Here is a complete example of the Client usage with error handling. It fetches the filtered orders data and prints it out. **Note:** it's not recommended using this example to process all API client errors in your application. It will clutter your code too much. There are other options for exception processing. You can [match more generic exceptions in the hierarchy](../ or use [events](../ to process exceptions. ```php filter = new OrderFilter(); $request->filter->ids = [7141]; try { $response = $client->orders->list($request); } catch (HandlerException $exception) { echo 'Error while trying to prepare request: ' . $exception->getMessage(); exit(-1); } catch (HttpClientException $exception) { $prefix = 'Unknown error'; if ($exception->getPrevious() instanceof NetworkExceptionInterface) { $prefix = 'Network error'; } if ($exception->getPrevious() instanceof RequestExceptionInterface) { $prefix = 'Invalid request'; } if ($exception->getPrevious() instanceof PsrClientExceptionInterface) { $prefix = 'HTTP client exception'; } echo $prefix . ': ' . $exception->getMessage(); exit(-1); } catch ( InvalidCredentialsException | AccessDeniedException | AccountDoesNotExistException | MissingCredentialsException | MissingParameterException $exception ) { echo $exception->getMessage(); exit(-1); } catch (ValidationException $exception) { echo 'Errors in fields:' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($exception->getErrorResponse()->errors as $field => $error) { printf(" - %s: %s\n", $field, $error); } exit(-1); } catch (ApiExceptionInterface | ClientExceptionInterface $exception) { echo $exception; // Every ApiException and ClientException implements __toString() method exit(-1); } catch (Throwable $throwable) { echo 'Unknown runtime exception: ' . $throwable->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; echo $throwable->getTraceAsString(); exit(-1); } foreach ($response->orders as $order) { printf("Order ID: %d\n", $order->id); printf("First name: %s\n", $order->firstName); printf("Last name: %s\n", $order->lastName); printf("Patronymic: %s\n", $order->patronymic); printf("Phone #1: %s\n", $order->phone); printf("Phone #2: %s\n", $order->additionalPhone); printf("E-Mail: %s\n", $order->email); if ($order->customer instanceof CustomerCorporate) { echo "Customer type: corporate\n"; } else { echo "Customer type: individual\n"; } foreach ($order->items as $item) { echo PHP_EOL; printf("Product name: %s\n", $item->productName); printf("Quantity: %d\n", $item->quantity); printf("Initial price: %f\n", $item->initialPrice); } echo PHP_EOL; printf("Discount: %f\n", $order->discountManualAmount); printf("Total: %f\n", $order->totalSumm); echo PHP_EOL; } ```