NelmioApiDocBundle ================== The **NelmioApiDocBundle** bundle allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs. Installation ------------ Require the `nelmio/api-doc-bundle` package in your composer.json and update your dependencies. $ composer require nelmio/api-doc-bundle Register the bundle in `app/AppKernel.php`: ``` php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\NelmioApiDocBundle(), ); } ``` Import the routing definition in `routing.yml`: ```yaml # app/config/routing.yml NelmioApiDocBundle: resource: "@NelmioApiDocBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /api/doc ``` Enable the bundle's configuration in `app/config/config.yml`: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: ~ ``` Usage ----- The main problem with documentation is to keep it up to date. That's why the **NelmioApiDocBundle** uses introspection a lot. Thanks to an annotation, it's really easy to document an API method. ### The ApiDoc() Annotation The bundle provides an `ApiDoc()` annotation for your controllers: ``` php add('note', null, array( 'description' => 'this is a note', )); // ... } } ``` The bundle will also get information from the routing definition (`requirements`, `pattern`, etc), so to get the best out of it you should define strict _method requirements etc. ### Other Bundle Annotations Also bundle will get information from the other annotations: * @FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RequestParam - use as `parameters` * @FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\QueryParam - use as `requirements` (when strict parameter is true), `filters` (when strict is false) * @JMS\SecurityExtraBundle\Annotation\Secure - set `authentication` to true, `authenticationRoles` to the given roles * @Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Cache - set `cache` ### PHPDoc Route functions marked as @deprecated will be set method as deprecation in documentation. #### JMS Serializer Features The bundle has support for some of the JMS Serializer features and use these extra information in the generated documentation. ##### Group Exclusion Strategy If your classes use [JMS Group Exclusion Strategy](, you can specify which groups to use when generating the documentation by using this syntax : ``` input={ "class"="Acme\Bundle\Entity\User", "groups"={"update", "public"} } ``` In this case the groups 'update' and 'public' are used. This feature also works for the `output` property. ##### Versioning Objects If your `output` classes use [versioning capabilities of JMS Serializer](, the versioning information will be automatically used when generating the documentation. #### Form Types Features Even if you use `FormFactoryInterface::createNamed('', 'your_form_type')` the documentation will generate the form type name as the prefix for inputs (`your_form_type[param]` ... instead of just `param`). You can specify which prefix to use with the `name` key in the `input` section: ``` input = { "class" = "your_form_type", "name" = "" } ``` #### Used Parsers By default, all registered parsers are used, but sometimes you may want to define which parsers you want to use. The `parsers` attribute is used to configure a list of parsers that will be used: ``` output={ "class" = "Acme\Bundle\Entity\User", "parsers" = { "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\JmsMetadataParser", "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\ValidationParser" } } ``` In this case the parsers `JmsMetadataParser` and `ValidationParser` are used to generate returned data. This feature also works for both the `input` and `output` properties. ### Web Interface You can browse the whole documentation at: ``. ![]( ![]( ### On-The-Fly Documentation By calling an URL with the parameter `?_doc=1`, you will get the corresponding documentation if available. ### Sandbox This bundle provides a sandbox mode in order to test API methods. You can configure this sandbox using the following parameters: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: sandbox: authentication: # default is `~` (`null`), if set, the sandbox automatically # send authenticated requests using the configured `delivery` name: access_token # access token name or query parameter name or header name delivery: http # `query`, `http`, and `header` are supported # Required if http delivery is selected. type: basic # `basic`, `bearer` are supported custom_endpoint: true # default is `false`, if `true`, your user will be able to # specify its own endpoint enabled: true # default is `true`, you can set this parameter to `false` # to disable the sandbox endpoint: # default is `/app_dev.php`, use this parameter # to define which URL to call through the sandbox accept_type: application/json # default is `~` (`null`), if set, the value is # automatically populated as the `Accept` header body_format: formats: [ form, json ] # array of enabled body formats, # remove all elements to disable the selectbox default_format: form # default is `form`, determines whether to send # `x-www-form-urlencoded` data or json-encoded # data (by setting this parameter to `json`) in # sandbox requests request_format: formats: # default is `json` and `xml`, json: application/json # override to add custom formats or disable xml: application/xml # the default formats method: format_param # default is `format_param`, alternately `accept_header`, # decides how to request the response format default_format: json # default is `json`, # default content format to request (see formats) ``` ### Command A command is provided in order to dump the documentation in `json`, `markdown`, or `html`. php app/console api:doc:dump [--format="..."] The `--format` option allows to choose the format (default is: `markdown`). For example to generate a static version of your documentation you can use: php app/console api:doc:dump --format=html > api.html By default, the generated HTML will add the sandbox feature if you didn't disable it in the configuration. If you want to generate a static version of your documentation without sandbox, use the `--no-sandbox` option. ### Swagger support Read the [documentation for Swagger integration]( for the necessary steps to make a Swagger-compliant documentation for your API. ### Caching It is a good idea to enable the internal caching mechanism on production: # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: cache: enabled: true ### Route versions You can define version for the API routes: ```yml api_v3_products_list: pattern: /api/v3/products.{_format} defaults: { _controller: NelmioApiDocTestBundle:Test:routeVersion, _format: json, _version: "3.0" } requirements: _method: GET api_v1_orders: resource: "@AcmeOrderBundle/Resources/config/routing/orders_v1.yml" defaults: { _version: "1.0" } prefix: /api/v1/orders ``` And generate documentation for specific version by the command: php app/console api:doc:dump --format=html --api-version=3.0 > api.html Or by adding `?_version={version}` to API documentation page URL. Configuration In-Depth ---------------------- You can specify your own API name: ``` # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: name: My API ``` You can choose between different authentication methods: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: authentication: delivery: header name: X-Custom # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: authentication: delivery: query name: param # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: authentication: delivery: http type: basic # or bearer ``` When choosing an `http` delivery, `name` defaults to `Authorization`, and the header value will automatically be prefixed by the corresponding type (ie. `Basic` or `Bearer`). You can specify which sections to exclude from the documentation generation: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: exclude_sections: ["privateapi", "testapi"] ``` The bundle provides a way to register multiple `input` parsers. The first parser that can handle the specified input is used, so you can configure their priorities via container tags. Here's an example parser service registration: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml services: mybundle.api_doc.extractor.custom_parser: class: MyBundle\Parser\CustomDocParser tags: - { name: nelmio_api_doc.extractor.parser, priority: 2 } ``` You can also define your own motd content (above methods list). All you have to do is add to configuration: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: # ... motd: template: AcmeApiBundle::Components/motd.html.twig ``` You can define an alternate location where the ApiDoc configurations are to be cached: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml nelmio_api_doc: cache: enabled: true file: "/tmp/symfony-app/%kernel.environment%/api-doc.cache" ``` ### Using Your Own Annotations If you have developed your own project-related annotations, and you want to parse them to populate the `ApiDoc`, you can provide custom handlers as services. You just have to implement the `Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Extractor\HandlerInterface` and tag it as `nelmio_api_doc.extractor.handler`: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml services: mybundle.api_doc.extractor.my_annotation_handler: class: MyBundle\AnnotationHandler\MyAnnotationHandler tags: - { name: nelmio_api_doc.extractor.handler } ``` Look at the built-in [Handlers]( ### Reference Configuration ``` yaml nelmio_api_doc: name: 'API documentation' exclude_sections: [] default_sections_opened: true motd: template: 'NelmioApiDocBundle::Components/motd.html.twig' request_listener: enabled: true parameter: _doc sandbox: enabled: true endpoint: null accept_type: null body_format: formats: # Defaults: - form - json default_format: ~ # One of "form"; "json" request_format: formats: # Defaults: json: application/json xml: application/xml method: ~ # One of "format_param"; "accept_header" default_format: json authentication: delivery: ~ # Required name: ~ # Required # Required if http delivery is selected. type: ~ # One of "basic"; "bearer" custom_endpoint: false swagger: api_base_path: /api swagger_version: '1.2' api_version: '0.1' info: title: Symfony2 description: 'My awesome Symfony2 app!' TermsOfServiceUrl: null contact: null license: null licenseUrl: null cache: enabled: false file: '%kernel.cache_dir%/api-doc.cache' ```