Bez Hermoso 9d3c0a8c29 Swagger support:
Unified data types [actualType and subType]
Updated tests.
JMS parsing fixes; updated {Validator,FormType}Parser, FOSRestHandler, and AbstractFormatter, and updated DataTypes enum.
Modified dataType checking.
Updated tests.
Updated DataTypes enum.
Quick fix and added doc comments.
CS fixes.
Refactored FormTypeParser to produce nested parameters. Updated tests accordingly.
Logical and CS fixes.
Sub-forms and more tests.
Logical and CS fixes.
Swagger support: created formatter.
Configuration and resourcePath logic update.
ApiDoc annotation update. Updated formatter and added tests.
Parameter formatting.
Added tests for SwaggerFormatter.
Added  option in annotation, and the corresponding logic for parsing the supplied values and processing them in the formatter.
Routing update.
Updated tests.
Removed unused dependency and updated doc comments.
Renamed 'responseModels' to 'responseMap'
Update the resource filtering and formatting of response messages.
Updated check for 200 response model.
Ignore data_class and always use form-type to avoid conflicts.
Fix: add 'type' even if '' is specified.
Refactored responseMap; added parsedResponseMap. Added tests and updated some.
Fix: add 'type' even if '' is specified.
Initial commit of command.
Finished logic for dumping files.
Updated doc comment; added license and added more meaningful class comment.
Array of models support.
2014-07-29 10:25:06 -07:00

598 lines
18 KiB

* This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle.
* (c) Nelmio <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Formatter;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\DataTypes;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Router;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
* Produces Swagger-compliant resource lists and API declarations as defined here:
* This formatter produces an array. Therefore output still needs to be `json_encode`d before passing on as HTTP response.
* @author Bezalel Hermoso <>
class SwaggerFormatter implements FormatterInterface
protected $basePath;
protected $apiVersion;
protected $swaggerVersion;
protected $info = array();
protected $typeMap = array(
DataTypes::INTEGER => 'integer',
DataTypes::FLOAT => 'number',
DataTypes::STRING => 'string',
DataTypes::BOOLEAN => 'boolean',
DataTypes::FILE => 'string',
DataTypes::DATE => 'string',
DataTypes::DATETIME => 'string',
protected $formatMap = array(
DataTypes::INTEGER => 'int32',
DataTypes::FLOAT => 'float',
DataTypes::FILE => 'byte',
DataTypes::DATE => 'date',
DataTypes::DATETIME => 'date-time',
* Format a collection of documentation data.
* If resource is provided, an API declaration for that resource is produced. Otherwise, a resource listing is returned.
* @param array|ApiDoc[] $collection
* @param null|string $resource
* @return string|array
public function format(array $collection, $resource = null)
if ($resource === null) {
return $this->produceResourceListing($collection);
} else {
return $this->produceApiDeclaration($collection, $resource);
* Formats the collection into Swagger-compliant output.
* @param array $collection
* @return array
public function produceResourceListing(array $collection)
$resourceList = array(
'swaggerVersion' => (string) $this->swaggerVersion,
'apis' => array(),
'apiVersion' => (string) $this->apiVersion,
'info' => $this->getInfo(),
'authorizations' => $this->getAuthorizations(),
$apis = &$resourceList['apis'];
foreach ($collection as $item) {
/** @var $apiDoc ApiDoc */
$apiDoc = $item['annotation'];
$resource = $item['resource'];
if (!$apiDoc->isResource()) {
$subPath = $this->stripBasePath($resource);
$normalizedName = $this->normalizeResourcePath($subPath);
$apis[] = array(
'path' => '/' . $normalizedName,
'description' => $apiDoc->getResourceDescription(),
return $resourceList;
protected function getAuthorizations()
return array();
* @return array
protected function getInfo()
return $this->info;
* Format documentation data for one route.
* @param ApiDoc $annotation
* return string|array
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function formatOne(ApiDoc $annotation)
throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('%s does not support formatting a single ApiDoc only.', __CLASS__));
* Formats collection to produce a Swagger-compliant API declaration for the given resource.
* @param array $collection
* @param string $resource
* @return array
protected function produceApiDeclaration(array $collection, $resource)
$apiDeclaration = array(
'swaggerVersion' => (string) $this->swaggerVersion,
'apiVersion' => (string) $this->apiVersion,
'basePath' => $this->basePath,
'resourcePath' => $resource,
'apis' => array(),
'models' => array(),
'produces' => array(),
'consumes' => array(),
'authorizations' => array(),
$main = null;
$apiBag = array();
$models = array();
foreach ($collection as $item) {
/** @var $apiDoc ApiDoc */
$apiDoc = $item['annotation'];
$itemResource = $this->stripBasePath($item['resource']);
$route = $apiDoc->getRoute();
$itemResource = $this->normalizeResourcePath($itemResource);
if ('/' . $itemResource !== $resource) {
$compiled = $route->compile();
$path = $this->stripBasePath($route->getPath());
if (!isset($apiBag[$path])) {
$apiBag[$path] = array();
$parameters = array();
$responseMessages = array();
foreach ($compiled->getPathVariables() as $paramValue) {
$parameter = array(
'paramType' => 'path',
'name' => $paramValue,
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
if ($paramValue === '_format' && false != ($req = $route->getRequirement('_format'))) {
$parameter['enum'] = explode('|', $req);
$parameters[] = $parameter;
if (isset($data['filters'])) {
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->deriveQueryParameters($data['filters']));
$data = $apiDoc->toArray();
if (isset($data['parameters'])) {
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->deriveParameters($data['parameters'], $models));
$responseMap = $apiDoc->getParsedResponseMap();
$statusMessages = isset($data['statusCodes']) ? $data['statusCodes'] : array();
foreach ($responseMap as $statusCode => $prop) {
if (isset($statusMessages[$statusCode])) {
$message = is_array($statusMessages[$statusCode]) ? implode('; ', $statusMessages[$statusCode]) : $statusCode[$statusCode];
} else {
$message = sprintf('See standard HTTP status code reason for %s', $statusCode);
$responseModel = array(
'code' => $statusCode,
'message' => $message,
'responseModel' => $this->registerModel($prop['type']['class'], $prop['model'], '', $models),
$responseMessages[$statusCode] = $responseModel;
$unmappedMessages = array_diff(array_keys($statusMessages), array_keys($responseMessages));
foreach ($unmappedMessages as $code) {
$responseMessages[$code] = array(
'code' => $code,
'message' => is_array($statusMessages[$code]) ? implode('; ', $statusMessages[$code]) : $statusMessages[$code],
foreach ($apiDoc->getRoute()->getMethods() as $method) {
$operation = array(
'method' => $method,
'summary' => $apiDoc->getDescription(),
'nickname' => $this->generateNickname($method, $itemResource),
'parameters' => $parameters,
'responseMessages' => array_values($responseMessages),
$apiBag[$path][] = $operation;
$apiDeclaration['resourcePath'] = $resource;
foreach ($apiBag as $path => $operations) {
$apiDeclaration['apis'][] = array(
'path' => $path,
'operations' => $operations,
$apiDeclaration['models'] = $models;
return $apiDeclaration;
* Slugify a URL path. Trims out path parameters wrapped in curly brackets.
* @param $path
* @return string
protected function normalizeResourcePath($path)
$path = preg_replace('/({.*?})/', '', $path);
$path = trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/', '-', $path), '-');
$path = preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $path);
return $path;
* @param $path
public function setBasePath($path)
$this->basePath = $path;
* Formats query parameters to Swagger-compliant form.
* @param array $input
* @return array
protected function deriveQueryParameters(array $input)
$parameters = array();
foreach ($input as $name => $prop) {
$parameters[] = array(
'paramType' => 'query',
'name' => $name,
'type' => isset($this->typeMap[$prop['dataType']]) ? $this->typeMap[$prop['dataType']] : 'string',
return $parameters;
* Builds a Swagger-compliant parameter list from the provided parameter array. Models are built when necessary.
* @param array $input
* @param array $models
* @return array
protected function deriveParameters(array $input, array &$models)
$parameters = array();
foreach ($input as $name => $prop) {
$type = null;
$format = null;
$ref = null;
$enum = null;
$items = null;
if (isset ($this->typeMap[$prop['actualType']])) {
$type = $this->typeMap[$prop['actualType']];
} else {
switch ($prop['actualType']) {
case DataTypes::ENUM:
$type = 'string';
if (isset($prop['format'])) {
$enum = array_keys(json_decode($prop['format'], true));
case DataTypes::MODEL:
$ref =
isset($prop['children']) ? $prop['children'] : null,
$prop['description'] ?: $prop['dataType'],
if (isset($this->formatMap[$prop['actualType']])) {
$format = $this->formatMap[$prop['actualType']];
if (null === $type && null === $ref) {
/* `type` or `$ref` is required. Continue to next of none of these was determined. */
$parameter = array(
'paramType' => 'form',
'name' => $name,
if (null !== $type) {
$parameter['type'] = $type;
if (null !== $ref) {
$parameter['$ref'] = $ref;
$parameter['type'] = $ref;
if (null !== $format) {
$parameter['format'] = $format;
if (is_array($enum) && count($enum) > 0) {
$parameter['enum'] = $enum;
$parameters[] = $parameter;
return $parameters;
* Registers a model into the model array. Returns a unique identifier for the model to be used in `$ref` properties.
* @param $className
* @param array $parameters
* @param string $description
* @param $models
* @return mixed
public function registerModel($className, array $parameters = null, $description = '', &$models)
if (isset ($models[$className])) {
return $models[$className]['id'];
* Converts \Fully\Qualified\Class\Name to Fully.Qualified.Class.Name
$id = preg_replace('#(\\\|[^A-Za-z0-9])#', '.', $className);
//Replace duplicate dots.
$id = preg_replace('/\.+/', '.', $id);
//Replace trailing dots.
$id = preg_replace('/^\./', '', $id);
$model = array(
'id' => $id,
'description' => $description,
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$required = array();
$properties = array();
foreach ($parameters as $name => $prop) {
$subParam = array();
if ($prop['actualType'] === DataTypes::MODEL) {
$subParam['$ref'] = $this->registerModel(
isset($prop['children']) ? $prop['children'] : null,
$prop['description'] ?: $prop['dataType'],
} else {
$type = null;
$format = null;
$items = null;
$enum = null;
$ref = null;
if (isset($this->typeMap[$prop['actualType']])) {
$type = $this->typeMap[$prop['actualType']];
} else{
switch ($prop['actualType']) {
case DataTypes::ENUM:
$type = 'string';
if (isset($prop['format'])) {
$enum = array_keys(json_decode($prop['format'], true));
case DataTypes::COLLECTION:
$type = 'array';
if ($prop['subType'] === DataTypes::MODEL) {
} else {
if ($prop['subType'] === null
|| isset($this->typeMap[$prop['subType']])) {
$items = array(
'type' => 'string',
} elseif (!isset($this->typeMap[$prop['subType']])) {
$items = array(
'$ref' =>
isset($prop['children']) ? $prop['children'] : null,
$prop['description'] ?: $prop['dataType'],
/* @TODO: Handle recursion if subtype is a model. */
case DataTypes::MODEL:
$ref = $this->registerModel(
isset($prop['children']) ? $prop['children'] : null,
$prop['description'] ?: $prop['dataType'],
$type = $ref;
/* @TODO: Handle recursion. */
if (isset($this->formatMap[$prop['actualType']])) {
$format = $this->formatMap[$prop['actualType']];
$subParam = array(
'type' => $type,
'description' => empty($prop['description']) === false ? (string) $prop['description'] : $prop['dataType'],
if ($format !== null) {
$subParam['format'] = $format;
if ($enum !== null) {
$subParam['enum'] = $enum;
if ($ref !== null) {
$subParam['$ref'] = $ref;
if ($items !== null) {
$subParam['items'] = $items;
if ($prop['required']) {
$required[] = $name;
$properties[$name] = $subParam;
$model['properties'] = $properties;
$model['required'] = $required;
$models[$id] = $model;
return $id;
* @param mixed $swaggerVersion
public function setSwaggerVersion($swaggerVersion)
$this->swaggerVersion = $swaggerVersion;
* @param mixed $apiVersion
public function setApiVersion($apiVersion)
$this->apiVersion = $apiVersion;
* @param mixed $info
public function setInfo($info)
$this->info = $info;
* Strips the base path from a URL path.
* @param $path
* @return mixed
protected function stripBasePath($path)
$pattern = sprintf('#%s#', preg_quote($this->basePath));
$subPath = preg_replace($pattern, '', $path);
return $subPath;
* Generate nicknames based on support HTTP methods and the resource name.
* @param $method
* @param $resource
* @return string
protected function generateNickname($method, $resource)
$resource = preg_replace('#/^#', '', $resource);
$resource = $this->normalizeResourcePath($resource);
return sprintf('%s_%s', strtolower($method), $resource);