propertyInfo = $propertyInfo; $this->doctrineReader = $reader; $this->propertyDescribers = $propertyDescribers; $this->nameConverter = $nameConverter; } public function describe(Model $model, Schema $schema) { $schema->setType('object'); $properties = $schema->getProperties(); $class = $model->getType()->getClassName(); $context = ['serializer_groups' => null]; // Use the SerializerExtractor with no groups check (sf >= 5.1) if (null !== $model->getGroups()) { $context['serializer_groups'] = array_filter($model->getGroups(), 'is_string'); } $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($class); $annotationsReader = new AnnotationsReader($this->doctrineReader, $this->modelRegistry); $annotationsReader->updateDefinition($reflClass, $schema); $propertyInfoProperties = $this->propertyInfo->getProperties($class, $context); if (null === $propertyInfoProperties) { return; } foreach ($propertyInfoProperties as $propertyName) { $serializedName = null !== $this->nameConverter ? $this->nameConverter->normalize($propertyName, $class, null, null !== $model->getGroups() ? ['groups' => $model->getGroups()] : []) : $propertyName; $reflections = $this->getReflections($reflClass, $propertyName); // Check if a custom name is set foreach ($reflections as $reflection) { $serializedName = $annotationsReader->getPropertyName($reflection, $serializedName); } $property = $properties->get($serializedName); // Interpret additional options $groups = $model->getGroups(); if (isset($groups[$propertyName]) && is_array($groups[$propertyName])) { $groups = $model->getGroups()[$propertyName]; } foreach ($reflections as $reflection) { $annotationsReader->updateProperty($reflection, $property, $groups); } // If type manually defined if (null !== $property->getType() || null !== $property->getRef()) { continue; } $types = $this->propertyInfo->getTypes($class, $propertyName); if (null === $types || 0 === count($types)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The PropertyInfo component was not able to guess the type of %s::$%s. You may need to add a `@var` annotation or use `@SWG\Property(type="")` to make its type explicit.', $class, $propertyName)); } if (count($types) > 1) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Property %s::$%s defines more than one type. You can specify the one that should be documented using `@SWG\Property(type="")`.', $class, $propertyName)); } $type = $types[0]; $this->describeProperty($type, $model, $property, $propertyName); } } /** * @return \ReflectionProperty[]|\ReflectionMethod[] */ private function getReflections(\ReflectionClass $reflClass, string $propertyName): array { $reflections = []; if ($reflClass->hasProperty($propertyName)) { $reflections[] = $reflClass->getProperty($propertyName); } $camelProp = $this->camelize($propertyName); foreach (['', 'get', 'is', 'has', 'can', 'add', 'remove', 'set'] as $prefix) { if ($reflClass->hasMethod($prefix.$camelProp)) { $reflections[] = $reflClass->getMethod($prefix.$camelProp); } } return $reflections; } /** * Camelizes a given string. */ private function camelize(string $string): string { return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $string))); } private function describeProperty(Type $type, Model $model, Schema $property, string $propertyName) { foreach ($this->propertyDescribers as $propertyDescriber) { if ($propertyDescriber instanceof ModelRegistryAwareInterface) { $propertyDescriber->setModelRegistry($this->modelRegistry); } if ($propertyDescriber->supports($type)) { try { $propertyDescriber->describe($type, $property, $model->getGroups()); } catch (UndocumentedArrayItemsException $e) { if (null !== $e->getClass()) { throw $e; // This exception is already complete } throw new UndocumentedArrayItemsException($model->getType()->getClassName(), sprintf('%s%s', $propertyName, $e->getPath())); } return; } } throw new \Exception(sprintf('Type "%s" is not supported in %s::$%s. You may use the `@SWG\Property(type="")` annotation to specify it manually.', $type->getBuiltinType(), $model->getType()->getClassName(), $propertyName)); } public function supports(Model $model): bool { return Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT === $model->getType()->getBuiltinType() && class_exists($model->getType()->getClassName()); } }