generatorLocator = $generatorLocator; $this->twig = $twig; } public function __invoke(Request $request, $area = 'default') { if (!$this->generatorLocator->has($area)) { $advice = ''; if (false !== strpos($area, '.json')) { $advice = ' Since the area provided contains `.json`, the issue is likely caused by route priorities. Try switching the Swagger UI / the json documentation routes order.'; } throw new BadRequestHttpException(sprintf('Area "%s" is not supported as it isn\'t defined in config.%s', $area, $advice)); } /** @var OpenApi $spec */ $spec = $this->generatorLocator->get($area)->generate(); if ('' !== $request->getBaseUrl()) { $spec->servers = [new Server(['url' => $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$request->getBaseUrl()])]; } return new Response( $this->twig->render( '@NelmioApiDoc/SwaggerUi/index.html.twig', ['swagger_data' => ['spec' => json_decode($spec->toJson(), true)]] ), Response::HTTP_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'text/html'] ); return $response->setCharset('UTF-8'); } }