modelDescribers = $modelDescribers; $this->api = $api; $this->logger = new NullLogger(); foreach (array_reverse($alternativeNames) as $alternativeName => $criteria) { $this->alternativeNames[] = $model = new Model(new Type('object', false, $criteria['type']), $criteria['groups']); $this->names[$model->getHash()] = $alternativeName; $this->registeredModelNames[$alternativeName] = $model; Util::getSchema($this->api, $alternativeName); } } public function register(Model $model): string { $hash = $model->getHash(); if (!isset($this->models[$hash])) { $this->models[$hash] = $model; $this->unregistered[] = $hash; } if (!isset($this->names[$hash])) { $this->names[$hash] = $this->generateModelName($model); $this->registeredModelNames[$this->names[$hash]] = $model; } // Reserve the name $s = Util::getSchema($this->api, $this->names[$hash]); return OA\Components::SCHEMA_REF.$this->names[$hash]; } /** * @internal */ public function registerSchemas(): void { while (count($this->unregistered)) { $tmp = []; foreach ($this->unregistered as $hash) { $tmp[$this->names[$hash]] = $this->models[$hash]; } $this->unregistered = []; foreach ($tmp as $name => $model) { $schema = null; foreach ($this->modelDescribers as $modelDescriber) { if ($modelDescriber instanceof ModelRegistryAwareInterface) { $modelDescriber->setModelRegistry($this); } if ($modelDescriber->supports($model)) { $schema = Util::getSchema($this->api, $name); $modelDescriber->describe($model, $schema); break; } } if (null === $schema) { $errorMessage = sprintf('Schema of type "%s" can\'t be generated, no describer supports it.', $this->typeToString($model->getType())); if (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT === $model->getType()->getBuiltinType() && !class_exists($className = $model->getType()->getClassName())) { $errorMessage .= sprintf(' Class "\\%s" does not exist, did you forget a use statement, or typed it wrong?', $className); } throw new \LogicException($errorMessage); } } } if (empty($this->unregistered) && !empty($this->alternativeNames)) { foreach ($this->alternativeNames as $model) { $this->register($model); } $this->alternativeNames = []; $this->registerSchemas(); } } private function generateModelName(Model $model): string { $name = $base = $this->getTypeShortName($model->getType()); $names = array_column( $this->api->components instanceof OA\Components && is_array($this->api->components->schemas) ? $this->api->components->schemas : [], 'schema' ); $i = 1; while (\in_array($name, $names, true)) { if (isset($this->registeredModelNames[$name])) { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Can not assign a name for the model, the name "%s" has already been taken.', $name), [ 'model' => $this->modelToArray($model), 'taken_by' => $this->modelToArray($this->registeredModelNames[$name]), ]); } ++$i; $name = $base.$i; } return $name; } private function modelToArray(Model $model): array { $getType = function (Type $type) use (&$getType) { return [ 'class' => $type->getClassName(), 'built_in_type' => $type->getBuiltinType(), 'nullable' => $type->isNullable(), 'collection' => $type->isCollection(), 'collection_key_types' => $type->isCollection() ? array_map($getType, $this->getCollectionKeyTypes($type)) : null, 'collection_value_types' => $type->isCollection() ? array_map($getType, $this->getCollectionValueTypes($type)) : null, ]; }; return [ 'type' => $getType($model->getType()), 'options' => $model->getOptions(), 'groups' => $model->getGroups(), ]; } private function getTypeShortName(Type $type): string { if (null !== $collectionType = $this->getCollectionValueType($type)) { return $this->getTypeShortName($collectionType).'[]'; } if (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT === $type->getBuiltinType()) { $parts = explode('\\', $type->getClassName()); return end($parts); } return $type->getBuiltinType(); } private function typeToString(Type $type): string { if (Type::BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT === $type->getBuiltinType()) { return '\\'.$type->getClassName(); } elseif ($type->isCollection()) { if (null !== $collectionType = $this->getCollectionValueType($type)) { return $this->typeToString($collectionType).'[]'; } else { return 'mixed[]'; } } else { return $type->getBuiltinType(); } } private function getCollectionKeyTypes(Type $type): array { // BC layer, this condition should be removed after removing support for symfony < 5.3 if (!method_exists($type, 'getCollectionKeyTypes')) { return null !== $type->getCollectionKeyType() ? [$type->getCollectionKeyType()] : []; } return $type->getCollectionKeyTypes(); } private function getCollectionValueTypes(Type $type): array { // BC layer, this condition should be removed after removing support for symfony < 5.3 if (!method_exists($type, 'getCollectionValueTypes')) { return null !== $type->getCollectionValueType() ? [$type->getCollectionValueType()] : []; } return $type->getCollectionValueTypes(); } private function getCollectionValueType(Type $type): ?Type { // BC layer, this condition should be removed after removing support for symfony < 5.3 if (!method_exists($type, 'getCollectionValueTypes')) { return $type->getCollectionValueType(); } return $type->getCollectionValueTypes()[0] ?? null; } }