product['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
$product['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "")
$product[$key] = $propProduct;
$stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($product, $categories, $iblock, $allCategories);
$dbPrice = GetCatalogProductPrice($product["ID"],1);
$product['PRICE'] = $dbPrice['PRICE'];
$stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($product, $categories, $iblock);
if ($count == 1000) {
$stringOffers = "";
if ($this->isLogged)
$this->WriteLog(($this->pageSize * $count) . " product(s) has been loaded from " . $id . " IB (memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . ")");
if ($stringOffers != "") {
$stringOffers = "";
if ($stringOffers != "") {
$stringOffers = "";
protected function BuildOffer($arOffer, $categories, $iblock)
protected function BuildOffer($arOffer, $categories, $iblock, &$allCategories)
$offer = "";
$offer .= "<offer id=\"" .$this->PrepareValue($arOffer["ID"]) . "\" ".
"productId=\"" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PRODUCT_ID"]) . "\" ".
"quantity=\"" . $this->PrepareValue(DoubleVal($arOffer['QUANTITY'])) . "\">\n";
$keys = array_keys($categories);
if (strpos($arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'], "#SECTION_PATH#") !== false) {
if (count($categories) != 0) {
$category = $allCategories[$keys[0]];
$path = $category['CODE'];
if(intval($category["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) != 0) {
while (true) {
$category = $allCategories[$category['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']];
$path = $category['CODE'] . '/' . $path;
if(intval($category["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) == 0)
$arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = str_replace("#SECTION_PATH#", $path, $arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']);
$offer .= "<picture>" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PICTURE"]) . "</picture>\n";
$offer .= "<url>http://" . $this->PrepareValue($iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['SERVER_NAME']) . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']) . "</url>\n";
$offer .= "<price>" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PRICE']) . "</price>\n";
foreach ($categories as $category)
$offer .= "<categoryId>" . $category['ID'] . "</categoryId>\n";
$detailPicture = intval($arOffer["DETAIL_PICTURE"]);
$previewPicture = intval($arOffer["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]);
if ($detailPicture > 0 || $previewPicture > 0)
$picture = $detailPicture;
if ($picture <= 0) {
$picture = $previewPicture;
if ($arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($picture))
if(substr($arFile["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/")
$strFile = "http://" . $this->PrepareValue($iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['SERVER_NAME']) . implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $arFile["SRC"])));
elseif(preg_match("/^(http|https):\\/\\/(.*?)\\/(.*)\$/", $arFile["SRC"], $match))
$strFile = "http://" . $this->PrepareValue($match[2]) . '/' . implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $this->PrepareValue($match[3]))));
$strFile = $arFile["SRC"];
$offer .= "<picture>" . $this->PrepareValue($strFile) . "</picture>\n";
$offer .= "<name>" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["NAME"]) . "</name>\n";
$offer .= "<xmlId>" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["EXTERNAL_ID"]) . "</xmlId>\n";
@ -385,7 +478,7 @@ class ICMLLoader {
if ($propProduct != "" && $arOffer[$key] != null)
$offer .= "<" . $key . ">" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer[$key]) . "</" . $key . ">\n";
$offer.= "</offer>\n";
return $offer;