package v5 import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "math/rand" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { if os.Getenv("DEVELOPER_NODE") == "1" { err := godotenv.Load("../.env") if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error loading .env file") } os.Exit(m.Run()) } } func init() { r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) } var ( r *rand.Rand // Rand for this package. user, _ = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("RETAILCRM_USER")) statuses = map[int]bool{http.StatusOK: true, http.StatusCreated: true} crmURL = os.Getenv("RETAILCRM_URL") badURL = "" statusFail = "FailTest: status < 400" successFail = "FailTest: Success == true" codeFail = "test-12345" iCodeFail = 123123 ) func RandomString(strlen int) string { const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" result := make([]byte, strlen) for i := range result { result[i] = chars[r.Intn(len(chars))] } return string(result) } func client() *Client { c := New(crmURL, os.Getenv("RETAILCRM_KEY")) c.Debug = true return c } func badurlclient() *Client { return New(badURL, os.Getenv("RETAILCRM_KEY")) } func TestGetRequest(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/fake-method"). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg" : "Method not found"}`) _, status, _ := c.GetRequest("/fake-method") if status != http.StatusNotFound { t.Fail() } } func TestPostRequest(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/fake-method"). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg" : "Method not found"}`) _, status, _ := c.PostRequest("/fake-method", url.Values{}) if status != http.StatusNotFound { t.Fail() } } func TestClient_ApiVersionsVersions(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/api-versions"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "versions" : ["1.0", "4.0", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0"]}`) data, status, err := c.APIVersions() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_ApiVersionsVersionsBadUrl(t *testing.T) { c := badurlclient() defer gock.Off() gock.New(badURL). Get("/api/api-versions"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg" : "Account does not exist"}`) data, status, err := c.APIVersions() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != false { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_ApiCredentialsCredentialsBadKey(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/credentials"). Reply(403). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Wrong \"apiKey\" value"}`) c := client() data, status, err := c.APICredentials() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != false { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_ApiCredentialsCredentials(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/credentials"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) c := client() data, status, err := c.APICredentials() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomersCustomers(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/customers"). MatchParam("filter[city]", "Москва"). MatchParam("page", "3"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) c := client() data, status, err := c.Customers(CustomersRequest{ Filter: CustomersFilter{ City: "Москва", }, Page: 3, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomersCustomers_Fail(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/customers"). MatchParam("filter[ids][]", codeFail). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false,"errorMsg": "Internal Server Error"}`) c := client() data, status, err := c.Customers(CustomersRequest{ Filter: CustomersFilter{ Ids: []string{codeFail}, }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomerChange(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := Customer{ FirstName: "Понтелей", LastName: "Турбин", Patronymic: "Аристархович", ExternalID: RandomString(8), Email: fmt.Sprintf("", RandomString(8)), Address: &Address{ City: "Москва", Street: "Кутузовский", Building: "14", }, Tags: []Tag{ {"first", "#3e89b6", false}, {"second", "#ffa654", false}, }, } defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(f) p := url.Values{ "customer": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 123}`) cr, sc, err := c.CustomerCreate(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if sc != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cr.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } f.ID = cr.ID f.Vip = true str, _ = json.Marshal(f) p = url.Values{ "by": {string(ByID)}, "customer": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/customers/%v/edit", cr.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) ed, se, err := c.CustomerEdit(f, ByID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if se != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if ed.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/customers/%v", f.ExternalID)). MatchParam("by", ByExternalID). Reply(200). BodyString(`{ "success": true, "customer": { "tags": [ { "name": "first", "color": "#3e89b6", "attached": false }, { "name": "second", "color": "#ffa654", "attached": false } ] } }`) data, status, err := c.Customer(f.ExternalID, ByExternalID, "") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(data.Customer.Tags, f.Tags) { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomerChange_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := Customer{ FirstName: "Понтелей", } defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(f) p := url.Values{ "customer": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Parameter 'externalId' in 'customer' is missing"}`) cr, sc, err := c.CustomerCreate(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if sc < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if cr.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } f.ID = cr.ID f.Vip = true str, _ = json.Marshal(f) p = url.Values{ "by": {string(ByID)}, "customer": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/customers/%v/edit", cr.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) ed, se, err := c.CustomerEdit(f, ByID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if se < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if ed.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/customers/%v", codeFail)). MatchParam("by", ByExternalID). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) data, status, err := c.Customer(codeFail, ByExternalID, "") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomersUpload(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := make([]Customer, 3) for i := range customers { customers[i] = Customer{ FirstName: fmt.Sprintf("Name_%s", RandomString(8)), LastName: fmt.Sprintf("Test_%s", RandomString(8)), ExternalID: RandomString(8), Email: fmt.Sprintf("", RandomString(8)), } } defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(customers) p := url.Values{ "customers": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersUpload(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomersUpload_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := []Customer{{ExternalID: strconv.Itoa(iCodeFail)}} defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(customers) p := url.Values{ "customers": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(460). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Customers are loaded with errors"}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersUpload(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomersCombine(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() customers := []Customer{{ID: 1}, {ID: 2}} resultCustomer := Customer{ID: 3} jr, _ := json.Marshal(&customers) combineJSONOut, _ := json.Marshal(&resultCustomer) p := url.Values{ "customers": {string(jr[:])}, "resultCustomer": {string(combineJSONOut[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/combine"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersCombine(customers, resultCustomer) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomersCombine_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() customers := []Customer{{}, {}} resultCustomer := Customer{} jr, _ := json.Marshal(&customers) combineJSONOut, _ := json.Marshal(&resultCustomer) p := url.Values{ "customers": {string(jr[:])}, "resultCustomer": {string(combineJSONOut[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/combine"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Invalid input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersCombine([]Customer{{}, {}}, Customer{}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomersFixExternalIds(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := []IdentifiersPair{{ ID: 123, ExternalID: RandomString(8), }} defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&customers) p := url.Values{ "customers": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/fix-external-ids"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) fx, fe, err := c.CustomersFixExternalIds(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if fe != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if fx.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomersFixExternalIds_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := []IdentifiersPair{{ExternalID: RandomString(8)}} defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&customers) p := url.Values{ "customers": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/fix-external-ids"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"id": "ID must be an integer"}}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersFixExternalIds(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomersHistory(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := CustomersHistoryRequest{ Filter: CustomersHistoryFilter{ SinceID: 20, }, } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers/history"). MatchParam("filter[sinceId]", "20"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "history": [{"id": 1}]}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersHistory(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.History) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v", "Empty history") } } func TestClient_CustomersHistory_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := CustomersHistoryRequest{ Filter: CustomersHistoryFilter{ StartDate: "2020-13-12", }, } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers/history"). MatchParam("filter[startDate]", "2020-13-12"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"children[startDate]": "Значение недопустимо."}}`) data, status, err := c.CustomersHistory(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersList(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/customers-corporate"). MatchParam("filter[city]", "Москва"). MatchParam("page", "3"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success":true,"pagination":{"limit":20,"totalCount":1,"currentPage":3,"totalPageCount":1}}`) c := client() data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomers(CorporateCustomersRequest{ Filter: CorporateCustomersFilter{ City: "Москва", }, Page: 3, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Logf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersCreate(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers-corporate/create"). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":2344}`) c := client() customer := CorporateCustomer{ ExternalID: "ext-id", Nickname: "Test Customer", Vip: true, Bad: false, CustomFields: nil, PersonalDiscount: 10, DiscountCardNumber: "1234567890", Source: &Source{ Source: "source", Medium: "medium", Campaign: "campaign", Keyword: "keyword", Content: "content", }, Companies: []Company{ { IsMain: true, ExternalID: "company-ext-id", Active: true, Name: "name", Brand: "brand", Site: "", Contragent: &Contragent{ ContragentType: "legal-entity", LegalName: "Legal Name", LegalAddress: "Legal Address", INN: "000000000", OKPO: "000000000", KPP: "000000000", OGRN: "000000000", BIK: "000000000", Bank: "bank", BankAddress: "bankAddress", CorrAccount: "corrAccount", BankAccount: "bankAccount", }, Address: &IdentifiersPair{ ID: 0, ExternalID: "ext-addr-id", }, CustomFields: nil, }, }, Addresses: []CorporateCustomerAddress{ { Index: "123456", CountryISO: "RU", Region: "Russia", RegionID: 0, City: "Moscow", CityID: 0, CityType: "city", Street: "Pushkinskaya", StreetID: 0, StreetType: "street", Building: "", Flat: "", IntercomCode: "", Floor: 0, Block: 0, House: "", Housing: "", Metro: "", Notes: "", Text: "", ExternalID: "ext-addr-id", Name: "Main Address", }, }, } data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerCreate(customer, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersFixExternalIds(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := []IdentifiersPair{{ ID: 123, ExternalID: RandomString(8), }} defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&customers) p := url.Values{ "customersCorporate": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/fix-external-ids"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) fx, fe, err := c.CorporateCustomersFixExternalIds(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if fe != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if fx.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersFixExternalIds_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := []IdentifiersPair{{ExternalID: RandomString(8)}} defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&customers) p := url.Values{ "customersCorporate": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/fix-external-ids"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"id": "ID must be an integer"}}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomersFixExternalIds(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersHistory(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := CorporateCustomersHistoryRequest{ Filter: CorporateCustomersHistoryFilter{ SinceID: 20, }, } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers-corporate/history"). MatchParam("filter[sinceId]", "20"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "history": [{"id": 1}]}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomersHistory(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.History) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v", "Empty history") } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersHistory_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := CorporateCustomersHistoryRequest{ Filter: CorporateCustomersHistoryFilter{ StartDate: "2020-13-12", }, } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers-corporate/history"). MatchParam("filter[startDate]", "2020-13-12"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"children[startDate]": "Значение недопустимо."}}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomersHistory(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersNotes(t *testing.T) { defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/customers-corporate/notes"). MatchParam("filter[text]", "sample"). Reply(200). BodyString(` { "success": true, "pagination": { "limit": 20, "totalCount": 1, "currentPage": 1, "totalPageCount": 1 }, "notes": [ { "customer": { "site": "site", "id": 2346, "externalId": "ext-id", "type": "customer_corporate" }, "managerId": 24, "id": 106, "text": "
sample text
", "createdAt": "2019-10-15 17:08:59" } ] } `) c := client() data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomersNotes(CorporateCustomersNotesRequest{ Filter: CorporateCustomersNotesFilter{ Text: "sample", }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Notes[0].Text != "sample text
" { t.Errorf("invalid note text") } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerNoteCreate(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/notes/create"). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":1}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerNoteCreate(CorporateCustomerNote{ Text: "another note", Customer: &IdentifiersPair{ ID: 1, }, }, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.ID != 1 { t.Error("invalid note id") } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerNoteDelete(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/notes/1/delete"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success":true}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerNoteDelete(1) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersUpload(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := make([]CorporateCustomer, 3) for i := range customers { customers[i] = CorporateCustomer{ Nickname: fmt.Sprintf("Name_%s", RandomString(8)), ExternalID: RandomString(8), } } defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(customers) p := url.Values{ "customersCorporate": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers-corporate/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomersUpload(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomersUpload_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() customers := []CorporateCustomer{{ExternalID: strconv.Itoa(iCodeFail)}} defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(customers) p := url.Values{ "customersCorporate": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/customers-corporate/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(460). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Customers are loaded with errors"}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomersUpload(customers) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomer(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers-corporate/ext-id"). MatchParam("by", ByExternalID). MatchParam("site", "site"). Reply(200). BodyString(` { "success": true, "customerCorporate": { "type": "customer_corporate", "id": 2346, "externalId": "ext-id", "nickName": "Test Customer 2", "mainAddress": { "id": 2034, "externalId": "ext-addr-id223", "name": "Main Address" }, "createdAt": "2019-10-15 16:16:56", "vip": false, "bad": false, "site": "site", "marginSumm": 0, "totalSumm": 0, "averageSumm": 0, "ordersCount": 0, "costSumm": 0, "customFields": [], "personalDiscount": 10, "mainCompany": { "id": 26, "externalId": "company-ext-id", "name": "name" } } } `) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomer("ext-id", ByExternalID, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerAddresses(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers-corporate/ext-id/addresses"). MatchParams(map[string]string{ "by": ByExternalID, "filter[name]": "Main Address", "limit": "20", "page": "1", "site": "site", }). Reply(200). BodyString(` { "success": true, "addresses": [ { "id": 2034, "index": "123456", "countryIso": "RU", "region": "Russia", "city": "Moscow", "cityType": "city", "street": "Pushkinskaya", "streetType": "street", "text": "street Pushkinskaya", "externalId": "ext-addr-id223", "name": "Main Address" } ] } `) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerAddresses("ext-id", CorporateCustomerAddressesRequest{ Filter: CorporateCustomerAddressesFilter{ Name: "Main Address", }, By: ByExternalID, Site: "site", Limit: 20, Page: 1, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.Addresses) == 0 { t.Error("data.Addresses must not be empty") } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerAddressesCreate(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/ext-id/addresses/create"). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":1}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerAddressesCreate("ext-id", ByExternalID, CorporateCustomerAddress{ Text: "this is new address", Name: "New Address", }, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerAddressesEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/customer-ext-id/addresses/addr-ext-id/edit"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":1}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerAddressesEdit( "customer-ext-id", ByExternalID, ByExternalID, CorporateCustomerAddress{ ExternalID: "addr-ext-id", Name: "Main Address 2", }, "site", ) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerCompanies(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers-corporate/ext-id/companies"). MatchParams(map[string]string{ "by": ByExternalID, "filter[ids][]": "1", "limit": "20", "page": "1", "site": "site", }). Reply(200). BodyString(` { "success": true, "companies": [ { "isMain": true, "id": 1, "externalId": "company-ext-id", "customer": { "site": "site", "id": 2346, "externalId": "ext-id", "type": "customer_corporate" }, "active": true, "name": "name", "brand": "brand", "site": "", "createdAt": "2019-10-15 16:16:56", "contragent": { "contragentType": "legal-entity", "legalName": "Legal Name", "legalAddress": "Legal Address", "INN": "000000000", "OKPO": "000000000", "KPP": "000000000", "OGRN": "000000000", "BIK": "000000000", "bank": "bank", "bankAddress": "bankAddress", "corrAccount": "corrAccount", "bankAccount": "bankAccount" }, "address": { "id": 2034, "index": "123456", "countryIso": "RU", "region": "Russia", "city": "Moscow", "cityType": "city", "street": "Pushkinskaya", "streetType": "street", "text": "street Pushkinskaya", "externalId": "ext-addr-id", "name": "Main Address 2" }, "marginSumm": 0, "totalSumm": 0, "averageSumm": 0, "ordersCount": 0, "costSumm": 0, "customFields": [] } ] } `) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerCompanies("ext-id", IdentifiersPairRequest{ Filter: IdentifiersPairFilter{ Ids: []string{"1"}, }, By: ByExternalID, Site: "site", Limit: 20, Page: 1, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.Companies) == 0 { t.Error("data.Companies must not be empty") } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerCompaniesCreate(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/ext-id/companies/create"). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":1}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerCompaniesCreate("ext-id", ByExternalID, Company{ Name: "New Company", }, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerCompaniesEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/customer-ext-id/companies/company-ext-id/edit"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":1}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerCompaniesEdit( "customer-ext-id", ByExternalID, ByExternalID, Company{ ExternalID: "company-ext-id", Name: "New Company Name 2", }, "site", ) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerContacts(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers-corporate/ext-id/contacts"). MatchParams(map[string]string{ "by": ByExternalID, "limit": "20", "page": "1", "site": "site", }). Reply(200). BodyString(` { "success": true, "contacts": [ { "isMain": false, "customer": { "id": 2347, "site": "site" }, "companies": [] } ] } `) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerContacts("ext-id", IdentifiersPairRequest{ Filter: IdentifiersPairFilter{}, By: ByExternalID, Site: "site", Limit: 20, Page: 1, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.Contacts) == 0 { t.Error("data.Contacts must not be empty") } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerContactsCreate(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/create"). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":2}`) gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/ext-id/contacts/create"). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":3}`) createResponse, createStatus, createErr := c.CustomerCreate(Customer{ ExternalID: "test-customer-as-contact-person", FirstName: "Contact", LastName: "Person", }, "site") if createErr.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", createErr.Error()) } if createStatus >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", createErr.ApiError()) } if createResponse.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", createErr.ApiError()) } if createResponse.ID != 2 { t.Errorf("invalid createResponse.ID: should be `2`, got `%d`", createResponse.ID) } data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerContactsCreate("ext-id", ByExternalID, CorporateCustomerContact{ IsMain: false, Customer: CorporateCustomerContactCustomer{ ExternalID: "test-customer-as-contact-person", Site: "site", }, Companies: []IdentifiersPair{}, }, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.ID != 3 { t.Errorf("invalid data.ID: should be `3`, got `%d`", data.ID) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerContactsEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/ext-id/contacts/2350/edit"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":19}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerContactsEdit("ext-id", ByExternalID, ByID, CorporateCustomerContact{ IsMain: false, Customer: CorporateCustomerContactCustomer{ ID: 2350, }, }, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("(%d) %v", status, err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.ID == 0 { t.Errorf("invalid data.ID: should be `19`, got `%d`", data.ID) } } func TestClient_CorporateCustomerEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers-corporate/ext-id/edit"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success":true,"id":2346}`) data, status, err := c.CorporateCustomerEdit(CorporateCustomer{ ExternalID: "ext-id", Nickname: "Another Nickname 2", Vip: true, }, ByExternalID, "site") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("(%d) %v", status, err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_NotesNotes(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers/notes"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "notes": [{"id": 1}]}`) data, status, err := c.CustomerNotes(NotesRequest{Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.Notes) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_NotesNotes_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/customers/notes"). MatchParam("filter[createdAtFrom]", "2020-13-12"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"children[createdAtFrom]": "This value is not valid."}}`) data, status, err := c.CustomerNotes(NotesRequest{ Filter: NotesFilter{CreatedAtFrom: "2020-13-12"}, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_NotesCreateDelete(t *testing.T) { c := client() note := Note{ Text: "some text", ManagerID: user, Customer: &Customer{ ID: 123, }, } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(¬e) p := url.Values{ "note": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/notes/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) noteCreateResponse, noteCreateStatus, err := c.CustomerNoteCreate(note) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if noteCreateStatus != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if noteCreateResponse.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } p = url.Values{ "id": {string(1)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/customers/notes/%d/delete", 1)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) noteDeleteResponse, noteDeleteStatus, err := c.CustomerNoteDelete(noteCreateResponse.ID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if noteDeleteStatus != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if noteDeleteResponse.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_NotesCreateDelete_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() note := Note{ Text: "some text", ManagerID: user, Customer: &Customer{}, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(¬e) p := url.Values{ "note": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/customers/notes/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the entity format", "errors": {"customer": "Set one of the following fields: id, externalId"}}`) data, status, err := c.CustomerNoteCreate(note) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } p = url.Values{ "id": {string(iCodeFail)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/customers/notes/%d/delete", iCodeFail)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Note not found map"}`) noteDeleteResponse, noteDeleteStatus, err := c.CustomerNoteDelete(iCodeFail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if noteDeleteStatus < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if noteDeleteResponse.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrdersOrders(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders"). MatchParam("filter[city]", "Москва"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "orders": [{"id": 1}]}`) data, status, err := c.Orders(OrdersRequest{Filter: OrdersFilter{City: "Москва"}, Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrdersOrders_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders"). MatchParam("filter[attachments]", "7"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"children[attachments]": "SThis value is not valid."}}`) data, status, err := c.Orders(OrdersRequest{Filter: OrdersFilter{Attachments: 7}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrderChange(t *testing.T) { c := client() random := RandomString(8) f := Order{ FirstName: "Понтелей", LastName: "Турбин", Patronymic: "Аристархович", ExternalID: random, Email: fmt.Sprintf("", random), } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&f) p := url.Values{ "order": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{ "success": true, "id": 1, "order": { "slug": 1, "id": 1, "number": "1A", "orderMethod": "shopping-cart", "countryIso": "RU", "createdAt": "2020-07-14 11:44:43", "statusUpdatedAt": "2020-07-14 11:44:43", "summ": 0, "totalSumm": 0, "prepaySum": 0, "purchaseSumm": 0, "markDatetime": "2020-07-14 11:44:43", "call": false, "expired": false, "customer": { "type": "customer", "id": 1, "isContact": false, "createdAt": "2020-07-14 11:44:43", "vip": false, "bad": false, "site": "site", "contragent": { "contragentType": "individual" }, "tags": [], "marginSumm": 0, "totalSumm": 0, "averageSumm": 0, "ordersCount": 0, "personalDiscount": 0, "segments": [], "email": "", "phones": [] }, "contact": { "type": "customer", "id": 4512, "isContact": false, "createdAt": "2020-07-14 11:44:43", "vip": false, "bad": false, "site": "site", "contragent": { "contragentType": "individual" }, "tags": [], "marginSumm": 0, "totalSumm": 0, "averageSumm": 0, "ordersCount": 0, "personalDiscount": 0, "segments": [], "email": "", "phones": [] }, "contragent": { "contragentType": "individual" }, "delivery": { "cost": 0, "netCost": 0, "address": {} }, "site": "site", "status": "new", "items": [], "payments": [], "fromApi": true, "shipmentStore": "main", "shipped": false } }`) cr, sc, err := c.OrderCreate(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if sc != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cr.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cr.Order.Number != "1A" { t.Errorf("invalid order number: got %s want %s", cr.Order.Number, "1A") } f.ID = cr.ID f.CustomerComment = "test comment" jr, _ = json.Marshal(&f) p = url.Values{ "by": {string(ByID)}, "order": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/%d/edit", f.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) ed, se, err := c.OrderEdit(f, ByID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if se != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if ed.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/%s", f.ExternalID)). MatchParam("by", ByExternalID). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.Order(f.ExternalID, ByExternalID, "") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrderChange_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() random := RandomString(8) f := Order{ FirstName: "Понтелей", LastName: "Турбин", Patronymic: "Аристархович", ExternalID: random, Email: fmt.Sprintf("", random), CustomerComment: "test comment", } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&f) p := url.Values{ "by": {string(ByID)}, "order": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/%d/edit", f.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found map"}`) data, status, err := c.OrderEdit(f, ByID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrdersUpload(t *testing.T) { c := client() orders := make([]Order, 3) for i := range orders { orders[i] = Order{ FirstName: fmt.Sprintf("Name_%s", RandomString(8)), LastName: fmt.Sprintf("Test_%s", RandomString(8)), ExternalID: RandomString(8), Email: fmt.Sprintf("", RandomString(8)), } } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&orders) p := url.Values{ "orders": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersUpload(orders) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrdersUpload_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() orders := []Order{ { FirstName: fmt.Sprintf("Name_%s", RandomString(8)), LastName: fmt.Sprintf("Test_%s", RandomString(8)), ExternalID: strconv.Itoa(iCodeFail), Email: fmt.Sprintf("", RandomString(8)), }, } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&orders) p := url.Values{ "orders": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(460). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Orders are loaded with errors"}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersUpload(orders) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrdersCombine(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() jr1, _ := json.Marshal(&Order{ID: 1}) jr2, _ := json.Marshal(&Order{ID: 2}) p := url.Values{ "technique": {"ours"}, "order": {string(jr1)}, "resultOrder": {string(jr2)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/combine"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersCombine("ours", Order{ID: 1}, Order{ID: 2}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrdersCombine_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&Order{}) p := url.Values{ "technique": {"ours"}, "order": {string(jr)}, "resultOrder": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/combine"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Invalid input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersCombine("ours", Order{}, Order{}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrdersFixExternalIds(t *testing.T) { c := client() orders := []IdentifiersPair{{ ID: 123, ExternalID: RandomString(8), }} defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(orders) p := url.Values{ "orders": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/fix-external-ids"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) fx, fe, err := c.OrdersFixExternalIds(orders) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if fe != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if fx.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrdersFixExternalIds_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() orders := []IdentifiersPair{{ExternalID: RandomString(8)}} defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(orders) p := url.Values{ "orders": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/fix-external-ids"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Invalid input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersFixExternalIds(orders) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrdersStatuses(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/statuses"). MatchParam("ids[]", "1"). MatchParam("externalIds[]", "2"). Reply(200). BodyString(` { "success": true, "orders": [ { "id": 1, "externalId": "123", "status": "New", "group": "new" }, { "id": 123, "externalId": "2", "status": "New", "group": "new" } ] }`) data, status, err := c.OrdersStatuses(OrdersStatusesRequest{ IDs: []int{1}, ExternalIDs: []string{"2"}, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.Orders) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrdersHistory(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/history"). MatchParam("filter[sinceId]", "20"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "history": [{"id": 1}]}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersHistory(OrdersHistoryRequest{Filter: OrdersHistoryFilter{SinceID: 20}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.History) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrdersHistory_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/history"). MatchParam("filter[startDate]", "2020-13-12"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"children[startDate]": "Значение недопустимо."}}`) data, status, err := c.OrdersHistory(OrdersHistoryRequest{Filter: OrdersHistoryFilter{StartDate: "2020-13-12"}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_PaymentCreateEditDelete(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := Payment{ Order: &Order{ ID: 123, }, Amount: 300, Type: "cash", } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(f) p := url.Values{ "payment": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/payments/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) paymentCreateResponse, status, err := c.OrderPaymentCreate(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if paymentCreateResponse.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } k := Payment{ ID: paymentCreateResponse.ID, Amount: 500, } jr, _ = json.Marshal(k) p = url.Values{ "payment": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/payments/%d/edit", paymentCreateResponse.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) paymentEditResponse, status, err := c.OrderPaymentEdit(k, ByID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if paymentEditResponse.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } p = url.Values{ "id": {string(paymentCreateResponse.ID)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/payments/%d/delete", paymentCreateResponse.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) paymentDeleteResponse, status, err := c.OrderPaymentDelete(paymentCreateResponse.ID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if paymentDeleteResponse.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PaymentCreateEditDelete_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := Payment{ Order: &Order{}, Amount: 300, Type: "cash", } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(f) p := url.Values{ "payment": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/payments/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the entity format", "errors": {"order": "Set one of the following fields: id, externalId, number"}}`) data, status, err := c.OrderPaymentCreate(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } k := Payment{ ID: iCodeFail, Amount: 500, } jr, _ = json.Marshal(k) p = url.Values{ "payment": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/payments/%d/edit", iCodeFail)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Payment not found"}`) paymentEditResponse, status, err := c.OrderPaymentEdit(k, ByID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if paymentEditResponse.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } p = url.Values{ "id": {string(iCodeFail)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/payments/%d/delete", iCodeFail)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Payment not found"}`) paymentDeleteResponse, status, err := c.OrderPaymentDelete(iCodeFail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if paymentDeleteResponse.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_TasksTasks(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := TasksRequest{ Filter: TasksFilter{ Creators: []int{123}, }, Page: 1, } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/tasks"). MatchParam("filter[creators][]", "123"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.Tasks(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_TasksTasks_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := TasksRequest{ Filter: TasksFilter{ Creators: []int{123123}, }, } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/tasks"). MatchParam("filter[creators][]", "123123"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.Tasks(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_TaskChange(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := Task{ Text: RandomString(15), PerformerID: user, } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(f) p := url.Values{ "task": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/tasks/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) cr, sc, err := c.TaskCreate(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if sc != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cr.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } f.ID = cr.ID f.Commentary = RandomString(20) gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/tasks/%d", f.ID)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) gt, sg, err := c.Task(f.ID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if sg != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if gt.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } jr, _ = json.Marshal(f) p = url.Values{ "task": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/tasks/%d/edit", f.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.TaskEdit(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_TaskChange_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() f := Task{ Text: RandomString(15), Commentary: RandomString(20), } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(f) p := url.Values{ "task": {string(jr)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/tasks/%d/edit", f.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Task is not loaded", "errors": {"performerId": "This value should not be blank."}}`) data, status, err := c.TaskEdit(f) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_UsersUsers(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/users"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "1"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.Users(UsersRequest{Filter: UsersFilter{Active: 1}, Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_UsersUsers_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/users"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "3"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters", "errors": {"active": "he value you selected is not a valid choice."}}`) data, status, err := c.Users(UsersRequest{Filter: UsersFilter{Active: 3}, Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_UsersUser(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/users/%d", user)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.User(user) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_UsersUser_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/users/%d", iCodeFail)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) data, status, err := c.User(iCodeFail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_UsersGroups(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/user-groups"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.UserGroups(UserGroupsRequest{Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_UsersUpdate(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() p := url.Values{ "status": {string("busy")}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/users/%d/status", user)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.UserStatus(user, "busy") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_UsersUpdate_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() p := url.Values{ "status": {string("busy")}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/users/%d/status", iCodeFail)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) data, status, err := c.UserStatus(iCodeFail, "busy") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_StaticticsUpdate(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/statistic/update"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.StaticticsUpdate() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Countries(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/couriers"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.Couriers() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CostGroups(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/cost-groups"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.CostGroups() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CostItems(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/cost-items"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.CostItems() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Couriers(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/couriers"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.Couriers() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_DeliveryService(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/delivery-services"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.DeliveryServices() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_DeliveryTypes(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/delivery-types"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.DeliveryTypes() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_LegalEntities(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/legal-entities"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.LegalEntities() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrderMethods(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/order-methods"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.OrderMethods() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrderPaymentEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() payment := Payment{ ExternalID: RandomString(8), } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&payment) p := url.Values{ "by": {"externalId"}, "payment": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/payments/%s/edit", payment.ExternalID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.OrderPaymentEdit(payment, "externalId") if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrderTypes(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/order-types"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.OrderTypes() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PaymentStatuses(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/payment-statuses"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.PaymentStatuses() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PaymentTypes(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/payment-types"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.PaymentTypes() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PriceTypes(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/price-types"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.PriceTypes() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_ProductStatuses(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/product-statuses"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.ProductStatuses() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Statuses(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/statuses"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.Statuses() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_StatusGroups(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/status-groups"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.StatusGroups() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Sites(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/sites"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.Sites() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Stores(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/reference/stores"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.Stores() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CostGroupItemEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() uid := RandomString(4) costGroup := CostGroup{ Code: fmt.Sprintf("cost-gr-%s", uid), Active: false, Color: "#da5c98", Name: fmt.Sprintf("CostGroup-%s", uid), } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&costGroup) p := url.Values{ "costGroup": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/reference/cost-groups/%s/edit", costGroup.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.CostGroupEdit(costGroup) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } costItem := CostItem{ Code: fmt.Sprintf("cost-it-%s", uid), Name: fmt.Sprintf("CostItem-%s", uid), Group: fmt.Sprintf("cost-gr-%s", uid), Type: "const", AppliesToOrders: true, Active: false, } jr, _ = json.Marshal(&costItem) p = url.Values{ "costItem": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/reference/cost-items/%s/edit", costItem.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) idata, st, err := c.CostItemEdit(costItem) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if idata.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CostGroupItemEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() uid := RandomString(4) costGroup := CostGroup{ Code: fmt.Sprintf("cost-gr-%s", uid), Active: false, Name: fmt.Sprintf("CostGroup-%s", uid), } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&costGroup) p := url.Values{ "costGroup": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/cost-groups/%s/edit", costGroup.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.CostGroupEdit(costGroup) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } costItem := CostItem{ Code: fmt.Sprintf("666cost-it-%s", uid), Name: fmt.Sprintf("CostItem-%s", uid), Group: fmt.Sprintf("cost-gr-%s", uid), Type: "const", AppliesToOrders: true, Active: false, } jr, _ = json.Marshal(&costItem) p = url.Values{ "costItem": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/cost-items/%s/edit", costItem.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) idata, st, err := c.CostItemEdit(costItem) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if idata.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Courier(t *testing.T) { c := client() cur := Courier{ Active: true, Email: fmt.Sprintf("", RandomString(5)), FirstName: fmt.Sprintf("%s", RandomString(5)), LastName: fmt.Sprintf("%s", RandomString(5)), } defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&cur) p := url.Values{ "courier": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/reference/couriers/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) data, st, err := c.CourierCreate(cur) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } cur.ID = data.ID cur.Patronymic = fmt.Sprintf("%s", RandomString(5)) jr, _ = json.Marshal(&cur) p = url.Values{ "courier": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/couriers/%d/edit", cur.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) idata, st, err := c.CourierEdit(cur) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if idata.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Courier_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() jr, _ := json.Marshal(&Courier{}) p := url.Values{ "courier": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/api/v5/reference/couriers/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the entity format", "errors": {"firstName": "Specify the first name"}}`) data, st, err := c.CourierCreate(Courier{}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } cur := Courier{Patronymic: fmt.Sprintf("%s", RandomString(5))} jr, _ = json.Marshal(&cur) p = url.Values{ "courier": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/couriers/%d/edit", cur.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "An attempt was made to edit a nonexistent record"}`) idata, st, err := c.CourierEdit(cur) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if idata.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_DeliveryServiceEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() deliveryService := DeliveryService{ Active: false, Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&deliveryService) p := url.Values{ "deliveryService": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/delivery-services/%s/edit", deliveryService.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) data, st, err := c.DeliveryServiceEdit(deliveryService) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_DeliveryServiceEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() deliveryService := DeliveryService{ Active: false, Name: RandomString(5), } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&deliveryService) p := url.Values{ "deliveryService": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/delivery-services/%s/edit", deliveryService.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.DeliveryServiceEdit(deliveryService) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_DeliveryTypeEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() x := []string{"cash", "bank-card"} defer gock.Off() deliveryType := DeliveryType{ Active: false, Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), DefaultCost: 300, PaymentTypes: x, DefaultForCrm: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&deliveryType) p := url.Values{ "deliveryType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/delivery-types/%s/edit", deliveryType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.DeliveryTypeEdit(deliveryType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_DeliveryTypeEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() deliveryType := DeliveryType{ Active: false, Name: RandomString(5), DefaultCost: 300, PaymentTypes: []string{"cash", "bank-card"}, DefaultForCrm: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&deliveryType) p := url.Values{ "deliveryType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/delivery-types/%s/edit", deliveryType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.DeliveryTypeEdit(deliveryType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrderMethodEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() orderMethod := OrderMethod{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&orderMethod) p := url.Values{ "orderMethod": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/order-methods/%s/edit", orderMethod.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.OrderMethodEdit(orderMethod) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrderMethodEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() orderMethod := OrderMethod{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&orderMethod) p := url.Values{ "orderMethod": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/order-methods/%s/edit", orderMethod.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.OrderMethodEdit(orderMethod) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_OrderTypeEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() orderType := OrderType{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&orderType) p := url.Values{ "orderType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/order-types/%s/edit", orderType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.OrderTypeEdit(orderType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_OrderTypeEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() orderType := OrderType{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&orderType) p := url.Values{ "orderType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/order-types/%s/edit", orderType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.OrderTypeEdit(orderType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_PaymentStatusEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() paymentStatus := PaymentStatus{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, PaymentTypes: []string{"cash"}, PaymentComplete: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&paymentStatus) p := url.Values{ "paymentStatus": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/payment-statuses/%s/edit", paymentStatus.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.PaymentStatusEdit(paymentStatus) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PaymentStatusEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() paymentStatus := PaymentStatus{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, PaymentTypes: []string{"cash"}, PaymentComplete: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&paymentStatus) p := url.Values{ "paymentStatus": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/payment-statuses/%s/edit", paymentStatus.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.PaymentStatusEdit(paymentStatus) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_PaymentTypeEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() paymentType := PaymentType{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&paymentType) p := url.Values{ "paymentType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/payment-types/%s/edit", paymentType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.PaymentTypeEdit(paymentType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PaymentTypeEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() paymentType := PaymentType{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, DefaultForCRM: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&paymentType) p := url.Values{ "paymentType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/payment-types/%s/edit", paymentType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.PaymentTypeEdit(paymentType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_PriceTypeEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() priceType := PriceType{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&priceType) p := url.Values{ "priceType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/price-types/%s/edit", priceType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.PriceTypeEdit(priceType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PriceTypeEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() priceType := PriceType{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&priceType) p := url.Values{ "priceType": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/price-types/%s/edit", priceType.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.PriceTypeEdit(priceType) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_ProductStatusEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() productStatus := ProductStatus{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, CancelStatus: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&productStatus) p := url.Values{ "productStatus": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/product-statuses/%s/edit", productStatus.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.ProductStatusEdit(productStatus) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_ProductStatusEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() productStatus := ProductStatus{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, CancelStatus: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&productStatus) p := url.Values{ "productStatus": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/product-statuses/%s/edit", productStatus.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.ProductStatusEdit(productStatus) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_StatusEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() status := Status{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, Group: "new", } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&status) p := url.Values{ "status": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/statuses/%s/edit", status.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.StatusEdit(status) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_StatusEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() status := Status{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, Group: "new", } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&status) p := url.Values{ "status": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/statuses/%s/edit", status.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.StatusEdit(status) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_SiteEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() site := Site{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), URL: fmt.Sprintf("", RandomString(4)), LoadFromYml: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&site) p := url.Values{ "site": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/sites/%s/edit", site.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, _, err := c.SiteEdit(site) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if data.Success == false { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_SiteEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() site := Site{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), LoadFromYml: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&site) p := url.Values{ "site": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/sites/%s/edit", site.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(405). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Method Not Allowed"}`) data, _, err := c.SiteEdit(site) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_StoreEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() store := Store{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, Type: "store-type-warehouse", InventoryType: "integer", } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&store) p := url.Values{ "store": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/stores/%s/edit", store.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.StoreEdit(store) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_StoreEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() store := Store{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, Type: "store-type-warehouse", InventoryType: "integer", } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&store) p := url.Values{ "store": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/reference/stores/%s/edit", store.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.StoreEdit(store) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Units(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/api/v5/reference/units"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "units": []}`) data, st, err := c.Units() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_UnitsEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() unit := Unit{ Code: RandomString(5), Name: RandomString(5), Sym: RandomString(2), Default: false, Active: true, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&unit) p := url.Values{ "unit": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/reference/units/%s/edit", unit.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, st, err := c.UnitEdit(unit) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[st] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_UnitEdit_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() unit := Unit{ Name: RandomString(5), Active: false, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&unit) p := url.Values{ "unit": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v5/reference/units/%s/edit", unit.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Method not found"}`) data, st, err := c.UnitEdit(unit) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if st < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_PackChange(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() pack := Pack{ Store: "test-store", ItemID: 123, Quantity: 1, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&pack) pr := url.Values{ "pack": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/packs/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(pr.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) p, status, err := c.PackCreate(pack) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if p.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/packs/%d", p.ID)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) s, status, err := c.Pack(p.ID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if s.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } jr, _ = json.Marshal(&Pack{ID: p.ID, Quantity: 2}) pr = url.Values{ "pack": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/packs/%d/edit", p.ID)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(pr.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) e, status, err := c.PackEdit(Pack{ID: p.ID, Quantity: 2}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if e.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/packs/%d/delete", p.ID)). MatchType("url"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) d, status, err := c.PackDelete(p.ID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if d.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PackChange_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() pack := Pack{ Store: "test-store", ItemID: iCodeFail, Quantity: 1, } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&pack) pr := url.Values{ "pack": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/orders/packs/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(pr.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the entity format"}`) p, status, err := c.PackCreate(pack) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if p.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/packs/%d", iCodeFail)). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the entity format"}`) s, status, err := c.Pack(iCodeFail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if s.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } jr, _ = json.Marshal(&Pack{ID: iCodeFail, Quantity: 2}) pr = url.Values{ "pack": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/packs/%d/edit", iCodeFail)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(pr.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Pack with id 123123 not found"}`) e, status, err := c.PackEdit(Pack{ID: iCodeFail, Quantity: 2}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if e.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/orders/packs/%d/delete", iCodeFail)). MatchType("url"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Pack not found"}`) d, status, err := c.PackDelete(iCodeFail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if d.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_PacksHistory(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/packs/history"). MatchParam("filter[sinceId]", "5"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "history": [{"id": 1}]}`) data, status, err := c.PacksHistory(PacksHistoryRequest{Filter: OrdersHistoryFilter{SinceID: 5}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if len(data.History) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_PacksHistory_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/packs/history"). MatchParam("filter[startDate]", "2020-13-12"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.PacksHistory(PacksHistoryRequest{Filter: OrdersHistoryFilter{StartDate: "2020-13-12"}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Packs(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/packs"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.Packs(PacksRequest{Filter: PacksFilter{}, Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Packs_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/orders/packs"). MatchParam("filter[shipmentDateFrom]", "2020-13-12"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.Packs(PacksRequest{Filter: PacksFilter{ShipmentDateFrom: "2020-13-12"}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Inventories(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/inventories"). MatchParam("filter[details]", "1"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) data, status, err := c.Inventories(InventoriesRequest{Filter: InventoriesFilter{Details: 1}, Page: 1}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Inventories_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/inventories"). MatchParam("filter[sites][]", codeFail). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.Inventories(InventoriesRequest{Filter: InventoriesFilter{Sites: []string{codeFail}}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Segments(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/segments"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) data, status, err := c.Segments(SegmentsRequest{}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Settings(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/settings"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{ "success": true, "settings": { "default_currency": { "value": "RUB", "updated_at": "2019-02-13 13:57:20" }, "system_language": { "value": "RU", "updated_at": "2019-02-13 14:02:23" }, "timezone": { "value": "Europe/Moscow", "updated_at": "2019-02-13 13:57:20" } } } `) data, status, err := c.Settings() if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status >= http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Settings.DefaultCurrency.Value != "RUB" { t.Errorf("Invalid default_currency value: %v", data.Settings.DefaultCurrency.Value) } if data.Settings.SystemLanguage.Value != "RU" { t.Errorf("Invalid system_language value: %v", data.Settings.SystemLanguage.Value) } if data.Settings.Timezone.Value != "Europe/Moscow" { t.Errorf("Invalid timezone value: %v", data.Settings.Timezone.Value) } } func TestClient_Segments_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/segments"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "3"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.Segments(SegmentsRequest{Filter: SegmentsFilter{Active: 3}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_IntegrationModule(t *testing.T) { c := client() name := RandomString(5) code := RandomString(8) defer gock.Off() integrationModule := IntegrationModule{ Code: code, IntegrationCode: code, Active: false, Name: fmt.Sprintf("Integration module %s", name), AccountURL: fmt.Sprintf("", name), BaseURL: fmt.Sprintf("", name), ClientID: RandomString(10), Logo: "", } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&integrationModule) pr := url.Values{ "integrationModule": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/integration-modules/%s/edit", integrationModule.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(pr.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) m, status, err := c.IntegrationModuleEdit(integrationModule) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusCreated { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if m.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/integration-modules/%s", code)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) g, status, err := c.IntegrationModule(code) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if g.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_IntegrationModule_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() name := RandomString(5) code := RandomString(8) defer gock.Off() integrationModule := IntegrationModule{ IntegrationCode: code, Active: false, Name: fmt.Sprintf("Integration module %s", name), AccountURL: fmt.Sprintf("", name), BaseURL: fmt.Sprintf("", name), ClientID: RandomString(10), Logo: "", } jr, _ := json.Marshal(&integrationModule) pr := url.Values{ "integrationModule": {string(jr[:])}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/integration-modules/%s/edit", integrationModule.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(pr.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) m, status, err := c.IntegrationModuleEdit(integrationModule) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if m.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/integration-modules/%s", code)). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) g, status, err := c.IntegrationModule(code) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if g.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_ProductsGroup(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/product-groups"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) g, status, err := c.ProductsGroup(ProductsGroupsRequest{ Filter: ProductsGroupsFilter{ Active: 1, }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if g.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_ProductsGroup_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/product-groups"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "3"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) g, status, err := c.ProductsGroup(ProductsGroupsRequest{ Filter: ProductsGroupsFilter{ Active: 3, }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if g.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Products(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/products"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "1"). MatchParam("filter[minPrice]", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) g, status, err := c.Products(ProductsRequest{ Filter: ProductsFilter{ Active: 1, MinPrice: 1, }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if g.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Products_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/products"). MatchParam("filter[active]", "3"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) g, status, err := c.Products(ProductsRequest{ Filter: ProductsFilter{Active: 3}, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if g.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_ProductsProperties(t *testing.T) { c := client() sites := make([]string, 1) sites[0] = os.Getenv("RETAILCRM_SITE") defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/store/products"). MatchParam("filter[sites][]", sites[0]). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) g, status, err := c.ProductsProperties(ProductsPropertiesRequest{ Filter: ProductsPropertiesFilter{ Sites: sites, }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if g.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_DeliveryShipments(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/delivery/shipments"). MatchParam("filter[dateFrom]", "2017-10-10"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) g, status, err := c.DeliveryShipments(DeliveryShipmentsRequest{ Filter: ShipmentFilter{ DateFrom: "2017-10-10", }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if g.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_DeliveryShipments_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/delivery/shipments"). MatchParam("filter[stores][]", codeFail). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) g, status, err := c.DeliveryShipments(DeliveryShipmentsRequest{ Filter: ShipmentFilter{ Stores: []string{codeFail}, }, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if g.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Cost(t *testing.T) { c := client() costRecord := CostRecord{ DateFrom: "2018-04-02", DateTo: "2018-04-02", Summ: 124, CostItem: "seo", } defer gock.Off() str, _ := json.Marshal(costRecord) p := url.Values{ "cost": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/costs/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 123}`) data, status, err := c.CostCreate(costRecord) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } id := data.ID gock.New(crmURL). Get("/costs"). MatchParam("filter[ids][]", strconv.Itoa(id)). MatchParam("limit", "20"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) costs, status, err := c.Costs(CostsRequest{ Filter: CostsFilter{ Ids: []string{strconv.Itoa(id)}, }, Limit: 20, Page: 1, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if costs.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/costs/%d", id)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) cost, status, err := c.Cost(id) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cost.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } costRecord.DateFrom = "2018-04-09" costRecord.DateTo = "2018-04-09" costRecord.Summ = 421 str, _ = json.Marshal(costRecord) p = url.Values{ "cost": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/costs/%d/edit", id)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) costEdit, status, err := c.CostEdit(id, costRecord) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if costEdit.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } j, _ := json.Marshal(&id) p = url.Values{ "costs": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/costs/%d/delete", id)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) costDelete, status, err := c.CostDelete(id) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if costDelete.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_Cost_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() costRecord := CostRecord{ DateFrom: "2018-13-13", DateTo: "2012-04-02", Summ: 124, CostItem: "seo", } str, _ := json.Marshal(costRecord) p := url.Values{ "cost": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/costs/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Cost is not loaded"}`) data, status, err := c.CostCreate(costRecord) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } id := data.ID gock.New(crmURL). Get("/costs"). MatchParam("filter[sites][]", codeFail). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) costs, status, err := c.Costs(CostsRequest{ Filter: CostsFilter{Sites: []string{codeFail}}, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if costs.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/costs/%d", id)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) cost, status, err := c.Cost(id) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if cost.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } costRecord.DateFrom = "2020-13-12" costRecord.DateTo = "2012-04-09" costRecord.Summ = 421 costRecord.Sites = []string{codeFail} str, _ = json.Marshal(costRecord) p = url.Values{ "cost": {string(str)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/costs/%d/edit", id)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Cost is not loaded"}`) costEdit, status, err := c.CostEdit(id, costRecord) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if costEdit.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } j, _ := json.Marshal(&id) p = url.Values{ "costs": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/costs/%d/delete", id)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) costDelete, status, err := c.CostDelete(id) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if costDelete.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CostsUpload(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() costsUpload := []CostRecord{ { Source: nil, DateFrom: "2018-04-02", DateTo: "2018-04-02", Summ: 124, CostItem: "seo", Order: nil, }, { Source: nil, DateFrom: "2018-04-03", DateTo: "2018-04-03", Summ: 125, CostItem: "seo", Order: nil, Sites: []string{"retailcrm-ru"}, }, } j, _ := json.Marshal(&costsUpload) p := url.Values{ "costs": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/costs/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "uploadedCosts": [1, 2]}`) data, status, err := c.CostsUpload(costsUpload) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } ids := data.UploadedCosts j, _ = json.Marshal(&ids) p = url.Values{ "ids": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/costs/delete"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) costsDelete, status, err := c.CostsDelete(ids) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if costsDelete.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CostsUpload_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() costsUpload := []CostRecord{ { Source: nil, DateFrom: "2018-04-03", DateTo: "2018-04-03", Summ: 125, CostItem: "seo", Order: nil, Sites: []string{codeFail}, }, } j, _ := json.Marshal(&costsUpload) p := url.Values{ "costs": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/costs/upload"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(460). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Costs are loaded with errors"}`) data, status, err := c.CostsUpload(costsUpload) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } ids := data.UploadedCosts j, _ = json.Marshal(&ids) p = url.Values{ "ids": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/costs/delete"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Expected array, but got NULL: null"}`) costsDelete, status, err := c.CostsDelete(ids) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if costsDelete.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_Files(t *testing.T) { c := client() fileID := 14925 defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/files"). MatchParam("filter[ids][]", strconv.Itoa(fileID)). MatchParam("limit", "20"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true,"pagination": {"limit": 20,"totalCount": 0,"currentPage": 1,"totalPageCount": 0},"files": []}`) _, status, err := c.Files(FilesRequest{ Limit: 20, Page: 1, Filter: FilesFilter{ Ids: []int{fileID}, }, }) if status != 200 { t.Errorf("%v %v", err.Error(), err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_FileUpload(t *testing.T) { c := client() file := strings.NewReader(`test file contents`) defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/files/upload"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true, "file": {"id": 1}}`) data, status, err := c.FileUpload(file) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.File.ID != 1 { t.Error("invalid file id") } } func TestClient_FileUploadFail(t *testing.T) { c := client() file := strings.NewReader(`test file contents`) defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post("/files/upload"). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success":false,"errorMsg":"Your account doesn't have enough money to upload files."}`) _, status, err := c.FileUpload(file) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("status should be `%d`, got `%d` instead", http.StatusBadRequest, status) } } func TestClient_File(t *testing.T) { c := client() invalidFile := 20 fileResponse := &FileResponse{ Success: true, File: &File{ ID: 19, Filename: "image.jpg", Type: "image/jpeg", CreatedAt: time.Now().String(), Size: 10000, Attachment: nil, }, } respData, errr := json.Marshal(fileResponse) if errr != nil { t.Errorf("%v", errr.Error()) } defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d", fileResponse.File.ID)). Reply(200). BodyString(string(respData)) gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d", invalidFile)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not Found"}`) s, status, err := c.File(fileResponse.File.ID) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if s.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if s.File.ID != fileResponse.File.ID { t.Error("invalid response data") } s, status, err = c.File(invalidFile) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusNotFound { t.Errorf("status should be `%d`, got `%d` instead", http.StatusNotFound, status) } } func TestClient_FileDelete(t *testing.T) { c := client() successful := 19 badRequest := 20 notFound := 21 defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/delete", successful)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/delete", badRequest)). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Error"}`) gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/delete", notFound)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not Found"}`) data, status, err := c.FileDelete(successful) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } data, status, err = c.FileDelete(badRequest) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("status should be `%d`, got `%d` instead", http.StatusBadRequest, status) } data, status, err = c.FileDelete(notFound) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusNotFound { t.Errorf("status should be `%d`, got `%d` instead", http.StatusNotFound, status) } } func TestClient_FileDownload(t *testing.T) { c := client() successful := 19 fail := 20 fileData := "file data" defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/download", successful)). Reply(200). BodyString(fileData) gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/download", fail)). Reply(400). BodyString("") data, status, err := c.FileDownload(successful) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } fetchedByte, errr := ioutil.ReadAll(data) if errr != nil { t.Error(errr) } fetched := string(fetchedByte) if fetched != fileData { t.Error("file data mismatch") } data, status, err = c.FileDownload(fail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("status should be `%d`, got `%d` instead", http.StatusBadRequest, status) } } func TestClient_FileEdit(t *testing.T) { c := client() successful := 19 fail := 20 resp := FileResponse{ Success: true, File: &File{Filename: "image.jpg"}, } respData, _ := json.Marshal(resp) defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/edit", successful)). Reply(200). BodyString(string(respData)) gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/files/%d/edit", fail)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not Found"}`) data, status, err := c.FileEdit(successful, *resp.File) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.File.Filename != resp.File.Filename { t.Errorf("filename should be `%s`, got `%s` instead", resp.File.Filename, data.File.Filename) } data, status, err = c.FileEdit(fail, *resp.File) if status != http.StatusNotFound { t.Errorf("status should be `%d`, got `%d` instead", http.StatusNotFound, status) } } func TestClient_CustomFields(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/custom-fields"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) data, status, err := c.CustomFields(CustomFieldsRequest{}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomFields_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() gock.New(crmURL). Get("/custom-fields"). MatchParam("filter[type]", codeFail). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.CustomFields(CustomFieldsRequest{Filter: CustomFieldsFilter{Type: codeFail}}) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomDictionariesCreate(t *testing.T) { c := client() code := "test_" + RandomString(8) defer gock.Off() customDictionary := CustomDictionary{ Name: "test2", Code: code, Elements: []Element{ { Name: "test", Code: "test", }, }, } j, _ := json.Marshal(&customDictionary) p := url.Values{ "customDictionary": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/custom-fields/dictionaries/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) data, status, err := c.CustomDictionariesCreate(customDictionary) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get("/custom-fields/dictionaries"). MatchParam("filter[name]", "test"). MatchParam("limit", "10"). MatchParam("page", "1"). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) cds, status, err := c.CustomDictionaries(CustomDictionariesRequest{ Filter: CustomDictionariesFilter{ Name: "test", }, Limit: 10, Page: 1, }) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cds.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/dictionaries/%s", code)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) cd, status, err := c.CustomDictionary(code) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if cd.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } customDictionary.Name = "test223" customDictionary.Elements = []Element{ { Name: "test3", Code: "test3", }, } j, _ = json.Marshal(&customDictionary) p = url.Values{ "customDictionary": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/dictionaries/%s/edit", customDictionary.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) cde, status, err := c.CustomDictionaryEdit(customDictionary) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cde.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomDictionariesCreate_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() defer gock.Off() customDictionary := CustomDictionary{ Name: "test2", Code: RandomString(8), Elements: []Element{ { Name: "test", Code: "test", }, }, } j, _ := json.Marshal(&customDictionary) p := url.Values{ "customDictionary": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post("/custom-fields/dictionaries/create"). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.CustomDictionariesCreate(customDictionary) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/dictionaries/%s", codeFail)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) cd, status, err := c.CustomDictionary(codeFail) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if cd.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } customDictionary.Name = "test223" customDictionary.Elements = []Element{ { Name: "test3", }, } j, _ = json.Marshal(&customDictionary) p = url.Values{ "customDictionary": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/dictionaries/%s/edit", customDictionary.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) cde, status, err := c.CustomDictionaryEdit(customDictionary) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if cde.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } } func TestClient_CustomFieldsCreate(t *testing.T) { c := client() codeCustomField := RandomString(8) defer gock.Off() customFields := CustomFields{ Name: codeCustomField, Code: codeCustomField, Type: "text", Entity: "order", DisplayArea: "customer", } j, _ := json.Marshal(&customFields) p := url.Values{ "customField": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/%s/create", customFields.Entity)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(201). BodyString(`{"success": true, "id": 1}`) data, status, err := c.CustomFieldsCreate(customFields) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if data.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/%s/%s", "order", codeCustomField)). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) customField, status, err := c.CustomField("order", codeCustomField) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if customField.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } customFields.DisplayArea = "delivery" j, _ = json.Marshal(&customFields) p = url.Values{ "customField": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/%s/%s/edit", customFields.Entity, customFields.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(200). BodyString(`{"success": true}`) customFieldEdit, status, err := c.CustomFieldEdit(customFields) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if !statuses[status] { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } if customFieldEdit.Success != true { t.Errorf("%v", err.ApiError()) } } func TestClient_CustomFieldsCreate_Fail(t *testing.T) { c := client() codeCustomField := "test_" + RandomString(8) defer gock.Off() customFields := CustomFields{ Name: codeCustomField, Type: "text", Entity: "order", DisplayArea: "customer", } j, _ := json.Marshal(&customFields) p := url.Values{ "customField": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/%s/create", customFields.Entity)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(400). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Errors in the input parameters"}`) data, status, err := c.CustomFieldsCreate(customFields) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if data.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } gock.New(crmURL). Get(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/%s/%s", "order", codeCustomField)). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "Not found"}`) customField, status, err := c.CustomField("order", codeCustomField) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if customField.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } customFields.DisplayArea = "delivery" j, _ = json.Marshal(&customFields) p = url.Values{ "customField": {string(j)}, } gock.New(crmURL). Post(fmt.Sprintf("/custom-fields/%s/%s/edit", customFields.Entity, customFields.Code)). MatchType("url"). BodyString(p.Encode()). Reply(404). BodyString(`{"success": false, "errorMsg": "API method not found"}`) customFieldEdit, status, err := c.CustomFieldEdit(customFields) if err.Error() != "" { t.Errorf("%v", err.Error()) } if status < http.StatusBadRequest { t.Error(statusFail) } if customFieldEdit.Success != false { t.Error(successFail) } }