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* This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle package.
* (c) Nelmio
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Tests\SwaggerPhp;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util;
use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;
use OpenApi\Context;
use OpenApi\Generator;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
* Class UtilTest.
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::getOperation
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::getOperationParameter
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::getChild
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::getCollectionItem
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::getIndexedCollectionItem
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::searchCollectionItem
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::searchIndexedCollectionItem
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::createCollectionItem
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::createChild
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::createContext
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::merge
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::mergeFromArray
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::mergeChild
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::mergeCollection
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::mergeTyped
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::mergeProperty
* @covers \Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util::getNestingIndexes
class UtilTest extends TestCase
public $rootContext;
/** @var OA\OpenApi */
public $rootAnnotation;
public function setUp(): void
$this->rootContext = new Context(['isTestingRoot' => true]);
$this->rootAnnotation = new OA\OpenApi(['_context' => $this->rootContext]);
public function testCreateContextSetsParentContext()
$context = Util::createContext([], $this->rootContext);
public function testCreateContextWithProperties()
$context = Util::createContext(['testing' => 'trait']);
$this->assertSame('trait', $context->testing);
public function testCreateChild()
$info = Util::createChild($this->rootAnnotation, OA\Info::class);
$this->assertInstanceOf(OA\Info::class, $info);
public function testCreateChildHasContext()
$info = Util::createChild($this->rootAnnotation, OA\Info::class);
$this->assertInstanceOf(Context::class, $info->_context);
public function testCreateChildHasNestedContext()
$path = Util::createChild($this->rootAnnotation, OA\PathItem::class);
$this->assertIsNested($this->rootAnnotation, $path);
$parameter = Util::createChild($path, OA\Parameter::class);
$this->assertIsNested($path, $parameter);
$schema = Util::createChild($parameter, OA\Schema::class);
$this->assertIsNested($parameter, $schema);
public function testCreateChildWithEmptyProperties()
$properties = [];
/** @var OA\Info $info */
$info = Util::createChild($this->rootAnnotation, OA\Info::class, $properties);
$properties = array_filter(get_object_vars($info), function ($key) {
return 0 !== strpos($key, '_');
$this->assertEquals([Generator::UNDEFINED], array_unique(array_values($properties)));
$this->assertIsNested($this->rootAnnotation, $info);
public function testCreateChildWithProperties()
$properties = ['title' => 'testing', 'version' => '999', 'x' => new \stdClass()];
/** @var OA\Info $info */
$info = Util::createChild($this->rootAnnotation, OA\Info::class, $properties);
$this->assertSame($info->title, $properties['title']);
$this->assertSame($info->version, $properties['version']);
$this->assertSame($info->x, $properties['x']);
$this->assertIsNested($this->rootAnnotation, $info);
public function testCreateCollectionItemAddsCreatedItemToCollection()
$collection = 'paths';
$class = OA\PathItem::class;
$p1 = Util::createCollectionItem($this->rootAnnotation, $collection, $class);
$this->assertSame(0, $p1);
$this->assertCount(1, $this->rootAnnotation->{$collection});
$this->assertInstanceOf($class, $this->rootAnnotation->{$collection}[$p1]);
$this->assertIsNested($this->rootAnnotation, $this->rootAnnotation->{$collection}[$p1]);
$p2 = Util::createCollectionItem($this->rootAnnotation, $collection, $class);
$this->assertSame(1, $p2);
$this->assertCount(2, $this->rootAnnotation->{$collection});
$this->assertInstanceOf($class, $this->rootAnnotation->{$collection}[$p2]);
$this->assertIsNested($this->rootAnnotation, $this->rootAnnotation->{$collection}[$p2]);
$this->rootAnnotation->components = Util::createChild($this->rootAnnotation, OA\Components::class);
$collection = 'schemas';
$class = OA\Schema::class;
$d1 = Util::createCollectionItem($this->rootAnnotation->components, $collection, $class);
$this->assertSame(0, $d1);
$this->assertCount(1, $this->rootAnnotation->components->{$collection});
$this->assertInstanceOf($class, $this->rootAnnotation->components->{$collection}[$d1]);
$this->assertIsNested($this->rootAnnotation->components, $this->rootAnnotation->components->{$collection}[$d1]);
public function testCreateCollectionItemDoesNotAddToUnknownProperty()
$collection = 'foobars';
$class = OA\Info::class;
$expectedRegex = "/Property \"{$collection}\" doesn't exist .*/";
set_error_handler(function ($_, $err) { echo $err; });
Util::createCollectionItem($this->rootAnnotation, $collection, $class);
public function testSearchCollectionItem()
$item1 = new \stdClass();
$item1->prop1 = 'item 1 prop 1';
$item1->prop2 = 'item 1 prop 2';
$item1->prop3 = 'item 1 prop 3';
$item2 = new \stdClass();
$item2->prop1 = 'item 2 prop 1';
$item2->prop2 = 'item 2 prop 2';
$item2->prop3 = 'item 2 prop 3';
$collection = [
$this->assertSame(0, Util::searchCollectionItem($collection, get_object_vars($item1)));
$this->assertSame(1, Util::searchCollectionItem($collection, get_object_vars($item2)));
array_merge(get_object_vars($item2), ['prop3' => 'foobar'])
$search = ['baz' => 'foobar'];
$this->expectOutputString('Undefined property: stdClass::$baz');
try {
Util::searchCollectionItem($collection, array_merge(get_object_vars($item2), $search));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
// no exception on empty collection
$this->assertNull(Util::searchCollectionItem([], get_object_vars($item2)));
* @dataProvider provideIndexedCollectionData
public function testSearchIndexedCollectionItem($setup, $asserts)
foreach ($asserts as $collection => $items) {
foreach ($items as $assert) {
$setupCollection = empty($assert['components']) ?
($setup[$collection] ?? []) :
(Generator::UNDEFINED !== $setup['components']->{$collection} ? $setup['components']->{$collection} : []);
// get the indexing correct within haystack preparation
$properties = array_fill(0, \count($setupCollection), null);
// prepare the haystack array
foreach ($items as $assertItem) {
// e.g. $properties[1] = new OA\PathItem(['path' => 'path 1'])
$properties[$assertItem['index']] = new $assertItem['class']([
$assertItem['key'] => $assertItem['value'],
Util::searchIndexedCollectionItem($properties, $assert['key'], $assert['value']),
sprintf('Failed to get the correct index for %s', print_r($assert, true))
* @dataProvider provideIndexedCollectionData
public function testGetIndexedCollectionItem($setup, $asserts)
$parent = new $setup['class'](array_merge(
['_context' => $this->rootContext]
foreach ($asserts as $collection => $items) {
foreach ($items as $assert) {
$itemParent = empty($assert['components']) ? $parent : $parent->components;
$child = Util::getIndexedCollectionItem(
$this->assertInstanceOf($assert['class'], $child);
$this->assertSame($child->{$assert['key']}, $assert['value']);
$setupHaystack = empty($assert['components']) ?
$setup[$collection] ?? [] :
$setup['components']->{$collection} ?? [];
// the children created within provider are not connected
if (!\in_array($child, $setupHaystack, true)) {
$this->assertIsNested($itemParent, $child);
public function provideIndexedCollectionData(): array
return [[
'setup' => [
'class' => OA\OpenApi::class,
'paths' => [
new OA\PathItem(['path' => 'path 0']),
'components' => new OA\Components([
'parameters' => [
new OA\Parameter(['parameter' => 'parameter 0']),
new OA\Parameter(['parameter' => 'parameter 1']),
'assert' => [
// one fixed within setup and one dynamically created
'paths' => [
'index' => 0,
'class' => OA\PathItem::class,
'key' => 'path',
'value' => 'path 0',
'index' => 1,
'class' => OA\PathItem::class,
'key' => 'path',
'value' => 'path 1',
// search indexes out of order followed by dynamically created
'parameters' => [
'index' => 1,
'class' => OA\Parameter::class,
'key' => 'parameter',
'value' => 'parameter 1',
'components' => true,
'index' => 0,
'class' => OA\Parameter::class,
'key' => 'parameter',
'value' => 'parameter 0',
'components' => true,
'index' => 2,
'class' => OA\Parameter::class,
'key' => 'parameter',
'value' => 'parameter 2',
'components' => true,
// two dynamically created
'responses' => [
'index' => 0,
'class' => OA\Response::class,
'key' => 'response',
'value' => 'response 0',
'components' => true,
'index' => 1,
'class' => OA\Response::class,
'key' => 'response',
'value' => 'response 1',
'components' => true,
// for sake of completeness
'securitySchemes' => [
'index' => 0,
'class' => OA\SecurityScheme::class,
'key' => 'securityScheme',
'value' => 'securityScheme 0',
'components' => true,
* @dataProvider provideChildData
public function testGetChild($setup, $asserts)
$parent = new $setup['class'](array_merge(
['_context' => $this->rootContext]
foreach ($asserts as $key => $assert) {
if (array_key_exists('exceptionMessage', $assert)) {
$child = Util::getChild($parent, $assert['class'], $assert['props']);
$this->assertInstanceOf($assert['class'], $child);
$this->assertSame($child, $parent->{$key});
if (\array_key_exists($key, $setup)) {
$this->assertSame($setup[$key], $parent->{$key});
$this->assertEquals($assert['props'], $this->getNonDefaultProperties($child));
public function provideChildData(): array
return [[
'setup' => [
'class' => OA\PathItem::class,
'get' => new OA\Get([]),
'assert' => [
// fixed within setup
'get' => [
'class' => OA\Get::class,
'props' => [],
// create new without props
'put' => [
'class' => OA\Put::class,
'props' => [],
// create new with multiple props
'delete' => [
'class' => OA\Delete::class,
'props' => [
'summary' => 'testing delete',
'deprecated' => true,
], [
'setup' => [
'class' => OA\Parameter::class,
'assert' => [
// create new with multiple props
'schema' => [
'class' => OA\Schema::class,
'props' => [
'ref' => '#/testing/schema',
'minProperties' => 0,
'enum' => [null, 'check', 999, false],
], [
'setup' => [
'class' => OA\Parameter::class,
'assert' => [
// externalDocs triggers invalid argument exception
'schema' => [
'class' => OA\Schema::class,
'props' => [
'externalDocs' => [],
'exceptionMessage' => 'Nesting Annotations is not supported.',
public function testGetOperationParameterReturnsExisting()
$name = 'operation name';
$in = 'operation in';
$parameter = new OA\Parameter(['name' => $name, 'in' => $in]);
$operation = new OA\Get(['parameters' => [
new OA\Parameter([]),
new OA\Parameter(['name' => 'foo']),
new OA\Parameter(['in' => 'bar']),
new OA\Parameter(['name' => $name, 'in' => 'bar']),
new OA\Parameter(['name' => 'foo', 'in' => $in]),
$actual = Util::getOperationParameter($operation, $name, $in);
$this->assertSame($parameter, $actual);
public function testGetOperationParameterCreatesWithNameAndIn()
$name = 'operation name';
$in = 'operation in';
$operation = new OA\Get(['parameters' => [
new OA\Parameter([]),
new OA\Parameter(['name' => 'foo']),
new OA\Parameter(['in' => 'bar']),
new OA\Parameter(['name' => $name, 'in' => 'bar']),
new OA\Parameter(['name' => 'foo', 'in' => $in]),
$actual = Util::getOperationParameter($operation, $name, $in);
$this->assertInstanceOf(OA\Parameter::class, $actual);
$this->assertSame($name, $actual->name);
$this->assertSame($in, $actual->in);
public function testGetOperationReturnsExisting()
$get = new OA\Get([]);
$path = new OA\PathItem(['get' => $get]);
$this->assertSame($get, Util::getOperation($path, 'get'));
public function testGetOperationCreatesWithPath()
$pathStr = '/testing/get/path';
$path = new OA\PathItem(['path' => $pathStr]);
$get = Util::getOperation($path, 'get');
$this->assertInstanceOf(OA\Get::class, $get);
$this->assertSame($pathStr, $get->path);
public function testMergeWithEmptyArray()
$api = new OA\OpenApi([]);
$expected = json_encode($api);
Util::merge($api, [], false);
$actual = json_encode($api);
$this->assertSame($expected, $actual);
Util::merge($api, [], true);
$actual = json_encode($api);
$this->assertSame($expected, $actual);
* @dataProvider provideMergeData
public function testMerge($setup, $merge, $assert)
$api = new OA\OpenApi($setup);
Util::merge($api, $merge, false);
$actual = json_decode(json_encode($api), true);
$this->assertEquals($assert, $actual);
public function provideMergeData(): array
$no = 'do not overwrite';
$yes = 'do overwrite';
$requiredInfo = ['title' => '', 'version' => ''];
$setupDefaults = [
'info' => new OA\Info($requiredInfo),
'paths' => [],
$assertDefaults = [
'info' => $requiredInfo,
'openapi' => '3.0.0',
'paths' => [],
return [[
// simple child merge
'setup' => [
'info' => new OA\Info(['version' => $no]),
'paths' => [],
'merge' => [
'info' => ['title' => $yes, 'version' => $yes],
'assert' => [
'info' => ['title' => $yes, 'version' => $no],
] + $assertDefaults,
], [
// indexed collection merge
'setup' => [
'components' => new OA\Components([
'schemas' => [
new OA\Schema(['schema' => $no, 'title' => $no]),
] + $setupDefaults,
'merge' => [
'components' => [
'schemas' => [
$no => ['title' => $yes, 'description' => $yes],
'assert' => [
'components' => [
'schemas' => [
$no => ['title' => $no, 'description' => $yes],
] + $assertDefaults,
], [
// collection merge
'setup' => [
'tags' => [new OA\Tag(['name' => $no])],
] + $setupDefaults,
'merge' => [
'tags' => [
// this is actually appending right now, no clue if this is wanted,
// but the complete NelmioApiDocBundle test suite is not upset by this fact
['name' => $yes],
// this should not append since a tag with exactly the same properties
// is already present
['name' => $no],
// this does, but should not append since the name already exists, and the
// docs in Tag state that the tag names must be unique, but it is complicated
// and $api->validate() does not complain either
['name' => $no, 'description' => $yes],
'assert' => [
'tags' => [
['name' => $no],
['name' => $yes],
['name' => $no, 'description' => $yes],
] + $assertDefaults,
// heavy nested merge array
'setup' => $setupDefaults,
'merge' => $merge = [
'servers' => [
['url' => 'http'],
['url' => 'https'],
'paths' => [
'/path/to/resource' => [
'get' => [
'responses' => [
'200' => [
'$ref' => '#/components/responses/default',
'requestBody' => [
'description' => 'request foo',
'content' => [
'foo-request' => [
'schema' => [
'type' => 'object',
'required' => ['baz', 'bar'],
'tags' => [
['name' => 'baz'],
['name' => 'foo'],
['name' => 'baz'],
['name' => 'foo'],
['name' => 'foo'],
'components' => [
'responses' => [
'default' => [
'description' => 'default response',
'headers' => [
'foo-header' => [
'schema' => [
'type' => 'array',
'items' => [
'type' => 'string',
'enum' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
'assert' => array_merge(
['tags' => \array_slice($merge['tags'], 0, 2, true)]
], [
// heavy nested merge array object
'setup' => $setupDefaults,
'merge' => new \ArrayObject([
'servers' => [
['url' => 'http'],
['url' => 'https'],
'paths' => [
'/path/to/resource' => [
'get' => new \ArrayObject([
'responses' => [
'200' => [
'$ref' => '#/components/responses/default',
'requestBody' => new \ArrayObject([
'description' => 'request foo',
'content' => [
'foo-request' => [
'schema' => [
'required' => ['baz', 'bar'],
'type' => 'object',
'tags' => new \ArrayObject([
['name' => 'baz'],
['name' => 'foo'],
new \ArrayObject(['name' => 'baz']),
['name' => 'foo'],
['name' => 'foo'],
'components' => new \ArrayObject([
'responses' => [
'default' => [
'description' => 'default response',
'headers' => new \ArrayObject([
'foo-header' => new \ArrayObject([
'schema' => new \ArrayObject([
'type' => 'array',
'items' => new \ArrayObject([
'type' => 'string',
'enum' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
'assert' => array_merge(
['tags' => \array_slice($merge['tags'], 0, 2, true)]
], [
// heavy nested merge swagger instance
'setup' => $setupDefaults,
'merge' => new OA\OpenApi([
'servers' => [
new OA\Server(['url' => 'http']),
new OA\Server(['url' => 'https']),
'paths' => [
new OA\PathItem([
'path' => '/path/to/resource',
'get' => new OA\Get([
'responses' => [
new OA\Response([
'response' => '200',
'ref' => '#/components/responses/default',
'requestBody' => new OA\RequestBody([
'description' => 'request foo',
'content' => [
new OA\MediaType([
'mediaType' => 'foo-request',
'schema' => new OA\Schema([
'type' => 'object',
'required' => ['baz', 'bar'],
'tags' => [
new OA\Tag(['name' => 'baz']),
new OA\Tag(['name' => 'foo']),
new OA\Tag(['name' => 'baz']),
new OA\Tag(['name' => 'foo']),
new OA\Tag(['name' => 'foo']),
'components' => new OA\Components([
'responses' => [
new OA\Response([
'response' => 'default',
'description' => 'default response',
'headers' => [
new OA\Header([
'header' => 'foo-header',
'schema' => new OA\Schema([
'type' => 'array',
'items' => new OA\Items([
'type' => 'string',
'enum' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
'assert' => array_merge(
['tags' => \array_slice($merge['tags'], 0, 2, true)]
], ];
public function assertIsNested(OA\AbstractAnnotation $parent, OA\AbstractAnnotation $child)
self::assertSame($parent, $child->_context->nested);
public function assertIsConnectedToRootContext(OA\AbstractAnnotation $annotation)
public function assertContextIsConnectedToRootContext(Context $context)
$this->assertSame($this->rootContext, $context->root());
private function getSetupPropertiesWithoutClass(array $setup)
return array_filter($setup, function ($k) {return 'class' !== $k; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
private function getNonDefaultProperties($object)
$objectVars = \get_object_vars($object);
$classVars = \get_class_vars(\get_class($object));
$props = [];
foreach ($objectVars as $key => $value) {
if ($value !== $classVars[$key] && 0 !== \strpos($key, '_')) {
$props[$key] = $value;
return $props;