From d25dd30453ac9948f41491a6ea367d28e464fac2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William Durand <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 10:27:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor doc

 Resources/doc/                 |  21 +
 Resources/doc/   | 141 +++++
 Resources/doc/  |  59 +++
 Resources/doc/         |  25 +
 Resources/doc/                      |  15 +
 Resources/doc/                    | 613 +---------------------
 Resources/doc/         |  65 +++
 Resources/doc/ | 104 ++++
 Resources/doc/                  |  58 ++
 Resources/doc/          |  59 ++-
 Resources/doc/    | 177 +++++++
 11 files changed, 718 insertions(+), 619 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/
 create mode 100644 Resources/doc/

diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e01109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+A command is provided in order to dump the documentation in `json`, `markdown`,
+or `html`.
+    php app/console api:doc:dump [--format="..."]
+The `--format` option allows to choose the format (default is: `markdown`).
+For example to generate a static version of your documentation you can use:
+    php app/console api:doc:dump --format=html > api.html
+By default, the generated HTML will add the sandbox feature if you didn't
+disable it in the configuration.  If you want to generate a static version of
+your documentation without sandbox, use the `--no-sandbox` option.
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfecdf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+Configuration In-Depth
+* [API Name](#api-name)
+* [Authentication Methods](#authentication-methods)
+* [Section Exclusion](#section-exclusion)
+* [Parsers](#parsers)
+* [MOTD](#motd)
+* [Caching](#caching)
+### API Name
+You can specify your own API name:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    name: My API
+### Authentication Methods
+You can choose between different authentication methods:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    sandbox:
+        authentication:
+            delivery: header
+            name:     X-Custom
+# app/config/config.yml
+    sandbox:
+        authentication:
+            delivery: query
+            name:     param
+# app/config/config.yml
+    sandbox:
+        authentication:
+            delivery: http
+            type:     basic # or bearer
+When choosing an `http` delivery, `name` defaults to `Authorization`, and the
+header value will automatically be prefixed by the corresponding type (ie.
+`Basic` or `Bearer`).
+### Section Exclusion
+You can specify which sections to exclude from the documentation generation:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    exclude_sections: ["privateapi", "testapi"]
+Note that `exclude_sections` will literally exclude a section from your api
+documentation. It's possible however to create multiple views by specifying the
+`views` parameter within the `@ApiDoc` annotations. This allows you to move
+private or test methods to a complete different view of your documentation
+### Parsers
+By default, all registered parsers are used, but sometimes you may want to
+define which parsers you want to use. The `parsers` attribute is used to
+configure a list of parsers that will be used:
+    "class"   = "Acme\Bundle\Entity\User",
+    "parsers" = {
+        "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\JmsMetadataParser",
+        "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\ValidationParser"
+    }
+In this case the parsers `JmsMetadataParser` and `ValidationParser` are used to
+generate returned data.  This feature also works for both the `input` and
+`output` properties.
+Moreover, the bundle provides a way to register multiple `input` parsers. The
+first parser that can handle the specified input is used, so you can configure
+their priorities via container tags. Here's an example parser service
+# app/config/config.yml
+    mybundle.api_doc.extractor.custom_parser:
+        class: MyBundle\Parser\CustomDocParser
+        tags:
+            - { name: nelmio_api_doc.extractor.parser, priority: 2 }
+### MOTD
+You can also define your own motd content (above methods list). All you have to
+do is add to configuration:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    # ...
+    motd:
+        template: AcmeApiBundle::Components/motd.html.twig
+### Caching
+It is a good idea to enable the internal caching mechanism on production:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    cache:
+        enabled: true
+You can define an alternate location where the ApiDoc configurations are to be
+# app/config/config.yml
+    cache:
+        enabled: true
+        file: "/tmp/symfony-app/%kernel.environment%/api-doc.cache"
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bad19b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Configuration Reference
+``` yaml
+    name:                 'API documentation'
+    exclude_sections:     []
+    default_sections_opened:  true
+    motd:
+        template:             'NelmioApiDocBundle::Components/motd.html.twig'
+    request_listener:
+        enabled:              true
+        parameter:            _doc
+    sandbox:
+        enabled:              true
+        endpoint:             null
+        accept_type:          null
+        body_format:
+            formats:
+                # Defaults:
+                - form
+                - json
+            default_format:       ~ # One of "form"; "json"
+        request_format:
+            formats:
+                # Defaults:
+                json:                application/json
+                xml:                 application/xml
+            method:               ~ # One of "format_param"; "accept_header"
+            default_format:       json
+        authentication:
+            delivery:             ~ # Required
+            name:                 ~ # Required
+            # Required if http delivery is selected.
+            type:                 ~ # One of "basic"; "bearer"
+            custom_endpoint:      false
+        entity_to_choice:         true
+    swagger:
+        api_base_path:        /api
+        swagger_version:      '1.2'
+        api_version:          '0.1'
+        info:
+            title:                Symfony2
+            description:          'My awesome Symfony2 app!'
+            TermsOfServiceUrl:    null
+            contact:              null
+            license:              null
+            licenseUrl:           null
+    cache:
+        enabled:              false
+        file:                 '%kernel.cache_dir%/api-doc.cache'
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46cdf2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+DunglasApiBundle Support
+This bundle recognizes and documents resources exposed with
+Install NelmioApiDocBundle and the documentation will be automatically
+available. To enable the sandbox, use the following configuration:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    sandbox:
+        accept_type:        "application/json"
+        body_format:
+            formats:        [ "json" ]
+            default_format: "json"
+        request_format:
+            formats:
+                json:       "application/json"
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467e699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Frequently Asked Questions
+### How can I remove the parameter `_format` sent in `POST` and `PUT` request?
+``` yaml
+    sandbox:
+        request_format:
+            method: accept_header
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
index e1c9854..8249698 100644
--- a/Resources/doc/
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -4,6 +4,19 @@ NelmioApiDocBundle
 The **NelmioApiDocBundle** bundle allows you to generate a decent documentation
 for your APIs.
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [Usage](#usage)
+  - [The `ApiDoc()` Annotation](
+  - [Multiple API Documentation a.k.a. "Views"](
+  - [Other Bundle Annotations](
+  - [Swagger Support](
+  - [DunglasApiBundle Support](
+  - [Sandbox](
+  - [Commands](
+* [Configuration In-Depth](
+* [Frequently Asked Questions](
+* [Configuration Reference](
@@ -57,326 +70,16 @@ Usage
 The main problem with documentation is to keep it up to date. That's why the
 **NelmioApiDocBundle** uses introspection a lot. Thanks to an annotation, it's
-really easy to document an API method.
-### The ApiDoc() Annotation
-The bundle provides an `ApiDoc()` annotation for your controllers:
-namespace Your\Namespace;
-use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc;
-class YourController extends Controller
-    /**
-     * This is the documentation description of your method, it will appear
-     * on a specific pane. It will read all the text until the first
-     * annotation.
-     *
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *  resource=true,
-     *  description="This is a description of your API method",
-     *  filters={
-     *      {"name"="a-filter", "dataType"="integer"},
-     *      {"name"="another-filter", "dataType"="string", "pattern"="(foo|bar) ASC|DESC"}
-     *  }
-     * )
-     */
-    public function getAction()
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *  description="Create a new Object",
-     *  input="Your\Namespace\Form\Type\YourType",
-     *  output="Your\Namespace\Class"
-     * )
-     */
-    public function postAction()
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *  description="Returns a collection of Object",
-     *  requirements={
-     *      {
-     *          "name"="limit",
-     *          "dataType"="integer",
-     *          "requirement"="\d+",
-     *          "description"="how many objects to return"
-     *      }
-     *  },
-     *  parameters={
-     *      {"name"="categoryId", "dataType"="integer", "required"=true, "description"="category id"}
-     *  }
-     * )
-     */
-    public function cgetAction($limit)
-    {
-    }
-The following properties are available:
-* `section`: allow to group resources
-* `resource`: whether the method describes a main resource or not (default: `false`);
-* `description`: a description of the API method;
-* `https`: whether the method described requires the https protocol (default: `false`);
-* `deprecated`: allow to set method as deprecated (default: `false`);
-* `tags`: allow to tag a method (e.g. `beta` or `in-development`). Either a single tag or an array of tags. Each tag can have an optional hex colorcode attached.
-class YourController
-    /**
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *     tags={
-     *         "stable",
-     *         "deprecated" = "#ff0000"
-     *     }
-     * )
-     */
-    public function myFunction()
-    {
-        // ...
-    }
-* `filters`: an array of filters;
-* `requirements`: an array of requirements;
-* `parameters`: an array of parameters;
-* `input`: the input type associated to the method (currently this supports Form Types, classes with JMS Serializer
- metadata, classes with Validation component metadata and classes that implement JsonSerializable) useful for POST|PUT methods, either as FQCN or as form type
- (if it is registered in the form factory in the container).
-* `output`: the output type associated with the response.  Specified and parsed the same way as `input`.
-* `statusCodes`: an array of HTTP status codes and a description of when that status is returned; Example:
-class YourController
-    /**
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *     statusCodes={
-     *         200="Returned when successful",
-     *         403="Returned when the user is not authorized to say hello",
-     *         404={
-     *           "Returned when the user is not found",
-     *           "Returned when something else is not found"
-     *         }
-     *     }
-     * )
-     */
-    public function myFunction()
-    {
-        // ...
-    }
-* `views`: the view(s) under which this resource will be shown. Leave empty to
-  specify the default view. Either a single view, or an array of views.
-Each _filter_ has to define a `name` parameter, but other parameters are free. Filters are often optional
-parameters, and you can document them as you want, but keep in mind to be consistent for the whole documentation.
-If you set `input`, then the bundle automatically extracts parameters based on the given type,
-and determines for each parameter its data type, and if it's required or not.
-For classes parsed with JMS metadata, description will be taken from the properties doc comment, if available.
-For Form Types, you can add an extra option named `description` on each field:
-class YourType extends AbstractType
-    /**
-     * {@inheritdoc}
-     */
-    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
-    {
-        $builder->add('note', null, array(
-            'description' => 'this is a note',
-        ));
-        // ...
-    }
-The bundle will also get information from the routing definition
-(`requirements`, `path`, etc), so to get the best out of it you should
-define strict methods requirements etc.
-### Multiple API Documentation ("Views")
-With the `views` tag in the `@ApiDoc` annotation, it is possible to create
-different views of your API documentation. Without the tag, all methods are
-located in the `default` view, and can be found under the normal API
-documentation url.
-You can specify one or more _view_ names under which the method will be
-An example:
-    /**
-     * A resource
-     *
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *  resource=true,
-     *  description="This is a description of your API method",
-     *  views = { "default", "premium" }
-     * )
-     */
-    public function getAction()
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Another resource
-     *
-     * @ApiDoc(
-     *  resource=true,
-     *  description="This is a description of another API method",
-     *  views = { "premium" }
-     * )
-     */
-    public function getAnotherAction()
-    {
-    }
-In this case, only the first resource will be available under the default view,
-while both methods will be available under the `premium` view.
-#### Accessing Specific API Views
-The `default` view can be found at the normal location. Other views can be
-found at `http://your.documentation/<view name>`.
-For instance, if your documentation is located at:
-then the `premium` view will be located at:
-### Other Bundle Annotations
-Also bundle will get information from the other annotations:
-* `@FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RequestParam` - use as `parameters`
-* `@FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\QueryParam` - use as `requirements` (when strict parameter is true), `filters` (when strict is false)
-* `@JMS\SecurityExtraBundle\Annotation\Secure` - set `authentication` to true, `authenticationRoles` to the given roles
-* `@Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Cache` - set `cache`
-### PHPDoc
-Actions marked as `@deprecated` will be marked as such in the interface.
-#### JMS Serializer Features
-The bundle has support for some of the JMS Serializer features and uses this
-extra piece of information in the generated documentation.
-##### Group Exclusion Strategy
-If your classes use [JMS Group Exclusion
-you can specify which groups to use when generating the documentation by using
-this syntax :
- ```php
- input={
-     "class"="Acme\Bundle\Entity\User",
-     "groups"={"update", "public"}
- }
- ```
-In this case the groups 'update' and 'public' are used.
-This feature also works for the `output` property.
-##### Versioning Objects
-If your `output` classes use [versioning capabilities of JMS
-the versioning information will be automatically used when generating the
-#### Form Types Features
-Even if you use `FormFactoryInterface::createNamed('', 'your_form_type')` the documentation will generate the form type name as the prefix for inputs
-(`your_form_type[param]` ... instead of just `param`).
-You can specify which prefix to use with the `name` key in the `input` section:
-input = {
- "class" = "your_form_type",
- "name" = ""
-You can also add some options to pass to the form. You just have to use the `options` key:
-input = {
- "class" = "your_form_type",
- "options" = {"method" = "PUT"},
-#### Used Parsers
-By default, all registered parsers are used, but sometimes you may want to
-define which parsers you want to use. The `parsers` attribute is used to
-configure a list of parsers that will be used:
-    "class"   = "Acme\Bundle\Entity\User",
-    "parsers" = {
-        "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\JmsMetadataParser",
-        "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\ValidationParser"
-    }
-In this case the parsers `JmsMetadataParser` and `ValidationParser` are used to
-generate returned data.
-This feature also works for both the `input` and `output` properties.
+really easy to document an API method. The following chapters will help you
+setup your API documentation:
+* [The `ApiDoc()` Annotation](
+* [Multiple API Documentation a.k.a. "Views"](
+* [Other Bundle Annotations](
+* [Swagger Support](
+* [DunglasApiBundle Support](
+* [Sandbox](
+* [Commands](
 ### Web Interface
@@ -390,273 +93,3 @@ You can browse the whole documentation at: ``.
 By calling an URL with the parameter `?_doc=1`, you will get the corresponding
 documentation if available.
-### Sandbox
-This bundle provides a sandbox mode in order to test API methods. You can
-configure this sandbox using the following parameters:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    sandbox:
-        authentication:             # default is `~` (`null`), if set, the sandbox automatically
-                                    # send authenticated requests using the configured `delivery`
-            name: access_token      # access token name or query parameter name or header name
-            delivery: http          # `query`, `http`, and `header` are supported
-            # Required if http delivery is selected.
-            type:     basic         # `basic`, `bearer` are supported
-            custom_endpoint: true   # default is `false`, if `true`, your user will be able to
-                                    # specify its own endpoint
-        enabled:  true              # default is `true`, you can set this parameter to `false`
-                                    # to disable the sandbox
-        endpoint:   # default is `/app_dev.php`, use this parameter
-                                                # to define which URL to call through the sandbox
-        accept_type: application/json           # default is `~` (`null`), if set, the value is
-                                                # automatically populated as the `Accept` header
-        body_format:
-            formats: [ form, json ]             # array of enabled body formats,
-                                                # remove all elements to disable the selectbox
-            default_format: form                # default is `form`, determines whether to send
-                                                # `x-www-form-urlencoded` data or json-encoded
-                                                # data (by setting this parameter to `json`) in
-                                                # sandbox requests
-        request_format:
-            formats:                            # default is `json` and `xml`,
-                json: application/json          # override to add custom formats or disable
-                xml: application/xml            # the default formats
-            method: format_param    # default is `format_param`, alternately `accept_header`,
-                                    # decides how to request the response format
-            default_format: json    # default is `json`,
-                                    # default content format to request (see formats)
-        entity_to_choice: false     # default is `true`, if `false`, entity collection
-                                    # will not be mapped as choice
-### Command
-A command is provided in order to dump the documentation in `json`, `markdown`, or `html`.
-    php app/console api:doc:dump [--format="..."]
-The `--format` option allows to choose the format (default is: `markdown`).
-For example to generate a static version of your documentation you can use:
-    php app/console api:doc:dump --format=html > api.html
-By default, the generated HTML will add the sandbox feature if you didn't disable it in the configuration.
-If you want to generate a static version of your documentation without sandbox, use the `--no-sandbox` option.
-### Swagger support
-Read the [documentation for Swagger integration](
-for the necessary steps to make a Swagger-compliant documentation for your API.
-### DunglasApiBundle support
-This bundle recognizes and documents resources exposed with [DunglasApiBundle](
-Just install NelmioApiDoc and the documentation will be automatically available. To enable the sandbox, use the following
-# app/config/config.yml
-    sandbox:
-        accept_type:        "application/json"
-        body_format:
-            formats:        [ "json" ]
-            default_format: "json"
-        request_format:
-            formats:
-                json:       "application/json"
-### Caching
-It is a good idea to enable the internal caching mechanism on production:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    cache:
-        enabled: true
-Configuration In-Depth
-You can specify your own API name:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    name: My API
-You can choose between different authentication methods:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    sandbox:
-        authentication:
-            delivery: header
-            name:     X-Custom
-# app/config/config.yml
-    sandbox:
-        authentication:
-            delivery: query
-            name:     param
-# app/config/config.yml
-    sandbox:
-        authentication:
-            delivery: http
-            type:     basic # or bearer
-When choosing an `http` delivery, `name` defaults to `Authorization`,
-and the header value will automatically be prefixed by the corresponding type (ie. `Basic` or `Bearer`).
-You can specify which sections to exclude from the documentation generation:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    exclude_sections: ["privateapi", "testapi"]
-Note that `exclude_sections` will literally exclude a section from your api
-documentation. It's possible however to create multiple views by specifying the
-`views` parameter within the `@ApiDoc` annotations. This allows you to move
-private or test methods to a complete different view of your documentation
-The bundle provides a way to register multiple `input` parsers. The first parser
-that can handle the specified input is used, so you can configure their
-priorities via container tags. Here's an example parser service registration:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    mybundle.api_doc.extractor.custom_parser:
-        class: MyBundle\Parser\CustomDocParser
-        tags:
-            - { name: nelmio_api_doc.extractor.parser, priority: 2 }
-You can also define your own motd content (above methods list). All you have to
-do is add to configuration:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    # ...
-    motd:
-        template: AcmeApiBundle::Components/motd.html.twig
-You can define an alternate location where the ApiDoc configurations are to be cached:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    cache:
-        enabled: true
-        file: "/tmp/symfony-app/%kernel.environment%/api-doc.cache"
-### Using Your Own Annotations
-If you have developed your own project-related annotations, and you want to parse them to populate
-the `ApiDoc`, you can provide custom handlers as services. You just have to implement the
-`Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Extractor\HandlerInterface` and tag it as `nelmio_api_doc.extractor.handler`:
-# app/config/config.yml
-    mybundle.api_doc.extractor.my_annotation_handler:
-        class: MyBundle\AnnotationHandler\MyAnnotationHandler
-        tags:
-            - { name: nelmio_api_doc.extractor.handler }
-Look at the built-in [Handlers](
-### Frequently Asked Questions
-##### How can I remove the parameter `_format` sent in `POST` and `PUT` request?
-``` yaml
-    sandbox:
-        request_format:
-            method: accept_header
-### Configuration Reference
-``` yaml
-    name:                 'API documentation'
-    exclude_sections:     []
-    default_sections_opened:  true
-    motd:
-        template:             'NelmioApiDocBundle::Components/motd.html.twig'
-    request_listener:
-        enabled:              true
-        parameter:            _doc
-    sandbox:
-        enabled:              true
-        endpoint:             null
-        accept_type:          null
-        body_format:
-            formats:
-                # Defaults:
-                - form
-                - json
-            default_format:       ~ # One of "form"; "json"
-        request_format:
-            formats:
-                # Defaults:
-                json:                application/json
-                xml:                 application/xml
-            method:               ~ # One of "format_param"; "accept_header"
-            default_format:       json
-        authentication:
-            delivery:             ~ # Required
-            name:                 ~ # Required
-            # Required if http delivery is selected.
-            type:                 ~ # One of "basic"; "bearer"
-            custom_endpoint:      false
-        entity_to_choice:         true
-    swagger:
-        api_base_path:        /api
-        swagger_version:      '1.2'
-        api_version:          '0.1'
-        info:
-            title:                Symfony2
-            description:          'My awesome Symfony2 app!'
-            TermsOfServiceUrl:    null
-            contact:              null
-            license:              null
-            licenseUrl:           null
-    cache:
-        enabled:              false
-        file:                 '%kernel.cache_dir%/api-doc.cache'
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e56997f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Multiple API Documentation ("Views")
+* [Accessing Specific API Views](#accessing-specific-api-views)
+With the `views` tag in the `@ApiDoc` annotation, it is possible to create
+different views of your API documentation. Without the tag, all methods are
+located in the `default` view, and can be found under the normal API
+documentation url.
+You can specify one or more _view_ names under which the method will be
+An example:
+    /**
+     * A resource
+     *
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *  resource=true,
+     *  description="This is a description of your API method",
+     *  views = { "default", "premium" }
+     * )
+     */
+    public function getAction()
+    {
+    }
+    /**
+     * Another resource
+     *
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *  resource=true,
+     *  description="This is a description of another API method",
+     *  views = { "premium" }
+     * )
+     */
+    public function getAnotherAction()
+    {
+    }
+In this case, only the first resource will be available under the default view,
+while both methods will be available under the `premium` view.
+#### Accessing Specific API Views
+The `default` view can be found at the normal location. Other views can be
+found at `http://your.documentation/<view name>`.
+For instance, if your documentation is located at:
+then the `premium` view will be located at:
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcc5348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Other Bundle Annotations
+* [PHPDoc](#phpdoc)
+* [JMS Serializer Features](#jms-serializer-features)
+  - [Group Exclusion Strategy](#group-exclusion-strategy)
+  - [Versioning Objects](#versioning-objects)
+* [Form Types Features](#form-types-features)
+* [Using Your Own Annotations](#using-your-own-annotations)
+This bundle will get information from the following other annotations:
+* `@FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RequestParam` - use as `parameters`
+* `@FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\QueryParam` - use as `requirements` (when strict parameter is true), `filters` (when strict is false)
+* `@JMS\SecurityExtraBundle\Annotation\Secure` - set `authentication` to true, `authenticationRoles` to the given roles
+* `@Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Cache` - set `cache`
+### PHPDoc
+Actions marked as `@deprecated` will be marked as such in the interface.
+### JMS Serializer Features
+The bundle has support for some of the JMS Serializer features and uses this
+extra piece of information in the generated documentation.
+#### Group Exclusion Strategy
+If your classes use [JMS Group Exclusion
+you can specify which groups to use when generating the documentation by using
+this syntax :
+ ```php
+ input={
+     "class"="Acme\Bundle\Entity\User",
+     "groups"={"update", "public"}
+ }
+ ```
+In this case the groups 'update' and 'public' are used.
+This feature also works for the `output` property.
+#### Versioning Objects
+If your `output` classes use [versioning capabilities of JMS
+the versioning information will be automatically used when generating the
+### Form Types Features
+Even if you use `FormFactoryInterface::createNamed('', 'your_form_type')` the
+documentation will generate the form type name as the prefix for inputs
+(`your_form_type[param]` ... instead of just `param`).
+You can specify which prefix to use with the `name` key in the `input` section:
+input = {
+ "class" = "your_form_type",
+ "name" = ""
+You can also add some options to pass to the form. You just have to use the `options` key:
+input = {
+ "class" = "your_form_type",
+ "options" = {"method" = "PUT"},
+### Using Your Own Annotations
+If you have developed your own project-related annotations, and you want to
+parse them to populate the `ApiDoc`, you can provide custom handlers as
+services. You just have to implement the
+`Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Extractor\HandlerInterface` and tag it as
+# app/config/config.yml
+    mybundle.api_doc.extractor.my_annotation_handler:
+        class: MyBundle\AnnotationHandler\MyAnnotationHandler
+        tags:
+            - { name: nelmio_api_doc.extractor.handler }
+Look at the built-in
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97909d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+This bundle provides a sandbox mode in order to test API methods. You can
+configure this sandbox using the following parameters:
+# app/config/config.yml
+    sandbox:
+        authentication:             # default is `~` (`null`), if set, the sandbox automatically
+                                    # send authenticated requests using the configured `delivery`
+            name: access_token      # access token name or query parameter name or header name
+            delivery: http          # `query`, `http`, and `header` are supported
+            # Required if http delivery is selected.
+            type:     basic         # `basic`, `bearer` are supported
+            custom_endpoint: true   # default is `false`, if `true`, your user will be able to
+                                    # specify its own endpoint
+        enabled:  true              # default is `true`, you can set this parameter to `false`
+                                    # to disable the sandbox
+        endpoint:   # default is `/app_dev.php`, use this parameter
+                                                # to define which URL to call through the sandbox
+        accept_type: application/json           # default is `~` (`null`), if set, the value is
+                                                # automatically populated as the `Accept` header
+        body_format:
+            formats: [ form, json ]             # array of enabled body formats,
+                                                # remove all elements to disable the selectbox
+            default_format: form                # default is `form`, determines whether to send
+                                                # `x-www-form-urlencoded` data or json-encoded
+                                                # data (by setting this parameter to `json`) in
+                                                # sandbox requests
+        request_format:
+            formats:                            # default is `json` and `xml`,
+                json: application/json          # override to add custom formats or disable
+                xml: application/xml            # the default formats
+            method: format_param    # default is `format_param`, alternately `accept_header`,
+                                    # decides how to request the response format
+            default_format: json    # default is `json`,
+                                    # default content format to request (see formats)
+        entity_to_choice: false     # default is `true`, if `false`, entity collection
+                                    # will not be mapped as choice
+[back to index](
diff --git a/Resources/doc/ b/Resources/doc/
index 59d34b8..8868ba4 100644
--- a/Resources/doc/
+++ b/Resources/doc/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+Swagger Support
-##Swagger support##
+It is possible to make your application produce Swagger-compliant JSON output
+based on `@ApiDoc` annotations, which can be used for consumption by
-It is now possible to make your application produce Swagger-compliant JSON output based on `@ApiDoc` annotations, which can be used for consumption by [swagger-ui](
-###Annotation options###
+### Annotation options
 A couple of properties has been added to `@ApiDoc`:
@@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ To define a __resource description__:
-The `resourceDescription` is distinct from `description` as it applies to the whole resource group and not just the particular API endpoint.
+The `resourceDescription` is distinct from `description` as it applies to the
+whole resource group and not just the particular API endpoint.
 #### Defining a form-type as a GET form
-If you use forms to capture GET requests, you will have to specify the `paramType` to `query` in the annotation:
+If you use forms to capture GET requests, you will have to specify the
+`paramType` to `query` in the annotation:
@@ -44,14 +46,17 @@ If you use forms to capture GET requests, you will have to specify the `paramTyp
  *   ...
  * )
  public function searchAction(Request $request)
 ### Multiple response models
-Swagger provides you the ability to specify alternate output models for different status codes. Example, `200` would return your default resource object in JSON form, but `400` may return a custom validation error list object. This can be specified through the `responseMap` property:
+Swagger provides you the ability to specify alternate output models for
+different status codes. Example, `200` would return your default resource object
+in JSON form, but `400` may return a custom validation error list object. This
+can be specified through the `responseMap` property:
@@ -96,7 +101,11 @@ nelmio_api_swagger:
 Et voila!, simply specify in your `swagger-ui` instance and you are good to go.
-__Note__: If your `swagger-ui` instance does not live under the same domain, you will probably encounter some problems related to same-origin policy violations. [NelmioCorsBundle]( can solve this problem for you. Read through how to allow cross-site requests for the `/api-docs/*` pages.
+__Note__: If your `swagger-ui` instance does not live under the same domain, you
+will probably encounter some problems related to same-origin policy violations.
+[NelmioCorsBundle]( can solve this
+problem for you. Read through how to allow cross-site requests for the
+`/api-docs/*` pages.
 ### Dumping the Swagger-compliant JSON API definitions
@@ -137,26 +146,18 @@ php app/console api:swagger:dump swagger-docs
 ### Model naming
-By default, the model naming strategy used is the `dot_notation` strategy. The model IDs are simply the Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN) of the class associated to it, with the `\` replaced with `.`:
+By default, the model naming strategy used is the `dot_notation` strategy. The
+model IDs are simply the Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN) of the class
+associated to it, with the `\` replaced with `.`:
 `Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => Vendor.UserBundle.Entity.User`
-You can also change the `model_naming_strategy` in the configuration to `last_segment_only`, if you want model IDs to be just the class name minus the namespaces (`Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => User`). This will not afford you the guarantee that model IDs are unique, but that would really just depend on the classes you have in use.
+You can also change the `model_naming_strategy` in the configuration to
+`last_segment_only`, if you want model IDs to be just the class name minus the
+namespaces (`Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => User`). This will not afford you
+the guarantee that model IDs are unique, but that would really just depend on
+the classes you have in use.
-##Configuration reference
-	swagger:
-        api_base_path:        /api
-        swagger_version:      1.2
-        model_naming_strategy: dot_notation
-        api_version:          0.1
-        info:
-            title:                Symfony2
-            description:          My awesome Symfony2 app!
-            TermsOfServiceUrl:    ~
-            contact:              ~
-            license:              ~
-            licenseUrl:           ~
+[back to index](
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f56f9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/doc/
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+The `ApiDoc()` Annotation
+The bundle provides an `ApiDoc()` annotation for your controllers:
+namespace Your\Namespace;
+use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc;
+class YourController extends Controller
+    /**
+     * This is the documentation description of your method, it will appear
+     * on a specific pane. It will read all the text until the first
+     * annotation.
+     *
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *  resource=true,
+     *  description="This is a description of your API method",
+     *  filters={
+     *      {"name"="a-filter", "dataType"="integer"},
+     *      {"name"="another-filter", "dataType"="string", "pattern"="(foo|bar) ASC|DESC"}
+     *  }
+     * )
+     */
+    public function getAction()
+    {
+    }
+    /**
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *  description="Create a new Object",
+     *  input="Your\Namespace\Form\Type\YourType",
+     *  output="Your\Namespace\Class"
+     * )
+     */
+    public function postAction()
+    {
+    }
+    /**
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *  description="Returns a collection of Object",
+     *  requirements={
+     *      {
+     *          "name"="limit",
+     *          "dataType"="integer",
+     *          "requirement"="\d+",
+     *          "description"="how many objects to return"
+     *      }
+     *  },
+     *  parameters={
+     *      {"name"="categoryId", "dataType"="integer", "required"=true, "description"="category id"}
+     *  }
+     * )
+     */
+    public function cgetAction($limit)
+    {
+    }
+The following properties are available:
+* `section`: allow to group resources
+* `resource`: whether the method describes a main resource or not (default: `false`);
+* `description`: a description of the API method;
+* `https`: whether the method described requires the https protocol (default: `false`);
+* `deprecated`: allow to set method as deprecated (default: `false`);
+* `tags`: allow to tag a method (e.g. `beta` or `in-development`). Either a single tag or an array of tags. Each tag can have an optional hex colorcode attached.
+class YourController
+    /**
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *     tags={
+     *         "stable",
+     *         "deprecated" = "#ff0000"
+     *     }
+     * )
+     */
+    public function myFunction()
+    {
+        // ...
+    }
+* `filters`: an array of filters;
+* `requirements`: an array of requirements;
+* `parameters`: an array of parameters;
+* `input`: the input type associated to the method (currently this supports Form Types, classes with JMS Serializer
+ metadata, classes with Validation component metadata and classes that implement JsonSerializable) useful for POST|PUT methods, either as FQCN or as form type
+ (if it is registered in the form factory in the container).
+* `output`: the output type associated with the response.  Specified and parsed the same way as `input`.
+* `statusCodes`: an array of HTTP status codes and a description of when that status is returned; Example:
+class YourController
+    /**
+     * @ApiDoc(
+     *     statusCodes={
+     *         200="Returned when successful",
+     *         403="Returned when the user is not authorized to say hello",
+     *         404={
+     *           "Returned when the user is not found",
+     *           "Returned when something else is not found"
+     *         }
+     *     }
+     * )
+     */
+    public function myFunction()
+    {
+        // ...
+    }
+* `views`: the view(s) under which this resource will be shown. Leave empty to
+  specify the default view. Either a single view, or an array of views.
+Each _filter_ has to define a `name` parameter, but other parameters are free. Filters are often optional
+parameters, and you can document them as you want, but keep in mind to be consistent for the whole documentation.
+If you set `input`, then the bundle automatically extracts parameters based on the given type,
+and determines for each parameter its data type, and if it's required or not.
+For classes parsed with JMS metadata, description will be taken from the properties doc comment, if available.
+For Form Types, you can add an extra option named `description` on each field:
+class YourType extends AbstractType
+    /**
+     * {@inheritdoc}
+     */
+    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
+    {
+        $builder->add('note', null, array(
+            'description' => 'this is a note',
+        ));
+        // ...
+    }
+The bundle will also get information from the routing definition
+(`requirements`, `path`, etc), so to get the best out of it you should
+define strict methods requirements etc.
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