<?php /** * PHP version 7.3 * * @category AbstractApiResourceGroupTestCase * @package RetailCrm\TestUtils\TestCase */ namespace RetailCrm\TestUtils\TestCase; use Closure; use DateTime; use Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery; use InvalidArgumentException; use Liip\Serializer\SerializerInterface; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use RetailCrm\TestUtils\PockBuilder; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface; use RetailCrm\Api\Builder\FormEncoderBuilder; use RetailCrm\Api\Component\Utils; use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\SerializerFactory; use RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\FormEncoderInterface; use RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\RequestInterface as RetailCrmRequestInterface; use RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\ResponseInterface as RetailCrmResponseInterface; use RetailCrm\TestUtils\TestConfig; use RuntimeException; /** * Class AbstractApiResourceGroupTestCase * * @category AbstractApiResourceGroupTestCase * @package RetailCrm\TestUtils\TestCase */ abstract class AbstractApiResourceGroupTestCase extends TestCase { /** @var SerializerInterface */ protected static $serializer; /** @var \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\FormEncoderInterface */ protected static $formEncoder; /** @var ResponseFactoryInterface */ protected static $responseFactory; /** @var StreamFactoryInterface */ protected static $streamFactory; /** * @param string $pathFragment * * @return \RetailCrm\TestUtils\PockBuilder */ protected static function createApiMockBuilder(string $pathFragment): PockBuilder { $testDataPath = parse_url(TestConfig::getApiUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH); return (new PockBuilder()) ->matchScheme((string) parse_url(TestConfig::getApiUrl(), PHP_URL_SCHEME)) ->matchHost((string) parse_url(TestConfig::getApiUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST)) ->matchHeader('X-Api-Key', TestConfig::getApiKey()) ->matchPath( (empty($testDataPath) || '/' === $testDataPath) ? '/api/v5/' . $pathFragment : trim($testDataPath, '/') . '/' . $pathFragment ); } /** * @param int $code * @param object|mixed[]|string $response * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected static function responseJson(int $code, $response): ResponseInterface { $data = null; switch (gettype($response)) { case 'string': $data = static::getStreamFactory()->createStream((string) $response); break; case 'array': case 'object': $data = static::getStreamFactory()->createStream(static::getSerializer()->serialize($response, 'json')); break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Expected string, object, or array, got "%s"', gettype($response) )); } return static::getResponseFactory()->createResponse($code) ->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') ->withBody($data); } /** * @param string $path * @param bool $header * * @return \RetailCrm\TestUtils\PockBuilder */ protected static function createUnversionedApiMockBuilder(string $path = '', bool $header = true): PockBuilder { $testDataPath = parse_url(TestConfig::getApiUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH); $builder = (new PockBuilder()) ->matchScheme((string) parse_url(TestConfig::getApiUrl(), PHP_URL_SCHEME)) ->matchHost((string) parse_url(TestConfig::getApiUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST)) ->matchPath( (empty($testDataPath) || '/' === $testDataPath) ? '/api/' . $path : trim(Utils::removeVersionFromUri($testDataPath), '/') . '/' . $path ); if ($header) { $builder->matchHeader('X-Api-Key', TestConfig::getApiKey()); } else { $builder->matchQuery(['apiKey' => TestConfig::getApiKey()]); } return $builder; } /** * @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\RequestInterface $request * * @return string * @throws \ReflectionException */ public static function encodeForm(RetailCrmRequestInterface $request): string { return static::getFormEncoder()->encode($request); } /** * @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\RequestInterface $request * * @return mixed[] * @throws \ReflectionException */ public static function encodeFormArray(RetailCrmRequestInterface $request): array { return static::clearArray(static::getFormEncoder()->encodeArray($request)); } /** * @param mixed $value * * @return string */ public static function serialize($value): string { return static::getSerializer()->serialize($value, 'json'); } /** * @param mixed $value * * @return mixed[] */ public static function serializeArray($value): array { return static::getSerializer()->toArray($value); } /** * Removes all empty fields from arrays, works for nested arrays * * @param mixed[] $arr * * @return mixed */ public static function clearArray(array $arr) { if (!is_array($arr)) { return $arr; } $result = []; foreach ($arr as $index => $node) { if (null === $node) { continue; } $result[$index] = is_array($node) === true ? static::clearArray($node) : trim($node); if ( '' === $result[$index] || (is_array($result[$index]) && count($result[$index]) < 1) ) { unset($result[$index]); } } return $result; } /** * @param string $expectedJson * @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\ResponseInterface $response * @param bool $stripNilValues * * @throws \JsonException */ protected static function assertModelEqualsToResponse( string $expectedJson, RetailCrmResponseInterface $response, bool $stripNilValues = false ): void { $expected = json_decode($expectedJson, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $actual = self::getSerializer()->toArray($response); if ($stripNilValues) { $expected = static::clearArray($expected); $actual = static::clearArray($actual); } self::assertEquals($expected, $actual); } /** * @param string $expectedJson * @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\ResponseInterface $response * @param \Closure $callback * * @throws \JsonException */ protected static function assertModelsCallback( string $expectedJson, RetailCrmResponseInterface $response, Closure $callback ): void { $expected = json_decode($expectedJson, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $actual = self::getSerializer()->toArray($response); $callback($expected, $actual); } /** * @param string $text * * @return string */ private static function addTrailingSlash(string $text): string { if ('' === $text) { return ''; } if ('/' !== $text[strlen($text) - 1]) { return $text . '/'; } return $text; } /** * @return \Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface */ protected static function getStreamFactory(): StreamFactoryInterface { if (null === static::$streamFactory) { static::$streamFactory = Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findStreamFactory(); } return static::$streamFactory; } /** * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface */ protected static function getResponseFactory(): ResponseFactoryInterface { if (null === static::$responseFactory) { static::$responseFactory = Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findResponseFactory(); } return static::$responseFactory; } /** * @return \Liip\Serializer\SerializerInterface */ protected static function getSerializer(): SerializerInterface { if (null === static::$serializer) { static::$serializer = SerializerFactory::create(); } return static::$serializer; } /** * @param string $format * @param string $dateTime * * @return \DateTime */ protected static function dateTimeFromFormat(string $format, string $dateTime): DateTime { $result = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $dateTime); if (!($result instanceof DateTime)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Cannot create DateTime with data "%s" with format "%s"', $format, $dateTime )); } return $result; } /** * @return \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\FormEncoderInterface * @throws \RetailCrm\Api\Exception\BuilderException */ private static function getFormEncoder(): FormEncoderInterface { if (null === static::$formEncoder) { static::$formEncoder = (new FormEncoderBuilder())->build(); } return static::$formEncoder; } }