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1. This library uses `php-http/httplug` under the hood. If you don't want to bother with details, just install library and it's dependencies through Composer:
3. Create and fill request data. All requests and responses use the same naming: part of the namespace is the first word in the request name, and everything else is in the request DTO class name. Requests live under `RetailCrm\Model\Request` namespace, and responses can be found in the `RetailCrm\Model\Response` namespace.
Let's use `taobao.httpdns.get` request as an example. It's first word is the `taobao`, so, this request can be found under `RetailCrm\Model\Request\Taobao` namespace, and it's class name is `HttpDnsGetRequest`. You can instantiate it with this code:
use RetailCrm\Model\Request\Taobao\HttpDnsGetRequest;
$request = new HttpDnsGetRequest();
4. Send request using `Client::sendRequest` or `Client::sendAuthenticatedRequest` (you can't send authenticated request using client without authenticator). `taobao.httpdns.get` can be sent like this:
This particular request doesn't require authorization, so, it can be sent via `Client::sendRequest` method. For any other requests which require authorization you must use `Client::sendAuthenticatedRequest` method (an example of such request would be `aliexpress.solution.seller.category.tree.query`, which class FQN is `\RetailCrm\Model\Request\AliExpress\SolutionSellerCategoryTreeQuery`).
**Note:** use response type annotations. Both client methods which returns responses actually returns `ResponseInterface` (not the PSR one). Actual response type will be determined by the request model. Your IDE will not recognize any response options unless you put a proper type annotation for the response variable.
This library uses Container pattern under the hood. You can pass additional dependencies using `ContainerBuilder`. For example:
use Http\Client\Curl\Client;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use RetailCrm\Component\AppData;
use RetailCrm\Component\Environment;
use RetailCrm\Component\Logger\StdoutLogger;
use RetailCrm\Builder\ClientBuilder;
use RetailCrm\Builder\ContainerBuilder;
$client = new Client();
$logger = new StdoutLogger();
$factory = new Psr17Factory();
$authenticator = new TokenAuthenticator('appKey', 'token');
$appData = new AppData(AppData::OVERSEAS_ENDPOINT, 'appKey', 'appSecret');
$container = ContainerBuilder::create()
$client = ClientBuilder::create()
Logger should implement `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface` (PSR-3), HTTP client should implement `Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface` (PSR-18), HTTP objects must be compliant to PSR-7.
You can use your own container - it must be compliant to PSR-11. This is strongly discouraged because it'll be much easier to just integrate library with your own application, and your own DI system.