* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace NelmioApiDocBundle\Tests\Parser; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\DataTypes; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\DunglasApiParser; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Tests\WebTestCase; /** * @author Kévin Dunglas */ class DunglasApiParserTest extends WebTestCase { protected function setUp() { if (!class_exists('Dunglas\ApiBundle\DunglasApiBundle')) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'DunglasApiBundle is not available.' ); } } public function testParser() { $this->markTestSkipped('Failing because of a change in DunglasApiBundle'); $container = $this->getContainer(); $parser = $container->get('nelmio_api_doc.parser.dunglas_api_parser'); $item = array('class' => DunglasApiParser::OUT_PREFIX.':Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Model\Popo'); $expected = array ( 'foo' => array ( 'required' => false, 'description' => '', 'readonly' => false, 'dataType' => DataTypes::STRING, ), ); $this->assertTrue($parser->supports($item)); $this->assertEquals($expected, $parser->parse($item)); } }