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synced 2025-03-12 10:36:09 +03:00
* Adding ``header_block`` Twig Block In attempting to remove the default green header from the API docs (I am integrating the docs into a site that already has a header), I have found that the only possible way to do so is to overwrite the entire ``index.html.twig`` file. This is because the existing ``{% header %}`` twig tags are placed *inside* the ``<header>`` HTML tags. So, if one overrides the ``{% header %}`` block, it only adjusts the header content, as opposed to allowing control over the entire header object. To resolve this problem I considered two methods: - Move the existing ``{% header %}`` tags _*outside*_ of the ``<header>`` tags. This would resolve the problem in the simplest fashion, but would be a breaking change for those currently overriding the block. - Add a new twig block, placing its tags *_outside_* the existing ``<header>`` tags. This would leave the existing functionality as-is, and would not break any current implementations. I chose the latter for the reasons specified above, and suggested the name ``{% header_block %}``. Thanks for considering this proposal. * Add Location of Original Twig Template This doc page advises that one can `have a look at the original template to see which blocks can be overridden`, but does not say where the original template can be found. This edit adds that information so that users don't have to resort to searching for keywords (like I just had to). Note that I haven't run any tests as this is a docs-only change.
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{# This file is part of the API Platform project.
(c) Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com>
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code. #}
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% block meta %}
<meta charset="UTF-8">
{% endblock meta %}
<title>{% block title %}{{ swagger_data.spec.info.title }}{% endblock title %}</title>
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ nelmioAsset(assets_mode, 'swagger-ui/swagger-ui.css') }}
{{ nelmioAsset(assets_mode, 'style.css') }}
{% endblock stylesheets %}
{% block swagger_data %}
{# json_encode(65) is for JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_HEX_TAG to avoid JS XSS #}
<script id="swagger-data" type="application/json">{{ swagger_data|json_encode(65)|raw }}</script>
{% endblock swagger_data %}
{% block svg_icons %}
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0">
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="unlocked">
<path d="M15.8 8H14V5.6C14 2.703 12.665 1 10 1 7.334 1 6 2.703 6 5.6V6h2v-.801C8 3.754 8.797 3 10 3c1.203 0 2 .754 2 2.199V8H4c-.553 0-1 .646-1 1.199V17c0 .549.428 1.139.951 1.307l1.197.387C5.672 18.861 6.55 19 7.1 19h5.8c.549 0 1.428-.139 1.951-.307l1.196-.387c.524-.167.953-.757.953-1.306V9.199C17 8.646 16.352 8 15.8 8z"></path>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="locked">
<path d="M15.8 8H14V5.6C14 2.703 12.665 1 10 1 7.334 1 6 2.703 6 5.6V8H4c-.553 0-1 .646-1 1.199V17c0 .549.428 1.139.951 1.307l1.197.387C5.672 18.861 6.55 19 7.1 19h5.8c.549 0 1.428-.139 1.951-.307l1.196-.387c.524-.167.953-.757.953-1.306V9.199C17 8.646 16.352 8 15.8 8zM12 8H8V5.199C8 3.754 8.797 3 10 3c1.203 0 2 .754 2 2.199V8z"></path>
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<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="large-arrow">
<path d="M13.25 10L6.109 2.58c-.268-.27-.268-.707 0-.979.268-.27.701-.27.969 0l7.83 7.908c. 0 .979l-7.83 7.908c-.268.271-.701.27-.969 0-.268-.269-.268-.707 0-.979L13.25 10z"></path>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="large-arrow-down">
<path d="M17.418 6.109c.272-.268.709-.268.979 0s.271.701 0 .969l-7.908 7.83c-.27.268-.707.268-.979 0l-7.908-7.83c-.27-.268-.27-.701 0-.969.271-.268.709-.268.979 0L10 13.25l7.418-7.141z"></path>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="jump-to">
<path d="M19 7v4H5.83l3.58-3.59L8 6l-6 6 6 6 1.41-1.41L5.83 13H21V7z"></path>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="expand">
<path d="M10 18h4v-2h-4v2zM3 6v2h18V6H3zm3 7h12v-2H6v2z"></path>
{% endblock svg_icons %}
{% block header_block %}
{% block header %}
<a id="logo" href="https://github.com/nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle">
<img src="{{ nelmioAsset(assets_mode, 'logo.png') }}" alt="NelmioApiDocBundle">
{% endblock header %}
{% endblock header_block %}
{% block swagger_ui %}
<div id="swagger-ui" class="api-platform"></div>
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ nelmioAsset(assets_mode, 'swagger-ui/swagger-ui-bundle.js') }}
{{ nelmioAsset(assets_mode, 'swagger-ui/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js') }}
{% endblock javascripts %}
{{ nelmioAsset(assets_mode, 'init-swagger-ui.js') }}
{% block swagger_initialization %}
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var swaggerUI = {{ swagger_ui_config|json_encode(65)|raw }};
window.onload = loadSwaggerUI(swaggerUI);
{% endblock swagger_initialization %}