Markus Poerschke c771c684a8 Customizable template and remove Google Fonts ()
* Allow to override certain parts of the template

* Twig template can be defined via config
* Blocks can be used to override/extend only parts of the template

* Fix spelling in documentation

* Fix extension configuration tree

* Fix unit tests by making constructor argument optional

* Add fonts block and split swagger initialization into own block

* Fix code style

* Remove Google fonts, remove configuration and add changelog entry

* Remove template argument from service definition

* Add correct path for overriding template

* Move re-add of Google Fonts to FAQ section in documentation.

* Remove unused class import
2018-07-16 09:45:18 +02:00

38 lines
1.4 KiB

The look and feel of the Swagger UI can be customized.
Overwrite Twig Template
If you want to customize parts of the template, you can create your own Twig template.
This allows to change the title, the header, add additional or replace existing styles or scripts.
Take a look at the Twig documentation `how to extend templates <>`_.
The following example will add additional scripts and a custom style to the template.
Just create a file ``templates/bundles/NelmioApiDocBundle/SwaggerUI/index.html.twig``.
.. code-block:: twig
{# templates/bundles/NelmioApiDocBundle/views/SwaggerUI/index.html.twig #}
To avoid a "reached nested level" error an exclamation mark `!` has to be added
{% extends '@!NelmioApiDoc/SwaggerUi/index.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/custom-swagger-styles.css') }}">
{% endblock stylesheets %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('js/custom-request-signer.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock javascripts %}
You can have a look at the original template to see which blocks can be overridden.