propertyInfo = $propertyInfo; $this->annotationsReader = new AnnotationsReader($reader); } public function describe(Model $model, Schema $schema) { $schema->setType('object'); $properties = $schema->getProperties(); $class = $model->getType()->getClassName(); $context = []; if (null !== $model->getGroups()) { $context = ['serializer_groups' => $model->getGroups()]; } $this->annotationsReader->updateDefinition(new \ReflectionClass($class), $schema); $propertyInfoProperties = $this->propertyInfo->getProperties($class, $context); if (null === $propertyInfoProperties) { return; } foreach ($propertyInfoProperties as $propertyName) { $property = $properties->get($propertyName); // read property options from Swagger Property annotation if it exists if (property_exists($class, $propertyName)) { $this->annotationsReader->updateProperty( new \ReflectionProperty($class, $propertyName), $property ); } // If type manually defined if (null !== $property->getType()) { continue; } $types = $this->propertyInfo->getTypes($class, $propertyName); if (null === $types || 0 === count($types)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The PropertyInfo component was not able to guess the type of %s::$%s', $class, $propertyName)); } if (count($types) > 1) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Property %s::$%s defines more than one type.', $class, $propertyName)); } $type = $types[0]; if (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY === $type->getBuiltinType()) { $type = $type->getCollectionValueType(); if (null === $type) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Property "%s:%s" is an array, but no indication of the array elements are made. Use e.g. string[] for an array of string.', $class, $propertyName)); } $property->setType('array'); $property = $property->getItems(); } if (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_STRING === $type->getBuiltinType()) { $property->setType('string'); } elseif (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_BOOL === $type->getBuiltinType()) { $property->setType('boolean'); } elseif (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_INT === $type->getBuiltinType()) { $property->setType('integer'); } elseif (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_FLOAT === $type->getBuiltinType()) { $property->setType('number'); $property->setFormat('float'); } elseif (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT === $type->getBuiltinType()) { if (in_array($type->getClassName(), ['DateTime', 'DateTimeImmutable'])) { $property->setType('string'); $property->setFormat('date-time'); } else { $property->setRef( $this->modelRegistry->register(new Model($type, $model->getGroups())) ); } } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown type: %s', $type->getBuiltinType())); } } } public function supports(Model $model): bool { return Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT === $model->getType()->getBuiltinType(); } }