Configuration Reference ======================= .. code-block:: yaml nelmio_api_doc: name: 'API documentation' exclude_sections: [] default_sections_opened: true motd: template: 'NelmioApiDocBundle::Components/motd.html.twig' request_listener: enabled: true parameter: _doc sandbox: enabled: true endpoint: null accept_type: null body_format: formats: # Defaults: - form - json default_format: ~ # One of "form"; "json" request_format: formats: # Defaults: json: application/json xml: application/xml method: ~ # One of "format_param"; "accept_header" default_format: json authentication: delivery: ~ # Required name: ~ # Required # Required if http delivery is selected. type: ~ # One of "basic"; "bearer" custom_endpoint: false entity_to_choice: true swagger: api_base_path: /api swagger_version: '1.2' api_version: '0.1' info: title: Symfony2 description: 'My awesome Symfony2 app!' TermsOfServiceUrl: null contact: null license: null licenseUrl: null cache: enabled: false file: '%kernel.cache_dir%/api-doc.cache'