Multiple API Documentation ("Views")

* [Accessing Specific API Views](#accessing-specific-api-views)


With the `views` tag in the `@ApiDoc` annotation, it is possible to create
different views of your API documentation. Without the tag, all methods are
located in the `default` view, and can be found under the normal API
documentation url.

You can specify one or more _view_ names under which the method will be

An example:

     * A resource
     * @ApiDoc(
     *  resource=true,
     *  description="This is a description of your API method",
     *  views = { "default", "premium" }
     * )
    public function getAction()

     * Another resource
     * @ApiDoc(
     *  resource=true,
     *  description="This is a description of another API method",
     *  views = { "premium" }
     * )
    public function getAnotherAction()

In this case, only the first resource will be available under the default view,
while both methods will be available under the `premium` view.

#### Accessing Specific API Views

The `default` view can be found at the normal location. Other views can be
found at `http://your.documentation/<view name>`.

For instance, if your documentation is located at:

then the `premium` view will be located at:


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