getOperations($api, $route) as $operation) { Util::merge($operation, ['security' => $route->getSchemes()]); $requirements = $route->getRequirements(); $compiledRoute = $route->compile(); $existingParams = $this->getRefParams($api, $operation); // Don't include host requirements foreach ($compiledRoute->getPathVariables() as $pathVariable) { if ('_format' === $pathVariable) { continue; } $paramId = $pathVariable.'/path'; /** @var OA\Parameter $parameter */ $parameter = $existingParams[$paramId] ?? null; if (null !== $parameter) { if (!$parameter->required || OA\UNDEFINED === $parameter->required) { throw new LogicException(\sprintf('Global parameter "%s" is used as part of route "%s" and must be set as "required"', $pathVariable, $route->getPath())); } continue; } $parameter = Util::getOperationParameter($operation, $pathVariable, 'path'); $parameter->required = true; $parameter->schema = Util::getChild($parameter, OA\Schema::class); if (OA\UNDEFINED === $parameter->schema->type) { $parameter->schema->type = 'string'; } if (isset($requirements[$pathVariable]) && OA\UNDEFINED === $parameter->schema->pattern) { $parameter->schema->pattern = $requirements[$pathVariable]; } } } } /** * The '$ref' parameters need special handling, since their objects are missing 'name' and 'in'. * * @return OA\Parameter[] existing $ref parameters */ private function getRefParams(OA\OpenApi $api, OA\Operation $operation): array { /** @var OA\Parameter[] $globalParams */ $globalParams = OA\UNDEFINED !== $api->components->parameters ? $api->components->parameters : []; $existingParams = []; $operationParameters = OA\UNDEFINED !== $operation->parameters ? $operation->parameters : []; /** @var OA\Parameter $parameter */ foreach ($operationParameters as $id => $parameter) { $ref = $parameter->ref; if (OA\UNDEFINED === $ref) { // we only concern ourselves with '$ref' parameters, so continue the loop continue; } $ref = \mb_substr($ref, 24); // trim the '#/components/parameters/' part of ref if (!isset($globalParams[$ref])) { // this shouldn't happen during proper configs, but in case of bad config, just ignore it here continue; } $refParameter = $globalParams[$ref]; // param ids are in form {name}/{in} $existingParams[\sprintf('%s/%s', $refParameter->name, $refParameter->in)] = $refParameter; } return $existingParams; } }