<?php /* * This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle. * * (c) Nelmio <hello@nelm.io> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Extractor\AnnotationsProvider; use Dunglas\ApiBundle\Api\Operation\OperationInterface; use Dunglas\ApiBundle\Api\ResourceCollectionInterface; use Dunglas\ApiBundle\Api\ResourceInterface; use Dunglas\ApiBundle\Hydra\ApiDocumentationBuilderInterface; use Dunglas\ApiBundle\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactoryInterface; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Extractor\AnnotationsProviderInterface; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\DunglasApiParser; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; /** * Creates ApiDoc annotations for DunglasApiBundle. * * @author Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com> */ class DunglasApiProvider implements AnnotationsProviderInterface { /** * @var ResourceCollectionInterface */ private $resourceCollection; /** * @var ApiDocumentationBuilderInterface */ private $apiDocumentationBuilder; /** * @var ClassMetadataFactoryInterface */ private $classMetadataFactory; public function __construct( ResourceCollectionInterface $resourceCollection, ApiDocumentationBuilderInterface $apiDocumentationBuilder, ClassMetadataFactoryInterface $classMetadataFactory ) { $this->resourceCollection = $resourceCollection; $this->apiDocumentationBuilder = $apiDocumentationBuilder; $this->classMetadataFactory = $classMetadataFactory; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getAnnotations() { $annotations = []; $hydraDoc = $this->apiDocumentationBuilder->getApiDocumentation(); $entrypointHydraDoc = $this->getResourceHydraDoc($hydraDoc, '#Entrypoint'); /** * @var ResourceInterface */ foreach ($this->resourceCollection as $resource) { $classMetadata = $this->classMetadataFactory->getMetadataFor($resource->getEntityClass()); $prefixedShortName = ($iri = $classMetadata->getIri()) ? $iri : '#'.$resource->getShortName(); $resourceHydraDoc = $this->getResourceHydraDoc($hydraDoc, $prefixedShortName); if ($hydraDoc) { foreach ($resource->getCollectionOperations() as $operation) { $annotations[] = $this->getApiDoc(true, $resource, $operation, $resourceHydraDoc, $entrypointHydraDoc); } foreach ($resource->getItemOperations() as $operation) { $annotations[] = $this->getApiDoc(false, $resource, $operation, $resourceHydraDoc); } } } return $annotations; } /** * Builds ApiDoc annotation from DunglasApiBundle data. * * @param bool $collection * @param ResourceInterface $resource * @param OperationInterface $operation * @param array $resourceHydraDoc * @param array $entrypointHydraDoc * * @return ApiDoc */ private function getApiDoc( $collection, ResourceInterface $resource, OperationInterface $operation, array $resourceHydraDoc, array $entrypointHydraDoc = [] ) { $method = $operation->getRoute()->getMethods()[0]; if ($collection) { $operationHydraDoc = $this->getCollectionOperationHydraDoc($resource->getShortName(), $method, $entrypointHydraDoc); } else { $operationHydraDoc = $this->getOperationHydraDoc($operation->getRoute()->getMethods()[0], $resourceHydraDoc); } $route = $operation->getRoute(); $data = [ 'resource' => $route->getPath(), 'description' => $operationHydraDoc['hydra:title'], 'resourceDescription' => $resourceHydraDoc['hydra:title'], 'section' => $resourceHydraDoc['hydra:title'], ]; $entityClass = $resource->getEntityClass(); if (isset($operationHydraDoc['expects']) && 'owl:Nothing' !== $operationHydraDoc['expects']) { $data['input'] = sprintf('%s:%s', DunglasApiParser::IN_PREFIX, $entityClass); } if (isset($operationHydraDoc['returns']) && 'owl:Nothing' !== $operationHydraDoc['returns']) { $data['output'] = sprintf('%s:%s', DunglasApiParser::OUT_PREFIX, $entityClass); } if (Request::METHOD_GET === $method && $collection) { $data['filters'] = []; foreach ($resource->getFilters() as $filter) { foreach ($filter->getDescription($resource) as $name => $definition) { $data['filters'][] = ['name' => $name] + $definition; } } } $apiDoc = new ApiDoc($data); $apiDoc->setRoute($route); return $apiDoc; } /** * Gets Hydra documentation for the given resource. * * @param array $hydraApiDoc * @param string $prefixedShortName * * @return array|null */ private function getResourceHydraDoc(array $hydraApiDoc, $prefixedShortName) { foreach ($hydraApiDoc['hydra:supportedClass'] as $supportedClass) { if ($supportedClass['@id'] === $prefixedShortName) { return $supportedClass; } } } /** * Gets the Hydra documentation of a given operation. * * @param string $method * @param array $hydraDoc * * @return array|null */ private function getOperationHydraDoc($method, array $hydraDoc) { foreach ($hydraDoc['hydra:supportedOperation'] as $supportedOperation) { if ($supportedOperation['hydra:method'] === $method) { return $supportedOperation; } } } /** * Gets the Hydra documentation for the collection operation. * * @param string $shortName * @param string $method * @param array $hydraEntrypointDoc * * @return array|null */ private function getCollectionOperationHydraDoc($shortName, $method, array $hydraEntrypointDoc) { $propertyName = '#Entrypoint/'.lcfirst($shortName); foreach ($hydraEntrypointDoc['hydra:supportedProperty'] as $supportedProperty) { $hydraProperty = $supportedProperty['hydra:property']; if ($hydraProperty['@id'] === $propertyName) { return $this->getOperationHydraDoc($method, $hydraProperty); } } } }