annotationsReader = $annotationsReader; $this->useValidationGroups = $useValidationGroups; } /** * Update the given property and schema with defined Symfony constraints. * * @param \ReflectionProperty|\ReflectionMethod $reflection */ public function updateProperty($reflection, OA\Property $property, ?array $validationGroups = null): void { foreach ($this->getAnnotations($reflection, $validationGroups) as $outerAnnotation) { $innerAnnotations = $outerAnnotation instanceof Assert\Compound || $outerAnnotation instanceof Assert\Sequentially ? $outerAnnotation->constraints : [$outerAnnotation]; $this->processPropertyAnnotations($reflection, $property, $innerAnnotations); } } private function processPropertyAnnotations($reflection, OA\Property $property, $annotations) { foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation instanceof Assert\NotBlank || $annotation instanceof Assert\NotNull) { // To support symfony/validator < 4.3 if ($annotation instanceof Assert\NotBlank && \property_exists($annotation, 'allowNull') && $annotation->allowNull) { // The field is optional return; } // The field is required if (null === $this->schema) { return; } $propertyName = $this->getSchemaPropertyName($property); if (null === $propertyName) { return; } $existingRequiredFields = Generator::UNDEFINED !== $this->schema->required ? $this->schema->required : []; $existingRequiredFields[] = $propertyName; $this->schema->required = array_values(array_unique($existingRequiredFields)); } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\Length) { if (isset($annotation->min)) { $property->minLength = (int) $annotation->min; } if (isset($annotation->max)) { $property->maxLength = (int) $annotation->max; } } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\Regex) { $this->appendPattern($property, $annotation->getHtmlPattern()); } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\Count) { if (isset($annotation->min)) { $property->minItems = (int) $annotation->min; } if (isset($annotation->max)) { $property->maxItems = (int) $annotation->max; } } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\Choice) { $this->applyEnumFromChoiceConstraint($property, $annotation, $reflection); } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\Range) { if (isset($annotation->min)) { $property->minimum = (int) $annotation->min; } if (isset($annotation->max)) { $property->maximum = (int) $annotation->max; } } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\LessThan) { $property->exclusiveMaximum = true; $property->maximum = (int) $annotation->value; } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\LessThanOrEqual) { $property->maximum = (int) $annotation->value; } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\GreaterThan) { $property->exclusiveMinimum = true; $property->minimum = (int) $annotation->value; } elseif ($annotation instanceof Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual) { $property->minimum = (int) $annotation->value; } } } public function setSchema($schema): void { $this->schema = $schema; } /** * Get assigned property name for property schema. */ private function getSchemaPropertyName(OA\Schema $property): ?string { if (null === $this->schema) { return null; } foreach ($this->schema->properties as $schemaProperty) { if ($schemaProperty === $property) { return Generator::UNDEFINED !== $schemaProperty->property ? $schemaProperty->property : null; } } return null; } /** * Append the pattern from the constraint to the existing pattern. */ private function appendPattern(OA\Schema $property, $newPattern): void { if (null === $newPattern) { return; } if (Generator::UNDEFINED !== $property->pattern) { $property->pattern = sprintf('%s, %s', $property->pattern, $newPattern); } else { $property->pattern = $newPattern; } } /** * @param \ReflectionProperty|\ReflectionMethod $reflection */ private function applyEnumFromChoiceConstraint(OA\Schema $property, Assert\Choice $choice, $reflection): void { if ($choice->callback) { $enumValues = call_user_func(is_array($choice->callback) ? $choice->callback : [$reflection->class, $choice->callback]); } else { $enumValues = $choice->choices; } $setEnumOnThis = $property; if ($choice->multiple) { $setEnumOnThis = Util::getChild($property, OA\Items::class); } $setEnumOnThis->enum = array_values($enumValues); } /** * @param \ReflectionProperty|\ReflectionMethod $reflection */ private function getAnnotations($reflection, ?array $validationGroups): iterable { foreach ($this->locateAnnotations($reflection) as $annotation) { if (!$annotation instanceof Constraint) { continue; } if (!$this->useValidationGroups || $this->isConstraintInGroup($annotation, $validationGroups)) { yield $annotation; } } } /** * @param \ReflectionProperty|\ReflectionMethod $reflection */ private function locateAnnotations($reflection): \Traversable { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && class_exists(Constraint::class)) { foreach ($reflection->getAttributes(Constraint::class, \ReflectionAttribute::IS_INSTANCEOF) as $attribute) { yield $attribute->newInstance(); } } if ($reflection instanceof \ReflectionProperty) { yield from $this->annotationsReader->getPropertyAnnotations($reflection); } elseif ($reflection instanceof \ReflectionMethod) { yield from $this->annotationsReader->getMethodAnnotations($reflection); } } /** * Check to see if the given constraint is in the provided serialization groups. * * If no groups are provided the validator would run in the Constraint::DEFAULT_GROUP, * and constraints without any `groups` passed to them would be in that same * default group. So even with a null $validationGroups passed here there still * has to be a check on the default group. */ private function isConstraintInGroup(Constraint $annotation, ?array $validationGroups): bool { return count(array_intersect( $validationGroups ?: [Constraint::DEFAULT_GROUP], (array) $annotation->groups )) > 0; } }