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## Using a predefined handler
* [Built-in handlers](#built-in-handlers)
* [Modifying the default pipeline](#modifying-the-default-pipeline)
* [Constructing the pipeline from scratch](#constructing-the-pipeline-from-scratch)
### Built-in handlers
You can use a predefined handler to modify the process of request or response processing. Most of the predefined handlers are
already in use by the client, except for the `CallbackRequestHandler` and `CallbackResponseHandler`.
Those are handlers that are present in the client and can be used for request processing:
* `CallbackRequestHandler` - processes a request using provided callback.
* `GetParameterAuthenticatorHandler` - appends a GET `apiKey` parameter with the API key.
* `HeaderAuthenticatorHandler` - appends `X-Api-Key` header with the API key.
* `PsrRequestHandler` - constructs base PSR-7 request with method and URI.
* `RequestDataHandler` - fills base PSR-7 request with the data from the DTO.
Request handlers are using `RetailCrm\Api\Model\RequestData` DTO to share state between handlers.
Those are handlers that can be used for response processing:
* `AccountNotFoundHandler` - detects when RetailCRM with specified API URL is not exist and throws specified exception.
* `CallbackResponseHandler` - processes a response using provided callback.
* `ErrorResponseHandler` - detects an error response, throws correct exception.
* `FilesDownloadResponseHandler` - handles `/api/v5/files/download` response.
* `UnmarshalResponseHandler` - unmarshals response body into response DTO.
Response handlers are using `RetailCrm\Api\Model\ResponseData` DTO to share state between handlers.
There are two built-in handlers which are most useful to users who want to modify the processing pipelines: `CallbackRequestHandler` and
`CallbackResponseHandler`. Both handlers use provided callbacks to modify a request or response. You can initialize those
with the examples below:
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Request\CallbackRequestHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\RequestData;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface;
$handler = new CallbackRequestHandler(
static function (
RequestData $requestData,
RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory,
StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory,
UriFactoryInterface $uriFactory
) {
if (null !== $requestData->request) {
$requestData->request = $requestData->request->withHeader('X-Rlimit-Token', 'example_token');
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\MissingParameterException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\ApiExceptionFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Response\CallbackResponseHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Response\Api\Credentials;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Response\ErrorResponse;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\ResponseData;
use Liip\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
$handler = new CallbackResponseHandler(
static function (
ResponseData $data,
SerializerInterface $serializer,
EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
ApiExceptionFactory $apiExceptionFactory
) {
if (
$data->responseModel instanceof Credentials &&
!in_array('/api/customers/create', $data->responseModel->credentials)
) {
$data->responseModel = new ErrorResponse();
$data->responseModel->errorMsg = 'Parameter "/api/customers/create" is missing';
throw new MissingParameterException($data->responseModel, 400);
Both handlers above can be appended to request and response pipelines. Let's move on to the next part to learn how
you can append handlers to the chain using `ClientFactory` or `ClientBuilder`.
### Modifying the default pipeline
Two limitations apply to default pipeline modifying:
1. Chain ordering cannot be changed. Your handler will always be at the end of the default chain.
1. Callback handlers will always call the next handler. There is no way to stop the next handlers in the chain.
However, you can construct your own pipeline which won't be bound by the first limitation. And the second limitation can be
circumvented by [implementing your own handler](implementing_a_handler.md).
Both `ClientFactory` and `ClientBuilder` allow you to append your own handlers to the processing pipeline. They provide
those methods:
* Appends an additional request handler into the request processing chain.
* @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\HandlerInterface $handler
public function appendRequestHandler(HandlerInterface $handler);
* Appends an additional handler into the response processing chain.
* @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\HandlerInterface $handler
public function appendResponseHandler(HandlerInterface $handler);
* Appends an additional request handlers into the request processing chain.
* @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\HandlerInterface[] $handlers
public function appendRequestHandlers(array $handlers);
* Appends an additional response handlers into the response processing chain.
* @param \RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\HandlerInterface[] $handlers
public function appendResponseHandlers(array $handlers);
You can use those methods to pass the handler into desired chain. Take a look at the examples. This code will initialize the client
with provided `CallbackRequestHandler`. Instantiation will be done via `ClientFactory`:
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\ClientFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Request\CallbackRequestHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\RequestData;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface;
$handler = new CallbackRequestHandler(
static function (
RequestData $requestData,
RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory,
StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory,
UriFactoryInterface $uriFactory
) {
if (null !== $requestData->request) {
$requestData->request = $requestData->request->withHeader('X-Rlimit-Token', 'example_token');
$factory = new ClientFactory();
$client = $factory->appendRequestHandler($handler)->createClient('https://test.retailcrm.pro', 'apiKey');
And this code will instantiate a client using `ClientBuilder`. But this time we're modifying response pipeline:
use RetailCrm\Api\Builder\ClientBuilder;
use RetailCrm\Api\Builder\FormEncoderBuilder;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\MissingParameterException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\ApiExceptionFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Request\HeaderAuthenticatorHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Response\CallbackResponseHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Response\Api\Credentials;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Response\ErrorResponse;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\ResponseData;
use Liip\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
$handler = new CallbackResponseHandler(
static function (
ResponseData $data,
SerializerInterface $serializer,
EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
ApiExceptionFactory $apiExceptionFactory
) {
if (
$data->responseModel instanceof Credentials &&
!in_array('/api/customers/create', $data->responseModel->credentials)
) {
$data->responseModel = new ErrorResponse();
$data->responseModel->errorMsg = 'Parameter "/api/customers/create" is missing';
throw new MissingParameterException($data->responseModel, 400);
$formEncoder = (new FormEncoderBuilder())->setCacheDir('cache')->build();
$builder = new ClientBuilder();
$client = $builder->setApiUrl('https://test.retailcrm.pro')
->setAuthenticatorHandler(new HeaderAuthenticatorHandler('apiKey'))
That's how you can modify request and response processing chains. However, you also can use the default pipeline factory
to pass desired handlers into the chain. Default request and response pipelines are constructed by those static factories:
Look at the example below to learn how to use those static factories. In this example we will modify both the request
and response pipelines:
use Liip\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface;
use RetailCrm\Api\Builder\ClientBuilder;
use RetailCrm\Api\Builder\FormEncoderBuilder;
use RetailCrm\Api\Component\Transformer\RequestTransformer;
use RetailCrm\Api\Component\Transformer\ResponseTransformer;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\MissingParameterException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\ApiExceptionFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\RequestPipelineFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\ResponsePipelineFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Request\CallbackRequestHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Request\HeaderAuthenticatorHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Handler\Response\CallbackResponseHandler;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\RequestData;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Response\Api\Credentials;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Response\ErrorResponse;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\ResponseData;
$requestHandler = new CallbackRequestHandler(
static function (
RequestData $requestData,
RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory,
StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory,
UriFactoryInterface $uriFactory
) {
if (null !== $requestData->request) {
$requestData->request = $requestData->request->withHeader('X-Rlimit-Token', 'example_token');
$responseHandler = new CallbackResponseHandler(
static function (
ResponseData $data,
SerializerInterface $serializer,
EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
ApiExceptionFactory $apiExceptionFactory
) {
if (
$data->responseModel instanceof Credentials &&
!in_array('/api/customers/create', $data->responseModel->credentials)
) {
$data->responseModel = new ErrorResponse();
$data->responseModel->errorMsg = 'Parameter "/api/customers/create" is missing';
throw new MissingParameterException($data->responseModel, 400);
$builder = new ClientBuilder();
$formEncoder = (new FormEncoderBuilder())->setCacheDir('cache')->build();
$client = $builder->setApiUrl('https://test.retailcrm.pro')
->setAuthenticatorHandler(new HeaderAuthenticatorHandler('apiKey'))
->setRequestTransformer(new RequestTransformer(
null, // PSR factories will be found by the service discovery.
->setResponseTransformer(new ResponseTransformer(
new ApiExceptionFactory(),
null, // No EventDispatcherInterface was provided
### Constructing the pipeline from scratch
Both `RequestTransformer` and `ResponseTransformer` accept the `HandlerInterface` instance as the first argument. You can
look into `RequestPipelineFactory` and `ResponsePipelineFactory` source code to learn how to build your own pipeline from
scratch. This is, however, is discouraged.