factory = $factory; $this->namingStrategy = $namingStrategy; $this->doctrineReader = $reader; $this->mediaTypes = $mediaTypes; $this->useValidationGroups = $useValidationGroups; $this->contextFactory = $contextFactory; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function describe(Model $model, OA\Schema $schema) { $className = $model->getType()->getClassName(); $metadata = $this->factory->getMetadataForClass($className); if (null === $metadata) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No metadata found for class %s.', $className)); } $annotationsReader = new AnnotationsReader( $this->doctrineReader, $this->modelRegistry, $this->mediaTypes, $this->useValidationGroups ); $classResult = $annotationsReader->updateDefinition(new \ReflectionClass($className), $schema); if (!$classResult->shouldDescribeModelProperties()) { return; } $schema->type = 'object'; $isJmsV1 = null !== $this->namingStrategy; $context = $this->getSerializationContext($model); $context->pushClassMetadata($metadata); foreach ($metadata->propertyMetadata as $item) { // filter groups if (null !== $context->getExclusionStrategy() && $context->getExclusionStrategy()->shouldSkipProperty($item, $context)) { continue; } $context->pushPropertyMetadata($item); $name = true === $isJmsV1 ? $this->namingStrategy->translateName($item) : $item->serializedName; // read property options from Swagger Property annotation if it exists $reflections = []; if (true === $isJmsV1 && property_exists($item, 'reflection') && null !== $item->reflection) { $reflections[] = $item->reflection; } elseif (\property_exists($item->class, $item->name)) { $reflections[] = new \ReflectionProperty($item->class, $item->name); } if (null !== $item->getter) { try { $reflections[] = new \ReflectionMethod($item->class, $item->getter); } catch (\ReflectionException $ignored) { } } if (null !== $item->setter) { try { $reflections[] = new \ReflectionMethod($item->class, $item->setter); } catch (\ReflectionException $ignored) { } } $groups = $this->computeGroups($context, $item->type); if (true === $item->inline && isset($item->type['name'])) { // currently array types can not be documented :-/ if (!in_array($item->type['name'], ['array', 'ArrayCollection'], true)) { $inlineModel = new Model(new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT, false, $item->type['name']), $groups); $this->describe($inlineModel, $schema); } $context->popPropertyMetadata(); continue; } foreach ($reflections as $reflection) { $name = $annotationsReader->getPropertyName($reflection, $name); } $property = Util::getProperty($schema, $name); foreach ($reflections as $reflection) { $annotationsReader->updateProperty($reflection, $property, $groups); } if (Generator::UNDEFINED !== $property->type || Generator::UNDEFINED !== $property->ref) { $context->popPropertyMetadata(); continue; } if (null === $item->type) { $key = Util::searchIndexedCollectionItem($schema->properties, 'property', $name); unset($schema->properties[$key]); $context->popPropertyMetadata(); continue; } $this->describeItem($item->type, $property, $context); $context->popPropertyMetadata(); } $context->popClassMetadata(); } /** * @internal */ public function getSerializationContext(Model $model): SerializationContext { if (isset($this->contexts[$model->getHash()])) { $context = $this->contexts[$model->getHash()]; $stack = $context->getMetadataStack(); while (!$stack->isEmpty()) { $stack->pop(); } foreach ($this->metadataStacks[$model->getHash()] as $metadataCopy) { $stack->unshift($metadataCopy); } } else { $context = $this->contextFactory ? $this->contextFactory->createSerializationContext() : SerializationContext::create(); if (null !== $model->getGroups()) { $context->addExclusionStrategy(new GroupsExclusionStrategy($model->getGroups())); } } return $context; } private function computeGroups(Context $context, array $type = null) { if (null === $type || true !== $this->propertyTypeUsesGroups($type)) { return null; } $groupsExclusion = $context->getExclusionStrategy(); if (!($groupsExclusion instanceof GroupsExclusionStrategy)) { return null; } $groups = $groupsExclusion->getGroupsFor($context); if ([GroupsExclusionStrategy::DEFAULT_GROUP] === $groups) { return null; } return $groups; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function supports(Model $model): bool { $className = $model->getType()->getClassName(); try { if ($this->factory->getMetadataForClass($className)) { return true; } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { } return false; } /** * @internal */ public function describeItem(array $type, OA\Schema $property, Context $context) { $nestedTypeInfo = $this->getNestedTypeInArray($type); if (null !== $nestedTypeInfo) { list($nestedType, $isHash) = $nestedTypeInfo; if ($isHash) { $property->type = 'object'; $property->additionalProperties = Util::createChild($property, OA\Property::class); // this is a free form object (as nested array) if ('array' === $nestedType['name'] && !isset($nestedType['params'][0])) { // in the case of a virtual property, set it as free object type $property->additionalProperties = true; return; } $this->describeItem($nestedType, $property->additionalProperties, $context); return; } $property->type = 'array'; $property->items = Util::createChild($property, OA\Items::class); $this->describeItem($nestedType, $property->items, $context); } elseif ('array' === $type['name']) { $property->type = 'object'; $property->additionalProperties = true; } elseif ('string' === $type['name']) { $property->type = 'string'; } elseif (in_array($type['name'], ['bool', 'boolean'], true)) { $property->type = 'boolean'; } elseif (in_array($type['name'], ['int', 'integer'], true)) { $property->type = 'integer'; } elseif (in_array($type['name'], ['double', 'float'], true)) { $property->type = 'number'; $property->format = $type['name']; } elseif (is_subclass_of($type['name'], \DateTimeInterface::class)) { $property->type = 'string'; $property->format = 'date-time'; } else { $groups = $this->computeGroups($context, $type); $model = new Model(new Type(Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT, false, $type['name']), $groups); $modelRef = $this->modelRegistry->register($model); $customFields = (array) $property->jsonSerialize(); unset($customFields['property']); if (empty($customFields)) { // no custom fields $property->ref = $modelRef; } else { $property->allOf = [new OA\Schema(['ref' => $modelRef])]; } $this->contexts[$model->getHash()] = $context; $this->metadataStacks[$model->getHash()] = clone $context->getMetadataStack(); } } private function getNestedTypeInArray(array $type) { if ('array' !== $type['name'] && 'ArrayCollection' !== $type['name']) { return null; } // array if (isset($type['params'][1]['name'])) { return [$type['params'][1], true]; } // array if (isset($type['params'][0]['name'])) { return [$type['params'][0], false]; } return null; } /** * @return bool|null */ private function propertyTypeUsesGroups(array $type) { if (array_key_exists($type['name'], $this->propertyTypeUseGroupsCache)) { return $this->propertyTypeUseGroupsCache[$type['name']]; } try { $metadata = $this->factory->getMetadataForClass($type['name']); foreach ($metadata->propertyMetadata as $item) { if (null !== $item->groups && $item->groups != [GroupsExclusionStrategy::DEFAULT_GROUP]) { $this->propertyTypeUseGroupsCache[$type['name']] = true; return true; } } $this->propertyTypeUseGroupsCache[$type['name']] = false; return false; } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { $this->propertyTypeUseGroupsCache[$type['name']] = null; return null; } } }