<?php /* * This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle. * * (c) Nelmio <hello@nelm.io> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Formatter; use Symfony\Component\Templating\EngineInterface; use Twig\Environment as TwigEnvironment; class HtmlFormatter extends AbstractFormatter { /** * @var string */ protected $apiName; /** * @var string */ protected $endpoint; /** * @var string */ protected $defaultRequestFormat; /** * @var EngineInterface|TwigEnvironment */ protected $engine; /** * @var boolean */ private $enableSandbox; /** * @var array */ private $requestFormats; /** * @var string */ private $requestFormatMethod; /** * @var string */ private $acceptType; /** * @var array */ private $bodyFormats; /** * @var string */ private $defaultBodyFormat; /** * @var array */ private $authentication; /** * @var string */ private $motdTemplate; /** * @var boolean */ private $defaultSectionsOpened; /** * @param array $authentication */ public function setAuthentication(array $authentication = null) { $this->authentication = $authentication; } /** * @param string $apiName */ public function setApiName($apiName) { $this->apiName = $apiName; } /** * @param string $endpoint */ public function setEndpoint($endpoint) { $this->endpoint = $endpoint; } /** * @param boolean $enableSandbox */ public function setEnableSandbox($enableSandbox) { $this->enableSandbox = $enableSandbox; } /** * @param EngineInterface|TwigEnvironment $engine */ public function setTemplatingEngine($engine) { $this->engine = $engine; } /** * @param string $acceptType */ public function setAcceptType($acceptType) { $this->acceptType = $acceptType; } /** * @param array $bodyFormats */ public function setBodyFormats(array $bodyFormats) { $this->bodyFormats = $bodyFormats; } /** * @param string $defaultBodyFormat */ public function setDefaultBodyFormat($defaultBodyFormat) { $this->defaultBodyFormat = $defaultBodyFormat; } /** * @param string $method */ public function setRequestFormatMethod($method) { $this->requestFormatMethod = $method; } /** * @param array $formats */ public function setRequestFormats(array $formats) { $this->requestFormats = $formats; } /** * @param string $format */ public function setDefaultRequestFormat($format) { $this->defaultRequestFormat = $format; } /** * @param string $motdTemplate */ public function setMotdTemplate($motdTemplate) { $this->motdTemplate = $motdTemplate; } /** * @return string */ public function getMotdTemplate() { return $this->motdTemplate; } /** * @param boolean $defaultSectionsOpened */ public function setDefaultSectionsOpened($defaultSectionsOpened) { $this->defaultSectionsOpened = $defaultSectionsOpened; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function renderOne(array $data) { return $this->engine->render('@NelmioApiDoc/resource.html.twig', array_merge( array( 'data' => $data, 'displayContent' => true, ), $this->getGlobalVars() )); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function render(array $collection) { return $this->engine->render('@NelmioApiDoc/resources.html.twig', array_merge( array( 'resources' => $collection, ), $this->getGlobalVars() )); } /** * @return array */ private function getGlobalVars() { return array( 'apiName' => $this->apiName, 'authentication' => $this->authentication, 'endpoint' => $this->endpoint, 'enableSandbox' => $this->enableSandbox, 'requestFormatMethod' => $this->requestFormatMethod, 'acceptType' => $this->acceptType, 'bodyFormats' => $this->bodyFormats, 'defaultBodyFormat' => $this->defaultBodyFormat, 'requestFormats' => $this->requestFormats, 'defaultRequestFormat' => $this->defaultRequestFormat, 'date' => date(DATE_RFC822), 'css' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/public/css/screen.css'), 'js' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/public/js/all.js'), 'motdTemplate' => $this->motdTemplate, 'defaultSectionsOpened' => $this->defaultSectionsOpened, ); } }