NelmioApiDocBundle =================== ##Swagger support## It is now possible to make your application produce Swagger-compliant JSON output based on `@ApiDoc` annotations, which can be used for consumption by [swagger-ui]( ###Annotation options### A couple of properties has been added to `@ApiDoc`: To define a __resource description__: ```php Vendor.UserBundle.Entity.User` You can also change the `model_naming_strategy` in the configuration to `last_segment_only`, if you want model IDs to be just the class name minus the namespaces (`Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => User`). This will not afford you the guarantee that model IDs are unique, but that would really just depend on the classes you have in use. ##Configuration reference ```yml nelmio_api_doc: swagger: api_base_path: /api swagger_version: 1.2 model_naming_strategy: dot_notation api_version: 0.1 info: title: Symfony2 description: My awesome Symfony2 app! TermsOfServiceUrl: ~ contact: ~ license: ~ licenseUrl: ~ ```