$MESS['LEGAL_DETAIL']='Legal entity and bank details';
$MESS['ORDER_CUSTOM']='Custom fields';
$MESS['ORDER_UPLOAD']='Re-upload orders';
$MESS['ORDER_NUMBER']='Order numbers: ';
$MESS['ORDER_UPLOAD_INFO']='Click "Start uploading" to upload all the orders . Or list the required order IDs separated by commas, intervals or dashes. For example: 1, 3, 5-10, 12, 13... etc.';
$MESS['MESS_1']='An error occurred when uploading one or more delivery types, please try again. If the problem repeated, please contact Intaro Software.';
$MESS['MESS_2']='A server error occurred, please contact Intaro Software.';
$MESS['ORDER_TYPES_LIST_CUSTOM']='Attention! There is non-standard conforminty of order types.';
$MESS['UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS']='Activate integration with UA';
$MESS['ID_UA']='Tracking ID:';
$MESS['INDEX_UA']='Custom Dimension index:';
$MESS['API_NOT_FOUND']='Wrong API version';
$MESS['API_NOT_WORK']='Selected API version is not supported';
$MESS['CORP_CLIENTE']='Corporate customer';
$MESS['CORP_LABEL']="Stores where corporate customers will be uploaded";
$MESS['ROUND_LABEL']="If enabled, rounding will be up to smallest value";
$MESS['ROUND_HEADER']="If enabled, rounding will be up to smallest value";
$MESS['ROUND_PRICE_FOR_SAME_POSITIONS']="Rounding up the product price for identical order items";
$MESS['PURCHASE_ICML']="If enabled, ICML generation will reset the purchase price to 0 if it is not specified";
$MESS['PURCHASE_HEADER']="Reset purchase price in ICML";
$MESS['PHONE_REQUIRED']="In the main module settings «Phone Number is required» option was enabled, so it may cause problems with reverse synchronization. For proper work you must disable this option.";
$MESS['CHANGE_SHIPMENT_STATUS_FROM_CRM']="Change the shipment status when corresponding flag is received from retailCRM";