diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 48f08e15..9443b6f8 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+## 2016-09-12 v.2.0.0
+* Добавлена возможность изменять файлы основных классов(ICMLLoader и ICrmOrderActions) и экспорт каталога без потери обновлений
+* Исправлены мелкие ошибки
## 2015-11-09 v.1.1.3
* Добавлено логгирование в файл для приходящей из црм и уходящей в црм информации
* Изменен механизм добавления товара в заказ
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/ICMLLoader.php b/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/ICMLLoader.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b6aed6..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/ICMLLoader.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
- 1, // 1 mm = 1 mm
- 'cm' => 10, // 1 cm = 10 mm
- 'm' => 1000,
- 'mg' => 0.001, // 0.001 g = 1 mg
- 'g' => 1,
- 'kg' => 1000,
- );
- protected $measurementLink = array (
- 'mm' => 'mm',
- 'cm' => 'mm',
- 'm' => 'mm',
- 'mg' => 'g',
- 'g' => 'g',
- 'kg' => 'g',
- );
- public function Load()
- {
- global $USER;
- if(!isset($_SESSION["SESS_AUTH"]["USER_ID"]) || !$_SESSION["SESS_AUTH"]["USER_ID"]){
- $USER = new CUser;
- }
- $this->isLogged = true;
- $defaultSite = CSite::GetList($by="def", $order="desc", Array())->Fetch();
- $this->encodingDefault = $defaultSite["CHARSET"];
- $this->PrepareSettings();
- $this->fp = $this->PrepareFile($this->filename. '.tmp');
- if ($this->isLogged) {
- $this->fpLog = $this->PrepareFile($this->logFile);
- $this->WriteLog("Start Loading");
- }
- $this->PreWriteCatalog();
- $categories = $this->GetCategories();
- $this->WriteCategories($categories);
- $this->PreWriteOffers();
- $this->BuildOffers($categories);
- $this->PostWriteOffers();
- $this->PostWriteCatalog();
- if ($this->isLogged) {
- $this->WriteLog("Loading was ended successfully (peek memory usage: " . memory_get_peak_usage() . ")");
- }
- $this->CloseFile($this->fp);
- $this->CloseFile($this->fpLog);
- unlink($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->filename);
- rename($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->filename. '.tmp', $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->filename);
- return true;
- }
- protected function PrepareSettings()
- {
- foreach ($this->propertiesSKU as $iblock => $arr) {
- foreach ($arr as $id => $sku) {
- $this->propertiesSKU[$iblock][$id] = strtoupper($sku);
- }
- }
- foreach ($this->propertiesProduct as $iblock => $arr) {
- foreach ($arr as $id => $prod) {
- $this->propertiesProduct[$iblock][$id] = strtoupper($prod);
- }
- }
- }
- protected function PrepareValue($text)
- {
- $newText = $this->application->ConvertCharset($text, $this->encodingDefault, $this->encoding);
- $newText = strip_tags($newText);
- $newText = str_replace("&", "&", $newText);
- return $newText;
- }
- protected function PrepareFile($filename)
- {
- $fullFilename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $filename;
- CheckDirPath($fullFilename);
- if ($fp = @fopen($fullFilename, "w"))
- return $fp;
- else
- return false;
- }
- protected function PreWriteCatalog()
- {
- @fwrite($this->fp, "PrepareValue(Date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) . "\">\n
- \n
- " . $this->PrepareValue(COption::GetOptionString("main", "site_name", ""))."\n
- " . $this->PrepareValue(COption::GetOptionString("main", "site_name", ""))."\n"
- );
- }
- protected function WriteCategories($categories)
- {
- $stringCategories = "";
- @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
- foreach ($categories as $category) {
- $stringCategories .= $this->BuildCategory($category);
- }
- @fwrite($this->fp, $stringCategories);
- @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
- }
- protected function PreWriteOffers()
- {
- @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
- }
- protected function PostWriteOffers()
- {
- @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
- }
- protected function WriteOffers($offers)
- {
- @fwrite($this->fp, $offers);
- }
- protected function WriteLog($text)
- {
- if ($this->isLogged)
- @fwrite($this->fpLog, Date("Y:m:d H:i:s") . ": " . $text . "\n");
- }
- protected function PostWriteCatalog()
- {
- @fwrite($this->fp, "\n
- \n");
- }
- protected function CloseFile($fp)
- {
- @fclose($fp);
- }
- protected function GetCategories()
- {
- $categories = array();
- foreach ($this->iblocks as $id)
- {
- $filter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $id);
- $dbRes = CIBlockSection::GetList(array("left_margin" => "asc"), $filter);
- $hasCategories = false;
- while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
- $categories[$arRes['ID']] = $arRes;
- $hasCategories = true;
- }
- if (!$hasCategories) {
- $iblock = CIBlock::GetByID($id)->Fetch();
- $arRes = Array();
- $arRes['ID'] = $this->mainSection + $id;
- $arRes['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = 0;
- $arRes['NAME'] = sprintf(GetMessage('ROOT_CATEGORY_FOR_CATALOG'), $iblock['NAME']);
- $categories[$arRes['ID']] = $arRes;
- }
- }
- return $categories;
- }
- protected function BuildCategory($arCategory)
- {
- return "
- PrepareValue($arCategory["ID"]) . "\""
- . ( intval($arCategory["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) > 0 ?
- " parentId=\"" . $this->PrepareValue($arCategory["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]) . "\""
- :"")
- . ">"
- . $this->PrepareValue($arCategory["NAME"])
- . "\n";
- }
- protected function BuildOffers(&$allCategories)
- {
- $basePriceId = COption::GetOptionString(
- $this->MODULE_ID,
- $this->CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE . (is_null($this->profileID) === false ? '_' . $this->profileID : ''),
- 1
- );
- foreach ($this->iblocks as $key => $id)
- {
- // Get Info by infoblocks
- $iblock['IBLOCK_DB'] = CIBlock::GetByID($id)->Fetch();
- $iblockOffer = CCatalogSKU::GetInfoByProductIBlock($id);
- $arSelect = Array (
- "ID",
- "LID",
- "NAME",
- "CATALOG_GROUP_" . $basePriceId
- );
- // Set selected properties
- foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
- if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "") {
- $arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct;
- $arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . ".NAME";
- }
- }
- $arSelectOffer = Array (
- 'ID',
- "NAME",
- 'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'],
- "CATALOG_GROUP_" . $basePriceId
- );
- // Set selected properties
- foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
- if ($this->propertiesSKU[$id][$key] != "") {
- $arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU;
- $arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . ".NAME";
- }
- }
- // Set filter
- $filter = array(
- "IBLOCK_ID" => $id
- );
- $order = array("id");
- $arNavStatParams = Array(
- "iNumPage" => 1,
- "nPageSize" => $this->pageSize,
- );
- // Cycle page to page
- do {
- // Get products on this page
- $elems = array();
- $dbResProductsIds = CIBlockElement::GetList($order, $filter, false, $arNavStatParams, array('ID'));
- while($obIds = $dbResProductsIds->Fetch())
- {
- $elems[] = $obIds['ID'];
- }
- $arfilter = array(
- "IBLOCK_ID" => $id,
- "ID" => $elems
- );
- $dbResProducts = CIBlockElement::GetList($order, $arfilter, false, false, $arSelect);
- $pictures = array();
- $products = array();
- while ($product = $dbResProducts->GetNext()) {
- // Compile products to array
- $products[$product['ID']] = $product;
- $products[$product['ID']]['offers'] = array();
- $detailPicture = intval($product["DETAIL_PICTURE"]);
- $previewPicture = intval($product["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]);
- if ($detailPicture > 0 || $previewPicture > 0)
- {
- $picture = $detailPicture;
- if ($picture <= 0) {
- $picture = $previewPicture;
- }
- // Link pictureID and productID
- $pictures[$picture] = $product['ID'];
- }
- }
- unset($product);
- unset($detailPicture, $previewPicture, $picture);
- $pictureIDs = array_keys($pictures);
- // Get pathes of pictures
- $dbFiles = CFile::GetList(Array(), Array("@ID" => implode(',', $pictureIDs)));
- while($file = $dbFiles->GetNext()) {
- // Link picture to product
- $products[$pictures[$file['ID']]]['PICTURE'] = ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on' ? "https://" : "http://") .
- $this->serverName .
- '/upload/' . $file['SUBDIR'] .
- '/' . $file['FILE_NAME'] ;
- }
- unset($pictures);
- if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
- $arFilterOffer = array(
- 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'],
- 'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] => array_keys($products),
- );
- // Get all offers for products on this page
- $dbResOffers = CIBlockElement::GetList(
- array(),
- $arFilterOffer,
- false,
- array('nTopCount' => $this->pageSize * $this->offerPageSize),
- $arSelectOffer
- );
- while ($offer = $dbResOffers->GetNext()) {
- // Link offers to products
- $products[$offer['PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] . '_VALUE']]['offers'][$offer['ID']] = $offer;
- }
- unset($offer, $dbResOffers);
- }
- $stringOffers = "";
- foreach ($products as $product) {
- // Get properties of product
- $resPropertiesProduct = Array();
- foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
- $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = "";
- if ($propProduct != "") {
- if (isset($product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_NAME"])){
- $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_NAME"];
- }
- elseif (isset($product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"])){
- $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"];
- }
- elseif (isset($product[$propProduct])){
- $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product[$propProduct];
- }
- if (array_key_exists($key, $this->propertiesUnitProduct[$id])) {
- $resPropertiesProduct[$key] *= $this->measurement[$this->propertiesUnitProduct[$id][$key]];
- $resPropertiesProduct[$key . "_UNIT"] = $this->measurementLink[$this->propertiesUnitProduct[$id][$key]];
- }
- }
- }
- // Get categories of product
- $categories = Array();
- $dbResCategories = CIBlockElement::GetElementGroups($product['ID'], true);
- while ($arResCategory = $dbResCategories->Fetch()) {
- $categories[$arResCategory["ID"]] = array(
- 'ID' => $arResCategory["ID"],
- 'NAME' => $arResCategory["NAME"],
- );
- }
- if (count($categories) == 0) {
- $catId = $this->mainSection + $id;
- $categories[$catId] = $allCategories[$catId];
- }
- $existOffer = false;
- if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
- foreach ($product['offers'] as $offer) {
- $offer['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
- $offer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $product["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"];
- $offer['PICTURE'] = $product["PICTURE"];
- $offer['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
- $offer['PRODUCT_ACTIVE'] = $product["ACTIVE"];
- $offer['PRICE'] = $offer['CATALOG_PRICE_' . $basePriceId];
- $offer['QUANTITY'] = $offer["CATALOG_QUANTITY"];
- // Get properties of product
- foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
- if ($propSKU != "") {
- if (isset ($offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_NAME"])){
- $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_NAME"];
- }
- elseif (isset($offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"])){
- $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"];
- }
- elseif (isset($offer[$propSKU])){
- $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $offer[$propSKU];
- }
- if (array_key_exists($key, $this->propertiesUnitSKU[$id])) {
- $offer['_PROP_' . $key] *= $this->measurement[$this->propertiesUnitSKU[$id][$key]];
- $offer['_PROP_' . $key . "_UNIT"] = $this->measurementLink[$this->propertiesUnitSKU[$id][$key]];
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
- if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "" && !isset($offer[$key])){
- $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $propProduct;
- }
- }
- $stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($offer, $categories, $iblock, $allCategories);
- $existOffer = true;
- }
- }
- if (!$existOffer) {
- $product['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
- $product['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
- $product['PRODUCT_ACTIVE'] = $product["ACTIVE"];
- $product['PRICE'] = $product['CATALOG_PRICE_' . $basePriceId];
- $product['QUANTITY'] = $product["CATALOG_QUANTITY"];
- foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
- if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "" || $this->propertiesProduct[$id][str_replace("_UNIT", "", $key)] != "") {
- $product['_PROP_' . $key] = $propProduct;
- }
- }
- $stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($product, $categories, $iblock, $allCategories);
- }
- }
- unset($products);
- if ($this->isLogged){
- $this->WriteLog(($this->pageSize * $arNavStatParams['iNumPage']) . " product(s) has been loaded from " . $id . " IB (memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . ")");
- }
- if ($stringOffers != "") {
- $this->WriteOffers($stringOffers);
- $stringOffers = "";
- }
- $arNavStatParams['iNumPage'] = $dbResProductsIds->NavPageNomer + 1;
- }
- while ($dbResProductsIds->NavPageNomer < $dbResProductsIds->NavPageCount);
- }
- }
- protected function BuildOffer($arOffer, $categories, $iblock, &$allCategories)
- {
- $offer = "";
- $offer .= "PrepareValue($arOffer["ID"]) . "\" ".
- "productId=\"" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PRODUCT_ID"]) . "\" ".
- "quantity=\"" . $this->PrepareValue(DoubleVal($arOffer['QUANTITY'])) . "\">\n";
- if ($arOffer['PRODUCT_ACTIVE'] == "N"){
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PRODUCT_ACTIVE']) . "\n";
- }
- $keys = array_keys($categories);
- if (strpos($arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'], "#SECTION_PATH#") !== false) {
- if (count($categories) != 0) {
- $category = $allCategories[$keys[0]];
- $path = $category['CODE'];
- if(intval($category["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) != 0) {
- while (true) {
- $category = $allCategories[$category['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']];
- $path = $category['CODE'] . '/' . $path;
- if(intval($category["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = str_replace("#SECTION_PATH#", $path, $arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']);
- }
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PICTURE"]) . "\n";
- $offer .= "" . ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on' ? "https://" : "http://") . $this->serverName . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']) . "\n";
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PRICE']) . "\n";
- if ($arOffer['PURCHASE_PRICE'] && $this->loadPurchasePrice) {
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PURCHASE_PRICE']) . "\n";
- }
- foreach ($categories as $category){
- $offer .= "" . $category['ID'] . "\n";
- }
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["NAME"]) . "\n";
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["EXTERNAL_ID"]) . "\n";
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PRODUCT_NAME"]) . "\n";
- foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['ID']] as $key => $propProduct) {
- if ($propProduct != "" && $arOffer['_PROP_' . $key] != null) {
- if ($key === "manufacturer"){
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
- }
- else{
- $offer .= '" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['ID']] as $key => $propProduct) {
- if ($propProduct != "" && $arOffer['_PROP_' . $key] != null) {
- if ($key === "manufacturer"){
- $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
- }
- else{
- $offer .= '" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- $offer.= "\n";
- return $offer;
- }
- }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php b/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a99e3ef5..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1223 +0,0 @@
- 0) {
- $arFilter['ID'] = $failedIds;
- } elseif ($orderList !== false && count($orderList) > 0) {
- $arFilter['ID'] = $orderList;
- } else {
- $arFilter['>ID'] = $lastUpOrderId;
- $arCount['nTopCount'] = $pSize;
- }
- if ( (isset($arFilter['ID']) && count($arFilter['ID']) > 0) || isset($arFilter['>ID']) ) {
- $dbOrder = CSaleOrder::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), $arFilter, false, $arCount);
- if ($dbOrder->SelectedRowsCount() <= 0) {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
- $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- $optionsSitesList = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_SITES_LIST, 0));
- $optionsOrderTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0));
- $optionsDelivTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0));
- $optionsPayTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0));
- $optionsPayStatuses = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0)); // --statuses
- $optionsPayment = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0));
- $optionsOrderProps = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0));
- $optionsLegalDetails = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0));
- $optionsContragentType = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0));
- $optionsCustomFields = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0));
- $api = new RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
- $arParams = array(
- 'optionsOrderTypes' => $optionsOrderTypes,
- 'optionsDelivTypes' => $optionsDelivTypes,
- 'optionsPayTypes' => $optionsPayTypes,
- 'optionsPayStatuses' => $optionsPayStatuses,
- 'optionsPayment' => $optionsPayment,
- 'optionsOrderProps' => $optionsOrderProps,
- 'optionsLegalDetails' => $optionsLegalDetails,
- 'optionsContragentType' => $optionsContragentType,
- 'optionsSitesList' => $optionsSitesList ,
- 'optionsCustomFields' => $optionsCustomFields,
- );
- $recOrders = array();
- while ($arOrder = $dbOrder->GetNext()) {
- $result = self::orderCreate($arOrder, $api, $arParams);
- if (!$result['order'] || !$result['customer']){
- continue;
- }
- $resOrders[$arOrder['LID']][] = $result['order'];
- $resCustomers[$arOrder['LID']][] = $result['customer'];
- $recOrders[] = $arOrder['ID'];
- }
- if(count($resOrders) > 0){
- foreach($resCustomers as $key => $customerLoad){
- $site = count($optionsSitesList) > 1 ? $optionsSitesList[$key] : null;
- if (self::apiMethod($api, 'customerUpload', __METHOD__, $customerLoad, $site) === false) {
- return false;
- }
- if (count($optionsSitesList) > 1) {
- time_nanosleep(0, 250000000);
- }
- }
- foreach($resOrders as $key => $orderLoad){
- $site = count($optionsSitesList) > 1 ? $optionsSitesList[$key] : null;
- if (self::apiMethod($api, 'orderUpload', __METHOD__, $orderLoad, $site) === false) {
- return false;
- }
- if (count($optionsSitesList) > 1) {
- time_nanosleep(0, 250000000);
- }
- }
- if ($failed == true && $failedIds !== false && count($failedIds) > 0) {
- COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, serialize(array_diff($failedIds, $recOrders)));
- } elseif ($lastUpOrderId < max($recOrders) && $orderList === false) {
- COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, max($recOrders));
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- *
- * Creates order or returns array of order and customer for mass upload
- *
- * @param array $arFields
- * @param $api
- * @param $arParams
- * @param $send
- * @return boolean
- * @return array - array('order' = $order, 'customer' => $customer)
- */
- public static function orderCreate($arFields, $api, $arParams, $send = false, $site = null) {
- if(!$api || empty($arParams)) { // add cond to check $arParams
- return false;
- }
- if (empty($arFields)) {
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderCreate', 'empty($arFields)', 'incorrect order');
- return false;
- }
- if (isset($arParams['optionsOrderProps'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']]['city']) == false) {
- $rsOrderProps = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList(array(), array('ORDER_ID' => $arFields['ID'], 'CODE' => 'LOCATION'));
- $arParams['optionsOrderProps'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']]['city'] = $rsOrderProps->SelectedRowsCount() < 1 ? 'CITY' : 'LOCATION';
- }
- $normalizer = new RestNormalizer();
- $normalizer->setValidation($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/bitrix/modules/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json');
- $customer = array();
- if ($arFields['CANCELED'] == 'Y') {
- $arFields['STATUS_ID'] = $arFields['CANCELED'].$arFields['CANCELED'];
- }
- $order = array(
- 'number' => $arFields['ACCOUNT_NUMBER'],
- 'externalId' => $arFields['ID'],
- 'createdAt' => new \DateTime($arFields['DATE_INSERT']),
- 'customerId' => $arFields['USER_ID'],
- 'discount' => $arFields['DISCOUNT_VALUE'],
- 'markDateTime' => $arFields['DATE_MARKED'],
- 'paymentType' => isset($arParams['optionsPayTypes'][$arFields['PAY_SYSTEM_ID']]) ?
- $arParams['optionsPayTypes'][$arFields['PAY_SYSTEM_ID']] : '',
- 'paymentStatus' => isset($arParams['optionsPayment'][$arFields['PAYED']]) ?
- $arParams['optionsPayment'][$arFields['PAYED']] : '',
- 'orderType' => isset($arParams['optionsOrderTypes'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']]) ?
- $arParams['optionsOrderTypes'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] : '',
- 'contragentType' => isset($arParams['optionsContragentType'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']]) ?
- $arParams['optionsContragentType'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] : '',
- 'status' => isset($arParams['optionsPayStatuses'][$arFields['STATUS_ID']]) ?
- $arParams['optionsPayStatuses'][$arFields['STATUS_ID']] : '',
- 'statusComment' => $arFields['REASON_CANCELED'],
- 'customerComment' => $arFields['USER_DESCRIPTION'],
- 'managerComment' => $arFields['COMMENTS'],
- 'delivery' => array(
- 'cost' => $arFields['PRICE_DELIVERY']
- ),
- );
- $rsOrderProps = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList(array(), array('ORDER_ID' => $arFields['ID']));
- while ($ar = $rsOrderProps->Fetch()) {
- if ($search = array_search($ar['CODE'], $arParams['optionsLegalDetails'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
- $order[$search] = $ar['VALUE'];
- $customer[$search] = $ar['VALUE'];
- } elseif ($search = array_search($ar['CODE'], $arParams['optionsCustomFields'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
- $order['customFields'][$search] = $ar['VALUE'];
- } elseif ($search = array_search($ar['CODE'], $arParams['optionsOrderProps'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
- if (in_array($search, array('fio', 'phone', 'email'))) {
- if ($search == 'fio') {
- $order = array_merge($order, self::explodeFIO($ar['VALUE']));
- } else {
- $order[$search] = $ar['VALUE'];
- }
- } else {
- $prop = CSaleOrderProps::GetByID($ar['ORDER_PROPS_ID']);
- if ($prop['TYPE'] == 'LOCATION') {
- $ar['VALUE'] = CSaleLocation::GetByID(
- method_exists('CSaleLocation', 'getLocationIDbyCODE') ?
- CSaleLocation::getLocationIDbyCODE($ar['VALUE']) : $ar['VALUE']
- );
- $ar['VALUE'] = $ar['VALUE']['CITY_NAME_LANG'];
- }
- $order['delivery']['address'][$search] = $ar['VALUE'];
- }
- }
- }
- if (strpos($arFields['DELIVERY_ID'], ":") !== false){
- $arFields["DELIVERY_ID"] = explode(":", $arFields["DELIVERY_ID"], 2);
- if ($arDeliveryType = CSaleDeliveryHandler::GetBySID(reset($arFields["DELIVERY_ID"]))->GetNext()) {
- if (array_key_exists(end($arFields["DELIVERY_ID"]), $arDeliveryType['PROFILES'])) {
- $arFields["DELIVERY_SERVICE"] = array(
- 'code' => implode('-', $arFields["DELIVERY_ID"]),
- 'name' => $arDeliveryType['PROFILES'][end($arFields["DELIVERY_ID"])]['TITLE']
- );
- }
- }
- $arFields["DELIVERY_ID"] = reset($arFields["DELIVERY_ID"]);
- }
- if (array_key_exists($arFields['DELIVERY_ID'], $arParams['optionsDelivTypes'])) {
- $order['delivery']['code'] = $arParams['optionsDelivTypes'][$arFields["DELIVERY_ID"]];
- if (isset($arFields["DELIVERY_SERVICE"])) {
- $order['delivery']['service'] = $arFields["DELIVERY_SERVICE"];
- }
- }
- $rsOrderBasket = CSaleBasket::GetList(array('ID' => 'ASC'), array('ORDER_ID' => $arFields['ID']));
- while ($p = $rsOrderBasket->Fetch()) {
- $item = array(
- 'quantity' => $p['QUANTITY'],
- 'productId' => $p['PRODUCT_ID'],
- 'xmlId' => $p['PRODUCT_XML_ID'],
- 'productName' => $p['NAME'],
- 'comment' => $p['NOTES'],
- 'createdAt' => new \DateTime($p['DATE_INSERT'])
- );
- $pp = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($p['PRODUCT_ID']);
- if (is_null($pp['PURCHASING_PRICE']) == false) {
- $item['purchasePrice'] = $pp['PURCHASING_PRICE'];
- }
- $propCancel = CSaleBasket::GetPropsList(array(), array('BASKET_ID' => $p['ID'], 'CODE' => self::CANCEL_PROPERTY_CODE))->Fetch();
- if (!$propCancel || ($propCancel && !(int)$propCancel['VALUE'])) {
- $item['discount'] = (double) $p['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
- $item['initialPrice'] = (double) $p['PRICE'] + (double) $p['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
- }
- $order['items'][] = $item;
- }
- $arUser = CUser::GetByID($arFields['USER_ID'])->Fetch();
- $customer = array(
- 'externalId' => $arFields['USER_ID'],
- 'lastName' => $arUser['LAST_NAME'],
- 'firstName' => $arUser['NAME'],
- 'patronymic' => $arUser['SECOND_NAME'],
- 'phones' => array(
- array('number' => $arUser['PERSONAL_PHONE']),
- array('number' => $arUser['WORK_PHONE'])
- ),
- 'createdAt' => new \DateTime($arUser['DATE_REGISTER']),
- 'contragentType' => $arParams['optionsContragentType'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']]
- );
- if(function_exists('intarocrm_get_order_type')) {
- $orderType = intarocrm_get_order_type($arFields);
- if ($orderType) {
- $order['orderType'] = $orderType;
- }
- }
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_before_order_send')) {
- $newResOrder = intarocrm_before_order_send($order);
- if (is_array($newResOrder) && !empty($newResOrder)) {
- $order = $newResOrder;
- }
- }
- $customer = $normalizer->normalize($customer, 'customers');
- $order = $normalizer->normalize($order, 'orders');
- if (isset($arParams['optionsSitesList']) && is_array($arParams['optionsSitesList']) &&
- array_key_exists($arFields['LID'], $arParams['optionsSitesList'])) {
- $site = $arParams['optionsSitesList'][$arFields['LID']];
- }
- $log = new Logger();
- $log->write($customer, 'customer');
- $log->write($order, 'order');
- if($send) {
- if (!self::apiMethod($api, 'customerEdit', __METHOD__, $customer, $site)) {
- return false;
- }
- if ($orderEdit = self::apiMethod($api, 'orderEdit', __METHOD__, $order, $site)) {
- return $orderEdit;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return array(
- 'order' => $order,
- 'customer' => $customer
- );
- }
- /**
- *
- * History update, cron usage only
- * @global CUser $USER
- * @return boolean
- */
- public static function orderHistory() {
- global $USER;
- if (is_object($USER) == false) {
- $USER = new RetailUser;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'iblock', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'sale', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'catalog', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
- $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- $optionsOrderTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0)));
- $optionsDelivTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0)));
- $optionsPayTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0)));
- $optionsPayStatuses = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0))); // --statuses
- $optionsPayment = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0)));
- $optionsOrderProps = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0));
- $optionsLegalDetails = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0));
- $optionsContragentType = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0));
- $optionsSitesList = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_SITES_LIST, 0));
- $optionsCustomFields = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0));
- foreach ($optionsOrderProps as $code => $value) {
- if (isset($optionsLegalDetails[$code])) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code] = array_merge($optionsOrderProps[$code], $optionsLegalDetails[$code]);
- }
- if (isset($optionsCustomFields[$code])) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code] = array_merge($optionsOrderProps[$code], $optionsCustomFields[$code]);
- }
- $optionsOrderProps[$code]['location'] = 'LOCATION';
- if (array_search('CITY', $optionsOrderProps[$code]) == false) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code]['city'] = 'CITY';
- }
- if (array_search('ZIP', $optionsOrderProps[$code]) == false) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code]['index'] = 'ZIP';
- }
- }
- $api = new RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
- $dateStart = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_HISTORY_DATE, null);
- if (is_null($dateStart)) {
- $dateStart = new \DateTime();
- $dateStart = $dateStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- }
- try {
- $orderHistory = $api->orderHistory($dateStart);
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- self::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderHistory::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- return false;
- }
- $orderHistory = isset($orderHistory['orders']) ? $orderHistory['orders'] : array();
- $log = new Logger();
- $log->write($orderHistory, 'history');
- $dateFinish = $api->getGeneratedAt();
- if (is_null($dateFinish) || $dateFinish == false) {
- $dateFinish = new \DateTime();
- }
- $defaultOrderType = 1;
- $dbOrderTypesList = CSalePersonType::GetList(array(), array("ACTIVE" => "Y"));
- if ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch()) {
- $defaultOrderType = $arOrderTypesList['ID'];
- }
- foreach ($orderHistory as $order) {
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_order_pre_persist')) {
- $order = intarocrm_order_pre_persist($order);
- }
- if (!isset($order['externalId'])) {
- // custom orderType function
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_set_order_type')) {
- $orderType = intarocrm_set_order_type($order);
- if ($orderType) {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $orderType;
- } else {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $defaultOrderType;
- }
- }
- // we dont need new orders without any customers (can check only for externalId)
- if (!isset($order['customer']['externalId'])) {
- if (!isset($order['customer']['id'])) {
- continue;
- }
- $registerNewUser = true;
- if (!isset($order['customer']['email']) || $order['customer']['email'] == '') {
- $login = $order['customer']['email'] = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
- } else {
- $dbUser = CUser::GetList(($by = 'ID'), ($sort = 'ASC'), array('=EMAIL' => $order['email']));
- switch ($dbUser->SelectedRowsCount()) {
- case 0:
- $login = $order['customer']['email'];
- break;
- case 1:
- $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch();
- $registeredUserID = $arUser['ID'];
- $registerNewUser = false;
- break;
- default:
- $login = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($registerNewUser === true) {
- $userPassword = uniqid();
- $newUser = new CUser;
- $arFields = array(
- "NAME" => self::fromJSON($order['customer']['firstName']),
- "LAST_NAME" => self::fromJSON($order['customer']['lastName']),
- "EMAIL" => $order['customer']['email'],
- "LOGIN" => $login,
- "LID" => "ru",
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- "PASSWORD" => $userPassword,
- "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $userPassword
- );
- $registeredUserID = $newUser->Add($arFields);
- if ($registeredUserID === false) {
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CUser::Register', 'Error register user');
- continue;
- }
- try {
- $api->customerFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $order['customer']['id'], 'externalId' => $registeredUserID)));
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- self::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customerFixExternalIds::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- continue;
- }
- }
- $order['customer']['externalId'] = $registeredUserID;
- }
- // new order
- $newOrderFields = array(
- 'LID' => CSite::GetDefSite(),
- 'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => isset($optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']]) ? $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] : $defaultOrderType,
- 'PAYED' => 'N',
- 'CANCELED' => 'N',
- 'STATUS_ID' => 'N',
- 'PRICE' => 0,
- 'CURRENCY' => CCurrency::GetBaseCurrency(),
- 'USER_ID' => $order['customer']['externalId'],
- 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => 0,
- 'DELIVERY_ID' => 0,
- );
- if(count($optionsSitesList) > 1 && $lid = array_search($order['site'], $optionsSitesList)){
- $newOrderFields['LID'] = $lid;
- }
- $externalId = CSaleOrder::Add($newOrderFields);
- if (!isset($order['externalId'])) {
- try {
- $api->orderFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $order['id'], 'externalId' => $externalId)));
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- self::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderFixExternalIds::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- continue;
- }
- }
- $order['externalId'] = $externalId;
- }
- if (isset($order['externalId']) && $order['externalId']) {
- // custom orderType function
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_set_order_type')) {
- $orderType = intarocrm_set_order_type($order);
- if ($orderType) {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $orderType;
- } else {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $defaultOrderType;
- }
- }
- $arFields = CSaleOrder::GetById($order['externalId']);
- // incorrect order
- if ($arFields === false || empty($arFields)) {
- continue;
- }
- $LID = $arFields['LID'];
- $userId = $arFields['USER_ID'];
- if(isset($order['customer']['externalId']) && !is_null($order['customer']['externalId'])) {
- $userId = $order['customer']['externalId'];
- }
- $rsOrderProps = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList(array(), array('ORDER_ID' => $arFields['ID']));
- $arUpdateProps = array();
- while ($ar = $rsOrderProps->Fetch()) {
- $prop = CSaleOrderProps::GetByID($ar['ORDER_PROPS_ID']);
- $arUpdateProps[ $ar['CODE'] ] = array('ID' => $ar['ID'], 'TYPE' => $prop['TYPE'], 'VALUE' => $ar['VALUE']);
- }
- $order['fio'] = trim(
- implode(
- ' ',
- array(
- isset($order['lastName']) ? $order['lastName'] : '',
- isset($order['firstName']) ? $order['firstName'] : '',
- isset($order['patronymic']) ? $order['patronymic'] : '',
- )
- )
- );
- if (isset($order['delivery']['address']['city'])) {
- $order['location'] = $order['delivery']['address']['city'];
- }
- if (isset($order['orderType']) && isset($optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ])) {
- if (isset($optionsOrderProps[$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
- foreach ($optionsOrderProps[$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] as $code => $value) {
- if (in_array($code, array_keys($order)) === false && isset($optionsOrderProps[$optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']]][$code])) {
- $order[ $code ] = $arUpdateProps[$optionsOrderProps[$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']][$code]]['VALUE'];
- }
- }
- }
- //update ordertype
- CSaleOrder::Update($order['externalId'], array('PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ]));
- $arProp = CSaleOrderProps::GetList(array(), array('PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ]));
- $typeParam = array();
- while ($ar = $arProp->Fetch()) {
- $typeParam[ $ar['CODE'] ] = $ar['CODE'];
- }
- foreach (array_diff_key($arUpdateProps, $typeParam) as $code => $param) {
- if (isset($arUpdateProps[$code])) {
- CSaleOrderPropsValue::Delete($param['ID']);
- }
- }
- $arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID'] = $optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ];
- }
- array_walk_recursive(
- self::clearArr($order),
- 'self::recursiveUpdate',
- array(
- 'update' => $arUpdateProps,
- 'type' => $arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID'],
- 'options' => $optionsOrderProps,
- 'orderId' => $order['externalId']
- )
- );
- foreach($order['items'] as $item) {
- if(isset($item['deleted']) && $item['deleted']) {
- if ($p = CSaleBasket::GetList(array(), array('ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'], 'PRODUCT_ID' => $item['id']))->Fetch()) {
- if(!CSaleBasket::Delete($p['ID'])){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CSaleBasket::Delete', 'Error element delete');
- }
- }
- else{
- $prp = CSaleBasket::GetPropsList(array(), array("ORDER_ID" => $order['externalId'], "CODE" => 'ID', "VALUE" => $item['id']))->Fetch();
- if(!CSaleBasket::Delete($prp['BASKET_ID'])){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CSaleBasket::Delete', 'Error castom element delete');
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (isset($item['offer']) === false && isset($item['offer']['externalId']) === false) {
- continue;
- }
- $res = CIBlockElement::GetByID($item['offer']['externalId'])->Fetch();
- if($res){
- $p = CSaleBasket::GetList(array(),array('ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'], 'PRODUCT_ID' => $item['offer']['externalId']))->Fetch();
- if ($p == false) {
- $p = CIBlockElement::GetByID($item['offer']['externalId'])->GetNext();
- $iblock = CIBlock::GetByID($p['IBLOCK_ID'])->Fetch();
- $p['CATALOG_XML_ID'] = $iblock['XML_ID'];
- $p['PRODUCT_XML_ID'] = $p['XML_ID'];
- unset($p['XML_ID']);
- } elseif ($propResult = CSaleBasket::GetPropsList(array(''),array('BASKET_ID' => $p['ID']))) {
- while ($r = $propResult->Fetch()) {
- unset($r['ID']);
- unset($r['BASKET_ID']);
- $p['PROPS'][] = $r;
- }
- }
- $arProduct = array();
- if (isset($item['created']) && $item['created'] == true) {
- $productPrice = GetCatalogProductPrice($item['offer']['externalId'], COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE, 0));
- $arProduct = array(
- 'FUSER_ID' => $userId,
- 'ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'],
- 'QUANTITY' => $item['quantity'],
- 'CURRENCY' => $productPrice['CURRENCY'],
- 'LID' => $LID,
- 'PRODUCT_ID' => $item['offer']['externalId'],
- 'WEIGHT' => $p['WEIGHT'],
- 'DELAY' => $p['DELAY'],
- 'CAN_BUY' => $p['CAN_BUY'],
- 'MODULE' => $p['MODULE'],
- 'NOTES' => $item['comment'] ?: $p['NOTES'],
- );
- }
- if (isset($item['isCanceled']) == false) {
- if (isset($item['initialPrice']) && $item['initialPrice']) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] = (double) $item['initialPrice'];
- }
- if (isset($item['discount'])) {
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $item['discount'];
- }
- if (isset($item['discountPercent'])) {
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_VALUE'] = $item['discountPercent'];
- $newPrice = round($arProduct['PRICE'] / 100 * (100 - $arProduct['DISCOUNT_VALUE']), 2);
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] + $arProduct['PRICE'] - $newPrice;
- }
- if(isset($item['discount']) || isset($item['discountPercent'])) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] -= $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
- }
- if (isset($item['offer']['name']) && $item['offer']['name']) {
- $arProduct['NAME'] = self::fromJSON($item['offer']['name']);
- }
- $arProduct = self::updateCancelProp($arProduct, 0);
- } elseif (isset($item['isCanceled'])) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] = 0;
- $arProduct = self::updateCancelProp($arProduct, 1);
- }
- if (isset($item['created']) && $item['created'] == true) {
- if(!Add2BasketByProductID($item['offer']['externalId'], $item['quantity'], $arProduct, $p['PROPS'])){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'Add2BasketByProductID', 'Error element add');
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (count($p['PROPS']) > 0) {
- $arProduct['PROPS'] = $p['PROPS'];
- }
- if (isset($item['quantity']) && $item['quantity']) {
- $arProduct['QUANTITY'] = $item['quantity'];
- }
- if (isset($item['offer']['name']) && $item['offer']['name']) {
- $arProduct['NAME'] = self::fromJSON($item['offer']['name']);
- }
- if(!CSaleBasket::Update($p['ID'], $arProduct)){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CSaleBasket::Update', 'Error element update');
- }
- CSaleBasket::DeleteAll($userId);
- }
- else{
- $arProduct = array();
- if (isset($item['created']) && $item['created'] == true) {
- $arProduct = array(
- 'FUSER_ID' => $userId,
- 'ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'],
- 'LID' => $LID,
- 'NOTES' => $item['comment'],
- );
- }
- if (isset($item['isCanceled']) == false) {
- if (isset($item['initialPrice']) && $item['initialPrice']) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] = (double) $item['initialPrice'];
- }
- if (isset($item['discount'])) {
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $item['discount'];
- }
- if (isset($item['discountPercent'])) {
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_VALUE'] = $item['discountPercent'];
- $newPrice = round($arProduct['PRICE'] / 100 * (100 - $arProduct['DISCOUNT_VALUE']), 2);
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] + $arProduct['PRICE'] - $newPrice;
- }
- if(isset($item['discount']) || isset($item['discountPercent'])) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] -= $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
- }
- if (isset($item['offer']['name']) && $item['offer']['name']) {
- $arProduct['NAME'] = self::fromJSON($item['offer']['name']);
- }
- $arProduct = self::updateCancelProp($arProduct, 0);
- } elseif (isset($item['isCanceled'])) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] = 0;
- $arProduct = self::updateCancelProp($arProduct, 1);
- }
- if (isset($item['quantity']) && $item['quantity']) {
- $arProduct['QUANTITY'] = $item['quantity'];
- }
- if (isset($item['offer']['name']) && $item['offer']['name']) {
- $arProduct['NAME'] = self::fromJSON($item['offer']['name']);
- }
- if (isset($item['created']) && $item['created'] == true) {
- $iBlocks = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CATALOG_IBLOCKS, 0));
- $iBlock = array_shift($iBlocks);
- $newSection = new CIBlockSection;
- $newSectionFields = Array(
- "ACTIVE" => 'N',
- "IBLOCK_ID" => $iBlock,
- "NAME" => 'RetailCRM',
- "CODE" => 'RetailCRM',
- );
- $resSection = $newSection->Add($newSectionFields);
- if(!$resSection){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CIBlockSection::Add', 'Error castom section add');
- continue;
- }
- $arLoadProductArray = Array(
- "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => $resSection,
- "IBLOCK_ID" => $iBlock,
- "NAME" => $item['offer']['name'] ? $item['offer']['name'] : 'RetailCrmElement',
- "CODE" => 'RetailCrmElement',
- "ACTIVE" => 'Y'
- );
- $el = new CIBlockElement;
- $PRODUCT_ID = $el->Add($arLoadProductArray, false, false, true);
- if(!$PRODUCT_ID){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CIBlockElement::Add', 'Error castom element add');
- continue;
- }
- if(!CCatalogProduct::Add(array("ID" => $PRODUCT_ID))){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CCatalogProduct::Add', 'Error product add');
- continue;
- }
- $arFields = Array(
- "CATALOG_GROUP_ID" => COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE, 0),
- "PRICE" => $item['initialPrice'] ? $item['initialPrice'] : 1,
- "CURRENCY" => CCurrency::GetBaseCurrency(),
- );
- if(!CPrice::Add($arFields)){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CPrice::Add', 'Error price add');
- continue;
- }
- $Params = array(
- array(
- 'NAME' => 'id',
- 'CODE' => 'ID',
- 'VALUE' => $item['offer']['externalId']
- )
- );
- if(!Add2BasketByProductID($PRODUCT_ID, $item['quantity'], $arProduct, $Params)){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'Add2BasketByProductID', 'Error add to basket');
- continue;
- }
- if(!CIBlockSection::Delete($resSection)){
- self::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CIBlockSection::Delete', 'Error delete section');
- continue;
- }
- continue;
- }
- $prp = CSaleBasket::GetPropsList(array(), array("ORDER_ID" => $order['externalId'], "CODE" => 'ID', "VALUE" => $item['offer']['externalId']))->Fetch();
- CSaleBasket::Update($prp['BASKET_ID'], $arProduct);
- }
- }
- if (isset($order['delivery']) === false || isset($order['delivery']['cost']) === false) {
- $order['delivery']['cost'] = $arFields['PRICE_DELIVERY'];
- }
- if (isset($order['summ']) === false || $order['summ'] <= 0) {
- $order['summ'] = $arFields['PRICE'] - $arFields['PRICE_DELIVERY'];
- }
- $wasCanaceled = $arFields['CANCELED'] == 'Y' ? true : false;
- if (isset($optionsDelivTypes[$order['delivery']['code']])) {
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = $optionsDelivTypes[$order['delivery']['code']];
- } else {
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = isset($order['delivery']['service']) && isset($order['delivery']['service']['code']) ?
- reset(explode(":", $arFields['DELIVERY_ID'], 1)) :
- $arFields['DELIVERY_ID'];
- }
- if(isset($order['delivery']['service']) && isset($order['delivery']['service']['code'])) {
- $deliveryHandler = reset(CSaleDeliveryHandler::GetBySID($resultDeliveryTypeId)->arResult);
- if (count($deliveryHandler) > 0 && array_key_exists($order['delivery']['service']['code'], $deliveryHandler['PROFILES'])) {
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = $resultDeliveryTypeId . ':' . $order['delivery']['service']['code'];
- }
- }
- // orderUpdate
- $arFields = self::clearArr(array(
- 'PRICE_DELIVERY' => $order['delivery']['cost'],
- 'PRICE' => $order['summ'] + (double) $order['delivery']['cost'],
- 'DATE_MARKED' => $order['markDatetime'],
- 'USER_ID' => $userId,
- 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $optionsPayTypes[$order['paymentType']],
- 'DELIVERY_ID' => $resultDeliveryTypeId,
- 'STATUS_ID' => $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']],
- 'REASON_CANCELED' => self::fromJSON($order['statusComment']),
- 'USER_DESCRIPTION' => self::fromJSON($order['customerComment']),
- 'COMMENTS' => self::fromJSON($order['managerComment'])
- ));
- if (! date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $arFields['DATE_MARKED'])) {
- unset($arFields['DATE_MARKED']);
- }
- if (isset($order['discount'])) {
- $arFields['DISCOUNT_VALUE'] = $order['discount'];
- $arFields['PRICE'] -= $order['discount'];
- }
- if(!empty($arFields)) {
- try {
- CSaleOrder::Update($order['externalId'], $arFields);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- self::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CSaleOrder::Update',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (order external id: '.$order['externalId'].')'
- );
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(isset($order['status']) && $order['status']) {
- if(isset($optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]) && $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]) {
- // set STATUS_ID
- CSaleOrder::StatusOrder($order['externalId'], $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]);
- if($wasCanaceled && $optionsPayStatuses[ $order['status'] ] != 'YY') {
- CSaleOrder::CancelOrder($order['externalId'], "N", $order['statusComment']);
- } elseif ($optionsPayStatuses[ $order['status'] ] == 'YY') {
- CSaleOrder::CancelOrder($order['externalId'], "Y", $order['statusComment']);
- }
- }
- }
- // set PAYED
- if(isset($order['paymentStatus']) && $order['paymentStatus'] && $optionsPayment[$order['paymentStatus']]) {
- CSaleOrder::PayOrder($order['externalId'], $optionsPayment[$order['paymentStatus']]);
- }
- if(function_exists('intarocrm_order_post_persist')) {
- intarocrm_order_post_persist($order);
- }
- }
- }
- if (count($orderHistory) > 0) {
- COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_HISTORY_DATE, $dateFinish->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
- }
- return true;
- }
- protected static function recursiveUpdate($value, $code, $param)
- {
- $value = self::fromJSON($value);
- if (in_array($code, array('customer', 'items')) === false && isset($param['options'][$param['type']][$code])) {
- self::updateProps($value, $code, $param);
- }
- }
- protected static function updateProps($value, $code, $param)
- {
- if ($value == '' || !CModule::IncludeModule('sale')) {
- return false;
- }
- $add = false;
- if (isset($param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ]) == false) {
- if ($arProp = CSaleOrderProps::GetList(array(), array('CODE' => $param['options'][$param['type']][$code]))->Fetch()) {
- $param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ] = array(
- 'NAME' => $arProp['NAME'],
- 'CODE' => $arProp['CODE'],
- 'ORDER_PROPS_ID' => $arProp['ID'],
- 'TYPE' => $arProp['TYPE'],
- 'ORDER_ID' => $param['orderId'],
- 'VALUE' => ''
- );
- $add = true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ($param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ]['TYPE'] == 'LOCATION') {
- $value = self::getLocation($value);
- if ($value == false) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ($param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ]['VALUE'] != $value) {
- if ($add === true) {
- $param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ]['VALUE'] = $value;
- CSaleOrderPropsValue::Add($param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ]);
- } else {
- CSaleOrderPropsValue::Update($param['update'][ $param['options'][$param['type']][$code] ]['ID'], array('VALUE' => $value));
- }
- }
- }
- protected static function updateCancelProp($arProduct, $value) {
- if (isset($arProduct['PROPS'])) {
- foreach($arProduct['PROPS'] as $key => $item) {
- if ($item['CODE'] == self::CANCEL_PROPERTY_CODE) {
- $arProduct['PROPS'][$key]['VALUE'] = $value;
- break;
- }
- }
- $arProduct['PROPS'][] = array(
- 'NAME' => GetMessage('PRODUCT_CANCEL'),
- 'VALUE' => $value,
- 'SORT' => 10,
- );
- }
- return $arProduct;
- }
- public static function getLocation($value) {
- if (is_string($value) === false) {
- return false;
- } elseif ($location = CSaleLocation::GetList(array(), array("LID" => LANGUAGE_ID, "CITY_NAME" => $value))->Fetch()) {
- return method_exists('CSaleLocation', 'getLocationCODEbyID') ?
- CSaleLocation::getLocationCODEbyID($location['ID']) : $location['ID'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * w+ event in bitrix log
- */
- public static function eventLog($auditType, $itemId, $description) {
- CEventLog::Add(array(
- "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => $auditType,
- "MODULE_ID" => self::$MODULE_ID,
- "ITEM_ID" => $itemId,
- "DESCRIPTION" => $description,
- ));
- }
- /**
- *
- * Agent function
- *
- * @return self name
- */
- public static function uploadOrdersAgent() {
- self::uploadOrders();
- $failedIds = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, 0));
- if (is_array($failedIds) && !empty($failedIds)) {
- self::uploadOrders(50, true);
- }
- return 'ICrmOrderActions::uploadOrdersAgent();';
- }
- /**
- *
- * Agent function
- *
- * @return self name
- */
- public static function orderAgent() {
- if(COption::GetOptionString('main', 'agents_use_crontab', 'N') != 'N') {
- define('NO_AGENT_CHECK', true);
- }
- self::uploadOrdersAgent();
- self::orderHistory();
- return 'ICrmOrderActions::orderAgent();';
- }
- /**
- * removes all empty fields from arrays
- * working with nested arrs
- *
- * @param array $arr
- * @return array
- */
- public static function clearArr($arr) {
- if (is_array($arr) === false) {
- return $arr;
- }
- $result = array();
- foreach ($arr as $index => $node ) {
- $result[ $index ] = is_array($node) === true ? self::clearArr($node) : trim($node);
- if ($result[ $index ] == '' || $result[ $index ] === null || count($result[ $index ]) < 1) {
- unset($result[ $index ]);
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @global $APPLICATION
- * @param $str in SITE_CHARSET
- * @return $str in utf-8
- */
- public static function toJSON($str) {
- global $APPLICATION;
- return $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($str, SITE_CHARSET, 'utf-8');
- }
- /**
- *
- * @global $APPLICATION
- * @param $str in utf-8
- * @return $str in SITE_CHARSET
- */
- public static function fromJSON($str) {
- global $APPLICATION;
- return $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($str, 'utf-8', SITE_CHARSET);
- }
- public static function explodeFIO($fio) {
- $newFio = empty($fio) ? false : explode(" ", $fio, 3);
- $result = array();
- switch (count($newFio)) {
- default:
- case 0:
- $result['firstName'] = $fio;
- break;
- case 1:
- $result['firstName'] = $newFio[0];
- break;
- case 2:
- $result = array(
- 'lastName' => $newFio[0],
- 'firstName' => $newFio[1]
- );
- break;
- case 3:
- $result = array(
- 'lastName' => $newFio[0],
- 'firstName' => $newFio[1],
- 'patronymic' => $newFio[2]
- );
- break;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- public static function apiMethod($api, $methodApi, $method, $params, $site = null) {
- switch($methodApi){
- case 'ordersGet':
- case 'orderEdit':
- case 'customerGet':
- case 'customerEdit':
- try {
- $result = $api->$methodApi($params, 'externalId', $site);
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- self::eventLog(
- __CLASS__.'::'.$method, 'RetailCrm\RestApi::'.$methodApi.'::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- return false;
- }
- return $result;
- default:
- try {
- $result = $api->$methodApi($params, $site);
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- self::eventLog(
- __CLASS__.'::'.$method, 'RetailCrm\RestApi::'.$methodApi.'::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- return false;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- }
- }
- class RetailUser extends CUser
- {
- public function GetID()
- {
- $rsUser = CUser::GetList(($by='ID'), ($order='DESC'), array('LOGIN' => 'retailcrm%'));
- if ($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch()) {
- return $arUser['ID'];
- } else {
- $retailUser = new CUser;
- $userPassword = uniqid();
- $arFields = array(
- "NAME" => 'retailcrm',
- "LAST_NAME" => 'retailcrm',
- "EMAIL" => 'retailcrm@retailcrm.com',
- "LOGIN" => 'retailcrm',
- "LID" => "ru",
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- "GROUP_ID" => array(2),
- "PASSWORD" => $userPassword,
- "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $userPassword
- );
- $id = $retailUser->Add($arFields);
- if (!$id) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return $id;
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/RestApi.php b/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/RestApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f9434d..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/RestApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-url = $url;
- $this->defaultParameters = array('apiKey' => $apiKey);
- $this->siteCode = $site;
- }
- /* Методы для работы с заказами */
- /**
- * Получение заказа по id
- *
- * @param string $id - идентификатор заказа
- * @param string $by - поиск заказа по id или externalId
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse - информация о заказе
- */
- public function ordersGet($id, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
- {
- $this->checkIdParameter($by);
- return $this->makeRequest("/orders/$id", self::METHOD_GET, $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'by' => $by
- )));
- }
- /**
- * Создание заказа
- *
- * @param array $order - информация о заказе
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function ordersCreate($order, $site = null)
- {
- if (!sizeof($order)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `order` must contains a data');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest("/orders/create", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'order' => json_encode($order)
- )));
- }
- /**
- * Изменение заказа
- *
- * @param array $order - информация о заказе
- * @param string $by - изменение заказа по id или externalId
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderEdit($order, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
- {
- if (!sizeof($order)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `order` must contains a data');
- }
- $this->checkIdParameter($by);
- if (!isset($order[$by])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Order array must contain the "%s" parameter.', $by));
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- "/orders/" . $order[$by] . "/edit",
- self::METHOD_POST,
- $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'order' => json_encode($order),
- 'by' => $by,
- ))
- );
- }
- /**
- * Пакетная загрузка заказов
- *
- * @param array $orders - массив заказов
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderUpload($orders, $site = null)
- {
- if (!sizeof($orders)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `orders` must contains array of the orders');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest("/orders/upload", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'orders' => json_encode($orders),
- )));
- }
- /**
- * Обновление externalId у заказов с переданными id
- *
- * @param array $order - массив, содержащий id и externalId заказа
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderFixExternalIds($order)
- {
- if (!sizeof($order)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Method parameter must contains at least one IDs pair');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest("/orders/fix-external-ids", self::METHOD_POST, array(
- 'orders' => json_encode($order),
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Получение последних измененных заказов
- *
- * @param \DateTime|string|int $startDate - начальная дата и время выборки (Y-m-d H:i:s)
- * @param \DateTime|string|int $endDate - конечная дата и время выборки (Y-m-d H:i:s)
- * @param int $limit - ограничение на размер выборки
- * @param int $offset - сдвиг
- * @param bool $skipMyChanges
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderHistory(
- $startDate = null,
- $endDate = null,
- $limit = 100,
- $offset = 0,
- $skipMyChanges = true
- ) {
- $parameters = array();
- if ($startDate) {
- $parameters['startDate'] = $this->ensureDateTime($startDate);
- }
- if ($endDate) {
- $parameters['endDate'] = $this->ensureDateTime($endDate);
- }
- if ($limit) {
- $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
- }
- if ($offset) {
- $parameters['offset'] = (int) $offset;
- }
- if ($skipMyChanges) {
- $parameters['skipMyChanges'] = (bool) $skipMyChanges;
- }
- return $this->makeRequest('/orders/history', self::METHOD_GET, $parameters);
- }
- /* Методы для работы с клиентами */
- /**
- * Получение клиента по id
- *
- * @param string $id - идентификатор
- * @param string $by - поиск заказа по id или externalId
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return array - информация о клиенте
- */
- public function customerGet($id, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
- {
- $this->checkIdParameter($by);
- return $this->makeRequest("/customers/$id", self::METHOD_GET, $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'by' => $by
- )));
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка клиентов в соответсвии с запросом
- *
- * @param array $filter - фильтры
- * @param int $page - страница
- * @param int $limit - ограничение на размер выборки
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function customersList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
- {
- $parameters = array();
- if (sizeof($filter)) {
- $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
- }
- if (null !== $page) {
- $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
- }
- if (null !== $limit) {
- $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
- }
- return $this->makeRequest('/customers', self::METHOD_GET, $parameters);
- }
- /**
- * Создание клиента
- *
- * @param array $customer - информация о клиенте
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function customersCreate(array $customer, $site = null)
- {
- if (!sizeof($customer)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `customer` must contains a data');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest("/customers/create", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'customer' => json_encode($customer)
- )));
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование клиента
- *
- * @param array $customer - информация о клиенте
- * @param string $by - изменение клиента по id или externalId
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function customerEdit($customer, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
- {
- if (!sizeof($customer)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `customer` must contains a data');
- }
- $this->checkIdParameter($by);
- if (!isset($customer[$by])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Customer array must contain the "%s" parameter.', $by));
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- "/customers/" . $customer[$by] . "/edit",
- self::METHOD_POST,
- $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'customer' => json_encode($customer),
- 'by' => $by,
- )
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Пакетная загрузка клиентов
- *
- * @param array $customers - массив клиентов
- * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function customerUpload($customers, $site = null)
- {
- if (!sizeof($customers)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `customers` must contains array of the customers');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest("/customers/upload", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
- 'customers' => json_encode($customers),
- )));
- }
- /**
- * Обновление externalId у клиентов с переданными id
- *
- * @param array $customers - массив, содержащий id и externalId заказа
- * @return array
- */
- public function customerFixExternalIds($customers)
- {
- if (!sizeof($customers)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Method parameter must contains at least one IDs pair');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest("/customers/fix-external-ids", self::METHOD_POST, array(
- 'customers' => json_encode($customers),
- ));
- }
- /* Методы для работы со справочниками */
- /**
- * Получение списка типов доставки
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function deliveryTypesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/delivery-types', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование типа доставки
- *
- * @param array $delivery - информация о типе доставки
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function deliveryTypeEdit($delivery)
- {
- if (!isset($delivery['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/delivery-types/' . $delivery['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'deliveryType' => json_encode($delivery)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка служб доставки
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function deliveryServicesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/delivery-services', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование службы доставки
- *
- * @param array $delivery - информация о типе доставки
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function deliveryServiceEdit($delivery)
- {
- if (!isset($delivery['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/delivery-services/' . $delivery['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'deliveryService' => json_encode($delivery)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка типов оплаты
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function paymentTypesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/payment-types', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование типа оплаты
- *
- * @param array $paymentType - информация о типе оплаты
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function paymentTypesEdit($paymentType)
- {
- if (!isset($paymentType['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/payment-types/' . $paymentType['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'paymentType' => json_encode($paymentType)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка статусов оплаты
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function paymentStatusesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/payment-statuses', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование статуса оплаты
- *
- * @param array $paymentStatus - информация о статусе оплаты
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function paymentStatusesEdit($paymentStatus)
- {
- if (!isset($paymentStatus['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/payment-statuses/' . $paymentStatus['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'paymentStatus' => json_encode($paymentStatus)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка типов заказа
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderTypesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/order-types', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование типа заказа
- *
- * @param array $orderType - информация о типе заказа
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderTypesEdit($orderType)
- {
- if (!isset($orderType['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/order-types/' . $orderType['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'orderType' => json_encode($orderType)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка способов оформления заказа
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderMethodsList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/order-methods', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование способа оформления заказа
- *
- * @param array $orderMethod - информация о способе оформления заказа
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderMethodsEdit($orderMethod)
- {
- if (!isset($orderMethod['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/order-methods/' . $orderMethod['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'orderMethod' => json_encode($orderMethod)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка статусов заказа
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderStatusesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/statuses', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка сайтов
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function sitesList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/sites', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Редактирование статуса заказа
- *
- * @param array $status - информация о статусе заказа
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderStatusEdit($status)
- {
- if (!isset($status['code'])) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
- }
- return $this->makeRequest(
- '/reference/statuses/' . $status['code'] . '/edit',
- self::METHOD_POST,
- array(
- 'status' => json_encode($status)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Получение списка групп статусов заказа
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function orderStatusGroupsList()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/reference/status-groups', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * Обновление статистики
- *
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function statisticUpdate()
- {
- return $this->makeRequest('/statistic/update', self::METHOD_GET);
- }
- /**
- * @return \DateTime
- */
- public function getGeneratedAt()
- {
- return $this->generatedAt;
- }
- protected function ensureDateTime($value)
- {
- if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
- return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- } elseif (is_int($value)) {
- return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
- }
- return $value;
- }
- /**
- * Check ID parameter
- *
- * @param string $by
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function checkIdParameter($by)
- {
- $allowedForBy = array('externalId', 'id');
- if (!in_array($by, $allowedForBy)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
- 'Value "%s" for parameter "by" is not valid. Allowed values are %s.',
- $by,
- implode(', ', $allowedForBy)
- ));
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Fill params by site value
- *
- * @param string $site
- * @param array $params
- * @return array
- */
- protected function fillSite($site, array $params)
- {
- if ($site) {
- $params['site'] = $site;
- } elseif ($this->siteCode) {
- $params['site'] = $this->siteCode;
- }
- return $params;
- }
- /**
- * Make HTTP request
- *
- * @param string $path
- * @param string $method (default: 'GET')
- * @param array $parameters (default: array())
- * @param int $timeout
- * @return ApiResponse
- */
- public function makeRequest($path, $method, $parameters = array(), $timeout = 30)
- {
- $allowedMethods = array(self::METHOD_GET, self::METHOD_POST);
- if (!in_array($method, $allowedMethods)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
- 'Method "%s" is not valid. Allowed methods are %s',
- $method,
- implode(', ', $allowedMethods)
- ));
- }
- $parameters = array_merge($this->defaultParameters, $parameters);
- $path = $this->url . $path;
- if (self::METHOD_GET === $method && sizeof($parameters)) {
- $path .= '?' . http_build_query($parameters);
- }
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $path);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // return into a variable
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (int) $timeout); // times out after 30s
- // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // allow redirects
- if (self::METHOD_POST === $method) {
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $parameters);
- }
- $responseBody = curl_exec($ch);
- $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
- $errno = curl_errno($ch);
- $error = curl_error($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- if ($errno) {
- throw new CurlException($error, $errno);
- }
- $result = json_decode($responseBody, true);
- if (isset($result['generatedAt'])) {
- $this->generatedAt = new \DateTime($result['generatedAt']);
- unset($result['generatedAt']);
- }
- return new ApiResponse($statusCode, $responseBody);
- }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/events/ICrmOrderEvent.php b/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/events/ICrmOrderEvent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fde12b02..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/events/ICrmOrderEvent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- $optionsOrderTypes,
- 'optionsDelivTypes' => $optionsDelivTypes,
- 'optionsPayTypes' => $optionsPayTypes,
- 'optionsPayStatuses' => $optionsPayStatuses,
- 'optionsPayment' => $optionsPayment,
- 'optionsOrderProps' => $optionsOrderProps,
- 'optionsLegalDetails' => $optionsLegalDetails,
- 'optionsContragentType' => $optionsContragentType,
- 'optionsSitesList' => $optionsSitesList,
- 'optionsCustomFields' => $optionsCustomFields
- ));
- $arOrder = CSaleOrder::GetById($ID);
- if (is_array($arFields) && !empty($arFields)) {
- $arFieldsNew = array(
- 'USER_ID' => $arOrder['USER_ID'],
- 'ID' => $ID,
- 'CANCELED' => $arOrder['CANCELED'],
- 'STATUS_ID' => $arOrder['STATUS_ID'],
- 'DATE_INSERT' => $arOrder['DATE_INSERT'],
- 'LID' => $arOrder['LID']
- );
- $arFieldsNew = array_merge($arFieldsNew, $arFields);
- $arOrder = $arFieldsNew;
- }
- if(count($optionsSitesList)>1){
- $result = ICrmOrderActions::orderCreate($arOrder, $api, $arParams, true, $optionsSitesList[$arOrder['LID']]);
- }
- else{
- $result = ICrmOrderActions::orderCreate($arOrder, $api, $arParams, true);
- }
- if(!$result) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::writeDataOnOrderCreate', 'ICrmOrderActions::orderCreate', 'error during creating order');
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param type $ID -- orderId
- * @param type $cancel -- Y / N - cancel order status
- * @param type $reason -- cancel reason
- * @return boolean
- */
- function onSaleCancelOrder($ID, $cancel, $reason) {
- return;
- if(!$ID || !$cancel)
- return true;
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) {
- //handle err
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::onSaleCancelOrder', 'iblock', 'module not found');
- return true;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
- //handle err
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::onSaleCancelOrder', 'sale', 'module not found');
- return true;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
- //handle err
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::onSaleCancelOrder', 'catalog', 'module not found');
- return true;
- }
- $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
- $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- //saved cat params
- $optionsPayStatuses = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0)); // --statuses
- $api = new RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
- $order = array();
- if($cancel == 'Y') {
- $order = array(
- 'externalId' => (int) $ID,
- 'status' => $optionsPayStatuses[$cancel.$cancel],
- 'statusComment' => ICrmOrderActions::toJSON($reason)
- );
- } else if($cancel == 'N') {
- $arOrder = CSaleOrder::GetById((int) $ID);
- $order = array(
- 'externalId' => (int) $ID,
- 'status' => $optionsPayStatuses[$arOrder['STATUS_ID']],
- 'managerComment' => $arOrder['COMMENTS']
- );
- }
- $log = new Logger();
- $log->write($order, 'order');
- try {
- $api->orderEdit($order);
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderEvent::onSaleCancelOrder', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderEdit::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param type $ID -- orderId
- * @param type $payed -- Y / N - pay order status
- * @return boolean
- */
- function onSalePayOrder($ID, $payed) {
- return;
- if(!$ID || !$payed || ($payed != 'Y'))
- return true;
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) {
- //handle err
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::onSalePayOrder', 'iblock', 'module not found');
- return true;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
- //handle err
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::onSalePayOrder', 'sale', 'module not found');
- return true;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
- //handle err
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderEvent::onSalePayOrder', 'catalog', 'module not found');
- return true;
- }
- $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
- $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- //saved cat params
- $optionsPayment = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0));
- $api = new RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
- $order = array(
- 'externalId' => (int) $ID,
- 'paymentStatus' => $optionsPayment[$payed]
- );
- $log = new Logger();
- $log->write($order, 'order');
- try {
- $api->orderEdit($order);
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderEvent::onSalePayOrder', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderEdit::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param type $ID -- orderId
- * @param type $value -- ACCOUNT_NUMBER
- * @return boolean
- */
- function onBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet($ID, $value) {
- return false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/history/.htaccess b/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/history/.htaccess
deleted file mode 100644
index 945908c9..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/history/.htaccess
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Satisfy Any
-Allow from all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/history/history.php b/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/history/history.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 978e60ef..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/history/history.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-$idOrderCRM = (int) $_REQUEST['idOrderCRM'];
-if($idOrderCRM && $idOrderCRM > 0){
- require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php');
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'iblock', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'sale', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'catalog', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("intaro.intarocrm")) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'intaro.intarocrm', 'module not found');
- return false;
- }
- global $USER;
- if (is_object($USER) == false) {
- $USER = new RetailUser;
- }
- $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
- $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- $optionsOrderTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0)));
- $optionsDelivTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0)));
- $optionsPayTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0)));
- $optionsPayStatuses = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0))); // --statuses
- $optionsPayment = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0)));
- $optionsOrderProps = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0));
- $optionsLegalDetails = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0));
- $optionsContragentType = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0));
- $optionsSitesList = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_SITES_LIST, 0));
- $optionsCustomFields = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(ICrmOrderActions::$MODULE_ID, ICrmOrderActions::$CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0));
- foreach ($optionsOrderProps as $code => $value) {
- if (isset($optionsLegalDetails[$code])) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code] = array_merge($optionsOrderProps[$code], $optionsLegalDetails[$code]);
- }
- if (isset($optionsCustomFields[$code])) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code] = array_merge($optionsOrderProps[$code], $optionsCustomFields[$code]);
- }
- $optionsOrderProps[$code]['location'] = 'LOCATION';
- if (array_search('CITY', $optionsOrderProps[$code]) == false) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code]['city'] = 'CITY';
- }
- if (array_search('ZIP', $optionsOrderProps[$code]) == false) {
- $optionsOrderProps[$code]['index'] = 'ZIP';
- }
- }
- $api = new RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
- $order = $api->orderGet($idOrderCRM, $by = 'id');
- $log = new Logger();
- $log->write($order, 'order');
- $defaultOrderType = 1;
- $dbOrderTypesList = CSalePersonType::GetList(array(), array("ACTIVE" => "Y"));
- if ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch()) {
- $defaultOrderType = $arOrderTypesList['ID'];
- }
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_order_pre_persist')) {
- $order = intarocrm_order_pre_persist($order);
- }
- if (!isset($order['externalId'])) {
- // custom orderType function
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_set_order_type')) {
- $orderType = intarocrm_set_order_type($order);
- if ($orderType) {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $orderType;
- } else {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $defaultOrderType;
- }
- }
- // we dont need new orders without any customers (can check only for externalId)
- if (!isset($order['customer']['externalId'])) {
- if (!isset($order['customer']['id'])) {
- die();
- }
- $registerNewUser = true;
- if (!isset($order['customer']['email']) && $order['customer']['email'] != '') {
- $login = $order['customer']['email'] = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
- } else {
- $dbUser = CUser::GetList(($by = 'ID'), ($sort = 'ASC'), array('=EMAIL' => $order['email']));
- switch ($dbUser->SelectedRowsCount()) {
- case 0:
- $login = $order['customer']['email'];
- break;
- case 1:
- $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch();
- $registeredUserID = $arUser['ID'];
- $registerNewUser = false;
- break;
- default:
- $login = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($registerNewUser === true) {
- $userPassword = uniqid();
- $newUser = new CUser;
- $arFields = array(
- "NAME" => ICrmOrderActions::fromJSON($order['customer']['firstName']),
- "LAST_NAME" => ICrmOrderActions::fromJSON($order['customer']['lastName']),
- "EMAIL" => $order['customer']['email'],
- "LOGIN" => $login,
- "LID" => "ru",
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- "PASSWORD" => $userPassword,
- "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $userPassword
- );
- $registeredUserID = $newUser->Add($arFields);
- if ($registeredUserID === false) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'CUser::Register', 'Error register user');
- die();
- }
- try {
- $api->customerFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $order['customer']['id'], 'externalId' => $registeredUserID)));
- } catch (\IntaroCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customerFixExternalIds::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- die();
- }
- }
- $order['customer']['externalId'] = $registeredUserID;
- }
- // new order
- $newOrderFields = array(
- 'LID' => CSite::GetDefSite(),
- 'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => isset($optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']]) ? $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] : $defaultOrderType,
- 'PAYED' => 'N',
- 'CANCELED' => 'N',
- 'STATUS_ID' => 'N',
- 'PRICE' => 0,
- 'CURRENCY' => CCurrency::GetBaseCurrency(),
- 'USER_ID' => $order['customer']['externalId'],
- 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => 0,
- 'DELIVERY_ID' => 0,
- );
- if(count($optionsSitesList) > 1 && $lid = array_search($order['site'], $optionsSitesList)){
- $newOrderFields['LID'] = $lid;
- }
- $externalId = CSaleOrder::Add($newOrderFields);
- if (!isset($order['externalId'])) {
- try {
- $api->orderFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $order['id'], 'externalId' => $externalId)));
- } catch (\IntaroCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'ICrmOrderActions::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderFixExternalIds::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- die();
- }
- }
- $order['externalId'] = $externalId;
- }
- if (isset($order['externalId']) && $order['externalId']) {
- // custom orderType function
- if (function_exists('intarocrm_set_order_type')) {
- $orderType = intarocrm_set_order_type($order);
- if ($orderType) {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $orderType;
- } else {
- $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']] = $defaultOrderType;
- }
- }
- $arFields = CSaleOrder::GetById($order['externalId']);
- // incorrect order
- if ($arFields === false || empty($arFields)) {
- die();
- }
- $LID = $arFields['LID'];
- $userId = $arFields['USER_ID'];
- if(isset($order['customer']['externalId']) && !is_null($order['customer']['externalId'])) {
- $userId = $order['customer']['externalId'];
- }
- $rsOrderProps = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList(array(), array('ORDER_ID' => $arFields['ID']));
- $arUpdateProps = array();
- while ($ar = $rsOrderProps->Fetch()) {
- $prop = CSaleOrderProps::GetByID($ar['ORDER_PROPS_ID']);
- $arUpdateProps[ $ar['CODE'] ] = array('ID' => $ar['ID'], 'TYPE' => $prop['TYPE'], 'VALUE' => $ar['VALUE']);
- }
- $order['fio'] = trim(
- implode(
- ' ',
- array(
- isset($order['lastName']) ? $order['lastName'] : '',
- isset($order['firstName']) ? $order['firstName'] : '',
- isset($order['patronymic']) ? $order['patronymic'] : '',
- )
- )
- );
- if (isset($order['delivery']['address']['city'])) {
- $order['location'] = $order['delivery']['address']['city'];
- }
- if (isset($order['orderType']) && isset($optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ])) {
- if (isset($optionsOrderProps[$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
- foreach ($optionsOrderProps[$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] as $code => $value) {
- if (in_array($code, array_keys($order)) === false && isset($optionsOrderProps[$optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']]][$code])) {
- $order[ $code ] = $arUpdateProps[$optionsOrderProps[$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']][$code]]['VALUE'];
- }
- }
- }
- //update ordertype
- CSaleOrder::Update($order['externalId'], array('PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ]));
- $arProp = CSaleOrderProps::GetList(array(), array('PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ]));
- $typeParam = array();
- while ($ar = $arProp->Fetch()) {
- $typeParam[ $ar['CODE'] ] = $ar['CODE'];
- }
- foreach (array_diff_key($arUpdateProps, $typeParam) as $code => $param) {
- if (isset($arUpdateProps[$code])) {
- CSaleOrderPropsValue::Delete($param['ID']);
- }
- }
- $arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID'] = $optionsOrderTypes[ $order['orderType'] ];
- }
- array_walk_recursive(
- ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($order),
- 'ICrmOrderActions::recursiveUpdate',
- array(
- 'update' => $arUpdateProps,
- 'type' => $arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID'],
- 'options' => $optionsOrderProps,
- 'orderId' => $order['externalId']
- )
- );
- //выбираем товары по текущему заказу с сайта
- $bItms = array();
- $p = CSaleBasket::GetList(array(), array('ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId']));
- while($bItm = $p->Fetch()){
- $bItms[$bItm['PRODUCT_ID']] = $bItm;
- }
- //перебираем хистори
- $CrmItms = array();
- foreach($order['items'] as $item) {
- $CrmItms[] = $item['id'];
- //если такой товар есть
- if(in_array($item['offer']['externalId'], $bItms)){
- if ((int) $item['quantity'] != (int) $bItms[$item['offer']['externalId']]['QUANTITY']) {
- $arProduct['QUANTITY'] = $item['quantity'];
- $g = CSaleBasket::Update($bItms[$item['offer']['externalId']]['ID'], $arProduct);
- //резерв
- $ar_res = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($item['offer']['externalId']);
- $arFields = array(
- 'QUANTITY' => (int)$ar_res['QUANTITY'] + (int)$bItms[$item['offer']['externalId']]['QUANTITY'] - (int) $item['quantity'],
- 'QUANTITY_RESERVED' => (int)$ar_res['QUANTITY_RESERVED'] - (int)$bItms[$item['offer']['externalId']]['QUANTITY'] + (int) $item['quantity'],
- );
- $d = CCatalogProduct::Update($item['offer']['externalId'], $arFields);
- }
- }//если нет, добавляем
- else{
- $p = CIBlockElement::GetByID($item['offer']['externalId'])->Fetch();
- $iblock = CIBlock::GetByID($p['IBLOCK_ID'])->Fetch();
- $p['CATALOG_XML_ID'] = $iblock['XML_ID'];
- $p['PRODUCT_XML_ID'] = $p['XML_ID'];
- $arProduct = array(
- 'FUSER_ID' => $userId,
- 'ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'],
- 'QUANTITY' => $item['quantity'],
- 'CURRENCY' => CCurrency::GetBaseCurrency(),
- 'LID' => $LID,
- 'PRODUCT_ID' => $item['offer']['externalId'],
- 'WEIGHT' => $p['WEIGHT'],
- 'DELAY' => $p['DELAY'],
- 'CAN_BUY' => $p['CAN_BUY'],
- 'MODULE' => $p['MODULE'],
- 'NOTES' => $item['comment'] ?: $p['NOTES'],
- );
- if (isset($item['initialPrice']) && $item['initialPrice']) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] = (double) $item['initialPrice'];
- }
- if (isset($item['discount'])) {
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $item['discount'];
- }
- if (isset($item['discountPercent'])) {
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_VALUE'] = $item['discountPercent'];
- $newPrice = round($arProduct['PRICE'] / 100 * (100 - $arProduct['DISCOUNT_VALUE']), 2);
- $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] + $arProduct['PRICE'] - $newPrice;
- }
- if(isset($item['discount']) || isset($item['discountPercent'])) {
- $arProduct['PRICE'] -= $arProduct['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
- }
- if (isset($item['offer']['name']) && $item['offer']['name']) {
- $arProduct['NAME'] = ICrmOrderActions::fromJSON($item['offer']['name']);
- }
- $op = CSaleBasket::Add($arProduct);
- //резерв
- $ar_res = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($item['offer']['externalId']);
- $arFields = array(
- 'QUANTITY' => (int)$ar_res['QUANTITY'] - (int)$item['quantity'],
- 'QUANTITY_RESERVED' => (int)$ar_res['QUANTITY_RESERVED'] + (int)$item['quantity'],
- );
- $d = CCatalogProduct::Update($item['offer']['externalId'], $arFields);
- }
- }
- //удаляем лишние товары
- foreach($bItms as $bItm){
- if(!in_array($bItm['PRODUCT_ID'], $CrmItms)){
- CSaleBasket::Delete($bItm['ID']);
- //удаляем товары из резерва
- $ar_res = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($bItm['PRODUCT_ID']);
- $arFields = array(
- 'QUANTITY' => (int)$ar_res['QUANTITY'] + (int)$bItm['QUANTITY'],
- 'QUANTITY_RESERVED' => (int)$ar_res['QUANTITY_RESERVED'] - (int)$bItm['QUANTITY'],
- );
- $d = CCatalogProduct::Update($bItm['PRODUCT_ID'], $arFields);
- }
- }
- if (isset($order['delivery']) === false || isset($order['delivery']['cost']) === false) {
- $order['delivery']['cost'] = $arFields['PRICE_DELIVERY'];
- }
- if (isset($order['summ']) === false || $order['summ'] <= 0) {
- $order['summ'] = $arFields['PRICE'] - $arFields['PRICE_DELIVERY'];
- }
- $wasCanaceled = $arFields['CANCELED'] == 'Y' ? true : false;
- if (isset($optionsDelivTypes[$order['delivery']['code']])) {
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = $optionsDelivTypes[$order['delivery']['code']];
- } else {
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = isset($order['delivery']['service']) && isset($order['delivery']['service']['code']) ?
- reset(explode(":", $arFields['DELIVERY_ID'], 1)) :
- $arFields['DELIVERY_ID'];
- }
- if(isset($order['delivery']['service']) && isset($order['delivery']['service']['code'])) {
- $deliveryHandler = reset(CSaleDeliveryHandler::GetBySID($resultDeliveryTypeId)->arResult);
- if (count($deliveryHandler) > 0 && array_key_exists($order['delivery']['service']['code'], $deliveryHandler['PROFILES'])) {
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = $resultDeliveryTypeId . ':' . $order['delivery']['service']['code'];
- }
- }
- // orderUpdate
- $arFields = ICrmOrderActions::clearArr(array(
- 'PRICE_DELIVERY' => $order['delivery']['cost'],
- 'PRICE' => $order['summ'] + (double) $order['delivery']['cost'],
- 'DATE_MARKED' => $order['markDatetime'],
- 'USER_ID' => $userId,
- 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $optionsPayTypes[$order['paymentType']],
- 'DELIVERY_ID' => $resultDeliveryTypeId,
- 'STATUS_ID' => $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']],
- 'REASON_CANCELED' => ICrmOrderActions::fromJSON($order['statusComment']),
- 'USER_DESCRIPTION' => ICrmOrderActions::fromJSON($order['customerComment']),
- 'COMMENTS' => ICrmOrderActions::fromJSON($order['managerComment'])
- ));
- if (isset($order['discount'])) {
- $arFields['DISCOUNT_VALUE'] = $order['discount'];
- $arFields['PRICE'] -= $order['discount'];
- }
- if(!empty($arFields)) {
- CSaleOrder::Update($order['externalId'], $arFields);
- }
- if(isset($order['status']) && $order['status']) {
- if(isset($optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]) && $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]) {
- // set STATUS_ID
- CSaleOrder::StatusOrder($order['externalId'], $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]);
- if($wasCanaceled && $optionsPayStatuses[ $order['status'] ] != 'YY') {
- CSaleOrder::CancelOrder($order['externalId'], "N", $order['statusComment']);
- } elseif ($optionsPayStatuses[ $order['status'] ] == 'YY') {
- CSaleOrder::CancelOrder($order['externalId'], "Y", $order['statusComment']);
- }
- }
- }
- // set PAYED
- if(isset($order['paymentStatus']) && $order['paymentStatus'] && $optionsPayment[$order['paymentStatus']]) {
- CSaleOrder::PayOrder($order['externalId'], $optionsPayment[$order['paymentStatus']]);
- }
- if(function_exists('intarocrm_order_post_persist')) {
- intarocrm_order_post_persist($order);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/description.ru b/intaro.intarocrm/description.ru
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ba43226..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/description.ru
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-- Исправлена ошибка, связанная с версионностью PHP в History.
-- Добавлена выгрузка закупочной цены вместе с заказом
-- Добавлены индивидуальные настройки для профилей выгрузки
-- Исправлены мелкие ошибки
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/include.php b/intaro.intarocrm/include.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e1352414..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/include.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- 'classes/general/RestNormalizer.php',
- 'Logger' => 'classes/general/Logger.php',
- 'RetailCrm\RestApi' => 'classes/general/RestApi.php',
- 'RetailCrm\Response\ApiResponse' => 'classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php',
- 'ICrmOrderActions' => 'classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php',
- 'ICMLLoader' => 'classes/general/ICMLLoader.php',
- 'ICrmOrderEvent' => 'classes/general/events/ICrmOrderEvent.php',
- 'RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException' => 'classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php',
- 'RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException' => 'classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php',
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/install/export/intarocrm_run.php b/intaro.intarocrm/install/export/intarocrm_run.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b789f8..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/install/export/intarocrm_run.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/install/export/intarocrm_setup.php b/intaro.intarocrm/install/export/intarocrm_setup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index da2957c8..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/install/export/intarocrm_setup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/install/version.php b/intaro.intarocrm/install/version.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3913b629..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/install/version.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-$arModuleVersion = array(
- "VERSION" => "1.1.1",
- "VERSION_DATE" => "2015-03-19 14:56:00"
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/lang/ru/classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php b/intaro.intarocrm/lang/ru/classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 493ac10f..00000000
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/lang/ru/classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
+ * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
+ * @link http://www.retailcrm.ru/docs/Developers/ApiVersion4
+ */
+namespace RetailCrm;
+use RetailCrm\Http\Client;
+use RetailCrm\Response\ApiResponse;
+ * PHP version 5.3
+ *
+ * API client class
+ *
+ * @category RetailCrm
+ * @package RetailCrm
+ * @author RetailCrm
+ * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
+ * @link http://www.retailcrm.ru/docs/Developers/ApiVersion4
+ */
+class ApiClient
+ const VERSION = 'v4';
+ protected $client;
+ /**
+ * Site code
+ */
+ protected $siteCode;
+ /**
+ * Client creating
+ *
+ * @param string $url api url
+ * @param string $apiKey api key
+ * @param string $site site code
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ public function __construct($url, $apiKey, $site = null)
+ {
+ if ('/' !== $url[strlen($url) - 1]) {
+ $url .= '/';
+ }
+ $url = $url . 'api/' . self::VERSION;
+ $this->client = new Client($url, array('apiKey' => $apiKey));
+ $this->siteCode = $site;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns users list
+ *
+ * @param array $filter
+ * @param null $page
+ * @param null $limit
+ *
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function usersList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/users',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns user data
+ *
+ * @param integer $id user ID
+ *
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function usersGet($id)
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest("/users/$id", Client::METHOD_GET);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns filtered orders list
+ *
+ * @param array $filter (default: array())
+ * @param int $page (default: null)
+ * @param int $limit (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a order
+ *
+ * @param array $order order data
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersCreate(array $order, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($order)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `order` must contains a data'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/create',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('order' => json_encode($order)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save order IDs' (id and externalId) association in the CRM
+ *
+ * @param array $ids order identificators
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersFixExternalIds(array $ids)
+ {
+ if (! count($ids)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Method parameter must contains at least one IDs pair'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/fix-external-ids',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('orders' => json_encode($ids)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns statuses of the orders
+ *
+ * @param array $ids (default: array())
+ * @param array $externalIds (default: array())
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersStatuses(array $ids = array(), array $externalIds = array())
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($ids)) {
+ $parameters['ids'] = $ids;
+ }
+ if (count($externalIds)) {
+ $parameters['externalIds'] = $externalIds;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/statuses',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Upload array of the orders
+ *
+ * @param array $orders array of orders
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersUpload(array $orders, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($orders)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `orders` must contains array of the orders'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/upload',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('orders' => json_encode($orders)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get order by id or externalId
+ *
+ * @param string $id order identificator
+ * @param string $by (default: 'externalId')
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersGet($id, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+ {
+ $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/orders/$id",
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('by' => $by))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit a order
+ *
+ * @param array $order order data
+ * @param string $by (default: 'externalId')
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersEdit(array $order, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($order)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `order` must contains a data'
+ );
+ }
+ $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+ if (!array_key_exists($by, $order)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ sprintf('Order array must contain the "%s" parameter.', $by)
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/orders/%s/edit', $order[$by]),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite(
+ $site,
+ array('order' => json_encode($order), 'by' => $by)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get orders history
+ * @param array $filter
+ * @param null $page
+ * @param null $limit
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersHistory(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/history',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns filtered customers list
+ *
+ * @param array $filter (default: array())
+ * @param int $page (default: null)
+ * @param int $limit (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/customers',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a customer
+ *
+ * @param array $customer customer data
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersCreate(array $customer, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (! count($customer)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `customer` must contains a data'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/customers/create',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('customer' => json_encode($customer)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save customer IDs' (id and externalId) association in the CRM
+ *
+ * @param array $ids ids mapping
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersFixExternalIds(array $ids)
+ {
+ if (! count($ids)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Method parameter must contains at least one IDs pair'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/customers/fix-external-ids',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('customers' => json_encode($ids))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Upload array of the customers
+ *
+ * @param array $customers array of customers
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersUpload(array $customers, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (! count($customers)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `customers` must contains array of the customers'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/customers/upload',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('customers' => json_encode($customers)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get customer by id or externalId
+ *
+ * @param string $id customer identificator
+ * @param string $by (default: 'externalId')
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersGet($id, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+ {
+ $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/customers/$id",
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('by' => $by))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit a customer
+ *
+ * @param array $customer customer data
+ * @param string $by (default: 'externalId')
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersEdit(array $customer, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($customer)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `customer` must contains a data'
+ );
+ }
+ $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+ if (!array_key_exists($by, $customer)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ sprintf('Customer array must contain the "%s" parameter.', $by)
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/customers/%s/edit', $customer[$by]),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite(
+ $site,
+ array('customer' => json_encode($customer), 'by' => $by)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get customers history
+ * @param array $filter
+ * @param null $page
+ * @param null $limit
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function customersHistory(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/customers/history',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get orders assembly list
+ *
+ * @param array $filter (default: array())
+ * @param int $page (default: null)
+ * @param int $limit (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersPacksList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/packs',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create orders assembly
+ *
+ * @param array $pack pack data
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersPacksCreate(array $pack, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($pack)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `pack` must contains a data'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/packs/create',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('pack' => json_encode($pack)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get orders assembly history
+ *
+ * @param array $filter (default: array())
+ * @param int $page (default: null)
+ * @param int $limit (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersPacksHistory(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/orders/packs/history',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get orders assembly by id
+ *
+ * @param string $id pack identificator
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersPacksGet($id)
+ {
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `id` must be set');
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/orders/packs/$id",
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete orders assembly by id
+ *
+ * @param string $id pack identificator
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersPacksDelete($id)
+ {
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `id` must be set');
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/orders/packs/%s/delete', $id),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit orders assembly
+ *
+ * @param array $pack pack data
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function ordersPacksEdit(array $pack, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($pack) || empty($pack['id'])) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `pack` must contains a data & pack `id` must be set'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/orders/packs/%s/edit', $pack['id']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('pack' => json_encode($pack)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get purchace prices & stock balance
+ *
+ * @param array $filter (default: array())
+ * @param int $page (default: null)
+ * @param int $limit (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storeInventories(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/store/inventories',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get store settings
+ *
+ * @param string $code get settings code
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storeSettingsGet($code)
+ {
+ if (empty($code)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `code` must be set');
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/store/setting/$code",
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit store configuration
+ *
+ * @param array $configuration
+ *
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storeSettingsEdit(array $configuration)
+ {
+ if (!count($configuration) || empty($configuration['code'])) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `configuration` must contains a data & configuration `code` must be set'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/store/setting/%s/edit', $configuration['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $configuration
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Upload store inventories
+ *
+ * @param array $offers offers data
+ * @param string $site (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storeInventoriesUpload(array $offers, $site = null)
+ {
+ if (!count($offers)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `offers` must contains array of the offers'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/store/inventories/upload',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $this->fillSite($site, array('offers' => json_encode($offers)))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get products
+ *
+ * @param array $filter (default: array())
+ * @param int $page (default: null)
+ * @param int $limit (default: null)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storeProducts(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $parameters = array();
+ if (count($filter)) {
+ $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+ }
+ if (null !== $page) {
+ $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+ }
+ if (null !== $limit) {
+ $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/store/products',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get delivery settings
+ *
+ * @param string $code
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliverySettingsGet($code)
+ {
+ if (empty($code)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `code` must be set');
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/delivery/generic/setting/$code",
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit delivery configuration
+ *
+ * @param array $configuration
+ *
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliverySettingsEdit(array $configuration)
+ {
+ if (!count($configuration) || empty($configuration['code'])) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `configuration` must contains a data & configuration `code` must be set'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/delivery/generic/setting/%s/edit', $configuration['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('configuration' => json_encode($configuration))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delivery tracking update
+ *
+ * @param string $code
+ * @param array $statusUpdate
+ *
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliveryTracking($code, array $statusUpdate)
+ {
+ if (empty($code)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `code` must be set');
+ }
+ if (!count($statusUpdate)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `statusUpdate` must contains a data'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/delivery/generic/%s/tracking', $code),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ $statusUpdate
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns available county list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function countriesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/countries',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns deliveryServices list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliveryServicesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/delivery-services',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit deliveryService
+ *
+ * @param array $data delivery service data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliveryServicesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/delivery-services/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('deliveryService' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns deliveryTypes list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliveryTypesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/delivery-types',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit deliveryType
+ *
+ * @param array $data delivery type data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function deliveryTypesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/delivery-types/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('deliveryType' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns orderMethods list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function orderMethodsList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/order-methods',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit orderMethod
+ *
+ * @param array $data order method data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function orderMethodsEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/order-methods/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('orderMethod' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns orderTypes list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function orderTypesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/order-types',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit orderType
+ *
+ * @param array $data order type data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function orderTypesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/order-types/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('orderType' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns paymentStatuses list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function paymentStatusesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/payment-statuses',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit paymentStatus
+ *
+ * @param array $data payment status data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function paymentStatusesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/payment-statuses/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('paymentStatus' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns paymentTypes list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function paymentTypesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/payment-types',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit paymentType
+ *
+ * @param array $data payment type data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function paymentTypesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/payment-types/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('paymentType' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns productStatuses list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function productStatusesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/product-statuses',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit productStatus
+ *
+ * @param array $data product status data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function productStatusesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/product-statuses/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('productStatus' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns sites list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function sitesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/sites',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit site
+ *
+ * @param array $data site data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function sitesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/sites/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('site' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns statusGroups list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function statusGroupsList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/status-groups',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns statuses list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function statusesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/statuses',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit order status
+ *
+ * @param array $data status data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function statusesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/statuses/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('status' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns stores list
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storesList()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/reference/stores',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit store
+ *
+ * @param array $data site data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function storesEdit(array $data)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists('code', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "code" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ if (!array_key_exists('name', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Data must contain "name" parameter.'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ sprintf('/reference/stores/%s/edit', $data['code']),
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('store' => json_encode($data))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get telephony settings
+ *
+ * @param string $code
+ *
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function telephonySettingsGet($code)
+ {
+ if (empty($code)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `code` must be set');
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/telephony/setting/$code",
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edit telephony settings
+ *
+ * @param string $code symbolic code
+ * @param string $clientId client id
+ * @param boolean $active telephony activity
+ * @param mixed $name service name
+ * @param mixed $makeCallUrl service init url
+ * @param mixed $image service logo url(svg file)
+ *
+ * @param array $additionalCodes
+ * @param array $externalPhones
+ * @param bool $allowEdit
+ * @param bool $inputEventSupported
+ * @param bool $outputEventSupported
+ * @param bool $hangupEventSupported
+ * @param bool $changeUserStatusUrl
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function telephonySettingsEdit(
+ $code,
+ $clientId,
+ $active = false,
+ $name = false,
+ $makeCallUrl = false,
+ $image = false,
+ $additionalCodes = array(),
+ $externalPhones = array(),
+ $allowEdit = false,
+ $inputEventSupported = false,
+ $outputEventSupported = false,
+ $hangupEventSupported = false,
+ $changeUserStatusUrl = false
+ )
+ {
+ if (!isset($code)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Code must be set');
+ }
+ $parameters['code'] = $code;
+ if (!isset($clientId)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('client id must be set');
+ }
+ $parameters['clientId'] = $clientId;
+ if (!isset($active)) {
+ $parameters['active'] = false;
+ } else {
+ $parameters['active'] = $active;
+ }
+ if (!isset($name)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('name must be set');
+ }
+ if (isset($name)) {
+ $parameters['name'] = $name;
+ }
+ if (isset($makeCallUrl)) {
+ $parameters['makeCallUrl'] = $makeCallUrl;
+ }
+ if (isset($image)) {
+ $parameters['image'] = $image;
+ }
+ if (isset($additionalCodes)) {
+ $parameters['additionalCodes'] = $additionalCodes;
+ }
+ if (isset($externalPhones)) {
+ $parameters['externalPhones'] = $externalPhones;
+ }
+ if (isset($allowEdit)) {
+ $parameters['allowEdit'] = $allowEdit;
+ }
+ if (isset($inputEventSupported)) {
+ $parameters['inputEventSupported'] = $inputEventSupported;
+ }
+ if (isset($outputEventSupported)) {
+ $parameters['outputEventSupported'] = $outputEventSupported;
+ }
+ if (isset($hangupEventSupported)) {
+ $parameters['hangupEventSupported'] = $hangupEventSupported;
+ }
+ if (isset($changeUserStatusUrl)) {
+ $parameters['changeUserStatusUrl'] = $changeUserStatusUrl;
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ "/telephony/setting/$code/edit",
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('configuration' => json_encode($parameters))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call event
+ *
+ * @param string $phone phone number
+ * @param string $type call type
+ * @param array $codes
+ * @param string $hangupStatus
+ * @param string $externalPhone
+ * @param array $webAnalyticsData
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ * @internal param string $code additional phone code
+ * @internal param string $status call status
+ *
+ */
+ public function telephonyCallEvent(
+ $phone,
+ $type,
+ $codes,
+ $hangupStatus,
+ $externalPhone = null,
+ $webAnalyticsData = array()
+ )
+ {
+ if (!isset($phone)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Phone number must be set');
+ }
+ if (!isset($type)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Type must be set (in|out|hangup)');
+ }
+ if (empty($codes)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Codes array must be set');
+ }
+ $parameters['phone'] = $phone;
+ $parameters['type'] = $type;
+ $parameters['codes'] = $codes;
+ $parameters['hangupStatus'] = $hangupStatus;
+ $parameters['callExternalId'] = $externalPhone;
+ $parameters['webAnalyticsData'] = $webAnalyticsData;
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/telephony/call/event',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('event' => json_encode($parameters))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Upload calls
+ *
+ * @param array $calls calls data
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function telephonyCallsUpload(array $calls)
+ {
+ if (!count($calls)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'Parameter `calls` must contains array of the calls'
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/telephony/calls/upload',
+ Client::METHOD_POST,
+ array('calls' => json_encode($calls))
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get call manager
+ *
+ * @param string $phone phone number
+ * @param bool $details detailed information
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function telephonyCallManager($phone, $details)
+ {
+ if (!isset($phone)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Phone number must be set');
+ }
+ $parameters['phone'] = $phone;
+ $parameters['details'] = isset($details) ? $details : 0;
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/telephony/manager',
+ Client::METHOD_GET,
+ $parameters
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update CRM basic statistic
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException
+ * @throws \RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function statisticUpdate()
+ {
+ return $this->client->makeRequest(
+ '/statistic/update',
+ Client::METHOD_GET
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return current site
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getSite()
+ {
+ return $this->siteCode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set site
+ *
+ * @param string $site site code
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function setSite($site)
+ {
+ $this->siteCode = $site;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check ID parameter
+ *
+ * @param string $by identify by
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function checkIdParameter($by)
+ {
+ $allowedForBy = array(
+ 'externalId',
+ 'id'
+ );
+ if (!in_array($by, $allowedForBy, false)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ sprintf(
+ 'Value "%s" for "by" param is not valid. Allowed values are %s.',
+ $by,
+ implode(', ', $allowedForBy)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fill params by site value
+ *
+ * @param string $site site code
+ * @param array $params input parameters
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function fillSite($site, array $params)
+ {
+ if ($site) {
+ $params['site'] = $site;
+ } elseif ($this->siteCode) {
+ $params['site'] = $this->siteCode;
+ }
+ return $params;
+ }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php
similarity index 100%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php
similarity index 100%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Http/Client.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Http/Client.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e16190f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Http/Client.php
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
+ * @link http://www.retailcrm.ru/docs/Developers/ApiVersion3
+ */
+namespace RetailCrm\Http;
+use RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException;
+use RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException;
+use RetailCrm\Response\ApiResponse;
+ * PHP version 5.3
+ *
+ * HTTP client
+ *
+ * @category RetailCrm
+ * @package RetailCrm
+ * @author RetailCrm
+ * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
+ * @link http://www.retailcrm.ru/docs/Developers/ApiVersion3
+ */
+class Client
+ const METHOD_GET = 'GET';
+ const METHOD_POST = 'POST';
+ protected $url;
+ protected $defaultParameters;
+ protected $retry;
+ /**
+ * Client constructor.
+ *
+ * @param string $url api url
+ * @param array $defaultParameters array of parameters
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ */
+ public function __construct($url, array $defaultParameters = array())
+ {
+ if (false === stripos($url, 'https://')) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ 'API schema requires HTTPS protocol'
+ );
+ }
+ $this->url = $url;
+ $this->defaultParameters = $defaultParameters;
+ $this->retry = 0;
+ $this->curlErrors = array(
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make HTTP request
+ *
+ * @param string $path request url
+ * @param string $method (default: 'GET')
+ * @param array $parameters (default: array())
+ *
+ * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ * @throws CurlException
+ * @throws InvalidJsonException
+ *
+ * @return ApiResponse
+ */
+ public function makeRequest(
+ $path,
+ $method,
+ array $parameters = array()
+ ) {
+ $allowedMethods = array(self::METHOD_GET, self::METHOD_POST);
+ if (!in_array($method, $allowedMethods, false)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+ sprintf(
+ 'Method "%s" is not valid. Allowed methods are %s',
+ $method,
+ implode(', ', $allowedMethods)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $parameters = array_merge($this->defaultParameters, $parameters);
+ $url = $this->url . $path;
+ if (self::METHOD_GET === $method && count($parameters)) {
+ $url .= '?' . http_build_query($parameters, '', '&');
+ }
+ $curlHandler = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
+ if (self::METHOD_POST === $method) {
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_POST, true);
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $parameters);
+ }
+ $responseBody = curl_exec($curlHandler);
+ $statusCode = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
+ $errno = curl_errno($curlHandler);
+ $error = curl_error($curlHandler);
+ curl_close($curlHandler);
+ if ($errno
+ && in_array($errno, $this->curlErrors, false)
+ && $this->retry < 3
+ ) {
+ $errno = null;
+ $error = null;
+ ++$this->retry;
+ $this->makeRequest($path, $method, $parameters);
+ }
+ if ($errno) {
+ throw new CurlException($error, $errno);
+ }
+ return new ApiResponse($statusCode, $responseBody);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retry connect
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getRetry()
+ {
+ return $this->retry;
+ }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Logger.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Logger.php
similarity index 70%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Logger.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Logger.php
index 422d3d35..e49cce6f 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Logger.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Logger.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class Logger
private $logPath;
private $files;
- public function __construct($logPath = '/bitrix/modules/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/log', $files = 3)
+ public function __construct($logPath = '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/log', $files = 3)
$this->logPath = $logPath;
$this->files = $files;
@@ -12,13 +12,17 @@ class Logger
public function write($dump, $file = 'info')
- $file = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logPath . '/' . $file . '.log';
- // message prefix with current time
+ $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('DEF' => 'Y'));
+ $ar = $rsSites->Fetch();
+ if (!is_dir($ar['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . $this->logPath . '/'))
+ {
+ mkdir($ar['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . $this->logPath . '/');
+ }
+ $file = $ar['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . $this->logPath . '/' . $file . '.log';
$data['TIME'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data['DATA'] = $dump;
- //write log
$f = fopen($file, "a+");
fwrite($f, print_r($data,true));
@@ -36,7 +40,8 @@ class Logger
- date('YmdHis'),
+ '_',
+ date('Y-m-d_H:i:s'),
@@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ class Logger
copy($file, $rotate);
- $files = glob($path['dirname'] . '/' . "*" . $path['filename'] . ".log");
+ $files = glob($path['dirname'] . '/' . $path['filename'] . "*" . ".log");
if (0 === $this->files) {
@@ -52,6 +57,7 @@ class Logger
if (count($files) > $this->files) {
+ $files = array_reverse($files);
foreach (array_slice($files, $this->files) as $log) {
if (is_writable($log)) {
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RCrmActions.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RCrmActions.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..879c8d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RCrmActions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ 'Y'));
+ while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()){
+ $arSites[] = $ar;
+ }
+ return $arSites;
+ }
+ public static function OrderTypesList($arSites){
+ $orderTypesList = array();
+ foreach($arSites as $site){
+ $personTypes = \Bitrix\Sale\PersonType::load($site['LID']);
+ $bitrixOrderTypesList = array();
+ foreach($personTypes as $personType){
+ if(!array_key_exists($personType['ID'], $orderTypesList)){
+ $bitrixOrderTypesList[$personType['ID']] = $personType;
+ }
+ asort($bitrixOrderTypesList);
+ }
+ $orderTypesList = $orderTypesList + $bitrixOrderTypesList;
+ }
+ return $orderTypesList;
+ }
+ public static function DeliveryList(){
+ $bitrixDeliveryTypesList = array();
+ $arDeliveryServiceAll = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\Manager::getActiveList();
+ $noOrderId = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\EmptyDeliveryService::getEmptyDeliveryServiceId();
+ foreach($arDeliveryServiceAll as $arDeliveryService){
+ if($arDeliveryService['PARENT_ID'] == '0' && $arDeliveryService['ID'] != $noOrderId){
+ $bitrixDeliveryTypesList[] = $arDeliveryService;
+ }
+ }
+ return $bitrixDeliveryTypesList;
+ }
+ public static function PaymentList(){
+ $bitrixPaymentTypesList = array();
+ $dbPaymentAll = \Bitrix\Sale\PaySystem\Manager::getList(array(
+ 'select' => array('ID', 'NAME'),
+ 'filter' => array('ACTIVE' => 'Y')
+ ));
+ while($payment = $dbPaymentAll->fetch())
+ {
+ $bitrixPaymentTypesList[] = $payment;
+ }
+ return $bitrixPaymentTypesList;
+ }
+ public static function StatusesList(){
+ $bitrixPaymentStatusesList = array();
+ $arStatusesAll = \Bitrix\Sale\OrderStatus::getAllStatusesNames();
+ foreach($arStatusesAll as $key => $arStatus){
+ $bitrixPaymentStatusesList[$key] = array('ID' => $key, 'NAME' => $arStatus);
+ }
+ return $bitrixPaymentStatusesList;
+ }
+ public static function OrderPropsList(){
+ $bitrixPropsList = array();
+ $arPropsAll = \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\OrderPropsTable::getList(array(
+ 'select' => array('*')
+ ));
+ while ($prop = $arPropsAll->Fetch()){
+ $bitrixPropsList[$prop['PERSON_TYPE_ID']][] = $prop;
+ }
+ return $bitrixPropsList;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * w+ event in bitrix log
+ */
+ public static function eventLog($auditType, $itemId, $description) {
+ CEventLog::Add(array(
+ "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => $auditType,
+ "MODULE_ID" => self::$MODULE_ID,
+ "ITEM_ID" => $itemId,
+ "DESCRIPTION" => $description,
+ ));
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Agent function
+ *
+ * @return self name
+ */
+ public static function uploadOrdersAgent() {
+ RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrders();
+ $failedIds = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, 0));
+ if (is_array($failedIds) && !empty($failedIds)) {
+ RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrders(50, true);
+ }
+ return 'RCrmActions::uploadOrdersAgent();';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Agent function
+ *
+ * @return self name
+ */
+ public static function orderAgent() {
+ if(COption::GetOptionString('main', 'agents_use_crontab', 'N') != 'N') {
+ define('NO_AGENT_CHECK', true);
+ }
+ RetailCrmHistory::customerHistory();
+ RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory();
+ self::uploadOrdersAgent();
+ return 'RCrmActions::orderAgent();';
+ }
+ /**
+ * removes all empty fields from arrays
+ * working with nested arrs
+ *
+ * @param array $arr
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function clearArr($arr) {
+ if (is_array($arr) === false) {
+ return $arr;
+ }
+ $result = array();
+ foreach ($arr as $index => $node ) {
+ $result[ $index ] = is_array($node) === true ? self::clearArr($node) : trim($node);
+ if ($result[ $index ] == '' || $result[ $index ] === null || count($result[ $index ]) < 1) {
+ unset($result[ $index ]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @global $APPLICATION
+ * @param $str in SITE_CHARSET
+ * @return $str in utf-8
+ */
+ public static function toJSON($str) {
+ global $APPLICATION;
+ return $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($str, SITE_CHARSET, 'utf-8');
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @global $APPLICATION
+ * @param $str in utf-8
+ * @return $str in SITE_CHARSET
+ */
+ public static function fromJSON($str) {
+ global $APPLICATION;
+ return $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($str, 'utf-8', SITE_CHARSET);
+ }
+ public static function explodeFIO($fio) {
+ $newFio = empty($fio) ? false : explode(" ", $fio, 3);
+ $result = array();
+ switch (count($newFio)) {
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ $result['firstName'] = $fio;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $result['firstName'] = $newFio[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $result = array(
+ 'lastName' => $newFio[0],
+ 'firstName' => $newFio[1]
+ );
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $result = array(
+ 'lastName' => $newFio[0],
+ 'firstName' => $newFio[1],
+ 'patronymic' => $newFio[2]
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function apiMethod($api, $methodApi, $method, $params, $site = null) {
+ switch($methodApi){
+ case 'ordersGet':
+ case 'ordersEdit':
+ case 'customersGet':
+ case 'customersEdit':
+ try {
+ $result = $api->$methodApi($params, 'externalId', $site);
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ self::eventLog(
+ __CLASS__.'::'.$method, 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::'.$methodApi.'::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ self::eventLog(
+ __CLASS__.'::'.$method, 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::'.$methodApi.'::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ default:
+ try {
+ $result = $api->$methodApi($params, $site);
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ self::eventLog(
+ __CLASS__.'::'.$method, 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::'.$methodApi.'::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ self::eventLog(
+ __CLASS__.'::'.$method, 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::'.$methodApi.'::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php
similarity index 64%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php
index 3997a725..70c145aa 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php
@@ -1,11 +1,31 @@
+ * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
+ * @link http://www.retailcrm.ru/docs/Developers/ApiVersion3
+ */
namespace RetailCrm\Response;
use RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException;
+ * PHP version 5.3
+ *
* Response from retailCRM API
+ *
+ * @category RetailCrm
+ * @package RetailCrm
+ * @author RetailCrm
+ * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
+ * @link http://www.retailcrm.ru/docs/Developers/ApiVersion3
class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
@@ -15,6 +35,14 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
// response assoc array
protected $response;
+ /**
+ * ApiResponse constructor.
+ *
+ * @param int $statusCode HTTP status code
+ * @param mixed $responseBody HTTP body
+ *
+ * @throws InvalidJsonException
+ */
public function __construct($statusCode, $responseBody = null)
$this->statusCode = (int) $statusCode;
@@ -56,7 +84,11 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
* Allow to access for the property throw class method
- * @param string $name
+ * @param string $name method name
+ * @param mixed $arguments method parameters
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
* @return mixed
public function __call($name, $arguments)
@@ -74,7 +106,10 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
* Allow to access for the property throw object property
- * @param string $name
+ * @param string $name property name
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
@@ -87,8 +122,13 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
- * @param mixed $offset
- * @param mixed $value
+ * Offset set
+ *
+ * @param mixed $offset offset
+ * @param mixed $value value
+ *
+ * @throws \BadMethodCallException
+ * @return void
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
@@ -96,7 +136,12 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
- * @param mixed $offset
+ * Offset unset
+ *
+ * @param mixed $offset offset
+ *
+ * @throws \BadMethodCallException
+ * @return void
public function offsetUnset($offset)
@@ -104,7 +149,10 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
- * @param mixed $offset
+ * Check offset
+ *
+ * @param mixed $offset offset
+ *
* @return bool
public function offsetExists($offset)
@@ -113,7 +161,12 @@ class ApiResponse implements \ArrayAccess
- * @param mixed $offset
+ * Get offset
+ *
+ * @param mixed $offset offset
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+ *
* @return mixed
public function offsetGet($offset)
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RestApi.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RestApi.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7502aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RestApi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+url = $url;
+// $this->defaultParameters = array('apiKey' => $apiKey);
+// $this->siteCode = $site;
+// }
+// /* Методы для работы с заказами */
+// /**
+// * Получение заказа по id
+// *
+// * @param string $id - идентификатор заказа
+// * @param string $by - поиск заказа по id или externalId
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse - информация о заказе
+// */
+// public function ordersGet($id, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+// {
+// $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+// return $this->makeRequest("/orders/$id", self::METHOD_GET, $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'by' => $by
+// )));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка заказов, удовлетворяющих заданному фильтру
+// *
+// * @param array $filter - фильтры
+// * @param int $page - страница
+// * @param int $limit - ограничение на размер выборки
+// * @return ApiResponse - информация о заказах
+// */
+// public function ordersList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+// {
+// $parameters = array();
+// if (sizeof($filter)) {
+// $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+// }
+// if (null !== $page) {
+// $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+// }
+// if (null !== $limit) {
+// $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest('/orders', self::METHOD_GET, $parameters);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Создание заказа
+// *
+// * @param array $order - информация о заказе
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function ordersCreate($order, $site = null)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($order)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `order` must contains a data');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest("/orders/create", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'order' => json_encode($order)
+// )));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Изменение заказа
+// *
+// * @param array $order - информация о заказе
+// * @param string $by - изменение заказа по id или externalId
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderEdit($order, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($order)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `order` must contains a data');
+// }
+// $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+// if (!isset($order[$by])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Order array must contain the "%s" parameter.', $by));
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// "/orders/" . $order[$by] . "/edit",
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'order' => json_encode($order),
+// 'by' => $by,
+// ))
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Пакетная загрузка заказов
+// *
+// * @param array $orders - массив заказов
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderUpload($orders, $site = null)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($orders)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `orders` must contains array of the orders');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest("/orders/upload", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'orders' => json_encode($orders),
+// )));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Обновление externalId у заказов с переданными id
+// *
+// * @param array $order - массив, содержащий id и externalId заказа
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderFixExternalIds($order)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($order)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Method parameter must contains at least one IDs pair');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest("/orders/fix-external-ids", self::METHOD_POST, array(
+// 'orders' => json_encode($order),
+// ));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение последних измененных заказов
+// *
+// * @param \DateTime|string|int $startDate - начальная дата и время выборки (Y-m-d H:i:s)
+// * @param \DateTime|string|int $endDate - конечная дата и время выборки (Y-m-d H:i:s)
+// * @param int $limit - ограничение на размер выборки
+// * @param int $offset - сдвиг
+// * @param bool $skipMyChanges
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderHistory(
+// $startDate = null,
+// $endDate = null,
+// $limit = 100,
+// $offset = 0,
+// $skipMyChanges = true
+// ) {
+// $parameters = array();
+// if ($startDate) {
+// $parameters['startDate'] = $this->ensureDateTime($startDate);
+// }
+// if ($endDate) {
+// $parameters['endDate'] = $this->ensureDateTime($endDate);
+// }
+// if ($limit) {
+// $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+// }
+// if ($offset) {
+// $parameters['offset'] = (int) $offset;
+// }
+// if ($skipMyChanges) {
+// $parameters['skipMyChanges'] = (bool) $skipMyChanges;
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest('/orders/history', self::METHOD_GET, $parameters);
+// }
+// /* Методы для работы с клиентами */
+// /**
+// * Получение клиента по id
+// *
+// * @param string $id - идентификатор
+// * @param string $by - поиск заказа по id или externalId
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return array - информация о клиенте
+// */
+// public function customerGet($id, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+// {
+// $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+// return $this->makeRequest("/customers/$id", self::METHOD_GET, $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'by' => $by
+// )));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка клиентов в соответсвии с запросом
+// *
+// * @param array $filter - фильтры
+// * @param int $page - страница
+// * @param int $limit - ограничение на размер выборки
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function customersList(array $filter = array(), $page = null, $limit = null)
+// {
+// $parameters = array();
+// if (sizeof($filter)) {
+// $parameters['filter'] = $filter;
+// }
+// if (null !== $page) {
+// $parameters['page'] = (int) $page;
+// }
+// if (null !== $limit) {
+// $parameters['limit'] = (int) $limit;
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest('/customers', self::METHOD_GET, $parameters);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Создание клиента
+// *
+// * @param array $customer - информация о клиенте
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function customersCreate(array $customer, $site = null)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($customer)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `customer` must contains a data');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest("/customers/create", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'customer' => json_encode($customer)
+// )));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование клиента
+// *
+// * @param array $customer - информация о клиенте
+// * @param string $by - изменение клиента по id или externalId
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function customerEdit($customer, $by = 'externalId', $site = null)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($customer)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `customer` must contains a data');
+// }
+// $this->checkIdParameter($by);
+// if (!isset($customer[$by])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Customer array must contain the "%s" parameter.', $by));
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// "/customers/" . $customer[$by] . "/edit",
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'customer' => json_encode($customer),
+// 'by' => $by,
+// )
+// ));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Пакетная загрузка клиентов
+// *
+// * @param array $customers - массив клиентов
+// * @param string $site - символьный код сайта
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function customerUpload($customers, $site = null)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($customers)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `customers` must contains array of the customers');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest("/customers/upload", self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array(
+// 'customers' => json_encode($customers),
+// )));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Обновление externalId у клиентов с переданными id
+// *
+// * @param array $customers - массив, содержащий id и externalId заказа
+// * @return array
+// */
+// public function customerFixExternalIds($customers)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($customers)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Method parameter must contains at least one IDs pair');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest("/customers/fix-external-ids", self::METHOD_POST, array(
+// 'customers' => json_encode($customers),
+// ));
+// }
+// /* Методы для работы со справочниками */
+// /**
+// * Получение списка типов доставки
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function deliveryTypesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/delivery-types', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование типа доставки
+// *
+// * @param array $delivery - информация о типе доставки
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function deliveryTypeEdit($delivery)
+// {
+// if (!isset($delivery['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/delivery-types/' . $delivery['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'deliveryType' => json_encode($delivery)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка служб доставки
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function deliveryServicesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/delivery-services', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование службы доставки
+// *
+// * @param array $delivery - информация о типе доставки
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function deliveryServiceEdit($delivery)
+// {
+// if (!isset($delivery['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/delivery-services/' . $delivery['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'deliveryService' => json_encode($delivery)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка типов оплаты
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function paymentTypesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/payment-types', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование типа оплаты
+// *
+// * @param array $paymentType - информация о типе оплаты
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function paymentTypesEdit($paymentType)
+// {
+// if (!isset($paymentType['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/payment-types/' . $paymentType['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'paymentType' => json_encode($paymentType)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка статусов оплаты
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function paymentStatusesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/payment-statuses', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование статуса оплаты
+// *
+// * @param array $paymentStatus - информация о статусе оплаты
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function paymentStatusesEdit($paymentStatus)
+// {
+// if (!isset($paymentStatus['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/payment-statuses/' . $paymentStatus['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'paymentStatus' => json_encode($paymentStatus)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка типов заказа
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderTypesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/order-types', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование типа заказа
+// *
+// * @param array $orderType - информация о типе заказа
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderTypesEdit($orderType)
+// {
+// if (!isset($orderType['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/order-types/' . $orderType['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'orderType' => json_encode($orderType)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка способов оформления заказа
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderMethodsList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/order-methods', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование способа оформления заказа
+// *
+// * @param array $orderMethod - информация о способе оформления заказа
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderMethodsEdit($orderMethod)
+// {
+// if (!isset($orderMethod['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/order-methods/' . $orderMethod['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'orderMethod' => json_encode($orderMethod)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка статусов заказа
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderStatusesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/statuses', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка сайтов
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function sitesList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/sites', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование статуса заказа
+// *
+// * @param array $status - информация о статусе заказа
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderStatusEdit($status)
+// {
+// if (!isset($status['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/statuses/' . $status['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'status' => json_encode($status)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * Получение списка групп статусов заказа
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function orderStatusGroupsList()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/reference/status-groups', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Обновление статистики
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function statisticUpdate()
+// {
+// return $this->makeRequest('/statistic/update', self::METHOD_GET);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Обновление остатков
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function storeUpload($data, $site)
+// {
+// if (!sizeof($data)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter `site` must contains array of the customers');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest('/store/inventories/upload', self::METHOD_POST, $this->fillSite($site, array('offers' => json_encode($data))));
+// }
+// /**
+// * Редактирование сведений о складе
+// *
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function storesEdit($data)
+// {
+// if (!isset($data['code'])) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Data must contain "code" parameter.');
+// }
+// return $this->makeRequest(
+// '/reference/stores/' . $data['code'] . '/edit',
+// self::METHOD_POST,
+// array(
+// 'store' => json_encode($data)
+// )
+// );
+// }
+// /**
+// * @return \DateTime
+// */
+// public function getGeneratedAt()
+// {
+// return $this->generatedAt;
+// }
+// protected function ensureDateTime($value)
+// {
+// if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
+// return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+// } elseif (is_int($value)) {
+// return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
+// }
+// return $value;
+// }
+// /**
+// * Check ID parameter
+// *
+// * @param string $by
+// * @return bool
+// */
+// protected function checkIdParameter($by)
+// {
+// $allowedForBy = array('externalId', 'id');
+// if (!in_array($by, $allowedForBy)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
+// 'Value "%s" for parameter "by" is not valid. Allowed values are %s.',
+// $by,
+// implode(', ', $allowedForBy)
+// ));
+// }
+// return true;
+// }
+// /**
+// * Fill params by site value
+// *
+// * @param string $site
+// * @param array $params
+// * @return array
+// */
+// protected function fillSite($site, array $params)
+// {
+// if ($site) {
+// $params['site'] = $site;
+// } elseif ($this->siteCode) {
+// $params['site'] = $this->siteCode;
+// }
+// return $params;
+// }
+// /**
+// * Make HTTP request
+// *
+// * @param string $path
+// * @param string $method (default: 'GET')
+// * @param array $parameters (default: array())
+// * @param int $timeout
+// * @return ApiResponse
+// */
+// public function makeRequest($path, $method, $parameters = array(), $timeout = 30)
+// {
+// $allowedMethods = array(self::METHOD_GET, self::METHOD_POST);
+// if (!in_array($method, $allowedMethods)) {
+// throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
+// 'Method "%s" is not valid. Allowed methods are %s',
+// $method,
+// implode(', ', $allowedMethods)
+// ));
+// }
+// $parameters = array_merge($this->defaultParameters, $parameters);
+// $path = $this->url . $path;
+// if (self::METHOD_GET === $method && sizeof($parameters)) {
+// $path .= '?' . http_build_query($parameters);
+// }
+// $ch = curl_init();
+// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $path);
+// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);
+// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // return into a variable
+// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (int) $timeout); // times out after 30s
+// // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
+// // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // allow redirects
+// if (self::METHOD_POST === $method) {
+// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
+// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $parameters);
+// }
+// $responseBody = curl_exec($ch);
+// $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
+// $errno = curl_errno($ch);
+// $error = curl_error($ch);
+// curl_close($ch);
+// if ($errno) {
+// throw new CurlException($error, $errno);
+// }
+// $result = json_decode($responseBody, true);
+// if (isset($result['generatedAt'])) {
+// $this->generatedAt = new \DateTime($result['generatedAt']);
+// unset($result['generatedAt']);
+// }
+// return new ApiResponse($statusCode, $responseBody);
+// }
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/RestNormalizer.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RestNormalizer.php
similarity index 82%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/RestNormalizer.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RestNormalizer.php
index 731970da..b9d1e37f 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/RestNormalizer.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/RestNormalizer.php
@@ -1,45 +1,4 @@
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
- * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- *
- * * Neither the name of Dmitry Mamontov nor the names of his
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * @package restnormalizer
- * @author Dmitry Mamontov
- * @copyright 2015 Dmitry Mamontov
- * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause The BSD 3-Clause License
- * @since File available since Release 1.0.0
- */
* RestNormalizer - The main class
@@ -54,26 +13,10 @@
class RestNormalizer
- /**
- * Cleanup of null values
- * @var boolean
- * @access public
- */
public $clear = true;
- /**
- * Sorted file validation
- * @var array
- * @access private
- */
private $validation = array();
- /**
- * File validation
- * @var array
- * @access private
- */
- private $originalValidation = array();
+ private $originalValidation = array();
+ private $server;
* Class constructor
@@ -86,6 +29,7 @@ class RestNormalizer
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {
+ $this->server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot();
@@ -95,15 +39,16 @@ class RestNormalizer
* @access public
* @final
- final public function setValidation($file)
- {
- if (is_null($file) || is_file($file) === false
- || json_decode(file_get_contents($file)) === null
- || $this->parseConfig($file) === false) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.intarocrm', 'Incorrect file normalize.');
- return false;
- }
- }
+// final public function setValidation($file = false)
+// {
+// if ($file === false || is_null($file) || is_file($file) === false) {
+// $file = $this->server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json';
+// }
+// if (json_decode(file_get_contents($file)) === null || $this->parseConfig($file) === false) {
+// ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.retailcrm', 'Incorrect file normalize.');
+// return false;
+// }
+// }
* Parsing the file validation
@@ -130,8 +75,17 @@ class RestNormalizer
* @access public
* @final
- final public function normalize($data, $key = false)
+ final public function normalize($data, $key = false, $file = '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json')
+ $server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot();
+ $file = $server . $file;
+ if (is_null($file) || is_file($file) === false
+ || json_decode(file_get_contents($file)) === null
+ || $this->parseConfig($file) === false) {
+ ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.retailcrm', 'Incorrect file normalize.');
+ return false;
+ }
if (is_string($data)) {
$data = json_decode($data, true);
@@ -143,7 +97,7 @@ class RestNormalizer
if (!is_array($data) || count($data) < 1) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.intarocrm', 'Incorrect data array.');
+ ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.retailcrm', 'Incorrect data array.');
return false;
@@ -188,7 +142,7 @@ class RestNormalizer
if ($skip === false) {
foreach ($this->validation as $code => $valid) {
if (isset($valid['required']) && $valid['required'] === true && isset($formatted[ $code ]) === false) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.intarocrm', "NOT VALID: $code");
+ ICrmOrderActions::eventLog('RestNormalizer', 'intaro.retailcrm', "NOT VALID: $code");
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83346601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ id
+ firstName
+ lastName
+ patronymic
+ email
+ birthday
+ phones
+ manager
+ externalId
+ cumulativeDiscount
+ personalDiscount
+ discountCardNumber
+ index
+ countryIso
+ region
+ city
+ street
+ building
+ house
+ block
+ flat
+ floor
+ intercomCode
+ metro
+ notes
+ contragentType
+ legalName
+ legalAddress
+ certificateNumber
+ certificateDate
+ bank
+ bankAddress
+ corrAccount
+ bankAccount
+ id
+ createdAt
+ orderType
+ orderMethod
+ site
+ status
+ manager
+ firstName
+ lastName
+ patronymic
+ phone
+ additionalPhone
+ email
+ paymentType
+ paymentStatus
+ discount
+ discountPercent
+ prepaySum
+ shipmentStore
+ shipmentDate
+ shipped
+ id
+ initialPrice
+ discount
+ discountPercent
+ quantity
+ status
+ code
+ service
+ date
+ time
+ cost
+ netCost
+ country
+ index
+ region
+ city
+ street
+ building
+ house
+ block
+ flat
+ floor
+ intercomCode
+ metro
+ notes
+ status
+ trackNumber
+ courier
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/options.xml b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/options.xml
similarity index 97%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/options.xml
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/options.xml
index 95c4ce1f..789cb31d 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/options.xml
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/options.xml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- Строение
+ Номер дома
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json
similarity index 99%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json
rename to intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json
index 0ec120bb..4c612a0c 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/retailcrm.json
@@ -377,6 +377,9 @@
"text": {
"type": "string"
+ },
+ "shipmentStore": {
+ "type": "string"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/events/RetailCrmEvent.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/events/RetailCrmEvent.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2da1501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/events/RetailCrmEvent.php
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ $arFields['ID'],
+ 'firstName' => $arFields['NAME'],
+ 'lastName' => $arFields['LAST_NAME'],
+ 'patronymic' => $arFields['SECOND_NAME'],
+ 'email' => $arFields['EMAIL']
+ );
+ if(isset($arFields['PERSONAL_PHONE'])){
+ $customer['phones'][]['number'] = $arFields['PERSONAL_PHONE'];
+ }
+ if(isset($arFields['WORK_PHONE'])){
+ $customer['phones'][]['number'] = $arFields['WORK_PHONE'];
+ }
+ if (function_exists('retailcrmBeforeCustomerSend')) {
+ $newResCustomer = intarocrm_before_customer_send($customer);
+ if (is_array($newResCustomer) && !empty($newResCustomer)) {
+ $customer = $newResCustomer;
+ }
+ }
+ $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
+ $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
+ $api = new RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
+ //ищем юзера по id и др. данным.
+ //апдейтим если находим
+ }
+ /**
+ * onBeforeOrderAdd
+ *
+ * @param mixed $arFields - User arFields
+ */
+ function onBeforeOrderAdd($arFields = array()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * OnOrderSave
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ID - Order id
+ * @param mixed $arFields - Order arFields
+ */
+ function OnOrderSave($ID, $arFields, $arOrder, $isNew) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * onUpdateOrder
+ *
+ * @param mixed $ID - Order id
+ * @param mixed $arFields - Order arFields
+ */
+ function onUpdateOrder($ID, $arFields) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * orderDelete
+ *
+ * @param object $event - Order object
+ */
+ function orderDelete($event){
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * orderSave
+ *
+ * @param object $event - Order object
+ */
+ function orderSave($event){
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmEvent::orderSave', 'iblock', 'module not found');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmEvent::orderSave', 'sale', 'module not found');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmEvent::orderSave', 'catalog', 'module not found');
+ return true;
+ }
+ //проверка на существование getParameter("ENTITY")
+ if(method_exists($event, 'getId')){
+ $obOrder = $event;
+ }
+ elseif(method_exists($event, 'getParameter')){
+ $obOrder = $event->getParameter("ENTITY");
+ }
+ else{
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmEvent::orderSave', 'events', 'event error');
+ return true;
+ }
+ $arOrder = RetailCrmOrder::orderObjToArr($obOrder);
+ //api
+ $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
+ $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
+ $api = new RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
+ //params
+ $optionsOrderTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0));
+ $optionsDelivTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0));
+ $optionsPayTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0));
+ $optionsPayStatuses = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0)); // --statuses
+ $optionsPayment = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0));
+ $optionsSitesList = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_SITES_LIST, 0));
+ $optionsOrderProps = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0));
+ $optionsLegalDetails = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0));
+ $optionsContragentType = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0));
+ $optionsCustomFields = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0));
+ $arParams = RCrmActions::clearArr(array(
+ 'optionsOrderTypes' => $optionsOrderTypes,
+ 'optionsDelivTypes' => $optionsDelivTypes,
+ 'optionsPayTypes' => $optionsPayTypes,
+ 'optionsPayStatuses' => $optionsPayStatuses,
+ 'optionsPayment' => $optionsPayment,
+ 'optionsOrderProps' => $optionsOrderProps,
+ 'optionsLegalDetails' => $optionsLegalDetails,
+ 'optionsContragentType' => $optionsContragentType,
+ 'optionsSitesList' => $optionsSitesList,
+ 'optionsCustomFields' => $optionsCustomFields
+ ));
+ //многосайтовость
+ $site = count($optionsSitesList)>1 ? $optionsSitesList[$arOrder['LID']] : null;
+ //проверка на новый заказ
+ $orderCrm = RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, 'ordersGet', __METHOD__, $arOrder['ID'], $site);
+ if(isset($orderCrm['order'])){
+ $methodApi = 'ordersEdit';
+ }
+ else{
+ $methodApi = 'ordersCreate';
+ }
+ //user
+ $userCrm = RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, 'customersGet', __METHOD__, $arOrder['USER_ID'], $site);
+ if(!isset($userCrm['customer'])){
+ $arUser = Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getById($arOrder['USER_ID'])->fetch();
+ $resultUser = RetailCrmUser::customerSend($arUser, $api, $optionsContragentType[$arOrder['PERSON_TYPE_ID']], true, $site);
+ if(!$resultUser) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmEvent::orderSave', 'RetailCrmUser::customerSend', 'error during creating customer');
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //order
+ $resultOrder = RetailCrmOrder::orderSend($arOrder, $api, $arParams, true, $site, $methodApi);
+ if(!$resultOrder) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmEvent::orderSave', 'RetailCrmOrder::orderSend', 'error during creating order');
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/history/RetailCrmHistory.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/history/RetailCrmHistory.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0777035f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/history/RetailCrmHistory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+ 0){
+ $historyFilter['sinceId'] = $historyStart;
+ }
+ while(true){
+ try {
+ $customerHistory = $api->customersHistory($historyFilter);
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::customerHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customersHistory::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::customerHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customersHistory::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $customerH = isset($customerHistory['history']) ? $customerHistory['history'] : array();
+ $log = new Logger();
+ $log->write($customerH, 'customerHistory');
+ if(count($customerH) == 0){
+ return true;
+ }
+ $customers = self::assemblyCustomer($customerH);
+ $newUser = new CUser;
+ foreach($customers as $customer){
+ if (function_exists('retailCrmBeforeCustomerSave')) {
+ $newResCustomer = retailCrmBeforeCustomerSave($customer);
+ if (is_array($newResCustomer) && !empty($newResCustomer)) {
+ $customer = $newResCustomer;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isset($customer['deleted'])){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isset($customer['externalId'])) {
+ if (!isset($customer['id'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $registerNewUser = true;
+ if (!isset($customer['email']) || $customer['email'] == '') {
+ $login = $customer['email'] = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
+ } else {
+ $dbUser = CUser::GetList(($by = 'ID'), ($sort = 'ASC'), array('=EMAIL' => $customer['email']));
+ switch ($dbUser->SelectedRowsCount()) {
+ case 0:
+ $login = $customer['email'];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch();
+ $registeredUserID = $arUser['ID'];
+ $registerNewUser = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $login = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($registerNewUser === true) {
+ $userPassword = uniqid();
+ $arFields = array(
+ "EMAIL" => $customer['email'],
+ "LOGIN" => $login,
+ "ACTIVE" => "Y",
+ "PASSWORD" => $userPassword,
+ "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $userPassword
+ );
+ $registeredUserID = $newUser->Add($arFields);
+ if ($registeredUserID === false) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'CUser::Register', 'Error register user');
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ $api->customersFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $customer['id'], 'externalId' => $registeredUserID)));
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customerFixExternalIds::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ continue;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customerFixExternalIds::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $customer['externalId'] = $registeredUserID;
+ }
+ if(isset($customer['externalId'])){
+ $arUser = array();
+ if(array_key_exists('firstName', $customer)){
+ $arUser["NAME"] = $customer['firstName'] ? RCrmActions::fromJSON($customer['firstName']) : '';
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('lastName', $customer)){
+ $arUser["LAST_NAME"] = $customer['lastName'] ? RCrmActions::fromJSON($customer['lastName']) : '';
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('patronymic', $customer)){
+ $arUser["SECOND_NAME"] = $customer['patronymic'] ? RCrmActions::fromJSON($customer['patronymic']) : '';
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('email', $customer)){
+ $arUser["EMAIL"] = $customer['email'] ? RCrmActions::fromJSON($customer['email']) : '';
+ }
+ if(isset($customer['phones'])){
+ $user = CUser::GetList(($by="ID"), ($order="desc"), array('ID' => $customer['externalId']), array('FIELDS' => array('PERSONAL_PHONE', 'PERSONAL_MOBILE')))->fetch();
+ foreach($customer['phones'] as $phone){
+ if(isset($phone['old_number']) && in_array($phone['old_number'], $user)){
+ $key = array_search($phone['old_number'], $user);
+ if(isset($phone['number'])){
+ $arUser[$key] = $phone['number'];
+ $user[$key] = $phone['number'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $arUser[$key] = '';
+ $user[$key] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if(isset($phone['number'])){
+ if((!isset($user['PERSONAL_PHONE']) || strlen($user['PERSONAL_PHONE']) == 0) && $user['PERSONAL_MOBILE'] != $phone['number']){
+ $arUser['PERSONAL_PHONE'] = $phone['number'];
+ $user['PERSONAL_PHONE'] = $phone['number'];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((!isset($user['PERSONAL_MOBILE']) || strlen($user['PERSONAL_MOBILE']) == 0) && $user['PERSONAL_PHONE'] != $phone['number']){
+ $arUser['PERSONAL_MOBILE'] = $phone['number'];
+ $user['PERSONAL_MOBILE'] = $phone['number'];
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $u = $newUser->Update($customer['externalId'], $arUser);
+ if(!$u){
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::customerHistory', 'Error update user', $newUser->LAST_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (function_exists('retailCrmAfterCustomerSave')) {
+ retailCrmAfterCustomerSave($customer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //запоминаем номер последнего изменения
+ $end = array_pop($customerH);
+ COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CUSTOMER_HISTORY, $end['id']);
+ if($customerHistory['pagination']['totalPageCount'] == 1){
+ return true;
+ }
+ //новый фильтр для истории
+ $historyFilter['sinceId'] = $end['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ public static function orderHistory() {
+ global $USER;
+ if (is_object($USER) == false) {
+ $USER = new RetailUser;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'iblock', 'module not found');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'sale', 'module not found');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'catalog', 'module not found');
+ return false;
+ }
+ $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
+ $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
+ $optionsOrderTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0)));
+ $optionsDelivTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0)));
+ $optionsPayTypes = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0)));
+ $optionsPayStatuses = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0))); // --statuses
+ $optionsPayment = array_flip(unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0)));
+ $optionsOrderProps = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0));
+ $optionsLegalDetails = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0));
+ $optionsContragentType = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0));
+ $optionsSitesList = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_SITES_LIST, 0));
+ $optionsCustomFields = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0));
+ $optionsOrderNumbers = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_NUMBERS, 0);
+ $optionsCanselOrder = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CANSEL_ORDER, 0));
+ foreach ($optionsOrderProps as $code => $value) {
+ if (isset($optionsLegalDetails[$code])) {
+ $optionsOrderProps[$code] = array_merge($optionsOrderProps[$code], $optionsLegalDetails[$code]);
+ }
+ if (isset($optionsCustomFields[$code])) {
+ $optionsOrderProps[$code] = array_merge($optionsOrderProps[$code], $optionsCustomFields[$code]);
+ }
+ $optionsOrderProps[$code]['location'] = 'LOCATION';
+ if (array_search('CITY', $optionsOrderProps[$code]) == false) {
+ $optionsOrderProps[$code]['city'] = 'CITY';
+ }
+ if (array_search('ZIP', $optionsOrderProps[$code]) == false) {
+ $optionsOrderProps[$code]['index'] = 'ZIP';
+ }
+ }
+ $api = new RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
+ $historyFilter = array();
+ $historyStart = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_HISTORY);
+ if($historyStart && $historyStart > 0){
+ $historyFilter['sinceId'] = $historyStart;
+ }
+ while(true){
+ try {
+ $orderHistory = $api->ordersHistory($historyFilter);
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::ordersHistory::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::ordersHistory::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $orderH = isset($orderHistory['history']) ? $orderHistory['history'] : array();
+ $log = new Logger();
+ $log->write($orderH, 'orderHistory');
+ if(count($orderH) == 0){
+ return true;
+ }
+ $orders = self::assemblyOrder($orderH);
+ //обработка заказа
+ foreach ($orders as $order) {
+ if (function_exists('retailCrmBeforeOrderSave')) {
+ $newResOrder = retailCrmBeforeOrderSave($order);
+ if (is_array($newResOrder) && !empty($newResOrder)) {
+ $order = $newResOrder;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isset($order['deleted'])){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isset($order['externalId'])) {
+ if (!isset($order['customer']['externalId'])) {
+ if (!isset($order['customer']['id'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $registerNewUser = true;
+ if (!isset($order['customer']['email']) || $order['customer']['email'] == '') {
+ $login = $order['customer']['email'] = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
+ } else {
+ $dbUser = CUser::GetList(($by = 'ID'), ($sort = 'ASC'), array('=EMAIL' => $order['email']));
+ switch ($dbUser->SelectedRowsCount()) {
+ case 0:
+ $login = $order['customer']['email'];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch();
+ $registeredUserID = $arUser['ID'];
+ $registerNewUser = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $login = uniqid('user_' . time()) . '@crm.com';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($registerNewUser === true) {
+ $userPassword = uniqid();
+ $newUser = new CUser;
+ $arFields = array(
+ "NAME" => RCrmActions::fromJSON($order['customer']['firstName']),
+ "LAST_NAME" => RCrmActions::fromJSON($order['customer']['lastName']),
+ "SECOND_NAME" => RCrmActions::fromJSON($order['customer']['patronymic']),
+ "EMAIL" => $order['customer']['email'],
+ "LOGIN" => $login,
+ "ACTIVE" => "Y",
+ "PASSWORD" => $userPassword,
+ "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $userPassword
+ );
+ if($order['customer']['phones'][0]){
+ $arFields['PERSONAL_PHONE'] = $order['customer']['phones'][0];
+ }
+ if($order['customer']['phones'][1]){
+ $arFields['PERSONAL_MOBILE'] = $order['customer']['phones'][1];
+ }
+ $registeredUserID = $newUser->Add($arFields);
+ if ($registeredUserID === false) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'CUser::Register', 'Error register user');
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ $api->customersFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $order['customer']['id'], 'externalId' => $registeredUserID)));
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customerFixExternalIds::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ continue;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::customerFixExternalIds::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $order['customer']['externalId'] = $registeredUserID;
+ }
+ if(isset($optionsSitesList)){
+ $site = array_search($order['site'], $optionsSitesList);
+ }
+ else{
+ $site = CSite::GetDefSite();
+ }
+ $newOrder = Bitrix\Sale\Order::create($site, $order['customer']['externalId']);
+ $newOrder = $newOrder->save();
+ $externalId = $newOrder->getId();
+ if (isset($externalId)) {
+ try {
+ $api->ordersFixExternalIds(array(array('id' => $order['id'], 'externalId' => $externalId)));
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderFixExternalIds::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ continue;
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderFixExternalIds::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'Bitrix\Sale\Order::create', 'Error order create');
+ }
+ $order['externalId'] = $externalId;
+ }
+ if (isset($order['externalId']) && $order['externalId']) {
+ $newOrder = Bitrix\Sale\Order::load($order['externalId']);
+ if(!$newOrder){
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'Bitrix\Sale\Order::load', 'Error order load');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if($optionsOrderNumbers == 'Y' && isset($order['number'])){
+ $newOrder->setField('ACCOUNT_NUMBER', $order['number']);
+ }
+ if($optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']]){
+ $personType = $optionsOrderTypes[$order['orderType']];
+ $newOrder->setField('PERSON_TYPE_ID', $personType);
+ }
+ else{
+ $personType = $newOrder->getField('PERSON_TYPE_ID');
+ }
+ //status
+ if($optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]){
+ $newOrder->setField('STATUS_ID', $optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']]);
+ if(in_array($optionsPayStatuses[$order['status']], $optionsCanselOrder)){
+ $newOrder->setField('CANCELED', 'Y');
+ }
+ else{
+ $newOrder->setField('CANCELED', 'N');
+ }
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('statusComment', $order)){
+ self::setProp($newOrder, $order['statusComment'], 'REASON_CANCELED');
+ }
+ $propertyCollection = $newOrder->getPropertyCollection();
+ $propertyCollectionArr = $propertyCollection->getArray();
+ $propsKey = array();
+ foreach($propertyCollectionArr['properties'] as $prop){
+ $propsKey[$prop['CODE']]['ID'] = $prop['ID'];
+ $propsKey[$prop['CODE']]['TYPE'] = $prop['ID'];
+ }
+ //fio
+ if($order['firstName'] || $order['lastName'] || $order['patronymic']){
+ $fio = '';
+ foreach($propertyCollectionArr['properties'] as $prop){
+ if(in_array($optionsOrderProps[$personType]['fio'], $prop)){
+ $fio = $newOrder->getPropertyCollection()->getItemByOrderPropertyId($prop['ID']);
+ }
+ }
+ $fio = RCrmActions::explodeFIO($fio);
+ if($fio){
+ $order['fio'] = trim(
+ implode(
+ ' ',
+ array(
+ isset($order['lastName']) ? $order['lastName'] : (isset($fio['lastName']) ? $fio['lastName'] : ''),
+ isset($order['firstName']) ? $order['firstName'] : (isset($fio['firstName']) ? $fio['firstName'] : ''),
+ isset($order['patronymic']) ? $order['patronymic'] : (isset($fio['patronymic']) ? $fio['patronymic'] : ''),
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ else{
+ $order['fio'] = trim(
+ implode(
+ ' ',
+ array(
+ isset($order['lastName']) ? $order['lastName'] : '',
+ isset($order['firstName']) ? $order['firstName'] : '',
+ isset($order['patronymic']) ? $order['patronymic'] : '',
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ //optionsOrderProps
+ if($optionsOrderProps[$personType]){
+ foreach($optionsOrderProps[$personType] as $key => $orderProp){
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $order)){
+ $somePropValue = $propertyCollection->getItemByOrderPropertyId($propsKey[$orderProp]['ID']);
+ self::setProp($somePropValue, $order[$key]);
+ }
+ elseif(array_key_exists($key, $order['delivery']['address'])){
+ if($propsKey[$key]['TYPE'] == 'LOCATION'){
+ $parameters['filter']['NAME'] = $order['delivery']['address'][$key];
+ $parameters['filter']['LANGUAGE_ID'] = 'ru';
+ $location = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::getListFast($parameters)->fetch();
+ $somePropValue = $propertyCollection->getItemByOrderPropertyId($propsKey[$orderProp]['ID']);
+ self::setProp($somePropValue, $location['CODE']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $somePropValue = $propertyCollection->getItemByOrderPropertyId($propsKey[$orderProp]['ID']);
+ self::setProp($somePropValue, $order['delivery']['address'][$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //optionsLegalDetails
+ if($optionsLegalDetails[$personType]){
+ foreach($optionsLegalDetails[$personType] as $key => $orderProp){
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $order)){
+ $somePropValue = $propertyCollection->getItemByOrderPropertyId($propsKey[$key]['ID']);
+ self::setProp($somePropValue, $order[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //paymentStatus
+ if($optionsPayment[$order['paymentStatus']]){
+ $newOrder->setField('PAYED', $optionsPayment[$order['paymentStatus']]);
+ }
+ //comments
+ if(array_key_exists('customerComment', $order)){
+ self::setProp($newOrder, $order['customerComment'], 'USER_DESCRIPTION');
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('managerComment', $order)){
+ self::setProp($newOrder, $order['managerComment'], 'COMMENTS');
+ }
+ //items
+ $basket = $newOrder->getBasket();
+ foreach($order['items'] as $product){
+ $item = self::getExistsItem($basket, 'catalog', $product['offer']['externalId']);
+ if(!$item){
+ $item = $basket->createItem('catalog', $product['offer']['externalId']);
+ $item->setFields(array(
+ 'CURRENCY' => \Bitrix\Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency(),
+ 'LID' => \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getSite(),
+ 'BASE_PRICE' => $product['initialPrice'],
+ 'NAME' => $product['offer']['name'],
+ 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL' => self::getUrl($product['offer']['externalId'])
+ ));
+ }
+ if($product['quantity']){
+ $item->setField('QUANTITY', $product['quantity']);
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('discount', $product) || array_key_exists('discountPercent', $product)){
+ if(!isset($orderCrm)){
+ try {
+ $orderCrm = $api->ordersGet($order['id'], 'id');
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::ordersGet::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($orderCrm['order']['items'] as $itemCrm){
+ if($itemCrm['offer']['externalId'] == $product['offer']['externalId']){
+ $itemCost = $itemCrm['initialPrice'] - $itemCrm['discount'] - round(($itemCrm['initialPrice'] / 100 * $itemCrm['discountPercent']), 2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isset($itemCost) && $itemCost > 0){
+ $item->setField('CUSTOM_PRICE', 'Y');
+ $item->setField('PRICE', $itemCost);
+ $item->setField('DISCOUNT_NAME', '');
+ $item->setField('DISCOUNT_VALUE', '');
+ }
+ }
+ if($product['delete']){
+ $item->delete();
+ }
+ $basket->save();
+ }
+ $orderSumm = 0;
+ foreach($basket as $item){
+ $orderSumm += $item->getFinalPrice();
+ }
+ if(array_key_exists('cost', $order['delivery'])){
+ $deliverySumm = $order['delivery']['cost'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $deliverySumm = $newOrder->getDeliveryPrice();
+ }
+ $orderSumm += $deliverySumm;
+ $newOrder->setField('PRICE', $orderSumm);
+ $order['summ'] = $orderSumm;
+ $newOrder->save();
+ //payment
+ if(array_key_exists('paymentType', $order)){
+ self::paySystemUpdate($order, $optionsPayTypes);
+ }
+ //delivery
+ if(array_key_exists('code', $order['delivery'])/* || array_key_exists('service', $order['delivery'])*/){
+ //если пусто, удаляем, если нет, update или add
+ if(!isset($orderCrm)){
+ try {
+ $orderCrm = $api->ordersGet($order['id'], 'id');
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::orderHistory', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::ordersGet2::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ self::shipmentUpdate($orderCrm['order'], $optionsDelivTypes);
+ }
+ if(isset($orderCrm)){
+ unset($orderCrm);
+ }
+ //delivery cost
+ if(array_key_exists('cost', $order['delivery'])){//сделать такую же для оплаты при изменении суммы
+ $shipment = Bitrix\Sale\Shipment::getList(array(
+ 'filter' => array('ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'], 'SYSTEM' => 'N'),
+ 'order' => array('ID')
+ ))->fetch();
+ if($shipment){
+ Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::update($shipment['ID'], array('BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY' => $order['delivery']['cost'], 'PRICE_DELIVERY' => $order['delivery']['cost'], 'CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY' => 'Y'));
+ }
+ Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($order['externalId'], array('PRICE_DELIVERY' => $order['delivery']['cost']));//не пишется в историю, надо добавить
+ }
+ Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($order['externalId'], array('MARKED' => 'N', 'EMP_MARKED_ID' => '', 'REASON_MARKED' => ''));
+ if (function_exists('retailCrmAfterOrderSave')) {
+ retailCrmAfterOrderSave($order);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //запоминаем номер последнего изменения
+ $end = array_pop($orderH);
+ COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_HISTORY, $end['id']);
+ if($orderHistory['pagination']['totalPageCount'] == 1){
+ return true;
+ }
+ //новый фильтр для истории
+ $historyFilter['sinceId'] = $end['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ public static function assemblyCustomer($customerHistory){
+ $server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot();
+ $fields = array();
+ if (file_exists($server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml')) {
+ $objects = simplexml_load_file($server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml');
+ foreach($objects->fields->field as $object)
+ {
+ $fields[(string)$object["group"]][(string)$object["id"]] = (string)$object;
+ }
+ }
+ $customers = array();
+ foreach ($customerHistory as $change) {
+ $change['customer'] = self::removeEmpty($change['customer']);
+ if($customers[$change['customer']['id']]){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']] = array_merge($customers[$change['customer']['id']], $change['customer']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']] = $change['customer'];
+ }
+ if($change['customer']['contragent']['contragentType']){
+ $change['customer']['contragentType'] = self::newValue($change['customer']['contragent']['contragentType']);
+ unset($change['customer']['contragent']);
+ }
+ if($fields['customer'][$change['field']] == 'phones'){
+ $key = count($customers[$change['customer']['id']]['phones']);
+ if(isset($change['oldValue'])){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']]['phones'][$key]['old_number'] = $change['oldValue'];
+ }
+ if(isset($change['newValue'])){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']]['phones'][$key]['number'] = $change['newValue'];
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if($fields['customerAddress'][$change['field']]){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']]['address'][$fields['customerAddress'][$change['field']]] = $change['newValue'];
+ }
+ elseif($fields['customerContragent'][$change['field']]){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']]['contragent'][$fields['customerContragent'][$change['field']]] = $change['newValue'];
+ }
+ elseif($fields['customer'][$change['field']]){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']][$fields['customer'][$change['field']]] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ if(isset($change['created'])){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']]['create'] = 1;
+ }
+ if(isset($change['deleted'])){
+ $customers[$change['customer']['id']]['deleted'] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $customers;
+ }
+ public static function assemblyOrder($orderHistory){
+ $server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot();
+ if (file_exists($server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml')) {
+ $objects = simplexml_load_file($server . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/config/objects.xml');
+ foreach($objects->fields->field as $object)
+ {
+ $fields[(string)$object["group"]][(string)$object["id"]] = (string)$object;
+ }
+ }
+ $orders = array();
+ foreach ($orderHistory as $change) {
+ $change['order'] = self::removeEmpty($change['order']);
+ if($change['order']['items']){
+ $items = array();
+ foreach($change['order']['items'] as $item){
+ if(isset($change['created'])){
+ $item['create'] = 1;
+ }
+ $items[$item['id']] = $item;
+ }
+ $change['order']['items'] = $items;
+ }
+ if($change['order']['contragent']['contragentType']){
+ $change['order']['contragentType'] = self::newValue($change['order']['contragent']['contragentType']);
+ unset($change['order']['contragent']);
+ }
+ if($orders[$change['order']['id']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']] = array_merge($orders[$change['order']['id']], $change['order']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']] = $change['order'];
+ }
+ if($change['item']){
+ if($orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']] = array_merge($orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']], $change['item']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']] = $change['item'];
+ }
+ if(empty($change['oldValue']) && $change['field'] == 'order_product'){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']]['create'] = 1;
+ unset($orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']]['delete']);
+ }
+ if(empty($change['newValue']) && $change['field'] == 'order_product'){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']]['delete'] = 1;
+ }
+ if(!$orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']]['create'] && $fields['item'][$change['field']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['items'][$change['item']['id']][$fields['item'][$change['field']]] = $change['newValue'];
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if($fields['delivery'][$change['field']] == 'service'){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['delivery']['service']['code'] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ elseif($fields['delivery'][$change['field']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['delivery'][$fields['delivery'][$change['field']]] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ elseif($fields['orderAddress'][$change['field']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['delivery']['address'][$fields['orderAddress'][$change['field']]] = $change['newValue'];
+ }
+ elseif($fields['integrationDelivery'][$change['field']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['delivery']['service'][$fields['integrationDelivery'][$change['field']]] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ elseif($fields['customerContragent'][$change['field']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']][$fields['customerContragent'][$change['field']]] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ elseif(strripos($change['field'], 'custom_') !== false){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['customFields'][str_replace('custom_', '', $change['field'])] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ elseif($fields['order'][$change['field']]){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']][$fields['order'][$change['field']]] = self::newValue($change['newValue']);
+ }
+ if(isset($change['created'])){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['create'] = 1;
+ }
+ if(isset($change['deleted'])){
+ $orders[$change['order']['id']]['deleted'] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $orders;
+ }
+ public static function shipmentUpdate($orderCrm, $optionsDelivTypes){
+ if(isset($orderCrm['delivery']['code'])){
+ $crmCode = $orderCrm['delivery']['code'];
+ if(isset($orderCrm['delivery']['data']['deliveryType'])){
+ $crmService = $orderCrm['delivery']['data']['deliveryType'];
+ }
+ elseif (isset($orderCrm['delivery']['service'])) {
+ $crmService = $orderCrm['delivery']['service'];
+ }
+ //подбираем код битриксового сервиса
+ $arDeliveryServiceAll = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\Manager::getActiveList();
+ foreach($arDeliveryServiceAll as $arDeliveryService){
+ $arDeliveryCode[$arDeliveryService['CODE']] = $arDeliveryService['ID'];
+ $arDeliveryID[$arDeliveryService['ID']] = $arDeliveryService;
+ if($arDeliveryService['ID'] == $optionsDelivTypes[$crmCode]){
+ $dCode = $arDeliveryService['CODE'] . ':' . $crmService;
+ }
+ }
+ //будем менять доставку на этот id
+ if($crmService && $arDeliveryCode[$dCode]){
+ $nowDelivery = $arDeliveryCode[$dCode];
+ }
+ else{
+ $nowDelivery = $optionsDelivTypes[$crmCode];
+ }
+ //найти текущую доставку в заказе
+ $cnt = Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::getCount(array('ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId']));
+ if($cnt > 0){//обновляем
+ $obDeliverys = \Bitrix\Sale\Shipment::getList(array('filter' => array('ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId']),
+ 'order' => array('ID')));
+ while($arDelivery = $obDeliverys->fetch()){
+ if($arDelivery['DELIVERY_ID'] != $nowDelivery){
+ \Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($orderCrm['externalId'], array('DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery));
+ \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::update($arDelivery['ID'], array('DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery, 'DELIVERY_NAME' => $arDeliveryID[$nowDelivery]['NAME']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{//создаем
+ \Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($orderCrm['externalId'], array('DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery));
+ $shipmentSystem = \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::add(array(
+ 'ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId'],
+ 'STATUS_ID' => 'DN',
+ 'DEDUCTED' => 'N',
+ 'RESERVED' => 'N',
+ 'DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery,
+ 'DELIVERY_NAME' => $nowDelivery[$nowDelivery]['NAME'],
+ 'CANCELED' => 'N',
+ 'MARKED' => 'N',
+ 'SYSTEM' => 'Y',
+ 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER' => $orderCrm['externalId'] . '/1',
+ 'UPDATED_1C' => 'N',
+ 'DATE_INSERT'=> new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime()
+ ));
+ $shipment = Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::add(array(
+ 'ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId'],
+ 'STATUS_ID' => 'DN',
+ 'DEDUCTED' => 'N',
+ 'RESERVED' => 'N',
+ 'DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery,
+ 'DELIVERY_NAME' => $arDeliveryID[$nowDelivery]['NAME'],
+ 'CANCELED' => 'N',
+ 'MARKED' => 'N',
+ 'CURRENCY' => \Bitrix\Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency(),
+ 'SYSTEM' => 'N',
+ 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER' => $orderCrm['externalId'] . '/2',
+ 'UPDATED_1C' => 'N',
+ 'DATE_INSERT'=> new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime()
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ //ищем у заказа на сайте доставки и удаляем/заменяем на без доставки
+ $noOrderId = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\EmptyDeliveryService::getEmptyDeliveryServiceId();
+ \Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($orderCrm['externalId'], array('DELIVERY_ID' => $noOrderId));
+ $obDeliverys = Bitrix\Sale\Shipment::getList(array('filter' => array('ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId']),
+ 'order' => array('ID')));
+ $create = true;
+ while($arDelivery = $obDeliverys->fetch()){
+ \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::update($arDelivery['ID'], array('DELIVERY_ID' => $noOrderId, 'DELIVERY_NAME' => 'Без доставки'));
+ $create = false;
+ }
+ if($create){
+ $shipmentSystem = \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::add(array(
+ 'ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId'],
+ 'STATUS_ID' => 'DN',
+ 'DEDUCTED' => 'N',
+ 'RESERVED' => 'N',
+ 'DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery,
+ 'DELIVERY_NAME' => $nowDelivery[$nowDelivery]['NAME'],
+ 'CANCELED' => 'N',
+ 'MARKED' => 'N',
+ 'SYSTEM' => 'Y',
+ 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER' => $orderCrm['externalId'] . '/1',
+ 'UPDATED_1C' => 'N',
+ 'DATE_INSERT'=> new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime()
+ ));
+ $shipment = Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable::add(array(
+ 'ORDER_ID' => $orderCrm['externalId'],
+ 'STATUS_ID' => 'DN',
+ 'DEDUCTED' => 'N',
+ 'RESERVED' => 'N',
+ 'DELIVERY_ID' => $nowDelivery,
+ 'DELIVERY_NAME' => $arDeliveryID[$nowDelivery]['NAME'],
+ 'CANCELED' => 'N',
+ 'MARKED' => 'N',
+ 'CURRENCY' => \Bitrix\Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency(),
+ 'SYSTEM' => 'N',
+ 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER' => $orderCrm['externalId'] . '/2',
+ 'UPDATED_1C' => 'N',
+ 'DATE_INSERT'=> new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime()
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static function paySystemUpdate($order, $optionsPayment){
+ if(isset($order['paymentType'])){
+ if($optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']]){
+ $paymentList = RCrmActions::PaymentList();
+ $arPayments = array();
+ $arPaymentsName = array();
+ foreach($paymentList as $payment){
+ $arPayments[] = $payment['ID'];
+ $arPaymentsName[$payment['ID']] = $payment['NAME'];
+ }
+ if(in_array($optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']], $arPayments)){
+ \Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($order['externalId'], array('PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']]));
+ $payment = \Bitrix\Sale\Payment::getList(array(
+ 'filter' => array('ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId']),
+ 'order' => array('ID')
+ ))->fetch();
+ if($payment){
+ //если уже существует, update
+ \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\PaymentTable::update($payment['ID'], array('PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']], 'PAY_SYSTEM_NAME' => $arPaymentsName[$optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']]], 'SUM' => $order['summ']));
+ }
+ else{
+ \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\PaymentTable::add(array(
+ 'ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId'],
+ 'PAID' => 'N',
+ 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']],
+ 'SUM' => $order['summ'],
+ 'CURRENCY' => \Bitrix\Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency(),
+ 'PAY_SYSTEM_NAME' => $arPaymentsName[$optionsPayment[$order['paymentType']]],
+ 'IS_RETURN' => 'N',
+ 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER' => $order['externalId'] . '/1',
+ 'PRICE_COD' => '0.00',
+ 'UPDATED_1C' => 'N'
+ ));
+ }
+ //запись в историю
+ }
+ else{
+ //ошибка, нет такой активной платежной системы
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::paySystemUpdate', 'RCrmActions::PaymentList()', 'Error paySystem not found');
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ //ошибка, возможно платежная система не сопоставлена
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmHistory::paySystemUpdate', 'RCrmActions::PaymentList()', 'Error paySystem not found in option');;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ \Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable::update($order['externalId'], array('PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => ''));
+ $payment = \Bitrix\Sale\Payment::getList(array(
+ 'filter' => array('ORDER_ID' => $order['externalId']),
+ 'order' => array('ID')
+ ))->fetch();
+ if($payment['ID']){
+ \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\PaymentTable::delete($payment['ID']);
+ }
+ //запись в историю
+ }
+ }
+ public static function newValue($value){
+ if(isset($value['code'])){
+ return $value['code'];
+ }
+ else{
+ return $value;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function removeEmpty($inputArray){
+ $outputArray = array();
+ if (!empty($inputArray)){
+ foreach ($inputArray as $key => $element){
+ if(!empty($element) || $element === 0 || $element === '0'){
+ if (is_array($element)){
+ $element = self::removeEmpty($element);
+ }
+ $outputArray[$key] = $element;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $outputArray;
+ }
+ public static function setProp($obj, $value, $prop){
+ if($prop && $value){
+ $obj->setField($prop, $value);
+ }
+ elseif($value){
+ $obj->setValue($value);
+ }
+ else{
+ $obj->delete();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static function getExistsItem($basket, $moduleId, $productId){
+ foreach ($basket as $basketItem)
+ {
+ $itemExists = ($basketItem->getField('PRODUCT_ID') == $productId && $basketItem->getField('MODULE') == $moduleId);
+ if ($itemExists)
+ {
+ return $basketItem;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static function getUrl($offerId){
+ $parent = CCatalogSku::GetProductInfo($offerId);
+ if($parent){
+ $element = $parent['ID'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $element = $offerId;
+ }
+ $elementInfo = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getById($element)->fetch();
+ $iblockInfo = \Bitrix\Iblock\IblockTable::getById($elementInfo['IBLOCK_ID'])->fetch();
+ $url = $iblockInfo['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'];
+ if(substr_count($url, '#SITE_DIR#')>0){
+ $url = str_replace('#SITE_DIR#', '', $url);
+ }
+ if(substr_count($url, '#SECTION_CODE#')>0){
+ $value = \Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable::getById($elementInfo['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'])->fetch();
+ $url = str_replace('#SECTION_CODE#', $value['CODE'], $url);
+ }
+ if(substr_count($url, '#SECTION_ID#')>0){
+ $value = $elementInfo['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'];
+ $url = str_replace('#SECTION_ID#', $value, $url);
+ }
+ if(substr_count($url, '#ELEMENT_CODE#')>0){
+ $value = $elementInfo['CODE'];
+ $url = str_replace('#ELEMENT_CODE#', $value, $url);
+ }
+ elseif(substr_count($url, '#CODE#')>0){
+ $value = $elementInfo['CODE'];
+ $url = str_replace('#CODE#', $value, $url);
+ }
+ if(substr_count($url, '#ELEMENT_ID#')>0){
+ $value = $elementInfo['ID'];
+ $url = str_replace('#ELEMENT_ID#', $value, $url);
+ }
+ elseif(substr_count($url, '#ID#')>0){
+ $value = $elementInfo['ID'];
+ $url = str_replace('#ID#', $value, $url);
+ }
+ return $url;
+ }
+class RetailUser extends CUser
+ public function GetID()
+ {
+ $rsUser = CUser::GetList(($by='ID'), ($order='DESC'), array('LOGIN' => 'retailcrm%'));
+ if ($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch()) {
+ return $arUser['ID'];
+ } else {
+ $retailUser = new CUser;
+ $userPassword = uniqid();
+ $arFields = array(
+ "NAME" => 'retailcrm',
+ "LAST_NAME" => 'retailcrm',
+ "EMAIL" => 'retailcrm@retailcrm.com',
+ "LOGIN" => 'retailcrm',
+ "LID" => "ru",
+ "ACTIVE" => "Y",
+ "GROUP_ID" => array(2),
+ "PASSWORD" => $userPassword,
+ "CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => $userPassword
+ );
+ $id = $retailUser->Add($arFields);
+ if (!$id) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return $id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/icml/RetailCrmICML.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/icml/RetailCrmICML.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f069d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/icml/RetailCrmICML.php
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+ 1, // 1 mm = 1 mm
+ 'cm' => 10, // 1 cm = 10 mm
+ 'm' => 1000,
+ 'mg' => 0.001, // 0.001 g = 1 mg
+ 'g' => 1,
+ 'kg' => 1000,
+ );
+ protected $measurementLink = array (
+ 'mm' => 'mm',
+ 'cm' => 'mm',
+ 'm' => 'mm',
+ 'mg' => 'g',
+ 'g' => 'g',
+ 'kg' => 'g',
+ );
+ public function Load()
+ {
+ global $USER;
+ if(!isset($_SESSION["SESS_AUTH"]["USER_ID"]) || !$_SESSION["SESS_AUTH"]["USER_ID"]){
+ $USER = new CUser;
+ }
+ $this->isLogged = true;
+ $defaultSite = CSite::GetList($by="def", $order="desc", Array('DEF' => 'Y'))->Fetch();
+ $this->encodingDefault = $defaultSite["CHARSET"];
+ $url = 'https://' . $this->serverName;
+ $curlHandler = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ $responseBody = curl_exec($curlHandler);
+ $statusCode = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
+ curl_close($curlHandler);
+ if($statusCode == 200){
+ $this->protocol = 'https://';
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->protocol = 'http://';
+ }
+ $this->PrepareSettings();
+ $this->fp = $this->PrepareFile($this->filename. '.tmp');
+ if ($this->isLogged) {
+ $this->fpLog = $this->PrepareFile($this->logFile);
+ $this->WriteLog("Start Loading");
+ }
+ $this->PreWriteCatalog();
+ $categories = $this->GetCategories();
+ $this->WriteCategories($categories);
+ $this->PreWriteOffers();
+ $this->BuildOffers($categories);
+ $this->PostWriteOffers();
+ $this->PostWriteCatalog();
+ if ($this->isLogged) {
+ $this->WriteLog("Loading was ended successfully (peek memory usage: " . memory_get_peak_usage() . ")");
+ }
+ $this->CloseFile($this->fp);
+ $this->CloseFile($this->fpLog);
+ unlink($defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . $this->filename);
+ rename($defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . $this->filename. '.tmp', $defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . $this->filename);
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected function PrepareSettings()
+ {
+ foreach ($this->propertiesSKU as $iblock => $arr) {
+ foreach ($arr as $id => $sku) {
+ $this->propertiesSKU[$iblock][$id] = strtoupper($sku);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->propertiesProduct as $iblock => $arr) {
+ foreach ($arr as $id => $prod) {
+ $this->propertiesProduct[$iblock][$id] = strtoupper($prod);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function PrepareValue($text)
+ {
+ $newText = $this->application->ConvertCharset($text, $this->encodingDefault, $this->encoding);
+ $newText = strip_tags($newText);
+ $newText = str_replace("&", "&", $newText);
+ return $newText;
+ }
+ protected function PrepareFile($filename)
+ {
+ $fullFilename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $filename;
+ CheckDirPath($fullFilename);
+ if ($fp = @fopen($fullFilename, "w"))
+ return $fp;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected function PreWriteCatalog()
+ {
+ @fwrite($this->fp, "PrepareValue(Date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) . "\">\n
+ \n
+ " . $this->PrepareValue(COption::GetOptionString("main", "site_name", ""))."\n
+ " . $this->PrepareValue(COption::GetOptionString("main", "site_name", ""))."\n"
+ );
+ }
+ protected function WriteCategories($categories)
+ {
+ $stringCategories = "";
+ @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
+ foreach ($categories as $category) {
+ $stringCategories .= $this->BuildCategory($category);
+ }
+ @fwrite($this->fp, $stringCategories);
+ @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
+ }
+ protected function PreWriteOffers()
+ {
+ @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
+ }
+ protected function PostWriteOffers()
+ {
+ @fwrite($this->fp, "\n");
+ }
+ protected function WriteOffers($offers)
+ {
+ @fwrite($this->fp, $offers);
+ }
+ protected function WriteLog($text)
+ {
+ if ($this->isLogged)
+ @fwrite($this->fpLog, Date("Y:m:d H:i:s") . ": " . $text . "\n");
+ }
+ protected function PostWriteCatalog()
+ {
+ @fwrite($this->fp, "\n
+ \n");
+ }
+ protected function CloseFile($fp)
+ {
+ @fclose($fp);
+ }
+ protected function GetCategories()
+ {
+ $categories = array();
+ foreach ($this->iblocks as $id)
+ {
+ $filter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $id);
+ $dbRes = CIBlockSection::GetList(array("left_margin" => "asc"), $filter);
+ $hasCategories = false;
+ while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
+ $categories[$arRes['ID']] = $arRes;
+ $hasCategories = true;
+ }
+ if (!$hasCategories) {
+ $iblock = CIBlock::GetByID($id)->Fetch();
+ $arRes = Array();
+ $arRes['ID'] = $this->mainSection + $id;
+ $arRes['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = 0;
+ $arRes['NAME'] = sprintf(GetMessage('ROOT_CATEGORY_FOR_CATALOG'), $iblock['NAME']);
+ $categories[$arRes['ID']] = $arRes;
+ }
+ }
+ return $categories;
+ }
+ protected function BuildCategory($arCategory)
+ {
+ return "
+ PrepareValue($arCategory["ID"]) . "\""
+ . ( intval($arCategory["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) > 0 ?
+ " parentId=\"" . $this->PrepareValue($arCategory["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]) . "\""
+ :"")
+ . ">"
+ . $this->PrepareValue($arCategory["NAME"])
+ . "\n";
+ }
+ protected function BuildOffers(&$allCategories)
+ {
+ $basePriceId = COption::GetOptionString(
+ $this->MODULE_ID,
+ $this->CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE . (is_null($this->profileID) === false ? '_' . $this->profileID : ''),
+ 1
+ );
+ foreach ($this->iblocks as $key => $id)
+ {
+ // Get Info by infoblocks
+ $iblock['IBLOCK_DB'] = CIBlock::GetByID($id)->Fetch();
+ $iblockOffer = CCatalogSKU::GetInfoByProductIBlock($id);
+ $arSelect = Array (
+ "ID",
+ "LID",
+ "NAME",
+ "CATALOG_GROUP_" . $basePriceId
+ );
+ // Set selected properties
+ foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
+ if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "") {
+ $arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct;
+ $arSelect[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . ".NAME";
+ }
+ }
+ $arSelectOffer = Array (
+ 'ID',
+ "NAME",
+ 'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'],
+ "CATALOG_GROUP_" . $basePriceId
+ );
+ // Set selected properties
+ foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
+ if ($this->propertiesSKU[$id][$key] != "") {
+ $arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU;
+ $arSelectOffer[] = "PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . ".NAME";
+ }
+ }
+ // Set filter
+ $filter = array(
+ "IBLOCK_ID" => $id
+ );
+ $order = array("id");
+ $arNavStatParams = Array(
+ "iNumPage" => 1,
+ "nPageSize" => $this->pageSize,
+ );
+ // Cycle page to page
+ do {
+ // Get products on this page
+ $elems = array();
+ $dbResProductsIds = CIBlockElement::GetList($order, $filter, false, $arNavStatParams, array('ID'));
+ while($obIds = $dbResProductsIds->Fetch())
+ {
+ $elems[] = $obIds['ID'];
+ }
+ $arfilter = array(
+ "IBLOCK_ID" => $id,
+ "ID" => $elems
+ );
+ $dbResProducts = CIBlockElement::GetList($order, $arfilter, false, false, $arSelect);
+ $pictures = array();
+ $products = array();
+ while ($product = $dbResProducts->GetNext()) {
+ // Compile products to array
+ $products[$product['ID']] = $product;
+ $products[$product['ID']]['offers'] = array();
+ $detailPicture = intval($product["DETAIL_PICTURE"]);
+ $previewPicture = intval($product["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]);
+ if ($detailPicture > 0 || $previewPicture > 0)
+ {
+ $picture = $detailPicture;
+ if ($picture <= 0) {
+ $picture = $previewPicture;
+ }
+ // Link pictureID and productID
+ $pictures[$picture] = $product['ID'];
+ }
+ }
+ unset($product);
+ unset($detailPicture, $previewPicture, $picture);
+ $pictureIDs = array_keys($pictures);
+ // Get pathes of pictures
+ $dbFiles = CFile::GetList(Array(), Array("@ID" => implode(',', $pictureIDs)));
+ while($file = $dbFiles->GetNext()) {
+ // Link picture to product
+ $products[$pictures[$file['ID']]]['PICTURE'] = $this->protocol .
+ $this->serverName .
+ '/upload/' . $file['SUBDIR'] .
+ '/' . $file['FILE_NAME'] ;
+ }
+ unset($pictures);
+ if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
+ $arFilterOffer = array(
+ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'],
+ 'PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] => array_keys($products),
+ );
+ // Get all offers for products on this page
+ $dbResOffers = CIBlockElement::GetList(
+ array(),
+ $arFilterOffer,
+ false,
+ array('nTopCount' => $this->pageSize * $this->offerPageSize),
+ $arSelectOffer
+ );
+ while ($offer = $dbResOffers->GetNext()) {
+ // Link offers to products
+ $products[$offer['PROPERTY_' . $iblockOffer['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] . '_VALUE']]['offers'][$offer['ID']] = $offer;
+ }
+ unset($offer, $dbResOffers);
+ }
+ $stringOffers = "";
+ foreach ($products as $product) {
+ // Get properties of product
+ $resPropertiesProduct = Array();
+ foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$id] as $key => $propProduct) {
+ $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = "";
+ if ($propProduct != "") {
+ if (isset($product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_NAME"])){
+ $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_NAME"];
+ }
+ elseif (isset($product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"])){
+ $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product["PROPERTY_" . $propProduct . "_VALUE"];
+ }
+ elseif (isset($product[$propProduct])){
+ $resPropertiesProduct[$key] = $product[$propProduct];
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($key, $this->propertiesUnitProduct[$id])) {
+ $resPropertiesProduct[$key] *= $this->measurement[$this->propertiesUnitProduct[$id][$key]];
+ $resPropertiesProduct[$key . "_UNIT"] = $this->measurementLink[$this->propertiesUnitProduct[$id][$key]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get categories of product
+ $categories = Array();
+ $dbResCategories = CIBlockElement::GetElementGroups($product['ID'], true);
+ while ($arResCategory = $dbResCategories->Fetch()) {
+ $categories[$arResCategory["ID"]] = array(
+ 'ID' => $arResCategory["ID"],
+ 'NAME' => $arResCategory["NAME"],
+ );
+ }
+ if (count($categories) == 0) {
+ $catId = $this->mainSection + $id;
+ $categories[$catId] = $allCategories[$catId];
+ }
+ $existOffer = false;
+ if (!empty($iblockOffer['IBLOCK_ID'])) {
+ foreach ($product['offers'] as $offer) {
+ $offer['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
+ $offer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $product["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"];
+ $offer['PICTURE'] = $product["PICTURE"];
+ $offer['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
+ $offer['PRODUCT_ACTIVE'] = $offer["ACTIVE"];
+ $offer['PRICE'] = $offer['CATALOG_PRICE_' . $basePriceId];
+ $offer['QUANTITY'] = $offer["CATALOG_QUANTITY"];
+ // Get properties of product
+ foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$id] as $key => $propSKU) {
+ if ($propSKU != "") {
+ if (isset ($offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_NAME"])){
+ $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_NAME"];
+ }
+ elseif (isset($offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"])){
+ $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $offer["PROPERTY_" . $propSKU . "_VALUE"];
+ }
+ elseif (isset($offer[$propSKU])){
+ $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $offer[$propSKU];
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($key, $this->propertiesUnitSKU[$id])) {
+ $offer['_PROP_' . $key] *= $this->measurement[$this->propertiesUnitSKU[$id][$key]];
+ $offer['_PROP_' . $key . "_UNIT"] = $this->measurementLink[$this->propertiesUnitSKU[$id][$key]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
+ if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "" && !isset($offer[$key])){
+ $offer['_PROP_' . $key] = $propProduct;
+ }
+ }
+ $stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($offer, $categories, $iblock, $allCategories);
+ $existOffer = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$existOffer) {
+ $product['PRODUCT_ID'] = $product["ID"];
+ $product['PRODUCT_NAME'] = $product["NAME"];
+ $product['PRODUCT_ACTIVE'] = $product["ACTIVE"];
+ $product['PRICE'] = $product['CATALOG_PRICE_' . $basePriceId];
+ $product['QUANTITY'] = $product["CATALOG_QUANTITY"];
+ foreach ($resPropertiesProduct as $key => $propProduct) {
+ if ($this->propertiesProduct[$id][$key] != "" || $this->propertiesProduct[$id][str_replace("_UNIT", "", $key)] != "") {
+ $product['_PROP_' . $key] = $propProduct;
+ }
+ }
+ $stringOffers .= $this->BuildOffer($product, $categories, $iblock, $allCategories);
+ }
+ }
+ unset($products);
+ if ($this->isLogged){
+ $this->WriteLog(($this->pageSize * $arNavStatParams['iNumPage']) . " product(s) has been loaded from " . $id . " IB (memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . ")");
+ }
+ if ($stringOffers != "") {
+ $this->WriteOffers($stringOffers);
+ $stringOffers = "";
+ }
+ $arNavStatParams['iNumPage'] = $dbResProductsIds->NavPageNomer + 1;
+ }
+ while ($dbResProductsIds->NavPageNomer < $dbResProductsIds->NavPageCount);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function BuildOffer($arOffer, $categories, $iblock, &$allCategories)
+ {
+ $offer = "";
+ $offer .= "PrepareValue($arOffer["ID"]) . "\" ".
+ "productId=\"" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PRODUCT_ID"]) . "\" ".
+ "quantity=\"" . $this->PrepareValue(DoubleVal($arOffer['QUANTITY'])) . "\">\n";
+ if ($arOffer['PRODUCT_ACTIVE'] == "N"){
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PRODUCT_ACTIVE']) . "\n";
+ }
+ $keys = array_keys($categories);
+ if (strpos($arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'], "#SECTION_PATH#") !== false) {
+ if (count($categories) != 0) {
+ $category = $allCategories[$keys[0]];
+ $path = $category['CODE'];
+ if(intval($category["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) != 0) {
+ while (true) {
+ $category = $allCategories[$category['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']];
+ $path = $category['CODE'] . '/' . $path;
+ if(intval($category["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] ) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = str_replace("#SECTION_PATH#", $path, $arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']);
+ }
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PICTURE"]) . "\n";
+ $offer .= "" . $this->protocol . $this->serverName . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']) . "\n";
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PRICE']) . "\n";
+ if ($arOffer['PURCHASE_PRICE'] && $this->loadPurchasePrice) {
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['PURCHASE_PRICE']) . "\n";
+ }
+ foreach ($categories as $category){
+ $offer .= "" . $category['ID'] . "\n";
+ }
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["NAME"]) . "\n";
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["EXTERNAL_ID"]) . "\n";
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer["PRODUCT_NAME"]) . "\n";
+ foreach ($this->propertiesProduct[$iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['ID']] as $key => $propProduct) {
+ if ($propProduct != "" && $arOffer['_PROP_' . $key] != null) {
+ if ($key === "manufacturer"){
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ $offer .= '" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->propertiesSKU[$iblock['IBLOCK_DB']['ID']] as $key => $propProduct) {
+ if ($propProduct != "" && $arOffer['_PROP_' . $key] != null) {
+ if ($key === "manufacturer"){
+ $offer .= "" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ $offer .= '" . $this->PrepareValue($arOffer['_PROP_' . $key]) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $offer.= "\n";
+ return $offer;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/order/RetailCrmOrder.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/order/RetailCrmOrder.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81ebc971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/order/RetailCrmOrder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ $customer)
+ */
+ public static function orderSend($arFields, $api, $arParams, $send = false, $site = null, $methodApi = 'ordersEdit') {
+ if(!$api || empty($arParams)) { // add cond to check $arParams
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (empty($arFields)) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmOrder::orderSend', 'empty($arFields)', 'incorrect order');
+ return false;
+ }
+ $order = array(
+ 'number' => $arFields['NUMBER'],
+ 'externalId' => $arFields['ID'],
+ 'createdAt' => new \DateTime($arFields['DATE_INSERT']),
+ 'customer' => array('externalId' => $arFields['USER_ID']),
+ 'paymentType' => isset($arParams['optionsPayTypes'][$arFields['PAYMENTS'][0]]) ?
+ $arParams['optionsPayTypes'][$arFields['PAYMENTS'][0]] : '',
+ 'paymentStatus' => isset($arParams['optionsPayment'][$arFields['PAYED']]) ?
+ $arParams['optionsPayment'][$arFields['PAYED']] : '',
+ 'orderType' => isset($arParams['optionsOrderTypes'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']]) ?
+ $arParams['optionsOrderTypes'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']] : '',
+ 'status' => isset($arParams['optionsPayStatuses'][$arFields['STATUS_ID']]) ?
+ $arParams['optionsPayStatuses'][$arFields['STATUS_ID']] : '',
+ //'statusComment' => $arFields['REASON_CANCELED'],
+ 'customerComment' => $arFields['USER_DESCRIPTION'],
+ 'managerComment' => $arFields['COMMENTS'],
+ 'delivery' => array(
+ 'cost' => $arFields['PRICE_DELIVERY']
+ ),
+ );
+ if(isset($_COOKIE['_rc']) && $_COOKIE['_rc'] != ''){
+ $order['customer']['browserId'] = $_COOKIE['_rc'];
+ }
+ $order['contragent']['contragentType'] = $arParams['optionsContragentType'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']];
+ //свойства
+ foreach($arFields['PROPS']['properties'] as $prop){
+ if ($search = array_search($prop['CODE'], $arParams['optionsLegalDetails'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
+ $order['contragent'][$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];//юр данные заказа
+ } elseif ($search = array_search($prop['CODE'], $arParams['optionsCustomFields'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {
+ $order['customFields'][$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];//кастомные свойства
+ } elseif ($search = array_search($prop['CODE'], $arParams['optionsOrderProps'][$arFields['PERSON_TYPE_ID']])) {//остальное
+ if (in_array($search, array('fio', 'phone', 'email'))) {//фио, телефон, почта
+ if ($search == 'fio') {
+ $order = array_merge($order, RCrmActions::explodeFIO($prop['VALUE'][0]));//добавляем поля фио
+ } else {
+ $order[$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];//телефон и почта
+ }
+ } else {//остальное - адрес
+ if ($prop['TYPE'] == 'LOCATION') {
+ $arLoc = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::getByCode($prop['VALUE'][0])->fetch();
+ $location = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Name\LocationTable::getList(array(
+ 'filter' => array('=LOCATION_ID' => $arLoc['CITY_ID'], 'LANGUAGE_ID'=>'ru')
+ ))->fetch();
+ $prop['VALUE'][0] = $location['NAME'];
+ }
+ $order['delivery']['address'][$search] = $prop['VALUE'][0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //доставки
+ if (array_key_exists($arFields['DELIVERYS'][0]['id'], $arParams['optionsDelivTypes'])) {
+ $order['delivery']['code'] = $arParams['optionsDelivTypes'][$arFields['DELIVERYS'][0]['id']];
+ if (isset($arFields['DELIVERYS'][0]['service'])) {
+ $order['delivery']['service'] = $arFields['DELIVERYS'][0]['service'];
+ }
+ }
+ //корзина
+ foreach($arFields['BASKET'] as $product){
+ $item = array(
+ 'quantity' => $product['QUANTITY'],
+ 'offer' => array('externalId' => $product['PRODUCT_ID'],
+ 'xmlId' => $product['PRODUCT_XML_ID']
+ ),
+ 'productName' => $product['NAME']
+ );
+ $pp = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($product['PRODUCT_ID']);
+ if (is_null($pp['PURCHASING_PRICE']) == false) {
+ $item['purchasePrice'] = $pp['PURCHASING_PRICE'];
+ }
+ $item['discount'] = (double) $product['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
+ $item['discountPercent'] = 0;
+ $item['initialPrice'] = (double) $product['PRICE'] + (double) $product['DISCOUNT_PRICE'];
+ $order['items'][] = $item;
+ }
+ //отправка
+ if (function_exists('retailCrmBeforeOrderSend')) {
+ $newResOrder = retailCrmBeforeOrderSend($order);
+ if (is_array($newResOrder) && !empty($newResOrder)) {
+ $order = $newResOrder;
+ }
+ }
+ $normalizer = new RestNormalizer();
+ $order = $normalizer->normalize($order, 'orders');
+ if (isset($arParams['optionsSitesList']) && is_array($arParams['optionsSitesList']) &&
+ array_key_exists($arFields['LID'], $arParams['optionsSitesList'])) {
+ $site = $arParams['optionsSitesList'][$arFields['LID']];
+ }
+ $log = new Logger();
+ $log->write($order, 'order');
+ if($send) {
+ if (!RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, $methodApi, __METHOD__, $order, $site)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $order;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mass order uploading, without repeating; always returns true, but writes error log
+ * @param $pSize
+ * @param $failed -- flag to export failed orders
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public static function uploadOrders($pSize = 50, $failed = false, $orderList = false) {
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrders', 'iblock', 'module not found');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrders', 'sale', 'module not found');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog('RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrders', 'catalog', 'module not found');
+ return true;
+ }
+ $resOrders = array();
+ $resCustomers = array();
+ $orderIds = array();
+ $lastUpOrderId = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, 0);
+ $failedIds = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, 0));
+ if ($failed == true && $failedIds !== false && count($failedIds) > 0) {
+ $orderIds = $failedIds;
+ } elseif ($orderList !== false && count($orderList) > 0) {
+ $orderIds = $orderList;
+ } else {
+ $dbOrder = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::GetList(array(
+ 'order' => array("ID" => "ASC"),
+ 'filter' => array('>ID' => $lastUpOrderId),
+ 'limit' => $pSize,
+ 'select' => array('ID')
+ ));
+ while($arOrder = $dbOrder->fetch()){
+ $orderIds[] = $arOrder['ID'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($orderIds)<=0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $api_host = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
+ $api_key = COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
+ $optionsSitesList = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_SITES_LIST, 0));
+ $optionsOrderTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0));
+ $optionsDelivTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0));
+ $optionsPayTypes = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0));
+ $optionsPayStatuses = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0)); // --statuses
+ $optionsPayment = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_PAYMENT, 0));
+ $optionsOrderProps = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0));
+ $optionsLegalDetails = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0));
+ $optionsContragentType = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0));
+ $optionsCustomFields = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0));
+ $api = new RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
+ $arParams = array(
+ 'optionsOrderTypes' => $optionsOrderTypes,
+ 'optionsDelivTypes' => $optionsDelivTypes,
+ 'optionsPayTypes' => $optionsPayTypes,
+ 'optionsPayStatuses' => $optionsPayStatuses,
+ 'optionsPayment' => $optionsPayment,
+ 'optionsOrderProps' => $optionsOrderProps,
+ 'optionsLegalDetails' => $optionsLegalDetails,
+ 'optionsContragentType' => $optionsContragentType,
+ 'optionsSitesList' => $optionsSitesList,
+ 'optionsCustomFields' => $optionsCustomFields,
+ );
+ $recOrders = array();
+ foreach($orderIds as $orderId){
+ $id = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::load($orderId);
+ if(!$id){
+ continue;
+ }
+ $order = self::orderObjToArr($id);
+ $user = Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getById($order['USER_ID'])->fetch();
+ $site = count($optionsSitesList) > 1 ? $optionsSitesList[$order['LID']] : null;
+ $arCustomers = RetailCrmUser::customerSend($user, $api, $optionsContragentType[$order['PERSON_TYPE_ID']], false, $site);
+ $arOrders = self::orderSend($order, $api, $arParams, false, $site);
+ if (!$arCustomers || !$arOrders){
+ continue;
+ }
+ $resCustomers[$order['LID']][] = $arCustomers;
+ $resOrders[$order['LID']][] = $arOrders;
+ $recOrders[] = $orderId;
+ }
+ if(count($resOrders) > 0){
+ foreach($resCustomers as $key => $customerLoad){
+ $site = count($optionsSitesList) > 1 ? $optionsSitesList[$key] : null;
+ if (RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, 'customersUpload', __METHOD__, $customerLoad, $site) === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (count($optionsSitesList) > 1) {
+ time_nanosleep(0, 250000000);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($resOrders as $key => $orderLoad){
+ $site = count($optionsSitesList) > 1 ? $optionsSitesList[$key] : null;
+ if (RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, 'ordersUpload', __METHOD__, $orderLoad, $site) === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (count($optionsSitesList) > 1) {
+ time_nanosleep(0, 250000000);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($failed == true && $failedIds !== false && count($failedIds) > 0) {
+ COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, serialize(array_diff($failedIds, $recOrders)));
+ } elseif ($lastUpOrderId < max($recOrders) && $orderList === false) {
+ COption::SetOptionString(self::$MODULE_ID, self::$CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, max($recOrders));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static function orderObjToArr($obOrder){
+ $arOrder = array(
+ 'ID' => $obOrder->getId(),
+ 'NUMBER' => $obOrder->getField('ACCOUNT_NUMBER'),
+ 'LID' => $obOrder->getSiteId(),
+ 'DATE_INSERT' => $obOrder->getDateInsert(),
+ 'STATUS_ID' => $obOrder->getField('STATUS_ID'),
+ 'USER_ID' => $obOrder->getUserId(),
+ 'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $obOrder->getPersonTypeId(),
+ 'CURRENCY' => $obOrder->getCurrency(),
+ 'PAYMENTS' => $obOrder->getPaymentSystemId(),
+ 'PAYED' => $obOrder->isPaid(),
+ 'DELIVERYS' => array(),
+ 'PRICE_DELIVERY' => $obOrder->getDeliveryPrice(),
+ 'PROPS' => $obOrder->getPropertyCollection()->getArray(),
+ 'DISCOUNTS' => $obOrder->getDiscount()->getApplyResult(),
+ 'BASKET' => array(),
+ 'COMMENTS' => $obOrder->getField('COMMENTS'),
+ );
+ $shipmentList = $obOrder->getShipmentCollection();
+ foreach($shipmentList as $shipmentData){
+ if($shipmentData->getDeliveryId()){
+ $delivery = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\Manager::getById($shipmentData->getDeliveryId());
+ if($delivery['PARENT_ID']){
+ $servise = explode(':', $delivery['CODE']);
+ $shipment = array('id' => $delivery['PARENT_ID'], 'service' => $servise[1]);
+ }
+ else{
+ $shipment = array('id' => $delivery['ID']);
+ }
+ $arOrder['DELIVERYS'][] = $shipment;
+ }
+ }
+ $basketItems = $obOrder->getBasket();
+ foreach($basketItems as $item){
+ $arOrder['BASKET'][] = $item->getFields();
+ }
+ return $arOrder;
+ }
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/user/RetailCrmUser.php b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/user/RetailCrmUser.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73c7da9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/classes/general/user/RetailCrmUser.php
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ $arFields['ID'],
+ 'firstName' => $arFields['NAME'],
+ 'lastName' => $arFields['LAST_NAME'],
+ 'patronymic' => $arFields['SECOND_NAME'],
+ 'createdAt' => new \DateTime($arFields['DATE_REGISTER']),
+ 'contragentType' => $contragentType
+ );
+ if(isset($arFields['PERSONAL_PHONE'])){
+ $customer['phones'][]['number'] = $arFields['PERSONAL_PHONE'];
+ }
+ if(isset($arUser['WORK_PHONE'])){
+ $customer['phones'][]['number'] = $arFields['WORK_PHONE'];
+ }
+ if(isset($_COOKIE['_rc']) && $_COOKIE['_rc'] != ''){
+ $customer['browserId'] = $_COOKIE['_rc'];
+ }
+ if (function_exists('retailCrmBeforeCustomerSend')) {
+ $newResCustomer = retailCrmBeforeCustomerSend($customer);
+ if (is_array($newResCustomer) && !empty($newResCustomer)) {
+ $customer = $newResCustomer;
+ }
+ }
+ $normalizer = new RestNormalizer();
+ $customer = $normalizer->normalize($customer, 'customers');
+ $log = new Logger();
+ $log->write($customer, 'customer');
+ if($send) {
+ if (!RCrmActions::apiMethod($api, 'customersCreate', __METHOD__, $customer, $site)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $customer;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/description.ru b/intaro.retailcrm/description.ru
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..678e0109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/description.ru
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- Переход на новое API Битрикса
+- Переход на API црм v4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/export/export_run.php b/intaro.retailcrm/export/export_run.php
similarity index 93%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/export/export_run.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/export/export_run.php
index d1f17c90..d1e3b3e8 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/export/export_run.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/export/export_run.php
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ else{
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog"))
- if (!CModule::IncludeModule("intaro.intarocrm"))
+ if (!CModule::IncludeModule("intaro.retailcrm"))
$rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'));
while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()){
if($ar['DEF'] == 'Y'){
- $SERVER_NAME = $ar['SERVER_NAME'];//разделить потом с учетом многосайтовости
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ else{
- $loader = new ICMLLoader();
+ $loader = new RetailCrmICML();
$loader->profileID = $PROFILE_ID;
$loader->iblocks = $IBLOCK_EXPORT;
$loader->propertiesSKU = $IBLOCK_PROPERTY_SKU;
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/export/export_setup.php b/intaro.retailcrm/export/export_setup.php
similarity index 99%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/export/export_setup.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/export/export_setup.php
index bc74d92b..54187f3b 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/export/export_setup.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/export/export_setup.php
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ else{
if(!check_bitrix_sessid()) return;
- __IncludeLang(GetLangFileName($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/intaro.intarocrm/lang/", "/icml_export_setup.php"));
+ __IncludeLang(GetLangFileName($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/intaro.retailcrm/lang/", "/icml_export_setup.php"));
- $MODULE_ID = 'intaro.intarocrm';
+ $MODULE_ID = 'intaro.retailcrm';
$CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE = 'catalog_base_price';
$basePriceId = COption::GetOptionString($MODULE_ID, $CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE . '_' . $_REQUEST['PROFILE_ID'], 1);
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ else{
- .'intarocrm'/* .mt_rand(0, 999999) */.'.xml'
+ .'retailcrm'/* .mt_rand(0, 999999) */.'.xml'
); ?>" size="50">
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/include.php b/intaro.retailcrm/include.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af464738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/include.php
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ 'intaro.retailcrm', // module name
+ array (
+ 'RestNormalizer' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RestNormalizer.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RestNormalizer.php' : 'classes/general/RestNormalizer.php',
+ 'Logger' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/Logger.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/Logger.php' : 'classes/general/Logger.php',
+ 'RetailCrm\ApiClient' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/ApiClient.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/ApiClient.php' : 'classes/general/ApiClient.php',
+ 'RetailCrm\Http\Client' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/Client.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/Client.php' : 'classes/general/Http/Client.php',
+ 'RCrmActions' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RCrmActions.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RCrmActions.php' : 'classes/general/RCrmActions.php',
+ 'RetailCrmUser' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmUser.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmUser.php' : 'classes/general/user/RetailCrmUser.php',
+ 'RetailCrmOrder' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmOrder.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmOrder.php' : 'classes/general/order/RetailCrmOrder.php',
+ 'RetailCrmHistory' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmHistory.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmHistory.php' : 'classes/general/history/RetailCrmHistory.php',
+ 'RetailCrmICML' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmICML.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmICML.php' : 'classes/general/icml/RetailCrmICML.php',
+ 'RetailCrmEvent' => file_exists($server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmEvent.php') ? $server . '/bitrix/php_interface/retailcrm/RetailCrmEvent.php' : 'classes/general/events/RetailCrmEvent.php',
+ 'RetailCrm\Response\ApiResponse' => 'classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php',
+ 'RetailCrm\Exception\InvalidJsonException' => 'classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php',
+ 'RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException' => 'classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php',
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/install/export/retailcrm_run.php b/intaro.retailcrm/install/export/retailcrm_run.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fed5b8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/install/export/retailcrm_run.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.retailcrm/install/export/retailcrm_setup.php b/intaro.retailcrm/install/export/retailcrm_setup.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2158098e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/install/export/retailcrm_setup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/install/index.php b/intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php
similarity index 62%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/install/index.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php
index 47d3be15..35c42cc4 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/install/index.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php
@@ -2,26 +2,29 @@
* Module Install/Uninstall script
- * Module name: intaro.intarocrm
- * Class name: intaro_intarocrm
+ * Module name: intaro.retailcrm
+ * Class name: intaro_retailcrm
global $MESS;
-if (class_exists('intaro_intarocrm'))
+if (class_exists('intaro_retailcrm'))
-class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
+class intaro_retailcrm extends CModule {
- var $MODULE_ID = 'intaro.intarocrm';
+ var $MODULE_ID = 'intaro.retailcrm';
+ var $OLD_MODULE_ID = 'intaro.intarocrm';
- var $INTARO_CRM_EXPORT = 'intarocrm';
+ var $RETAIL_CRM_EXPORT = 'retailcrm';
var $CRM_API_HOST_OPTION = 'api_host';
var $CRM_API_KEY_OPTION = 'api_key';
var $CRM_SITES_LIST= 'sites_list';
@@ -38,12 +41,15 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
var $CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE = 'contragent_type';
var $CRM_ORDER_DISCHARGE = 'order_discharge';
var $CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS = 'order_failed_ids';
- var $CRM_ORDER_HISTORY_DATE = 'order_history_date';
+ var $CRM_ORDER_HISTORY = 'order_history';
+ var $CRM_CUSTOMER_HISTORY = 'customer_history';
var $CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE = 'catalog_base_price';
var $CRM_CATALOG_IBLOCKS = 'catalog_base_iblocks';
+ var $CRM_ORDER_NUMBERS = 'order_numbers';
+ var $CRM_CANSEL_ORDER = 'cansel_order';
- function intaro_intarocrm() {
+ function intaro_retailcrm() {
$arModuleVersion = array();
$path = str_replace("\\", "/", __FILE__);
$path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - strlen("/index.php"));
@@ -51,7 +57,7 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
include($path . "/version.php");
$this->MODULE_VERSION = $arModuleVersion["VERSION"];
$this->MODULE_VERSION_DATE = $arModuleVersion["VERSION_DATE"];
- $this->MODULE_NAME = GetMessage('INTARO_MODULE_NAME');
+ $this->MODULE_NAME = GetMessage('RETAIL_MODULE_NAME');
@@ -65,7 +71,13 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
global $APPLICATION, $step, $arResult;
if (!in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {
- $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("INTAROCRM_CURL_ERR"));
+ $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("RETAILCRM_CURL_ERR"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ $infoSale = CModule::CreateModuleObject('sale')->MODULE_VERSION;
+ if (version_compare($infoSale, '16', '<=')) {
+ $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SALE_VERSION_ERR"));
return false;
@@ -76,19 +88,30 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
- include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/RestApi.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/ApiClient.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/Http/Client.php');
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/Response/ApiResponse.php');
+<<<<<<< HEAD:intaro.intarocrm/install/index.php
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/ICrmOrderActions.php');
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/ICMLLoader.php');
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/Logger.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/RCrmActions.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/user/RetailCrmUser.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/order/RetailCrmOrder.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/history/RetailCrmHistory.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/events/RetailCrmEvent.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/icml/RetailCrmICML.php');
+>>>>>>> upstream/master:intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/Exception/InvalidJsonException.php');
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/Exception/CurlException.php');
include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/RestNormalizer.php');
+ include($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/Logger.php');
$step = intval($_REQUEST['step']);
- if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/options.xml')) {
- $options = simplexml_load_file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/bitrix/modules/intaro.intarocrm/classes/general/config/options.xml');
+ if (file_exists($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/config/options.xml')) {
+ $options = simplexml_load_file($this->INSTALL_PATH . '/../classes/general/config/options.xml');
foreach($options->contragents->contragent as $contragent)
@@ -118,11 +141,7 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if($step == 11){
- $arResult['arSites'] = array();
- $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'));
- while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()){
- $arResult['arSites'][] = $ar;
- }
+ $arResult['arSites'] = RCrmActions::SitesList();
$step = 2;
@@ -139,14 +158,16 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_CATALOG';
- $arResult['arSites'] = array();
- $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'));
- while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch())
- $arResult['arSites'][] = $ar;
+ if($api_host = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0)){
+ $arResult['API_HOST'] = $api_host;
+ }
+ if($api_key = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0)){
+ $arResult['API_KEY'] = $api_key;
+ }
- GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
} else if ($step == 11) {
//new page
@@ -164,9 +185,9 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (isset($arResult['errCode']) && $arResult['errCode']) {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
@@ -181,27 +202,26 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (!$api_host || !$api_key) {
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_FIELDS_API_HOST';
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API = new RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API = new RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
//api key ok and sites list
try {
- $arResult['sitesList'] = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharsetArray($this->INTARO_CRM_API->sitesList()->sites, 'utf-8', SITE_CHARSET);
+ $arResult['sitesList'] = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharsetArray($this->RETAIL_CRM_API->sitesList()->sites, 'utf-8', SITE_CHARSET);
} catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::sitesList',
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::sitesList',
$e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_' . $e->getCode();
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
@@ -209,10 +229,13 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, $api_host);
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, $api_key);
+ if($sites_list = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_SITES_LIST, 0)){
+ $arResult['SITES_LIST'] = unserialize($sites_list);
+ }
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step11.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step11.php'
} else if ($step == 2) {//доставки, оплаты, типы заказов
@@ -230,40 +253,25 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (isset($arResult['errCode']) && $arResult['errCode']) {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
- $arResult['arSites'] = array();
- $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'));
- while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()){
- if(!$ar["SERVER_NAME"]){
- $arResult['errCode'] = 'URL_NOT_FOUND';
- $APPLICATION->IncludeAdminFile(
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
- );
- return;
- }
- else{
- $arResult['arSites'][] = $ar;
- }
- }
+ $arResult['arSites'] = RCrmActions::SitesList();
+ /*
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') && isset($_POST['ajax']) && ($_POST['ajax'] == 1)) {
$api_host = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
$api_key = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
//prepare crm lists
try {
- $arResult['orderTypesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->orderTypesList()->orderTypes;
+ $arResult['orderTypesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->orderTypesList()->orderTypes;
} catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::orderTypesList::CurlException',
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::orderTypesList::CurlException',
$e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
@@ -273,26 +281,28 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
try {
- $arResult['deliveryTypesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryTypesList()->deliveryTypes;
- $arResult['deliveryServicesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryServicesList()->deliveryServices;
- $arResult['paymentTypesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->paymentTypesList()->paymentTypes;
- $arResult['paymentStatusesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->paymentStatusesList()->paymentStatuses; // --statuses
- $arResult['paymentList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->orderStatusesList()->statuses;
- $arResult['paymentGroupList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->orderStatusGroupsList()->statusGroups; // -- statuses groups
+ $arResult['deliveryTypesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->deliveryTypesList()->deliveryTypes;
+ $arResult['deliveryServicesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->deliveryServicesList()->deliveryServices;
+ $arResult['paymentTypesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->paymentTypesList()->paymentTypes;
+ $arResult['paymentStatusesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->paymentStatusesList()->paymentStatuses; // --statuses
+ $arResult['paymentList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->orderStatusesList()->statuses;
+ $arResult['paymentGroupList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->orderStatusGroupsList()->statusGroups; // -- statuses groups
} catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::*List::CurlException',
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::*List::CurlException',
$e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
//bitrix orderTypesList -- personTypes
$dbOrderTypesList = CSalePersonType::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- ), false, false, array()
+ array(
+ "SORT" => "ASC",
+ "NAME" => "ASC"
+ ),
+ array(
+ "ACTIVE" => "Y",
+ ),
+ false, false, array()
@@ -393,11 +403,11 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$paymentArr['Y'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-Y']));
$paymentArr['N'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-N']));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($orderTypesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($deliveryTypesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($paymentTypesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($paymentStatusesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($paymentArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($orderTypesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($deliveryTypesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($paymentTypesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($paymentStatusesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($paymentArr)));
// generate updated select inputs
$input = array();
@@ -529,10 +539,10 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=' . LANG_CHARSET);
die(json_encode(array("success" => true, "result" => $input)));
- }
+ }*/
- // api load
$api_host = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
$api_key = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
@@ -541,16 +551,15 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$siteCode[$site['LID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['sites-id-'.$site['LID']]));
- if (count($arResult['arSites'])!=count($siteCode)) {
+ if (count($arResult['arSites']) != count($siteCode)) {
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_FIELDS_API_HOST';
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step11.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step11.php'
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_SITES_LIST, serialize($siteCode));
else{//если 1 сайт
@@ -565,27 +574,25 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (!$api_host || !$api_key) {
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_FIELDS_API_HOST';
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
try {
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API->paymentStatusesList()->paymentStatuses;
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->paymentStatusesList()->paymentStatuses;
} catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::paymentStatusesList::CurlException',
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::paymentStatusesList::CurlException',
$e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_' . $e->getCode();
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
@@ -596,110 +603,50 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
//prepare crm lists
try {
- $arResult['orderTypesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->orderTypesList()->orderTypes;
- $arResult['deliveryTypesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryTypesList()->deliveryTypes;
- $arResult['deliveryServicesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryServicesList()->deliveryServices;
- $arResult['paymentTypesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->paymentTypesList()->paymentTypes;
- $arResult['paymentStatusesList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->paymentStatusesList()->paymentStatuses; // --statuses
- $arResult['paymentList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->orderStatusesList()->statuses;
- $arResult['paymentGroupList'] = $this->INTARO_CRM_API->orderStatusGroupsList()->statusGroups; // -- statuses groups
+ $arResult['orderTypesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->orderTypesList()->orderTypes;
+ $arResult['deliveryTypesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->deliveryTypesList()->deliveryTypes;
+ $arResult['deliveryServicesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->deliveryServicesList()->deliveryServices;
+ $arResult['paymentTypesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->paymentTypesList()->paymentTypes;
+ $arResult['paymentStatusesList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->paymentStatusesList()->paymentStatuses;
+ $arResult['paymentList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->statusesList()->statuses;
+ $arResult['paymentGroupList'] = $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->statusGroupsList()->statusGroups;
} catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::*List::CurlException',
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::*List::CurlException',
$e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- //bitrix orderTypesList -- personTypes
- $dbOrderTypesList = CSalePersonType::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- ), false, false, array()
- );
+ //bitrix personTypes
+ $arResult['bitrixOrderTypesList'] = RCrmActions::OrderTypesList($arResult['arSites']);
+ //bitrix deliveryList
+ $arResult['bitrixDeliveryTypesList'] = RCrmActions::DeliveryList();
- if ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $arResult['bitrixOrderTypesList'][] = $arOrderTypesList;
- } while ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch());
+ //bitrix paymentList
+ $arResult['bitrixPaymentTypesList'] = RCrmActions::PaymentList();
+ //bitrix statusesList --statuses
+ $arResult['bitrixStatusesList'] = RCrmActions::StatusesList();
+ if($order_types = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, 0)){
+ $arResult['ORDER_TYPES'] = array_flip(unserialize($order_types));
- //bitrix deliveryTypesList
- $dbDeliveryTypesList = CSaleDelivery::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- ), false, false, array()
- );
- if ($arDeliveryTypesList = $dbDeliveryTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $arResult['bitrixDeliveryTypesList'][] = $arDeliveryTypesList;
- } while ($arDeliveryTypesList = $dbDeliveryTypesList->Fetch());
+ if($delivery_types = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, 0)){
+ $arResult['DELIVERY_TYPES'] = array_flip(unserialize($delivery_types));
- // bitrix deliveryServicesList
- $dbDeliveryServicesList = CSaleDeliveryHandler::GetList(
- array(
- 'SORT' => 'ASC',
- 'NAME' => 'ASC'
- ),
- array(
- 'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
- 'SITE_ID' => $arResult['arSites'][0]['LID']
- )
- );
- if ($arDeliveryServicesList = $dbDeliveryServicesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $arResult['bitrixDeliveryTypesList'][] = array('ID' => $arDeliveryServicesList['SID'], 'NAME' => $arDeliveryServicesList['NAME']);
- } while ($arDeliveryServicesList = $dbDeliveryServicesList->Fetch());
+ if($payment_types = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, 0)){
+ $arResult['PAYMENT_TYPES'] = array_flip(unserialize($payment_types));
- //bitrix paymentTypesList
- $dbPaymentTypesList = CSalePaySystem::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y"
- )
- );
- if ($arPaymentTypesList = $dbPaymentTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $arResult['bitrixPaymentTypesList'][] = $arPaymentTypesList;
- } while ($arPaymentTypesList = $dbPaymentTypesList->Fetch());
+ if($payment_statuses = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, 0)){
+ $arResult['PAYMENT_STATUSES'] = array_flip(unserialize($payment_statuses));
- //bitrix paymentStatusesList --statuses
- $dbPaymentStatusesList = CSaleStatus::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "LID" => "ru", //ru
- "ACTIVE" => "Y"
- )
- );
- if ($arPaymentStatusesList = $dbPaymentStatusesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $arResult['bitrixPaymentStatusesList'][$arPaymentStatusesList['ID']] = $arPaymentStatusesList;
- } while ($arPaymentStatusesList = $dbPaymentStatusesList->Fetch());
+ if($payment = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT, 0)){
+ $arResult['PAYMENT'] = array_flip(unserialize($payment));
- $arResult['bitrixPaymentStatusesList'][] = array(
- 'ID' => 'YY',
- 'NAME' => GetMessage('CANCELED')
- );
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step2.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step2.php'
} else if ($step == 3) {//сопостовление свойств заказа
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
@@ -708,192 +655,95 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (isset($_POST['back']) && $_POST['back']) {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step1.php'
// api load
$api_host = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
$api_key = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
- //bitrix orderTypesList -- personTypes
- $dbOrderTypesList = CSalePersonType::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- ), false, false, array()
- );
- //form order types ids arr
+ //bitrix orderTypesList
+ $arResult['arSites'] = RCrmActions::SitesList();
+ $arResult['bitrixOrderTypesList'] = RCrmActions::OrderTypesList($arResult['arSites']);
$orderTypesArr = array();
- $arResult['bitrixOrderTypesList'] = array();
- if ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $orderTypesArr[$arOrderTypesList['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['order-type-' . $arOrderTypesList['ID']]));
- $arResult['bitrixOrderTypesList'][] = $arOrderTypesList;
- } while ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch());
+ foreach($arResult['bitrixOrderTypesList'] as $orderType){
+ $orderTypesArr[$orderType['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['order-type-' . $orderType['ID']]));
//bitrix deliveryTypesList
- $dbDeliveryTypesList = CSaleDelivery::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- ), false, false, array()
- );
+ $arResult['bitrixDeliveryTypesList'] = RCrmActions::DeliveryList();
- //bitrix deliveryServicesList
- $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array());
- while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()){
- $arResult['arSites'][] = $ar;
+ if (htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-types-export'])) == 'false') {//сами настраиваем доставки
+ $deliveryTypesArr = array();
+ foreach($arResult['bitrixDeliveryTypesList'] as $delivery){
+ $deliveryTypesArr[$delivery['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-type-' . $delivery['ID']]));
+ }
- $dbDeliveryServicesList = CSaleDeliveryHandler::GetList(
- array(
- 'SORT' => 'ASC',
- 'NAME' => 'ASC'
- ),
- array(
- 'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
- 'SITE_ID' => $arResult['arSites'][0]['LID']
- )
- );
- //form delivery types / services ids arr
- $deliveryTypesArr = array();
- if (htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-types-export'])) == 'false') {
- if ($arDeliveryTypesList = $dbDeliveryTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $deliveryTypesArr[$arDeliveryTypesList['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-type-' . $arDeliveryTypesList['ID']]));
- } while ($arDeliveryTypesList = $dbDeliveryTypesList->Fetch());
- }
- if ($arDeliveryServicesList = $dbDeliveryServicesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- //auto delivery types
- $deliveryTypesArr[$arDeliveryServicesList['SID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-type-' . $arDeliveryServicesList['SID']]));
- } while ($arDeliveryServicesList = $dbDeliveryServicesList->Fetch());
- }
- } elseif (htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-types-export'])) == 'true') {
+ elseif (htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['delivery-types-export'])) == 'true') {//отправка доставок в црм
// send to intaro crm and save delivery types!
- if ($arDeliveryTypesList = $dbDeliveryTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- // parse id
- $arId = array();
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = 0;
- if (strpos($arDeliveryTypesList['ID'], ":") !== false)
- $arId = explode(":", $arDeliveryTypesList['ID']);
- if ($arId)
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = $arId[0];
- else
- $resultDeliveryTypeId = $arDeliveryTypesList['ID'];
- $deliveryTypesArr[$arDeliveryTypesList['ID']] = $resultDeliveryTypeId;
- // send to crm
- try {
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryTypeEdit(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr(array(
- 'code' => $resultDeliveryTypeId,
- 'name' => ICrmOrderActions::toJSON($arDeliveryTypesList['NAME']),
- 'defaultCost' => $arDeliveryTypesList['PRICE'],
- 'description' => ICrmOrderActions::toJSON($arDeliveryTypesList['DESCRIPTION']),
- 'paymentTypes' => ''
- )));
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::deliveryTypeEdit::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- }
- } while ($arDeliveryTypesList = $dbDeliveryTypesList->Fetch());
- }
- if ($arDeliveryServicesList = $dbDeliveryServicesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $deliveryTypesArr[$arDeliveryServicesList['SID']] = $arDeliveryServicesList['SID'];
- // send to crm
- try {
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryTypeEdit(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr(array(
- 'code' => $arDeliveryServicesList['SID'],
- 'name' => ICrmOrderActions::toJSON($arDeliveryServicesList['NAME']),
- 'defaultCost' => 0,
- 'description' => ICrmOrderActions::toJSON($arDeliveryTypesList['DESCRIPTION']),
- 'paymentTypes' => ''
- )));
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::deliveryTypeEdit::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
- }
- foreach($arDeliveryServicesList['PROFILES'] as $id => $profile) {
- // send to crm
- try {
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API->deliveryServiceEdit(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr(array(
- 'code' => $arDeliveryServicesList['SID'] . '-' . $id,
- 'name' => ICrmOrderActions::toJSON($profile['TITLE']),
- 'deliveryType' => $arDeliveryServicesList['SID']
- )));
- } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'IntaroCrm\RestApi::deliveryServiceEdit::CurlException',
- $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
- );
+ foreach($optionsDelivTypes as $deliveryType){
+ $load = true;
+ try {
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->deliveryTypesEdit(RCrmActions::clearArr(array(
+ 'code' => $deliveryType['ID'],
+ 'name' => RCrmActions::toJSON($deliveryType['NAME']),
+ 'defaultCost' => $deliveryType['CONFIG']['MAIN']['PRICE'],
+ 'description' => RCrmActions::toJSON($deliveryType['DESCRIPTION']),
+ 'paymentTypes' => ''
+ )));
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ $load = false;
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::deliveryTypeEdit::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ }
+ if($load){
+ foreach($optionsDelivTypes as $deliveryService){
+ if($deliveryService['PARENT_ID'] != 0 && $deliveryService['PARENT_ID'] == $deliveryType['ID']){
+ $srv = explode(':', $deliveryService['CODE']);
+ if(count($srv) == 2){
+ try {
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->deliveryServicesEdit(RCrmActions::clearArr(array(
+ 'code' => $srv[1],
+ 'name' => RCrmActions::toJSON($deliveryService['NAME']),
+ 'deliveryType' => $deliveryType['ID']
+ )));
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/options.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::deliveryServiceEdit::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ }
+ }
- } while ($arDeliveryServicesList = $dbDeliveryServicesList->Fetch());
+ }
//bitrix paymentTypesList
- $dbPaymentTypesList = CSalePaySystem::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y"
- )
- );
- //form payment types ids arr
+ $arResult['bitrixPaymentTypesList'] = RCrmActions::PaymentList();
$paymentTypesArr = array();
- if ($arPaymentTypesList = $dbPaymentTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $paymentTypesArr[$arPaymentTypesList['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-type-' . $arPaymentTypesList['ID']]));
- } while ($arPaymentTypesList = $dbPaymentTypesList->Fetch());
+ foreach($arResult['bitrixPaymentTypesList'] as $payment){
+ $paymentTypesArr[$payment['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-type-' . $payment['ID']]));
- //bitrix paymentStatusesList
- $dbPaymentStatusesList = CSaleStatus::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "LID" => "ru", //ru
- "ACTIVE" => "Y"
- )
- );
+ //bitrix statusesList
+ $arResult['bitrixStatusesList'] = RCrmActions::StatusesList();
+ $paymentStatusesArr = array();
+ $canselOrderArr = array();
- //form payment statuses ids arr
- $paymentStatusesArr['YY'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-status-YY']));
- if ($arPaymentStatusesList = $dbPaymentStatusesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $paymentStatusesArr[$arPaymentStatusesList['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-status-' . $arPaymentStatusesList['ID']]));
- } while ($arPaymentStatusesList = $dbPaymentStatusesList->Fetch());
+ foreach($arResult['bitrixStatusesList'] as $status){
+ $paymentStatusesArr[$status['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-status-' . $status['ID']]));
+ if(trim($_POST['order-cansel-' . $status['ID']]) == 'Y'){
+ $canselOrderArr[] = $status['ID'];
+ }
//form payment ids arr
@@ -901,24 +751,35 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$paymentArr['Y'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-Y']));
$paymentArr['N'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['payment-N']));
- //form orderProps
- $dbProp = CSaleOrderProps::GetList(array(), array());
- while ($arProp = $dbProp->GetNext()) {
- $arResult['arProp'][$arProp['PERSON_TYPE_ID']][] = $arProp;
- }
+ //new page
+ //form orderProps
+ $arResult['arProp'] = RCrmActions::OrderPropsList();
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($orderTypesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($deliveryTypesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($paymentTypesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($paymentStatusesArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($paymentArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_TYPES_ARR, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($orderTypesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_DELIVERY_TYPES_ARR, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($deliveryTypesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_TYPES, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($paymentTypesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT_STATUSES, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($paymentStatusesArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_PAYMENT, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($paymentArr)));
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, 0);
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_DISCHARGE, 1);
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, serialize(array()));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CANSEL_ORDER, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($canselOrderArr)));
+ if($orderProps = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_PROPS, 0)){
+ $arResult['ORDER_PROPS'] = unserialize($orderProps);
+ }
+ if($customFields = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 0)){
+ $arResult['CUSTOM_FIELDS'] = unserialize($customFields);
+ }
+ if($legalDetails = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, 0)){
+ $arResult['LEGAL_DETAILS'] = unserialize($legalDetails);
+ }
+ if($contragentType = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, 0)){
+ $arResult['CONTRAGENT_TYPES'] = unserialize($contragentType);
+ }
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step3.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step3.php'
} else if ($step == 4) {//выгрузка старых заказов
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("sale")) {
@@ -927,28 +788,28 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (isset($_POST['back']) && $_POST['back']) {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step2.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step2.php'
+ //order upload
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') && isset($_POST['ajax']) && ($_POST['ajax'] == 1)) {
- ICrmOrderActions::uploadOrders(); // each 50
+ RetailCrmOrder::uploadOrders(); // each 50
$lastUpOrderId = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, 0);
- $countLeft = (int) CSaleOrder::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array('>ID' => $lastUpOrderId), array());
- $countAll = (int) CSaleOrder::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array(), array());
+ $countLeft = (int) \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\OrderTable::getCount(array('>ID' => $lastUpOrderId));
+ $countAll = (int) \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\OrderTable::getCount();
- if (!isset($_POST['finish']))
+ if (!isset($_POST['finish'])){
$finish = 0;
- else
+ }
+ else{
$finish = (int) $_POST['finish'];
+ }
$percent = round(100 - ($countLeft * 100 / $countAll), 1);
- if (!$countLeft)
+ if (!$countLeft){
$finish = 1;
+ }
header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=' . LANG_CHARSET);
die(json_encode(array("finish" => $finish, "percent" => $percent)));
@@ -956,28 +817,16 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (isset($_POST['back']) && $_POST['back']) {
- GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step2.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step2.php'
- //bitrix orderTypesList -- personTypes
- $dbOrderTypesList = CSalePersonType::GetList(
- array(
- "SORT" => "ASC",
- "NAME" => "ASC"
- ), array(
- "ACTIVE" => "Y",
- ), false, false, array()
- );
- //form order types ids arr
+ //bitrix orderTypesList
+ $orderTypesList = RCrmActions::OrderTypesList(RCrmActions::SitesList());
$orderTypesArr = array();
- $orderTypesList = array();
- if ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch()) {
- do {
- $orderTypesArr[$arOrderTypesList['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['order-type-' . $arOrderTypesList['ID']]));
- $orderTypesList[] = $arOrderTypesList;
- } while ($arOrderTypesList = $dbOrderTypesList->Fetch());
+ foreach($orderTypesList as $orderType){
+ $orderTypesArr[$orderType['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['order-type-' . $orderType['ID']]));
$orderPropsArr = array();
@@ -998,7 +847,6 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
foreach ($orderTypesList as $orderType) {
$_legalDetailsArr = array();
foreach ($arResult['legalDetails'] as $legalDetails) {
$_legalDetailsArr[$legalDetails['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['legal-detail-' . $legalDetails['ID'] . '-' . $orderType['ID']]));
$legalDetailsArr[$orderType['ID']] = $_legalDetailsArr;
@@ -1019,14 +867,13 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$contragentTypeArr[$orderType['ID']] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['contragent-type-' . $orderType['ID']]));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_PROPS, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($orderPropsArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($customFieldsArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($legalDetailsArr)));
- COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, serialize(ICrmOrderActions::clearArr($contragentTypeArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_PROPS, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($orderPropsArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CUSTOM_FIELDS, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($customFieldsArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_LEGAL_DETAILS, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($legalDetailsArr)));
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CONTRAGENT_TYPE, serialize(RCrmActions::clearArr($contragentTypeArr)));
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step4.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step4.php'
} else if ($step == 5) {//экспорт каталога
@@ -1037,6 +884,48 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_CATALOG';
+ $api_host = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
+ $api_key = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
+ $api = new \RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
+ $customerH = self::historyLoad($api, 'customersHistory');
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CUSTOMER_HISTORY, $customerH);
+ //если есть старое значение, переделываем его на новый лад, иначе вычисляем
+ if($historyDate = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, 'order_history_date', 0)){
+ try {
+ $history = $api->ordersHistory(array('startDate' => $historyDate));
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::ordersHistory::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::ordersHistory::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ }
+ if(isset($history['history'])){
+ $hIs = (int)$history['history'][0]['id'] - 1;
+ $orderH = $hIs;
+ }
+ else{
+ $orderH = self::historyLoad($api, 'ordersHistory');
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $orderH = self::historyLoad($api, 'ordersHistory');
+ }
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_HISTORY, $orderH);
+ if($orderLastId = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, 0)){
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_LAST_ID, $orderLastId);
+ }
+ if($orderFailedIds = COption::GetOptionString($this->OLD_MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, 0)){
+ COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS, $orderFailedIds);
+ }
$arResult['PRICE_TYPES'] = array();
@@ -1049,8 +938,7 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step5.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step5.php'
} else if ($step == 6) {//регистрация модуля
@@ -1064,16 +952,14 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
if (isset($arResult['errCode']) && $arResult['errCode']) {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step5.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step5.php'
if (isset($_POST['back']) && $_POST['back']) {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step3.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step3.php'
@@ -1083,14 +969,14 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$iblocks = $_POST['IBLOCK_EXPORT'];
$iblockProperties = Array(
- "article" => "article",
+ "article" => "article",
"manufacturer" => "manufacturer",
- "color" =>"color",
- "weight" => "weight",
- "size" => "size",
- "length" => "length",
- "width" => "width",
- "height" => "height",
+ "color" => "color",
+ "weight" => "weight",
+ "size" => "size",
+ "length" => "length",
+ "width" => "width",
+ "height" => "height",
$propertiesSKU = array();
@@ -1150,50 +1036,47 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
global $oldValues;
$oldValues = $arOldValues;
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step5.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step5.php'
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSalePayOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSalePayOrder");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleCancelOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSaleCancelOrder");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderNewSendEmail", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSendOrderMail");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderUpdate", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onUpdateOrder");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAdd", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onBeforeOrderAdd");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleBeforeReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "OnSaleBeforeReserveOrder");
- RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSaleReserveOrder");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSalePayOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSalePayOrder");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleCancelOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSaleCancelOrder");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderNewSendEmail", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSendOrderMail");
+ RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderUpdate", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onUpdateOrder");
+ RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAdd", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onBeforeOrderAdd");
+ RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderSave", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "OnOrderSave");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleBeforeReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "OnSaleBeforeReserveOrder");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSaleReserveOrder");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterUserRegister", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "OnAfterUserRegister");
+ //RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterUserAdd", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "OnAfterUserAdd");
+ RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterUserUpdate", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "OnAfterUserUpdate");
+ RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleOrderEntitySaved", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "orderSave");
+ RegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleOrderEntityDelete", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "orderDelete");
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE, htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['price-types'])));
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CATALOG_IBLOCKS, $iblocks);
- if (isset($_POST['LOAD_NOW'])) {
- $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'));
- while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()){
- if($ar['DEF'] == 'Y'){
- $SERVER_NAME = $ar['SERVER_NAME'];//разделить потом с учетом многосайтовости
- }
- }
- $loader = new ICMLLoader();
+ if (isset($_POST['LOAD_NOW'])) {
+ $loader = new RetailCrmICML();
$loader->iblocks = $iblocks;
$loader->propertiesUnitProduct = $propertiesUnitProduct;
$loader->propertiesProduct = $propertiesProduct;
$loader->propertiesUnitSKU = $propertiesUnitSKU;
$loader->propertiesSKU = $propertiesSKU;
$loader->filename = $filename;
- $loader->serverName = $SERVER_NAME;
+ $loader->serverName = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getHttpHost();
$loader->application = $APPLICATION;
- $loader->Load();
+ $loader->Load();
if ($typeLoading == 'agent' || $typeLoading == 'cron') {
- if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/' . $this->INTARO_CRM_EXPORT . '_run.php')) {
- $dbProfile = CCatalogExport::GetList(array(), array("FILE_NAME" => $this->INTARO_CRM_EXPORT));
+ if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/' . $this->RETAIL_CRM_EXPORT . '_run.php')) {
+ $dbProfile = CCatalogExport::GetList(array(), array("FILE_NAME" => $this->RETAIL_CRM_EXPORT));
while ($arProfile = $dbProfile->Fetch()) {
if ($arProfile["DEFAULT_PROFILE"] != "Y") {
@@ -1204,15 +1087,15 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$ar = $this->GetProfileSetupVars($iblocks, $propertiesProduct, $propertiesUnitProduct, $propertiesSKU, $propertiesUnitSKU, $filename);
$PROFILE_ID = CCatalogExport::Add(array(
- "LAST_USE" => false,
- "NAME" => $profileName,
- "IN_MENU" => "N",
- "IN_AGENT" => "N",
- "IN_CRON" => "N",
- "NEED_EDIT" => "N",
- "SETUP_VARS" => $ar
+ "LAST_USE" => false,
+ "NAME" => $profileName,
+ "IN_MENU" => "N",
+ "IN_AGENT" => "N",
+ "IN_CRON" => "N",
+ "NEED_EDIT" => "N",
+ "SETUP_VARS" => $ar
if (intval($PROFILE_ID) <= 0) {
$arResult['errCode'] = 'ERR_IBLOCK';
@@ -1294,7 +1177,7 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
- "ICrmOrderActions::orderAgent();", $this->MODULE_ID, "N", 600, // interval - 10 mins
+ "RCrmActions::orderAgent();", $this->MODULE_ID, "N", 600, // interval - 10 mins
$dateAgent->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'), // date of first check
"Y", // agent is active
$dateAgent->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'), // date of first start
@@ -1303,12 +1186,12 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
$api_host = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION, 0);
$api_key = COption::GetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION, 0);
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\RestApi($api_host, $api_key);
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API = new \RetailCrm\ApiClient($api_host, $api_key);
try {
- $this->INTARO_CRM_API->statisticUpdate();
+ $this->RETAIL_CRM_API->statisticUpdate();
} catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
- ICrmOrderActions::eventLog(
- 'intaro.crm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\RestApi::statisticUpdate::CurlException',
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'intaro.retailcrm/install/index.php', 'RetailCrm\ApiClient::statisticUpdate::CurlException',
$e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
@@ -1316,8 +1199,7 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
COption::SetOptionString($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_HISTORY_DATE, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/step6.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/step6.php'
@@ -1325,9 +1207,7 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
function DoUninstall() {
- CAgent::RemoveAgent("ICrmOrderActions::uploadOrdersAgent();", $this->MODULE_ID);
- CAgent::RemoveAgent("ICrmOrderActions::orderHistoryAgent();", $this->MODULE_ID);
- CAgent::RemoveAgent("ICrmOrderActions::orderAgent();", $this->MODULE_ID);
+ CAgent::RemoveAgent("RCrmActions::orderAgent();", $this->MODULE_ID);
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_HOST_OPTION);
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_API_KEY_OPTION);
@@ -1344,21 +1224,31 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_SITES_LIST);
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_DISCHARGE);
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_FAILED_IDS);
- COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_HISTORY_DATE);
+ COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CUSTOMER_HISTORY);
+ COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_HISTORY);
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CATALOG_BASE_PRICE);
COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CATALOG_IBLOCKS);
+ COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_ORDER_NUMBERS);
+ COption::RemoveOption($this->MODULE_ID, $this->CRM_CANSEL_ORDER);
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSalePayOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSalePayOrder");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleCancelOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSaleCancelOrder");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderNewSendEmail", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSendOrderMail");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderUpdate", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onUpdateOrder");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAdd", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onBeforeOrderAdd");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleBeforeReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSaleBeforeReserveOrder");
- UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "onSaleReserveOrder");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSalePayOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSalePayOrder");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleCancelOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSaleCancelOrder");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderNewSendEmail", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSendOrderMail");
+ UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderUpdate", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onUpdateOrder");
+ UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAdd", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onBeforeOrderAdd");
+ UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnOrderSave", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "OnOrderSave");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onBeforeOrderAccountNumberSet");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleBeforeReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSaleBeforeReserveOrder");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleReserveOrder", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "onSaleReserveOrder");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterUserRegister", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "OnAfterUserRegister");
+ //UnRegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterUserAdd", $this->MODULE_ID, "ICrmOrderEvent", "OnAfterUserAdd");
+ UnRegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterUserUpdate", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "OnAfterUserUpdate");
+ UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleOrderEntitySaved", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "orderSave");
+ UnRegisterModuleDependences("sale", "OnSaleOrderEntityDelete", $this->MODULE_ID, "RetailCrmEvent", "orderDelete");
if (CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
- if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/' . $this->INTARO_CRM_EXPORT . '_run.php')) {
- $dbProfile = CCatalogExport::GetList(array(), array("FILE_NAME" => $this->INTARO_CRM_EXPORT));
+ if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/' . $this->RETAIL_CRM_EXPORT . '_run.php')) {
+ $dbProfile = CCatalogExport::GetList(array(), array("FILE_NAME" => $this->RETAIL_CRM_EXPORT));
while ($arProfile = $dbProfile->Fetch()) {
if ($arProfile["DEFAULT_PROFILE"] != "Y") {
@@ -1374,27 +1264,14 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
- GetMessage('MODULE_UNINSTALL_TITLE'), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/unstep1.php'
+ GetMessage('MODULE_UNINSTALL_TITLE'), $this->INSTALL_PATH . '/unstep1.php'
- }
+ }
function CopyFiles() {
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/export/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/', true, true
+ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/export/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/', true, true
- $rsSites = CSite::GetList($by, $sort, array('DEF' => 'Y'));
- $defaultSite = array();
- while ($ar = $rsSites->Fetch()) {
- $defaultSite = $ar;
- break;
- }
- if(mkdir($defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . '/retailcrm/')) {
- CopyDirFiles(
- $defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $this->MODULE_ID . '/install/retailcrm/', $defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . '/retailcrm/', true, true
- );
- }
function DeleteFiles() {
@@ -1405,8 +1282,8 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
- unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/intarocrm_run.php');
- unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/intarocrm_setup.php');
+ unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/retailcrm_run.php');
+ unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/include/catalog_export/retailcrm_setup.php');
unlink($defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . '/retailcrm/agent.php');
rmdir($defaultSite['ABS_DOC_ROOT'] . '/retailcrm/');
@@ -1439,4 +1316,45 @@ class intaro_intarocrm extends CModule {
return $strVars;
+ function historyLoad($api, $method){
+ $historyFilter = array();
+ while(true){
+ try {
+ $history = $api->$method($historyFilter);
+ } catch (\RetailCrm\Exception\CurlException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::' . $method, 'RetailCrm\RestApi::' . $method . '::CurlException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ $end['id'] = 0;
+ return $end['id'];
+ } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ RCrmActions::eventLog(
+ 'RetailCrmHistory::' . $method, 'RetailCrm\RestApi::' . $method . '::InvalidArgumentException',
+ $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ $end['id'] = 0;
+ return $end['id'];
+ }
+ if(isset($history['history'])){
+ $end = array_pop($history['history']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $end['id'] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if($history['pagination']['totalPageCount'] == 1){
+ break;
+ }
+ $historyFilter['sinceId'] = $end['id'];
+ }
+ return $end['id'];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/intaro.intarocrm/install/step1.php b/intaro.retailcrm/install/step1.php
similarity index 85%
rename from intaro.intarocrm/install/step1.php
rename to intaro.retailcrm/install/step1.php
index 7c47880e..150b738c 100644
--- a/intaro.intarocrm/install/step1.php
+++ b/intaro.retailcrm/install/step1.php
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@