<?php /* * This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle package. * * (c) Nelmio * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\RouteDescriber; use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader; use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\QueryParam; use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RequestParam; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp\Util; use OpenApi\Annotations as OA; use OpenApi\Generator; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DateTime; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Regex; final class FosRestDescriber implements RouteDescriberInterface { use RouteDescriberTrait; /** @var Reader */ private $annotationReader; /** @var string[] */ private $mediaTypes; public function __construct(Reader $annotationReader, array $mediaTypes) { $this->annotationReader = $annotationReader; $this->mediaTypes = $mediaTypes; } public function describe(OA\OpenApi $api, Route $route, \ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod) { $annotations = $this->annotationReader->getMethodAnnotations($reflectionMethod); $annotations = array_filter($annotations, static function ($value) { return $value instanceof RequestParam || $value instanceof QueryParam; }); $annotations = array_merge($annotations, $this->getAttributesAsAnnotation($reflectionMethod, RequestParam::class)); $annotations = array_merge($annotations, $this->getAttributesAsAnnotation($reflectionMethod, QueryParam::class)); foreach ($this->getOperations($api, $route) as $operation) { foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { $parameterName = $annotation->key ?? $annotation->getName(); // the key used by fosrest if ($annotation instanceof QueryParam) { $name = $parameterName.($annotation->map ? '[]' : ''); $parameter = Util::getOperationParameter($operation, $name, 'query'); $parameter->allowEmptyValue = $annotation->nullable && $annotation->allowBlank; $parameter->required = !$annotation->nullable && $annotation->strict; if (Generator::UNDEFINED === $parameter->description) { $parameter->description = $annotation->description; } if ($annotation->map) { $parameter->explode = true; } $schema = Util::getChild($parameter, OA\Schema::class); $this->describeCommonSchemaFromAnnotation($schema, $annotation); } else { /** @var OA\RequestBody $requestBody */ $requestBody = Util::getChild($operation, OA\RequestBody::class); foreach ($this->mediaTypes as $mediaType) { $contentSchema = $this->getContentSchemaForType($requestBody, $mediaType); $schema = Util::getProperty($contentSchema, $parameterName); if (!$annotation->nullable && $annotation->strict) { $requiredParameters = is_array($contentSchema->required) ? $contentSchema->required : []; $requiredParameters[] = $parameterName; $contentSchema->required = array_values(array_unique($requiredParameters)); } $this->describeCommonSchemaFromAnnotation($schema, $annotation); } } } } } private function getPattern($requirements) { if (is_array($requirements) && isset($requirements['rule'])) { return (string) $requirements['rule']; } if (is_string($requirements)) { return $requirements; } if ($requirements instanceof Regex) { return $requirements->getHtmlPattern(); } return null; } private function getFormat($requirements) { if ($requirements instanceof Constraint && !$requirements instanceof Regex) { if ($requirements instanceof DateTime) { // As defined per RFC3339 if (\DateTime::RFC3339 === $requirements->format || 'c' === $requirements->format) { return 'date-time'; } if ('Y-m-d' === $requirements->format) { return 'date'; } return null; } $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($requirements); return $reflectionClass->getShortName(); } return null; } private function getContentSchemaForType(OA\RequestBody $requestBody, string $type): OA\Schema { $requestBody->content = Generator::UNDEFINED !== $requestBody->content ? $requestBody->content : []; switch ($type) { case 'json': $contentType = 'application/json'; break; case 'xml': $contentType = 'application/xml'; break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported media type'); } if (!isset($requestBody->content[$contentType])) { $requestBody->content[$contentType] = Util::createChild($requestBody, OA\MediaType::class, [ 'mediaType' => $contentType, ] ); /** @var OA\Schema $schema */ $schema = Util::getChild( $requestBody->content[$contentType], OA\Schema::class ); $schema->type = 'object'; } return Util::getChild( $requestBody->content[$contentType], OA\Schema::class ); } private function describeCommonSchemaFromAnnotation(OA\Schema $schema, $annotation) { $schema->default = $annotation->getDefault(); if (Generator::UNDEFINED === $schema->type) { $schema->type = $annotation->map ? 'array' : 'string'; } if ($annotation->map) { $schema->type = 'array'; $schema->items = Util::getChild($schema, OA\Items::class); } $pattern = $this->getPattern($annotation->requirements); if (null !== $pattern) { $schema->pattern = $pattern; } $format = $this->getFormat($annotation->requirements); if (null !== $format) { $schema->format = $format; } } /** * @return OA\AbstractAnnotation[] */ private function getAttributesAsAnnotation(\ReflectionMethod $reflection, string $className): array { $annotations = []; if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) { return $annotations; } foreach ($reflection->getAttributes($className, \ReflectionAttribute::IS_INSTANCEOF) as $attribute) { $annotations[] = $attribute->newInstance(); } return $annotations; } }