From 0f146e4f315176e9ed3e48b90f0f5bb69e94f936 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkBaker Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:48:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Feature: Helper to convert basic HTML markup to a Rich Text object --- Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php | 751 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Examples/42richText.php | 128 ++++++ changelog.txt | 1 + 3 files changed, 880 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php create mode 100644 Examples/42richText.php diff --git a/Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php b/Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cde91c --- /dev/null +++ b/Classes/PHPExcel/Helper/HTML.php @@ -0,0 +1,751 @@ + 'f0f8ff', + 'antiquewhite' => 'faebd7', + 'antiquewhite1' => 'ffefdb', + 'antiquewhite2' => 'eedfcc', + 'antiquewhite3' => 'cdc0b0', + 'antiquewhite4' => '8b8378', + 'aqua' => '00ffff', + 'aquamarine1' => '7fffd4', + 'aquamarine2' => '76eec6', + 'aquamarine4' => '458b74', + 'azure1' => 'f0ffff', + 'azure2' => 'e0eeee', + 'azure3' => 'c1cdcd', + 'azure4' => '838b8b', + 'beige' => 'f5f5dc', + 'bisque1' => 'ffe4c4', + 'bisque2' => 'eed5b7', + 'bisque3' => 'cdb79e', + 'bisque4' => '8b7d6b', + 'black' => '000000', + 'blanchedalmond' => 'ffebcd', + 'blue' => '0000ff', + 'blue1' => '0000ff', + 'blue2' => '0000ee', + 'blue4' => '00008b', + 'blueviolet' => '8a2be2', + 'brown' => 'a52a2a', + 'brown1' => 'ff4040', + 'brown2' => 'ee3b3b', + 'brown3' => 'cd3333', + 'brown4' => '8b2323', + 'burlywood' => 'deb887', + 'burlywood1' => 'ffd39b', + 'burlywood2' => 'eec591', + 'burlywood3' => 'cdaa7d', + 'burlywood4' => '8b7355', + 'cadetblue' => '5f9ea0', + 'cadetblue1' => '98f5ff', + 'cadetblue2' => '8ee5ee', + 'cadetblue3' => '7ac5cd', + 'cadetblue4' => '53868b', + 'chartreuse1' => '7fff00', + 'chartreuse2' => '76ee00', + 'chartreuse3' => '66cd00', + 'chartreuse4' => '458b00', + 'chocolate' => 'd2691e', + 'chocolate1' => 'ff7f24', + 'chocolate2' => 'ee7621', + 'chocolate3' => 'cd661d', + 'coral' => 'ff7f50', + 'coral1' => 'ff7256', + 'coral2' => 'ee6a50', + 'coral3' => 'cd5b45', + 'coral4' => '8b3e2f', + 'cornflowerblue' => '6495ed', + 'cornsilk1' => 'fff8dc', + 'cornsilk2' => 'eee8cd', + 'cornsilk3' => 'cdc8b1', + 'cornsilk4' => '8b8878', + 'cyan1' => '00ffff', + 'cyan2' => '00eeee', + 'cyan3' => '00cdcd', + 'cyan4' => '008b8b', + 'darkgoldenrod' => 'b8860b', + 'darkgoldenrod1' => 'ffb90f', + 'darkgoldenrod2' => 'eead0e', + 'darkgoldenrod3' => 'cd950c', + 'darkgoldenrod4' => '8b6508', + 'darkgreen' => '006400', + 'darkkhaki' => 'bdb76b', + 'darkolivegreen' => '556b2f', + 'darkolivegreen1' => 'caff70', + 'darkolivegreen2' => 'bcee68', + 'darkolivegreen3' => 'a2cd5a', + 'darkolivegreen4' => '6e8b3d', + 'darkorange' => 'ff8c00', + 'darkorange1' => 'ff7f00', + 'darkorange2' => 'ee7600', + 'darkorange3' => 'cd6600', + 'darkorange4' => '8b4500', + 'darkorchid' => '9932cc', + 'darkorchid1' => 'bf3eff', + 'darkorchid2' => 'b23aee', + 'darkorchid3' => '9a32cd', + 'darkorchid4' => '68228b', + 'darksalmon' => 'e9967a', + 'darkseagreen' => '8fbc8f', + 'darkseagreen1' => 'c1ffc1', + 'darkseagreen2' => 'b4eeb4', + 'darkseagreen3' => '9bcd9b', + 'darkseagreen4' => '698b69', + 'darkslateblue' => '483d8b', + 'darkslategray' => '2f4f4f', + 'darkslategray1' => '97ffff', + 'darkslategray2' => '8deeee', + 'darkslategray3' => '79cdcd', + 'darkslategray4' => '528b8b', + 'darkturquoise' => '00ced1', + 'darkviolet' => '9400d3', + 'deeppink1' => 'ff1493', + 'deeppink2' => 'ee1289', + 'deeppink3' => 'cd1076', + 'deeppink4' => '8b0a50', + 'deepskyblue1' => '00bfff', + 'deepskyblue2' => '00b2ee', + 'deepskyblue3' => '009acd', + 'deepskyblue4' => '00688b', + 'dimgray' => '696969', + 'dodgerblue1' => '1e90ff', + 'dodgerblue2' => '1c86ee', + 'dodgerblue3' => '1874cd', + 'dodgerblue4' => '104e8b', + 'firebrick' => 'b22222', + 'firebrick1' => 'ff3030', + 'firebrick2' => 'ee2c2c', + 'firebrick3' => 'cd2626', + 'firebrick4' => '8b1a1a', + 'floralwhite' => 'fffaf0', + 'forestgreen' => '228b22', + 'fuchsia' => 'ff00ff', + 'gainsboro' => 'dcdcdc', + 'ghostwhite' => 'f8f8ff', + 'gold1' => 'ffd700', + 'gold2' => 'eec900', + 'gold3' => 'cdad00', + 'gold4' => '8b7500', + 'goldenrod' => 'daa520', + 'goldenrod1' => 'ffc125', + 'goldenrod2' => 'eeb422', + 'goldenrod3' => 'cd9b1d', + 'goldenrod4' => '8b6914', + 'gray' => 'bebebe', + 'gray1' => '030303', + 'gray10' => '1a1a1a', + 'gray11' => '1c1c1c', + 'gray12' => '1f1f1f', + 'gray13' => '212121', + 'gray14' => '242424', + 'gray15' => '262626', + 'gray16' => '292929', + 'gray17' => '2b2b2b', + 'gray18' => '2e2e2e', + 'gray19' => '303030', + 'gray2' => '050505', + 'gray20' => '333333', + 'gray21' => '363636', + 'gray22' => '383838', + 'gray23' => '3b3b3b', + 'gray24' => '3d3d3d', + 'gray25' => '404040', + 'gray26' => '424242', + 'gray27' => '454545', + 'gray28' => '474747', + 'gray29' => '4a4a4a', + 'gray3' => '080808', + 'gray30' => '4d4d4d', + 'gray31' => '4f4f4f', + 'gray32' => '525252', + 'gray33' => '545454', + 'gray34' => '575757', + 'gray35' => '595959', + 'gray36' => '5c5c5c', + 'gray37' => '5e5e5e', + 'gray38' => '616161', + 'gray39' => '636363', + 'gray4' => '0a0a0a', + 'gray40' => '666666', + 'gray41' => '696969', + 'gray42' => '6b6b6b', + 'gray43' => '6e6e6e', + 'gray44' => '707070', + 'gray45' => '737373', + 'gray46' => '757575', + 'gray47' => '787878', + 'gray48' => '7a7a7a', + 'gray49' => '7d7d7d', + 'gray5' => '0d0d0d', + 'gray50' => '7f7f7f', + 'gray51' => '828282', + 'gray52' => '858585', + 'gray53' => '878787', + 'gray54' => '8a8a8a', + 'gray55' => '8c8c8c', + 'gray56' => '8f8f8f', + 'gray57' => '919191', + 'gray58' => '949494', + 'gray59' => '969696', + 'gray6' => '0f0f0f', + 'gray60' => '999999', + 'gray61' => '9c9c9c', + 'gray62' => '9e9e9e', + 'gray63' => 'a1a1a1', + 'gray64' => 'a3a3a3', + 'gray65' => 'a6a6a6', + 'gray66' => 'a8a8a8', + 'gray67' => 'ababab', + 'gray68' => 'adadad', + 'gray69' => 'b0b0b0', + 'gray7' => '121212', + 'gray70' => 'b3b3b3', + 'gray71' => 'b5b5b5', + 'gray72' => 'b8b8b8', + 'gray73' => 'bababa', + 'gray74' => 'bdbdbd', + 'gray75' => 'bfbfbf', + 'gray76' => 'c2c2c2', + 'gray77' => 'c4c4c4', + 'gray78' => 'c7c7c7', + 'gray79' => 'c9c9c9', + 'gray8' => '141414', + 'gray80' => 'cccccc', + 'gray81' => 'cfcfcf', + 'gray82' => 'd1d1d1', + 'gray83' => 'd4d4d4', + 'gray84' => 'd6d6d6', + 'gray85' => 'd9d9d9', + 'gray86' => 'dbdbdb', + 'gray87' => 'dedede', + 'gray88' => 'e0e0e0', + 'gray89' => 'e3e3e3', + 'gray9' => '171717', + 'gray90' => 'e5e5e5', + 'gray91' => 'e8e8e8', + 'gray92' => 'ebebeb', + 'gray93' => 'ededed', + 'gray94' => 'f0f0f0', + 'gray95' => 'f2f2f2', + 'gray97' => 'f7f7f7', + 'gray98' => 'fafafa', + 'gray99' => 'fcfcfc', + 'green' => '00ff00', + 'green1' => '00ff00', + 'green2' => '00ee00', + 'green3' => '00cd00', + 'green4' => '008b00', + 'greenyellow' => 'adff2f', + 'honeydew1' => 'f0fff0', + 'honeydew2' => 'e0eee0', + 'honeydew3' => 'c1cdc1', + 'honeydew4' => '838b83', + 'hotpink' => 'ff69b4', + 'hotpink1' => 'ff6eb4', + 'hotpink2' => 'ee6aa7', + 'hotpink3' => 'cd6090', + 'hotpink4' => '8b3a62', + 'indianred' => 'cd5c5c', + 'indianred1' => 'ff6a6a', + 'indianred2' => 'ee6363', + 'indianred3' => 'cd5555', + 'indianred4' => '8b3a3a', + 'ivory1' => 'fffff0', + 'ivory2' => 'eeeee0', + 'ivory3' => 'cdcdc1', + 'ivory4' => '8b8b83', + 'khaki' => 'f0e68c', + 'khaki1' => 'fff68f', + 'khaki2' => 'eee685', + 'khaki3' => 'cdc673', + 'khaki4' => '8b864e', + 'lavender' => 'e6e6fa', + 'lavenderblush1' => 'fff0f5', + 'lavenderblush2' => 'eee0e5', + 'lavenderblush3' => 'cdc1c5', + 'lavenderblush4' => '8b8386', + 'lawngreen' => '7cfc00', + 'lemonchiffon1' => 'fffacd', + 'lemonchiffon2' => 'eee9bf', + 'lemonchiffon3' => 'cdc9a5', + 'lemonchiffon4' => '8b8970', + 'light' => 'eedd82', + 'lightblue' => 'add8e6', + 'lightblue1' => 'bfefff', + 'lightblue2' => 'b2dfee', + 'lightblue3' => '9ac0cd', + 'lightblue4' => '68838b', + 'lightcoral' => 'f08080', + 'lightcyan1' => 'e0ffff', + 'lightcyan2' => 'd1eeee', + 'lightcyan3' => 'b4cdcd', + 'lightcyan4' => '7a8b8b', + 'lightgoldenrod1' => 'ffec8b', + 'lightgoldenrod2' => 'eedc82', + 'lightgoldenrod3' => 'cdbe70', + 'lightgoldenrod4' => '8b814c', + 'lightgoldenrodyellow' => 'fafad2', + 'lightgray' => 'd3d3d3', + 'lightpink' => 'ffb6c1', + 'lightpink1' => 'ffaeb9', + 'lightpink2' => 'eea2ad', + 'lightpink3' => 'cd8c95', + 'lightpink4' => '8b5f65', + 'lightsalmon1' => 'ffa07a', + 'lightsalmon2' => 'ee9572', + 'lightsalmon3' => 'cd8162', + 'lightsalmon4' => '8b5742', + 'lightseagreen' => '20b2aa', + 'lightskyblue' => '87cefa', + 'lightskyblue1' => 'b0e2ff', + 'lightskyblue2' => 'a4d3ee', + 'lightskyblue3' => '8db6cd', + 'lightskyblue4' => '607b8b', + 'lightslateblue' => '8470ff', + 'lightslategray' => '778899', + 'lightsteelblue' => 'b0c4de', + 'lightsteelblue1' => 'cae1ff', + 'lightsteelblue2' => 'bcd2ee', + 'lightsteelblue3' => 'a2b5cd', + 'lightsteelblue4' => '6e7b8b', + 'lightyellow1' => 'ffffe0', + 'lightyellow2' => 'eeeed1', + 'lightyellow3' => 'cdcdb4', + 'lightyellow4' => '8b8b7a', + 'lime' => '00ff00', + 'limegreen' => '32cd32', + 'linen' => 'faf0e6', + 'magenta' => 'ff00ff', + 'magenta2' => 'ee00ee', + 'magenta3' => 'cd00cd', + 'magenta4' => '8b008b', + 'maroon' => 'b03060', + 'maroon1' => 'ff34b3', + 'maroon2' => 'ee30a7', + 'maroon3' => 'cd2990', + 'maroon4' => '8b1c62', + 'medium' => '66cdaa', + 'mediumaquamarine' => '66cdaa', + 'mediumblue' => '0000cd', + 'mediumorchid' => 'ba55d3', + 'mediumorchid1' => 'e066ff', + 'mediumorchid2' => 'd15fee', + 'mediumorchid3' => 'b452cd', + 'mediumorchid4' => '7a378b', + 'mediumpurple' => '9370db', + 'mediumpurple1' => 'ab82ff', + 'mediumpurple2' => '9f79ee', + 'mediumpurple3' => '8968cd', + 'mediumpurple4' => '5d478b', + 'mediumseagreen' => '3cb371', + 'mediumslateblue' => '7b68ee', + 'mediumspringgreen' => '00fa9a', + 'mediumturquoise' => '48d1cc', + 'mediumvioletred' => 'c71585', + 'midnightblue' => '191970', + 'mintcream' => 'f5fffa', + 'mistyrose1' => 'ffe4e1', + 'mistyrose2' => 'eed5d2', + 'mistyrose3' => 'cdb7b5', + 'mistyrose4' => '8b7d7b', + 'moccasin' => 'ffe4b5', + 'navajowhite1' => 'ffdead', + 'navajowhite2' => 'eecfa1', + 'navajowhite3' => 'cdb38b', + 'navajowhite4' => '8b795e', + 'navy' => '000080', + 'navyblue' => '000080', + 'oldlace' => 'fdf5e6', + 'olive' => '808000', + 'olivedrab' => '6b8e23', + 'olivedrab1' => 'c0ff3e', + 'olivedrab2' => 'b3ee3a', + 'olivedrab4' => '698b22', + 'orange' => 'ffa500', + 'orange1' => 'ffa500', + 'orange2' => 'ee9a00', + 'orange3' => 'cd8500', + 'orange4' => '8b5a00', + 'orangered1' => 'ff4500', + 'orangered2' => 'ee4000', + 'orangered3' => 'cd3700', + 'orangered4' => '8b2500', + 'orchid' => 'da70d6', + 'orchid1' => 'ff83fa', + 'orchid2' => 'ee7ae9', + 'orchid3' => 'cd69c9', + 'orchid4' => '8b4789', + 'pale' => 'db7093', + 'palegoldenrod' => 'eee8aa', + 'palegreen' => '98fb98', + 'palegreen1' => '9aff9a', + 'palegreen2' => '90ee90', + 'palegreen3' => '7ccd7c', + 'palegreen4' => '548b54', + 'paleturquoise' => 'afeeee', + 'paleturquoise1' => 'bbffff', + 'paleturquoise2' => 'aeeeee', + 'paleturquoise3' => '96cdcd', + 'paleturquoise4' => '668b8b', + 'palevioletred' => 'db7093', + 'palevioletred1' => 'ff82ab', + 'palevioletred2' => 'ee799f', + 'palevioletred3' => 'cd6889', + 'palevioletred4' => '8b475d', + 'papayawhip' => 'ffefd5', + 'peachpuff1' => 'ffdab9', + 'peachpuff2' => 'eecbad', + 'peachpuff3' => 'cdaf95', + 'peachpuff4' => '8b7765', + 'pink' => 'ffc0cb', + 'pink1' => 'ffb5c5', + 'pink2' => 'eea9b8', + 'pink3' => 'cd919e', + 'pink4' => '8b636c', + 'plum' => 'dda0dd', + 'plum1' => 'ffbbff', + 'plum2' => 'eeaeee', + 'plum3' => 'cd96cd', + 'plum4' => '8b668b', + 'powderblue' => 'b0e0e6', + 'purple' => 'a020f0', + 'rebeccapurple' => '663399', + 'purple1' => '9b30ff', + 'purple2' => '912cee', + 'purple3' => '7d26cd', + 'purple4' => '551a8b', + 'red' => 'ff0000', + 'red1' => 'ff0000', + 'red2' => 'ee0000', + 'red3' => 'cd0000', + 'red4' => '8b0000', + 'rosybrown' => 'bc8f8f', + 'rosybrown1' => 'ffc1c1', + 'rosybrown2' => 'eeb4b4', + 'rosybrown3' => 'cd9b9b', + 'rosybrown4' => '8b6969', + 'royalblue' => '4169e1', + 'royalblue1' => '4876ff', + 'royalblue2' => '436eee', + 'royalblue3' => '3a5fcd', + 'royalblue4' => '27408b', + 'saddlebrown' => '8b4513', + 'salmon' => 'fa8072', + 'salmon1' => 'ff8c69', + 'salmon2' => 'ee8262', + 'salmon3' => 'cd7054', + 'salmon4' => '8b4c39', + 'sandybrown' => 'f4a460', + 'seagreen1' => '54ff9f', + 'seagreen2' => '4eee94', + 'seagreen3' => '43cd80', + 'seagreen4' => '2e8b57', + 'seashell1' => 'fff5ee', + 'seashell2' => 'eee5de', + 'seashell3' => 'cdc5bf', + 'seashell4' => '8b8682', + 'sienna' => 'a0522d', + 'sienna1' => 'ff8247', + 'sienna2' => 'ee7942', + 'sienna3' => 'cd6839', + 'sienna4' => '8b4726', + 'silver' => 'c0c0c0', + 'skyblue' => '87ceeb', + 'skyblue1' => '87ceff', + 'skyblue2' => '7ec0ee', + 'skyblue3' => '6ca6cd', + 'skyblue4' => '4a708b', + 'slateblue' => '6a5acd', + 'slateblue1' => '836fff', + 'slateblue2' => '7a67ee', + 'slateblue3' => '6959cd', + 'slateblue4' => '473c8b', + 'slategray' => '708090', + 'slategray1' => 'c6e2ff', + 'slategray2' => 'b9d3ee', + 'slategray3' => '9fb6cd', + 'slategray4' => '6c7b8b', + 'snow1' => 'fffafa', + 'snow2' => 'eee9e9', + 'snow3' => 'cdc9c9', + 'snow4' => '8b8989', + 'springgreen1' => '00ff7f', + 'springgreen2' => '00ee76', + 'springgreen3' => '00cd66', + 'springgreen4' => '008b45', + 'steelblue' => '4682b4', + 'steelblue1' => '63b8ff', + 'steelblue2' => '5cacee', + 'steelblue3' => '4f94cd', + 'steelblue4' => '36648b', + 'tan' => 'd2b48c', + 'tan1' => 'ffa54f', + 'tan2' => 'ee9a49', + 'tan3' => 'cd853f', + 'tan4' => '8b5a2b', + 'teal' => '008080', + 'thistle' => 'd8bfd8', + 'thistle1' => 'ffe1ff', + 'thistle2' => 'eed2ee', + 'thistle3' => 'cdb5cd', + 'thistle4' => '8b7b8b', + 'tomato1' => 'ff6347', + 'tomato2' => 'ee5c42', + 'tomato3' => 'cd4f39', + 'tomato4' => '8b3626', + 'turquoise' => '40e0d0', + 'turquoise1' => '00f5ff', + 'turquoise2' => '00e5ee', + 'turquoise3' => '00c5cd', + 'turquoise4' => '00868b', + 'violet' => 'ee82ee', + 'violetred' => 'd02090', + 'violetred1' => 'ff3e96', + 'violetred2' => 'ee3a8c', + 'violetred3' => 'cd3278', + 'violetred4' => '8b2252', + 'wheat' => 'f5deb3', + 'wheat1' => 'ffe7ba', + 'wheat2' => 'eed8ae', + 'wheat3' => 'cdba96', + 'wheat4' => '8b7e66', + 'white' => 'ffffff', + 'whitesmoke' => 'f5f5f5', + 'yellow' => 'ffff00', + 'yellow1' => 'ffff00', + 'yellow2' => 'eeee00', + 'yellow3' => 'cdcd00', + 'yellow4' => '8b8b00', + 'yellowgreen' => '9acd32', + ); + + protected $face; + protected $size; + protected $color; + + protected $bold = false; + protected $italic = false; + protected $underline = false; + protected $superscript = false; + protected $subscript = false; + protected $strikethrough = false; + + protected $startTagCallbacks = array( + 'font' => 'startFontTag', + 'b' => 'startBoldTag', + 'strong' => 'startBoldTag', + 'i' => 'startItalicTag', + 'em' => 'startItalicTag', + 'u' => 'startUnderlineTag', + 'ins' => 'startUnderlineTag', + 'del' => 'startStrikethruTag', + 'sup' => 'startSuperscriptTag', + 'sub' => 'startSubscriptTag', + ); + + protected $endTagCallbacks = array( + 'font' => 'endFontTag', + 'b' => 'endBoldTag', + 'strong' => 'endBoldTag', + 'i' => 'endItalicTag', + 'em' => 'endItalicTag', + 'u' => 'endUnderlineTag', + 'ins' => 'endUnderlineTag', + 'del' => 'endStrikethruTag', + 'sup' => 'endSuperscriptTag', + 'sub' => 'endSubscriptTag', + 'br' => 'breakTag', + 'p' => 'breakTag', + 'h1' => 'breakTag', + 'h2' => 'breakTag', + 'h3' => 'breakTag', + 'h4' => 'breakTag', + 'h5' => 'breakTag', + 'h6' => 'breakTag', + ); + + protected $stack = array(); + + protected $stringData = ''; + + protected $richTextObject; + + public function toRichTextObject($html) { + // Create a new DOM object + $dom = new domDocument; + // Load the HTML file into the DOM object + // Note the use of error suppression, because typically this will be an html fragment, so not fully valid markup + $loaded = @$dom->loadHTML($html); + + // Discard excess white space + $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; + + $this->richTextObject = new PHPExcel_RichText();; + $this->parseElements($dom); + return $this->richTextObject; + } + + protected function buildTextRun() { + $text = $this->stringData; + if (trim($text) === '') + return; + + $richtextRun = $this->richTextObject->createTextRun($this->stringData); + if ($this->face) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setName($this->face); + } + if ($this->size) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setSize($this->size); + } + if ($this->color) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setColor( new PHPExcel_Style_Color( 'ff' . $this->color ) ); + } + if ($this->bold) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setBold(true); + } + if ($this->italic) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setItalic(true); + } + if ($this->underline) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setUnderline(PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLE); + } + if ($this->superscript) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setSuperScript(true); + } + if ($this->subscript) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setSubScript(true); + } + if ($this->strikethrough) { + $richtextRun->getFont()->setStrikethrough(true); + } + $this->stringData = ''; + } + + protected function rgbToColour($rgb) { + preg_match_all('/\d+/', $rgb, $values); + foreach($values[0] as &$value) { + $value = str_pad(dechex($value), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); + } + return implode($values[0]); + } + + protected function colourNameLookup($rgb) { + return self::$colourMap[$rgb]; + } + + protected function startFontTag($tag) { + foreach ($tag->attributes as $attribute) { + $attributeName = strtolower($attribute->name); + $attributeValue = $attribute->value; + + if ($attributeName == 'color') { + if (preg_match('/rgb\s*\(/', $attributeValue)) { + $this->$attributeName = $this->rgbToColour($attributeValue); + } elseif(strpos(trim($attributeValue), '#') === 0) { + $this->$attributeName = ltrim($attributeValue, '#'); + } else { + $this->$attributeName = $this->colourNameLookup($attributeValue); + } + } else { + $this->$attributeName = $attributeValue; + } + } + } + + protected function endFontTag() { + $this->face = $this->size = $this->color = null; + } + + protected function startBoldTag() { + $this->bold = true; + } + + protected function endBoldTag() { + $this->bold = false; + } + + protected function startItalicTag() { + $this->italic = true; + } + + protected function endItalicTag() { + $this->italic = false; + } + + protected function startUnderlineTag() { + $this->underline = true; + } + + protected function endUnderlineTag() { + $this->underline = false; + } + + protected function startSubscriptTag() { + $this->subscript = true; + } + + protected function endSubscriptTag() { + $this->subscript = false; + } + + protected function startSuperscriptTag() { + $this->superscript = true; + } + + protected function endSupercriptTag() { + $this->superscript = false; + } + + protected function startStrikethruTag() { + $this->strikethrough = true; + } + + protected function endStrikethruTag() { + $this->strikethrough = false; + } + + protected function breakTag() { + $this->stringData .= PHP_EOL; + } + + protected function parseTextNode(DOMText $textNode) { + $domText = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', ltrim($textNode->nodeValue)); + $this->stringData .= $domText; + $this->buildTextRun(); + } + + protected function handleCallback($element, $callbackTag, $callbacks) { + if (isset($callbacks[$callbackTag])) { + $elementHandler = $callbacks[$callbackTag]; + if (method_exists($this, $elementHandler)) { + call_user_func(array($this, $elementHandler), $element); + } + } + } + + protected function parseElementNode(DOMElement $element) { + $callbackTag = strtolower($element->nodeName); + $this->stack[] = $callbackTag; + + $this->handleCallback($element, $callbackTag, $this->startTagCallbacks); + + $this->parseElements($element); + $this->stringData .= ' '; + array_pop($this->stack); + + $this->handleCallback($element, $callbackTag, $this->endTagCallbacks); + } + + protected function parseElements(DOMNode $element) { + foreach ($element->childNodes as $child) { + if ($child instanceof DOMText) { + $this->parseTextNode($child); + } elseif ($child instanceof DOMElement) { + $this->parseElementNode($child); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Examples/42richText.php b/Examples/42richText.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfaf09d --- /dev/null +++ b/Examples/42richText.php @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +'); + +/** Include PHPExcel */ +require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Classes/PHPExcel.php'; + + +// Create new PHPExcel object +echo date('H:i:s') , " Create new PHPExcel object" , EOL; +$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); + +// Set document properties +echo date('H:i:s') , " Set document properties" , EOL; +$objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator("Maarten Balliauw") + ->setLastModifiedBy("Maarten Balliauw") + ->setTitle("PHPExcel Test Document") + ->setSubject("PHPExcel Test Document") + ->setDescription("Test document for PHPExcel, generated using PHP classes.") + ->setKeywords("office PHPExcel php") + ->setCategory("Test result file"); + + +// Add some data +echo date('H:i:s') , " Add some data" , EOL; + +$html=' +

My very first example of rich text
generated from html markup


+ +This block contains an italicized word; +while this block uses an underline. + +


+I want to eat steakpizza. + +'; + +$wizard = new PHPExcel_Helper_HTML; +$richText = $wizard->toRichTextObject($html); + +$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0) + ->setCellValue('A1', $richText); + +$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('A')->setWidth(48); +$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(1)->setRowHeight(-1); +$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1') + ->getAlignment() + ->setWrapText(true); + + +// Rename worksheet +echo date('H:i:s') , " Rename worksheet" , EOL; +$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Simple'); + + +// Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet +$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); + + +// Save Excel 2007 file +echo date('H:i:s') , " Write to Excel2007 format" , EOL; +$callStartTime = microtime(true); + +$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007'); +$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', __FILE__)); +$callEndTime = microtime(true); +$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime; + +echo date('H:i:s') , " File written to " , str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)) , EOL; +echo 'Call time to write Workbook was ' , sprintf('%.4f',$callTime) , " seconds" , EOL; +// Echo memory usage +echo date('H:i:s') , ' Current memory usage: ' , (memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) , " MB" , EOL; + + +// Save Excel 95 file +echo date('H:i:s') , " Write to Excel5 format" , EOL; +$callStartTime = microtime(true); + +$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5'); +$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xls', __FILE__)); +$callEndTime = microtime(true); +$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime; + +echo date('H:i:s') , " File written to " , str_replace('.php', '.xls', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)) , EOL; +echo 'Call time to write Workbook was ' , sprintf('%.4f',$callTime) , " seconds" , EOL; +// Echo memory usage +echo date('H:i:s') , ' Current memory usage: ' , (memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) , " MB" , EOL; + + +// Echo memory peak usage +echo date('H:i:s') , " Peak memory usage: " , (memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) , " MB" , EOL; + +// Echo done +echo date('H:i:s') , " Done writing files" , EOL; +echo 'Files have been created in ' , getcwd() , EOL; diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt index 587059b..f8f2170 100644 --- a/changelog.txt +++ b/changelog.txt @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ Planned for v1.8.1 - Feature: (bolovincev) Work Item GH-269 - Update Worksheet.php getStyleByColumnAndRow() to allow a range of cells rather than just a single cell - Feature: (MBaker) - New methods added for testing cell status within merge groups - Feature: (cifren/MBaker) Work Item GH-205 - Handling merge cells in HTML Reader +- Feature: (MBaker) - Helper to convert basic HTML markup to a Rich Text object 2014-03-02 (v1.8.0):