<?php /* * This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle package. * * (c) Nelmio * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Describer; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader; use EXSyst\Component\Swagger\Swagger; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\Operation; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\SwaggerPhp\AddDefaults; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\SwaggerPhp\ModelRegister; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Util\ControllerReflector; use Swagger\Analysis; use Swagger\Annotations\AbstractAnnotation; use Swagger\Annotations as SWG; use Swagger\Context; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection; final class SwaggerPhpDescriber extends ExternalDocDescriber implements ModelRegistryAwareInterface { use ModelRegistryAwareTrait; private $routeCollection; private $controllerReflector; private $annotationReader; public function __construct(RouteCollection $routeCollection, ControllerReflector $controllerReflector, Reader $annotationReader, bool $overwrite = false) { $this->routeCollection = $routeCollection; $this->controllerReflector = $controllerReflector; $this->annotationReader = $annotationReader; parent::__construct(function () { $analysis = $this->getAnnotations(); $analysis->process($this->getProcessors()); $analysis->validate(); return json_decode(json_encode($analysis->swagger)); }, $overwrite); } private function getProcessors(): array { $processors = [ new AddDefaults(), new ModelRegister($this->modelRegistry), ]; return array_merge($processors, Analysis::processors()); } private function getAnnotations(): Analysis { $analysis = new Analysis(); $operationAnnotations = [ 'get' => SWG\Get::class, 'post' => SWG\Post::class, 'put' => SWG\Put::class, 'patch' => SWG\Patch::class, 'delete' => SWG\Delete::class, 'options' => SWG\Options::class, 'head' => SWG\Head::class, ]; foreach ($this->getMethodsToParse() as $method => list($path, $httpMethods)) { $annotations = array_filter($this->annotationReader->getMethodAnnotations($method), function ($v) { return $v instanceof SWG\AbstractAnnotation; }); if (0 === count($annotations)) { continue; } $declaringClass = $method->getDeclaringClass(); $context = new Context([ 'namespace' => $method->getNamespaceName(), 'class' => $declaringClass->getShortName(), 'method' => $method->name, 'filename' => $method->getFileName(), ]); $nestedContext = clone $context; $nestedContext->nested = true; $implicitAnnotations = []; $tags = []; foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { $annotation->_context = $context; $this->updateNestedAnnotations($annotation, $nestedContext); if ($annotation instanceof Operation) { foreach ($httpMethods as $httpMethod) { $annotationClass = $operationAnnotations[$httpMethod]; $operation = new $annotationClass(['_context' => $context]); $operation->path = $path; $operation->mergeProperties($annotation); $analysis->addAnnotation($operation, null); } continue; } if ($annotation instanceof SWG\Operation) { if (null === $annotation->path) { $annotation = clone $annotation; $annotation->path = $path; } $analysis->addAnnotation($annotation, null); continue; } if ($annotation instanceof SWG\Tag) { $annotation->validate(); $tags[] = $annotation->name; continue; } if (!$annotation instanceof SWG\Response && !$annotation instanceof SWG\Parameter && !$annotation instanceof SWG\ExternalDocumentation) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Using the annotation "%s" as a root annotation in "%s::%s()" is not allowed.', get_class($annotation), $method->getDeclaringClass()->name, $method->name)); } $implicitAnnotations[] = $annotation; } if (0 === count($implicitAnnotations) && 0 === count($tags)) { continue; } foreach ($httpMethods as $httpMethod) { $annotationClass = $operationAnnotations[$httpMethod]; $operation = new $annotationClass(['_context' => $context, 'path' => $path, 'value' => $implicitAnnotations, 'tags' => $tags]); $analysis->addAnnotation($operation, null); } } return $analysis; } private function getMethodsToParse(): \Generator { foreach ($this->routeCollection->all() as $route) { if (!$route->hasDefault('_controller')) { continue; } $controller = $route->getDefault('_controller'); if ($callable = $this->controllerReflector->getReflectionClassAndMethod($controller)) { list($class, $method) = $callable; $path = $this->normalizePath($route->getPath()); $httpMethods = $route->getMethods() ?: Swagger::$METHODS; $httpMethods = array_map('strtolower', $httpMethods); yield $method => [$path, $httpMethods]; } } } private function normalizePath(string $path): string { if ('.{_format}' === substr($path, -10)) { $path = substr($path, 0, -10); } return $path; } private function updateNestedAnnotations($value, Context $context) { if ($value instanceof AbstractAnnotation) { $value->_context = $context; } elseif (!is_array($value)) { return; } foreach ($value as $v) { $this->updateNestedAnnotations($v, $context); } } }