* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Model; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; class ValidatorTest { /** * @Assert\Length(min=10); */ public $length10 = 'validate this'; /** * @Assert\Length(min=1, max=10) */ public $length1to10; /** * @Assert\NotBlank() */ public $notblank; /** * @Assert\NotNull() */ public $notnull; /** * @Assert\Type("DateTime"); */ public $type; /** * @Assert\Date(); */ public $date; /** * @Assert\DateTime(); */ public $dateTime; /** * @Assert\Time(); */ public $time; /** * @Assert\Email() */ public $email; /** * @Assert\Url() */ public $url = 'https://github.com'; /** * @Assert\Ip() */ public $ip; /** * @Assert\Choice(choices={"a", "b"}) */ public $singlechoice; /** * @Assert\Choice(choices={"x", "y", "z"}, multiple=true) */ public $multiplechoice; /** * @Assert\Choice(choices={"foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"}, multiple=true, min=2, max=3) */ public $multiplerangechoice; /** * @Assert\Regex(pattern="/^\d{1,4}\w{1,4}$/") */ public $regexmatch; /** * @Assert\Regex(pattern="/\d/", match=false) */ public $regexnomatch; /** * @Assert\NotNull() * @Assert\Type("string") * @Assert\Email() */ public $multipleassertions; /** * @Assert\Url() * @Assert\Length(min=10) */ public $multipleformats; }