
 * This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle package.
 * (c) Nelmio
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Tests\Model;

use EXSyst\Component\Swagger\Swagger;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Model\Model;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Model\ModelRegistry;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type;

class ModelRegistryTest extends TestCase
    public function testNameAliasingNotAppliedForCollections()
        $alternativeNames = [
            'Foo1' => [
                'type' => self::class,
                'groups' => ['group1'],
        $registry = new ModelRegistry([], new Swagger(), $alternativeNames);
        $type = new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY, false, null, true);

        $this->assertEquals('#/definitions/array', $registry->register(new Model($type, ['group1'])));

     * @dataProvider getNameAlternatives
     * @param $expected
    public function testNameAliasingForObjects(string $expected, $groups, array $alternativeNames)
        $registry = new ModelRegistry([], new Swagger(), $alternativeNames);
        $type = new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT, false, self::class);

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $registry->register(new Model($type, $groups)));

    public function getNameAlternatives()
        return [
                    'Foo1' => [
                        'type' => self::class,
                        'groups' => ['group1'],
                    'Foo1' => [
                        'type' => self::class,
                        'groups' => ['group1'],
                ['group1', 'group2'],
                    'Foo1' => [
                        'type' => self::class,
                        'groups' => ['group1', 'group2'],
                    'Foo1' => [
                        'type' => self::class,
                        'groups' => [],
                    'Foo1' => [
                        'type' => self::class,
                        'groups' => [],

     * @dataProvider unsupportedTypesProvider
    public function testUnsupportedTypeException(Type $type, string $stringType)
        $this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf('Schema of type "%s" can\'t be generated, no describer supports it.', $stringType));

        $registry = new ModelRegistry([], new Swagger());
        $registry->register(new Model($type));

    public function unsupportedTypesProvider()
        return [
            [new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY, false, null, true), 'mixed[]'],
            [new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT, false, self::class), self::class],