
##Swagger support##

It is now possible to make your application produce Swagger-compliant JSON output based on `@ApiDoc` annotations, which can be used for consumption by [swagger-ui](

###Annotation options###

A couple of properties has been added to `@ApiDoc`:

To define a __resource description__:


     * @ApiDoc(
     *     resource=true,
     *     resourceDescription="Operations on users.",
     *     description="Retrieve list of users."
     *  )
	public function listUsersAction()
          /* Stuff */


The `resourceDescription` is distinct from `description` as it applies to the whole resource group and not just the particular API endpoint.

#### Defining a form-type as a GET form

If you use forms to capture GET requests, you will have to specify the `paramType` to `query` in the annotation:



 * @ApiDoc(
 *    input = {"class" = "Foo\ContentBundle\Form\SearchType", "paramType" = "query"},
 *   ...
 * )
 public function searchAction(Request $request)

### Multiple response models

Swagger provides you the ability to specify alternate output models for different status codes. Example, `200` would return your default resource object in JSON form, but `400` may return a custom validation error list object. This can be specified through the `responseMap` property:


     * @ApiDoc(
     *     description="Retrieve list of users.",
     *     statusCodes={
     *         400 = "Validation failed."
     *     },
     *     responseMap={
     *     	200 = "FooBundle\Entity\User",
     *         400 = {
     *             "class"="CommonBundle\Model\ValidationErrors",
     *             "parsers"={"Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\JmsMetadataParser"}
     *         }
     *     }
     *  )
	public function updateUserAction()
          /* Stuff */


This will tell Swagger that `CommonBundle\Model\ValidationErrors` is returned when this endpoint returns a `400 Validation failed.` HTTP response.

__Note:__ You can omit the `200` entry in the `responseMap` property and specify the default `output` property instead. That will result on the same thing.

### Integration with `wordnik/swagger-ui`

You could import the routes for use with [`swagger-ui`](


    resource: "@NelmioApiDocBundle/Resources/config/swagger_routing.yml"
    prefix: /api-docs

Et voila!, simply specify in your `swagger-ui` instance and you are good to go.

__Note__: If your `swagger-ui` instance does not live under the same domain, you will probably encounter some problems related to same-origin policy violations. [NelmioCorsBundle]( can solve this problem for you. Read through how to allow cross-site requests for the `/api-docs/*` pages.

### Dumping the Swagger-compliant JSON API definitions

To display all JSON definitions:

php app/console api:swagger:dump

To dump just the resource list:

php app/console api:swagger:dump --list-only

To dump just the API definition the `users` resource:

php app/console api:swagger:dump --resource=users

Specify the `--pretty` flag to display a prettified JSON output.

#### Dump to files

You can specify the destination if you wish to dump the JSON definition to a file:

php app/console api:swagger:dump --list-only swagger-docs/api-docs.json
php app/console api:swagger:dump --resource=users swagger-docs/users.json

Or, you can dump everything into a directory in one command:

php app/console api:swagger:dump swagger-docs

### Model naming

By default, the model naming strategy used is the `dot_notation` strategy. The model IDs are simply the Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN) of the class associated to it, with the `\` replaced with `.`:

`Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => Vendor.UserBundle.Entity.User`

You can also change the `model_naming_strategy` in the configuration to `last_segment_only`, if you want model IDs to be just the class name minus the namespaces (`Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => User`). This will not afford you the guarantee that model IDs are unique, but that would really just depend on the classes you have in use.

##Configuration reference

        api_base_path:        /api
        swagger_version:      1.2
        model_naming_strategy: dot_notation
        api_version:          0.1
            title:                Symfony2
            description:          My awesome Symfony2 app!
            TermsOfServiceUrl:    ~
            contact:              ~
            license:              ~
            licenseUrl:           ~